

Chapter 391 She's Got The Heart At Least

C391 She's Got The Heart At Least

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster is interested in my Valour Skills? But mine is nothing compared to yours though?" Odeta laughed.

The two of us were behind the mansion in the back garden. The princess was once again being trained and was tasked to run laps around so I took that chance to look for Odeta.

I poked my fingers together, "I actually don't have any Valour Skills…"

Odeta blinked at me, "Sister Aster… Doesn't have any Valour Skills?"

I nodded, which only seemed to make her even more confused.

"Eh? But… But… Didn't Sister Aster use one on the Wyvern back when you rescued me?"

Huh? Did I? That was like… A decade ago? I don't even remember what I did to save you from that Wyvern… But I'm quite sure I was not using any Valour Skills back then either… The most probable thing was that I was using magic and she mistook it for a Valour Skill.

"I don't think I was using a Valour Skill back then?"

"But I remember!" Odeta protested with a shocked expression on her face. "Sister Aster's fist became big and then smashed that big Wyvern into the ground!! Then your fist even had lightning on it!! It was so cool!!"


I raised my hand, "Err… Odeta… You know that lightning fist thing is an Electromancy spell, right?"

The way she blinked at me after I told her that pretty much told me that she did not know that.

Now it was my turn to be confused, "Wait, wait… How do you not know that?! You are Tier two… Err… I mean Current Tier in Electromancy! You know the Spells from that school, right?!"

Odeta tilted her head, "Eh? I do?"

"Haaa? Wait, you know this spell right? Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength. I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might. [Body Current]!"

I let the spell effects strengthen my fist and punched into the air, creating a small shockwave.

I definitely remember her casting this spell before! So there's no way she won't recognise this!

Odeta smacked her fist on her palm, "Oh yeah! Of course! It's the sparkly sparkly ritual!"

"Huh? Sparkly sparkly ritual?" I repeated.

"Yeah! I was taught that it was a ritual to make me stronger! Is that not it?"

Err… What? Why does she think that's… Oh…


I can't believe I didn't think about this…

Just because we're in the same World doesn't mean that the education system is the same everywhere.

For some places, they might teach magic a different way than others and their customs would also be different too.

For Odeta's village, I believe they would focus more on martial skills and perhaps they might have looked at Electromancy spells as a way to supplement their own physical skills instead of learning it to fling spells at their foes.

So instead of being full mages, they only learn spells that buff their physical attributes and never bother to learn other spells from that school of magic.

They might have taught the magic as some kind of blessing ritual instead of an actual spell they would cast to buff themselves.

The fact that Odeta managed to reach the second tier of proficiency for Electromancy must mean she really practised a lot with it.

"Umm… Odeta, do you know of a spell that can shoot lightning from your hands?"

"Of course not, I'm not a mage!"


"Can you try doing this? [Spark Strike]."

I shot out a small bolt of lightning from my hands at the ground, charring a patch of grass.𝐧𝗈𝒱𝓮𝐥𝓝𝗲xt.𝑐𝐎𝓶

"Mnngghh… I don't think I can do that, Sister Aster…"

"It's a spell called Spark Strike where you shoot a bolt of lightning from your hands, does a spell come to mind?"

"Erm… Nope?"

Huh… That's odd… I thought that people would learn new spells within their proficiency if they think about the spell they need?

Wasn't that how it works? I'm so confused now… Were there other factors? Race, maybe? But I'm studying this in a Mahun school while being a Meslatar so probably not?

Perhaps different races have different ways of learning magic too, which was why Odeta was taught that this was some kind of ritual instead? Or are there also compatibility in spells where some people might not be able to cast certain spells?

Ah whatever, I'm not here to be some kind of magic expert anyway! I'll leave that to the scholars!

Back to the main point!

"Anyway! I don't have any Valour Skills and I want to see Odeta's!"

"Waahaha! If Sister Aster wants to see it, then I guess I'll just have to show it! Hmmm… I will need a target though…"

I tapped on my chin, "How big of a target do you need?"

"Hmmm… Sister Aster's size would be good enough!"

"Oh, in that case you can do it to me!"

