
I'm Not the Hero

I thought I was the hero witnessing the villain's execution, but everything felt so wrong. I was too late when I realised... this life was not mine.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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28 Chs


Why is the king here? Doesn't he have a lot of paperwork to do or something? Wait no, what I should be shocked about is him and Wren saying that I'm the heir of Cyrus, also known as 'The First Head of Esper'.

Esper is the god of Kassiel nation. She's a dragon with two heads, one head has the power of fire and the other bares the power of ice. The first head is called 'Cyrus', also known as 'The Head of the Sun's Heat' which is the head that creates flames, while the second head is called 'Lumi' also called 'Keeper of the Cold Night', the head that creates ice. It is said that when Esper transforms into a human, she looks like an extremely beautiful lady with dark skin and white hair, but she seems to have two different personalities. Sometimes, she's hot blooded like an animalistic guy, and other times, she acts like a proper but cold lady. The reason why might be because Esper's dragon form has two hearts. The heart of fire belongs to Cyrus who is a male, and the heart of ice is Lumi's, who's a female. The third king had said that Esper herself told him that she will continue to have two personalities and elements as long as both hearts are beating.

In the nation of Kassiel, if someone ever awakens the power of golden ice, they're the heir of Lumi, and if someone awakens the power of white flames, they're the heir of Cyrus. A very noticeable trait that the heirs have is red or blue hair.

"But your majesty, how could someone like Felix be an heir of one of Esper's heads? He is a bad person!" said Owen. Of course, the first person who would protest against me is not Eason himself, but this annoyingly nosy crown prince.

"Haha, a bad person?" Wren laughed. It seemed like she wasn't going to deny the accusation or see it as a joke, but I can tell she wasn't calling me a bad person either. "It doesn't matter if he's bad or good your highness. All that matters is that your precious Goddess- Esper, had chosen him to inherit the power of Cyrus herself."

"It means she had deemed him as worthy," the king added, glancing at me who is still soaking wet on the floor.

"Come on, get up," Wren forcefully grabbed my arm and stood me up, "you're the heir to Cyrus, we can't have you on the ground now can we?" In full honesty, I would've probably stayed on the ground with waves of thoughts constantly appearing in my head for a few more hours if Wren didn't lift me up.

"Oi, what's with that look?" asks Wren, "aren't you happy?" Happy? I don't know if I am myself. I felt like I was questioning why Esper had chosen me to inherit Cyrus's powers more than I know how I feel right now. "Just smile or at least look happy Felix," Wren whispered to me, "aren't you happy that people are looking at you in a new light now?"

"…What?" I was surprised. In this point of time, I've never met Wren before. I assumed that Wren knew my name since there's probably a lot of false rumours going around about how I'm causing trouble or something, but it seems like Wren knows even more than that. She knows that I wanted to be seen as something- as someone else other than 'the villain' which I've only told her at the age of 16 however, I am only about 13 right now.

I suddenly remember Wren appearing in front of me before everything was reversed. Could she be the reason why time had turned back more than it was supposed to? It must be her! I don't believe anyone other than her could possibly know how to do that since she's the only one who knows about the relic other than me, or Eason. Well they're the only ones that I know of. Maybe there are others out there who knows of the relic too, but in full honesty, I hope no one else knows.

"So, heir to Cyrus, what do you plan to do now?" asked the king. What do I plan to do? I don't even know myself. All that I wanted was for others to look at me differently, but now that their thoughts of me probably increased even just a little, I don't really know what to do. I know that Wren and his majesty had just given me more freedom than I've ever had in this world before by saying I am the heir to Cyrus, but maybe I only wanted freedom to live peacefully since my life here has never been peaceful.

"Come on," Wren whispered, "answer him." I turned to look at her. She was practically nudging me to make my decision and say what I want, but how could I answer if I don't even know what I want or where I want to go?

"Just say what's on your mind," she said. Say what's on my mind? How could I? With this many eyes on me, everything I say even as the heir to Cyrus could be held against me in my upcoming execution in a few years. While heirs were extremely important since only one (who isn't me) appeared before, they'd be treated like treasures but, it didn't mean they really needed me. All they need is their Goddess, Esper. Heirs are not Gods or Goddesses. I can be killed anytime if I pose a threat to them. Being the villain made everything that I do or say seem very threatening and I am certainly not a sadist. I do not enjoy people cowering in fear or being scared of me.

"Well?" the king says, getting impatient. I must have been the only one who has ever made the king wait this long. If I didn't have this red hair, then the king would've definitely gotten mad for making him waste time on me. I'm guessing that my hair turned red because it was dyed with blood when my head was cut off and stayed that way even when time was reversed, so if Eason wanted a thanks, then that's one thing to thank him for.

"I don't know your majesty," I replied honestly with my head lowered, looking at the ground. I couldn't lie to him. I know pretending that I had even a bit of ambition could maybe raise my image a bit to someone with dreams and wants happiness or success, but I felt a great pressure in front of the king's presence. Under his watchful eyes that would peer down from his balcony to observe his people from time to time, I felt like no lie could ever slip past him. Even without looking at him, I could still feel his eyes piercing through me.

"Don't know?" the king raised his eyebrows, "you really don't know what you want to do?" I started at him in silence. All of a sudden, he started bursting in laughter, "haha! Is this nation too small for you? Kassiel has the most land out of all the nations and you still can't find something you want to do?" the laughter stopped, "are you saying that this place is too small for you? Has awakening as Cyrus's heir made you so greedy?"

"I am not implying that your majesty. It's simply because I don't know what to do."

"So, it's because you can't make up your mind then," the king paused, "that's not good, not good at all. We can't have an heir of Esper's head be someone who falters and is always lost like this! It is simply unacceptable!"

I was angry at the king's words. Someone who falters? Aren't you guys the ones who had always restricted me from so many things that I felt afraid to enjoy something only for it to be taken away? Aren't you guys the ones who had always blocked my path and made me feel so lost that I felt like I couldn't even go back home? Or is it because I am the one who is weak? Or is it me who blocked myself from a bright future where I can say what my dreams and ambitions are without hesitation or even a bit of thought? Or is it my fault that I appeared in an empty world?

I didn't notice but the temperature around me started to change and white sparks appeared around my hands. The white sparks then turned to fire and crept up my arms, covering it in white flames as I felt frustration bubble inside me like a kettle, like it was a sea of fire. Shit… I feel so angered right now. Is it ok to let it all out? No, I can't but I just… I just-!

"White flames!" Emilia exclaimed in shock, "this can't be true!".

Owen stared at me (who was still blanking out) in disbelief, "so he really is the heir of Cyrus." Owen bit his bottom lip and clenched his fists. "Why? Why him?" he mumbled.

Ah, his voice and face makes me even more Annoyed. Fuck… I want to kill them.