
I'm Not a Zombie!

When the apocalypse hit, Zara Malin was thrown into a life of survival and hardships. The dead roamed the streets of New Aeros. The same streets that Zara grew up on, and still lives on. On a fateful day, when it was Zara's turn to go out and scavenge for the settlement, she ran into some trouble... Which brings us to the present. --- DISCLAIMER: I took several elements from various zombie apocalypse franchises, such as, Dying Light and Dead Island.

Joe_Clucks101 · Ciencia y ficción
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7 Chs


After my declaration to all the people I freed, Me and Opera decided to assign people to certain jobs based on their skill. I had people who could farm or scavenge form a line and anyone who was willing to fight form another line.

I apparently was seen as a good authoritative figure, so everyone as a collective decided to make me leader of our small group of people, even Opera. I reluctantly accepted the position and got to work organizing the new settlement.

A few days have passed since then. Opera got the gate set up using the bus as a generator for the gate motor. I've been teaching the people how to fight and so far, I've been disappointed. These people barely have any training if any at all. It also doesn't help that I'm a terrible teacher.

I sometimes sneak away from the settlement to visit Lucas' grave. I arrive at his grave and see that the arrow that I planted next to the cross is still there. I crouch down and maintain the grave a bit. After doing that I stand up and walk away.

Suddenly I feel a sense of being watched from my right side. I pull out my pistol and aim it in the direction of the feeling, "Come out. I know your there." Soon after saying that a man clad in riot gear, minus the helmet, steps out of hiding, "You have good instincts." The man has a rectangular holo-shield, as is standard with SWAT, and a stun baton, along with a radio, backpack, and pistol.

He has messy, black hair, dark blue eyes, and tanned white skin. The man steps towards me and I keep my gun trained on him, "What are you doing here?" I demand, "I was just looting this place and noticed you taking care of this grave."

I narrow my eyes at him, "So? What does it matter to you?" The man smiles gently, "I'm looking for good people to call allies in this rotten world. Would I be able to call you one?" The man asks. I feel another pair of eyes on me, these ones from behind me, "Maybe. If you tell your friend to come out."

The man's eyes widen slightly, "How did you-?" The man sighs and grabs his radio, "'Talia, come down here you've already been spotted." After a minute I hear footsteps behind me. I put away my gun and look towards the source of the footsteps.

I see a woman in military camo with a hood and some light body armor. She also has a visor which I think is used as a scope considering her railgun doesn't have one. Railguns are different from sniper rifles, because railguns shoot beams of energy without any physical bullets. She also has a radio, a plasma knife, and sidearm. I groan at the sight of her, "Why is it always the military. Why?" The woman narrows her eyes at me, "Ex-military, thank you very much."

I sigh and start walking away, "Where are you going?" The riot geared man asks. I stop and look back at him, "Home." I continue walking, "You're welcome to come with. We can always use more capable people."

After a moment, I hear the two's footsteps behind me. After a while of walking, the woman behind me asks, "So, how many people are living in this settlement?" I turn my head towards her and answer, "I would say around 30." I face forward again.

This time the man speaks, "So who is the leader of this settlement?" He asks. I chuckle at that question and decide to leave them in the dark about that for now. I turn my head to face them, "My turn for questions. What are your names?"

The man answers, "My name is Nathan. This is Natalia." We reach the gate to the settlement. I turn around fully and face the duo as the gate opens, "My name's Zara." I turn around and enter the settlement which is being rebuilt.

"ZARA!" I hear a worried voice yell. I flinch and turn towards it. Opera runs towards me, "Where were you?! I've been looking all over the settlement for you!"

"I was... Uh... Doing something..." I lie through my teeth. Opera looks like she wants to ask me questions, but instead turns to the two people behind me, "Who're they?" Nathan steps forward, "My name is Nathan Belmont. This is my sister, Natalia Belmont."

"Opera Fox, resident engineer, mechanic, and builder." Opera holds out her hand. Nathan grips it and shakes it, "Good to meet you." Nathan releases her hand and looks around, "Who is your leader by chance?"

Opera just smiles and turns around, about to gesture to where I was standing, probably still thinking I'm there.

"She! Is our leader!" Opera then turns around and sees that I am gone. Opera then quickly finds me and drags me back to the siblings, muttering about how irresponsible I am for just leaving.

"She is our leader. She helped an entire bus of people escape captivity. Now they work for us!" Opera says with her bubbly tone of voice.

Nathan and Natalia then both look at each other and nod their heads, "This can't be as bad as the military. Right?" The siblings then turn towards me, "We would like to join you, if you'll have us." I grin, "Of course I'll have you guys. Any experienced people are welcome to join our little community."

I then hold my hand out for them to shake. Nathan grips my hand and shakes it, with Natalia performing a salute.

"Alright, first things first. Can any of you teach people how to fight?" Nathan is the first to speak up, "I know some basic martial arts. And Natalia here can teach these people how to aim." Nathan then shivers, "Natalia is a harsh teacher by the way."

I swear I saw Natalia staring at her brother with red glowing eyes, but I'm pretty sure that was just my brain being screwy.

"Allright, let's get to work."

Over the course of the next few days, we all taught the settlement how to fight and scavenge. Nathan taught us how to defend ourselves with or without a weapon. Natalia taught a group of people how to aim properly and not shoot themselves in the foot.

I taught another group how to effectively scavenge and navigate rough terrain. Opera continued making gadgets for the settlement, alongside some new rooms, like the armory, cafeteria, and kitchen.

All was peaceful, until we were attacked.

"Everyone, get to the walls! We can't let them get through our gate!" I yell from the watchtower. I see Natalia climbing up to the watchtower, "Natalia, where's your brother?"

Natalia tells me that Nathan is organizing his group. "They'll be here soon." I nod, "Good."

I look out at the encroaching bandits, "I'm going to show you what happens when you cross me."