Odeta shook her head quickly, "Ehhhh? No, no, I don't want to hurt Sister Aster!"I think you should take a look at

"That bad? Then…"

I was still thinking about what we could do when a thump came from behind me.

"Would this serve as a good enough target, Young Mistress?"

I turned to see Sebastian had placed a boulder behind us while Katsuki stood beside him.

I'm going to guess that Katsuki already went to find Sebastian and told him about my interest to learn Valour Skills and they overheard our conversation.

How reliable like always, Katsuki~

I hope they don't know that I came to ask Odeta first as a pretext to fondle her abs later…

Odeta smirked, "Wahahaha! That'll do! Now step back!"

All of us gathered behind Odeta, allowing her to step towards the boulder.

She sucked in a breath and lowered herself into a combat position, just as Tiara finished a lap around the garden to stop in front of us.

"Big… Ha… Ha… Big Sister! You… You came!"

I giggled and patted her head, "Eheheh~ Yes I did, how are you faring?"

"Mnnn… I… I'm getting stronger! Ehehe~"

Well, I can see that, since I distinctly remember you collapsing on the ground and unable to move after just a short run the last time. Yet now you're already able to run a lap around the garden and still remain standing.

She then noticed Odeta standing in front of the boulder.

"Mnnn? What is Teacher doing, Big Sister?"

I did not get to answer her as Odeta moved at the very next moment.

"[Thunder Clap]!"

She punched her fist on the boulder and a loud boom reverberated from the stone.

Since I already knew it was not necessary for one to vocalise the skill's name when using a Valour Skill, Odeta definitely shouted that out loud to show off.

I was expecting the boulder to explode into pieces but it remained intact.

Hmm? What was that Valour Skill supposed to do?

Odeta stepped back with a grin on her face, "How is that, Sister A… Ah… Sister!"

She almost called out my name until she realised Tiara was standing beside me. Flustered Odeta is cute too~

I tilted my head at her, "Umm… What was that supposed to do?"

Odeta's grin grew a little wider before she knocked on the surface of the stone with a light tap.

The boulder shifted slightly and I realised cracks had started to appear on its surface, spreading out to envelop the surface of the stone.

The entire boulder then crumbled into a pile of broken stones at her feet.

"Wooooow! How did you do that, Teacher?" Tiara gasped excitedly.

"Wahahaha! That's my Valour Skill! Thunder Clap! How do you like that?!"

I looked at the remains of the boulder and it took me a moment to realise what had happened to the boulder.

She must have infused her fist with Electromancy magic and hit the stone with it, creating a literal clap of thunder that exploded inside the rock and shattered it from the inside.

So this confirms that magic can also be used in Valour Skills, or at least some Valour Skills involve the usage of magic.

I wonder what you would get if you combine two different types of magic together? Would that be counted as a new type of magic or it would just be considered as a skill instead?

Maybe there's also a magical version of Valour Skills that I don't know about? Maybe something like 'Super ultra awesome combination magic of ultimate destruction'?!

I actually checked using [Screened] again to see if something new popped up in someone's status but unfortunately not…

"Can I learn that skill too?!" My excitement practically overflowing at this point.

How can I not?! It's so cool! I wouldn't mind that being my first Valour Skill either!

Tiara also started flapping her arms cutely, "Me too, teacher!! I wanna learn that too!"

"Wahahaha! That's easy! I'll teach you right now, so let's do it!"

Woah, really?! Didn't Katsuki say that it takes a long time to even learn one? And she was even referring to the basic ones but Odeta is saying you can learn something like that easily?!

Odeta then patted her chest with a fist, "All you have to do is to think about the strongest you want to be and then feel the feeling of going bam!! And then you wham the rock hard while thinking about the inside going boom!! That's how you get it!!"

Sometimes I forget that Odeta isn't an adult yet…

It's ok! You're till cute~

Chapter 392 Time To Get Some Valour Skills

C392 Time To Get Some Valour Skills

Now it was Sebastian's turn to be asked about the Valour Skills by me.

It's not like I did not try what Odeta had suggested, but it was clear that she got that skill instinctually after someone else taught her and it was difficult for both Tiara and myself to grasp her instructions.

