
Chapter One:

I didnt know how to describe my feelings and I still cant. If I could I would want to forget everything that happened. Most people call it " depression " and they say I always make people feel bad about themselves. But is it me?..... Or is it really them?......


Hey Thomas os everything alright at home?

As I sat in front of Luke I dazed off and finally came to my dances when he snapped his fingers in my face a couple of times.


What? What did you say? I wasn't paying attention.


Thomas, you've been dazing off more and more. Whats going on? Is something happening at home again?

I sat there and looked at Luke. What was I suppose to say I can't say nothing is wrong because Luke knows when I'm lying and once I start talking in the end there will be tears. I guess I'll have to tell him eventually right?



I couldn't help but stare at him, his little puppy dog eyes we're to much for me to handle.

Me: if you really want me to tell you let's go somewhere else. I'll feel to weird to say anything in this coffee shop. How about we go to the park instead?


*sigh* Fine I guess so. I would feel the same way if I we're in this situation.

Chapter One : End