
I'm Not A Hero!

Superpowers are not all they are cracked up to be! Nathan Grant wanted nothing more than to live quietly after the tragedy his power caused when he was younger but fate has other plans for him, including meeting a mysterious woman named Sierra that no one can seem to remember... *Set in the same universe as The Sound of Silence* *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasía
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105 Chs

Some Mysteries Are Unsolvable

Time went on. Nathan continued going to therapy every week in an effort to believe that this wasn't all his fault and that he deserved to be happy. That he could be happy without feeling responsible for everyone else. 

When his lease ended, he and Sierra pooled their resources to buy a house. It wasn't anything special but it had three bedrooms and a room specifically meant to be an office since it had a glass door rather than a wooden one. 

It was in one of the older, cheaper parts of town but he didn't mind. It was only a twenty-minute drive to go see the Carlins, which was about the same as it had been when he lived in his first apartment. 

With both a front yard and a backyard, Sierra was in gardening heaven. That didn't mean she was any less enthusiastic about her houseplants though.