Well… Tiara's still trying to learn it through Odeta but I figured I might have better luck asking Sebastian instead after I was satisfied with groping Odeta's abs.

Thus, I'm now in front of our Wrunch Butler about the skill while Odeta continued Tiara's training.

"So Young Mistress wishes to learn Valour Skills?"

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, please! Is there a specific way of doing so?"

"Hmm… That would depend on the skill that Young Mistress wishes to learn. Is there one in particular that Young Mistress has in mind?"

"Umm… I don't actually have one in mind. What skill would be good to start with?"

Sebastian gestured back to the mansion, suggesting that we should return inside first.

I followed beside him as he continued, "Normally speaking… For anyone just starting to learn such skills, I would recommend that one start with the basic Valour Skills first."

"Ohhh~ Like what?"

"Something like Strength Boost, Agility Boost, Defense Boost or even Ability Boost might be a good start."𝓝𝑂𝒱𝓮𝐿𝓷𝐞xt.𝒞𝗈𝑀

"How do you get them?"

"Hmm… Under normal circumstances, one would just need to train your body and push your limits constantly to get the skills. Which brings a slight problem…"

"Eh? What problem?"

He led the way towards the staircase that led down towards the training room. And no, it wasn't the kinky training room but the actual proper training room.

"The problem is that Young Mistress's training routine should have easily allowed you to gain at least three of those Valour Skills I had mentioned earlier. We had all been under the impression that Young Mistress was able to use them so it was quite a surprise for us to know that this was not the case. Miss Odeta had gained all those skills due to this training regime."

Eh? Wait… Really?

You're telling me that those push-ups, sit-ups, squats and running were already supposed to help me gain Valour Skills?

Doesn't that mean Mother had been training me for it since the very beginning? I guess she wasn't just playing around back when she said she would make me stronger.

"In that case… Why haven't I learned any of the skills yet?"

"That is the question we are facing now, Young Mistress. One usually obtains those Valour Skills because you have reached your limits multiple times and continuously pushed against them. I am sure Young Mistress has also reached that stage multiple times where you have to keep pushing yourself to surpass a physical limit and go beyond, haven't you?"

"That's right!"

"Hmm… Then this is indeed quite odd…"

Ehhhh… Don't tell me this is like the [Screened] thing where I won't be able to get it unless I'm aware of it?

He went towards one side of the training room to pull out several heavy looking weights.

"I believe you have used these yourself a few times before, Mistress?" He asked, holding one of the hundred kilograms or two hundred and twenty pounds weight up with a single hand.

I nodded, remembering how I had to resort to using weights to do my daily exercises since it started getting harder and harder to feel any strain while doing it anymore.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Like a ten kilometre run wouldn't even be touching that 'limit' of mine anymore so I just strap on a bunch of the magic weights that could change how much they weigh on me before doing my exercises.

Sebastian looked at the weight in his hand before tossing it aside, "How often has Young Mistress increased the weights during your training?"

I shrugged, "Pretty much every other time?"

When I uttered those words, I was definitely not expecting Sebastian to look at me in surprise.

"Young Mistress has been increasing your weight constantly every time?"

I blinked at his surprise, "Yes?"

"Are you not fatigued? No… That's not something normal… Unless you're saying that your limits are constantly being increased all the time?"

Ah… Ok… I think I know the problem now…

The boon [Machine Learning] is helping me adapt to my physical training which leads to increasing my physical limits every time I train.

And since my stats keep increasing, I never actually hit the same limit multiple times to push it which was the base requirement to get a Valour Skill…I think you should take a look at

Oh damn… Does that mean that by picking this boon, I effectively locked myself out from getting any Valour Skills? That can't be true, can it?

Wait, how about those attack types of Valour Skills? Those can't be achieved through reaching some kind of physical limit right?

"How would one learn a skill like [Threefold Multi Slash]?" I asked.

Sebastian reached out and picked up one of the swords that was hung up on the weapon racks inside the training room, "For a skill like that, you simply need to practise the skill repeatedly until it becomes natural for you."

He then moved towards a straw-stuffed target and adopted a combat stance.

He first swung his sword out in four consecutive slashes at a normal speed that I could see. He then did the same thing again, this time just a little bit faster.

He repeated that motion a few more times, each one being faster than the last one.

That was when he suddenly stopped and then only slashed his sword once before three more invisible blades flew out to strike at the stuffed dummy, leaving three clean cuts on the target.

So… In other words, I just need to keep doing an attack multiple times until I get used to it and it will turn into a skill?

Oh! This means [Machine Learning] would actually be a great bonus to learning this! This is perfect!

"So to learn that [Threefold Multi Slash] skill, I just need to keep slashing the sword four times quickly until I reach the threshold needed to gain the skill?" I asked.

Sebastian nodded, "That is more or less correct. The Valour Skill [Threefold Multi Slash] is a skill where one would seemingly strike at something with a single swing but in reality, there would be three more swings of the sword that would follow the first strike."

"Oh, so it's not actually summoning invisible blades but you're just making three more attacks blindingly quickly?"

"That is correct, Young Mistress."

"Hmm… So doesn't that mean if my eyes are good enough, I would be able to see you making those three extra strikes?"

"You would indeed, Young Mistress. I believe you already saw through the weakness of such a skill where it would not work against someone with good instincts or faster movement through Katsuki's fight with that ruffian. Valour Skills are, at the end of the day, just physical attacks that have a little bit of magic imbued within them."

I blinked at the Combat Butler.

"Wait… They have magic?"

"Yes, Young Mistress. They are skills that still require some mana to function so if you were to run out of it, you most likely will not be able to use any of your Valour Skills."

"'Most likely'?"

The Wrunch grinned, "If you are strong enough, even your normal skills would be equivalent to a Valour Skill."

He then moved his hand slightly.

A second passed and the target was cut ten times before it fell into a pile on the ground.

Going by what he said, he did not use a Valour Skill to do that…

Damn, those stats of his were not just for show.

"But… If Valour Skills are just skills that you have gained and are able to do on your own… Why would it become a skill? If I got the multi slash skill from being able to slash multiple times proficiently, can't I just do that instead of using it as a skill and consuming my mana?"

"Hahaha! Young Mistress is already asking the questions that would only be heard in advanced classes! As expected of our Young Mistress!"

I had to cover my face to hide my embarrassment.

He continued, "Hahaha! If Young Mistress would like to know, this is because using it as a skill not only puts less strain on your body to accomplish, using it as a Valour Skill would push it further than your physical limit would normally allow. So a Valour Skill like [Threefold Multi Slash] would hit harder and faster than if you were to attack four times in quick succession without the skill."

Ah, so it's like some kind of automatic attack enhancement or something like that? Or maybe you can just see it as an enhanced form of muscle memory?

"Is there a progression to these kinds of skills? Do I need to learn [Threefold Multi Slash] before I can learn [Fourfold Multi Slash]?" I asked.

Sebastian tapped his chin with a finger, "Hmm… Had someone else asked me this question I would have immediately said yes. But if it's Young Mistress… I think you could even just go straight to trying [Sixfold Multi Slash] right from the start."

"Eh? Why is it only because it's me?"

"Hahaha! If someone were to want to obtain [Sixfold Multi Slash], they would need to be able to strike seven times consecutively at the appropriate speed. And if they can't do it with four, then they most likely can't do it with seven. But Young Mistress has already trained yourself to be beyond that right? It should be easy for you to just obtain that from the start."

Ah… So it's normally like a step by step improvement thing. Even if one were looking to try and get the higher Valour Skills, they would be training themselves to reach it which would unlock the lower level Valour Skills anyway.

But for me, I should already be able to do seven consecutive slashes quickly.

Well, now that I know this, it's time to get some Valour Skills!!

Chapter 393 They Also Use Skills Like These (*R)

C393 They Also Use Skills Like These (*R)




ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm [Sixfold Multi Slash]!!

I brought down my sword at the target and I could feel the skill activate, causing six more attacks to land on the target in front of me.


It didn't even take me a week for this, all I did was just keep trying to do a seven hit combo on the target and in just a few days I got the new skill!

"Wahahahaha! Cough! Cough!!"

"Please be careful, Mistress," Katsuki patted my back from behind.

Ugh… I guess I shouldn't be laughing like that in the first place… I must look like those stereotypical villains with how I was laughing like that…

"Nnggh…. Thank you Katsuki… I'm good now."

"Then allow me to congratulate Mistress on obtaining your first Valour Skill. Congratulations, Mistress."

"Ehehehe~ Thank you~"

"As expected of Mistress to be able to Master this skill in such a short time."

Well, it's all thanks to a cheat I got so it's not like it's all me… But I shan't tell her that.

I grinned at her, "Fufufu~ Now it's time for you to fulfil your end of the bet!"

It was a little unfair of me but I did make a bet with Katsuki about how long it will take for me to learn the skill. There wasn't really a point to it but I just told her I wanted to make a bet that I could learn the skill within two weeks and if I won, I could fluff her tail however I wanted for a day.

Katsuki pointed out that all I had to do was to ask and she would let me fluff her tail anyway but I just wanted her to indulge me in having me 'win' the right to fluff her.

No, no, don't you understand the greatness that comes from having a wolf girl hug her own tail while looking up at you with upturned eyes before reluctantly letting go of her tail so that you can fluff her?! I want that!!

I thought of asking her to pretend that she was reluctant in letting me fluff her tail but I gave up on the idea almost immediately since I thought that would be too mean.𝞰𝒪𝑣𝔢𝑙𝞰𝗲xt.𝗰𝔬𝔪

Katsuki did not say anything and simply brought out a high stool and a lower stool to set them up in front of me. She then took a seat on the high stool so that her tail would be draped behind her and at the perfect height for me to fluff once I took a seat on the lower stool.

I let out a yelp of glee and sat down on the stool Katsuki brought out for me and I started fluffing it with all my might.

Ahhhh~ It's so fluffy~

I ran my fingers through the soft fur on her tail and let my cheek rub against it, enjoying the soft sensation of her tail.

Ehehehe~ This is perfect~

"Mnnnggh… Ahh… Mis… Mistress…"

I heard Katsuki call me so I separated myself from her tail for a moment to see what she needed.

The first thing I noticed was the fact that she seemed to be shivering slightly while trying her best to hold back her voice. Even her cheeks seemed a little flushed.

Hmm… Is she too hot?

I stuck my face into her tail again and fluffed it one more time.

She sucked in a breath before speaking again, "Mistress… Miss Delmare is here."

I looked up and sure enough, Delmare was standing at the doorway of the training room while looking at me with a slight tilt of her head.

I waved at her, "Hi Delmare! What are you doing here?"

She scribbled on her little notebook before showing it to me.

'I'm here to train. I heard Aster is trying to learn a Valour Skill?'

She even added a cute face at the back with question marks floating around the drawing.

So cute~

I giggled, "I've already learned it, Delmare~ Do you want to see?"

She nodded her head excitedly and skipped towards me with her eyes sparkling in excitement.

I picked up my sword again and went towards the target, raising my sword above me and sucking in a breath.

"[Sixfold Multi Slash]!" I yelled, bringing my sword down.

The skill took effect and six invisible blades struck against the target after my first slash at it, leaving seven clear sword strikes on the straw target.

Delmare gasped, releasing her spell and letting her legs transform back into her tail as she sat down on the chair that Katsuki had brought out for her.

"That was so awesome, Aster!! You really did it!!"

I sheathed my sword, "Ehehehe~ I managed to learn it just now~ Is Delmare also trying to learn a Valour Skill as well?"

She placed her notebook aside, "Umm… Something like that… I heard that it would be good to learn a few so I won't be a burden to Aster in the future…"

I titled my head, "But you were never a burden to begin with though? And I won't ever see you as a burden no matter what."I think you should take a look at

Delmare poked her fingers together, "But… All I have going for me is my singing though… If it comes to a fight, I wouldn't be able to do much."

"Eh? But isn't it Delmare's singing that helped us in the fight the last time? Not to mention the fact that I really enjoy listening to your singing too!"

"Nnnghh… I just want to be stronger for Aster so that I can help you too!"

Hmm… I don't get it… I am certainly not against Delmare training to make herself stronger but I thought she would go down the route of magic spells instead of Valour Skills. Her magic stats is higher than her physical stats isn't it?

"Weren't you more interested in learning magic though? Isn't it better if you just stuck to that instead?" I suggested.

Yes, I know the hypocrisy of that statement is quite clear, especially when I just showed off that Valor Skill to Delmare when she knew that I was also studying magic at the same time.

But hey, I have cheats.

Delmare hesitated for a moment before looking away, "I… I thought that maybe I could use some Valour Skills as well… I would look a little cooler in front of Aster…"


I guess that's one of the secret reasons she wants to learn Valour Skills.

I couldn't help but let out a giggle at her words, "Ehehehe~ But you're already really cool for me though? Is there a need to do all that?"

"Eh? I'm… Cool?"

"Yeah! You always look so beautiful, cool and enchanting whenever you're singing!"

She blushed, "Nnn… Tha… Thank you, Aster…"

Awwww~ Just look at her being bashful and fidgeting with her hands just because she got praised~ So cute~

I was about to ask her what specific Valour skill she was trying to learn when she looked up at me, "Aster… Could I suck your cock?"


Err… That came out of nowhere…

"Erm… Why so sudden though?" I asked, feeling a little confused.

Delmare covered her cheeks in slight embarrassment, "Ehehehe~ Do I need a reason to suck the cock of the person I love?"

Oh wow, she really adapted to the common sense of this World huh?

Not too long ago, she was still in the same boat as me where she did not know much of the common sense in this World.

But now it seems like she has learned enough to the point that she found no shame in just asking for sex like this… Is this also because of Mary's teachings or she only got that idea because of watching me and Lisa?

I'm going to assume it's the latter.

Katsuki stood up and bowed, "I shall wait for you outside Mistress. Please call me if you need any assistance."

My Inugami maid then disappeared from view and I had a feeling she actually used her [Agility Boost] to disappear from our sight.

Really, Katsuki?

Without waiting for my response, Delmare had already taken off her top and dropped it at the side, revealing her very distracting chest for me to see.

"Aster… Do you not want me?"

That's not fair to ask it like that…

Well… I was already standing in front of her with my skirt raised and my naked cock standing upright in front of her face right now just from that so…

The Siren licked her lips before engulfing my cock with her talented mouth, her tongue wrapping itself around my length and imitating a jerking motion while her head bobbed up and down.

I fought back a groan as I bit on my finger to stifle it, my hips thrusting forward involuntarily.

Delmare made no noises of complaint and simply continued to suck me off while her other hand reached forward to grab my waist.

That was when I felt Delmare change suddenly.

She sucked my cock all the way in until it hit the back of her throat and as if by magic, the pleasure I was feeling skyrocketed when her throat muscles clenched around me.

I thought that was just simply her throat muscles being trained from her singing but there was no way this should feel that good normally… It was enough to instantly make my climax peak and cause me to explode inside her mouth with pleasure.

She took everything I had and swallowed greedily, only letting me go when she was sure that I had emptied my load inside her mouth.

I took a step back and looked at her with wide eyes, "Was that… Was that a Valour Skill?!!"

She gave me a peace sign while giggling, "Ehehehe~ It was a success it seems~ I got Lisa to teach me, how was it?"

Oh it definitely felt good but… That's not the point!!

What the heck?!! There's also sexual Valour Skills?!! How do you even learn them?!!

Where's the 'valour' in that?!!

Chapter 394 A Quest For The Mines

C394 A Quest For The Mines


Ugh… I give up…

I found out there's the existence of Sexual Skills as well…

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm At least I can be happy that they belong to another category and not under Valour Skills…

With how my perception of the skills have been… 'Expanded'... I decided to just take a walk alone in the city for a bit.

I had no destination in mind so it's just a day of wandering for me I guess…

Of course, it's nice to be with the others as well but just today, I thought that it might be a good idea to just take a walk alone.

Well… Alone might be stretching it since I'm pretty sure I had some guards also following me at a distance, though they were good enough that I could not sense them.

Putting that aside, I went towards the Commoner District since I'd think interesting things would happen there instead of the Noble's District.

I wasn't really expecting anything to happen but I figured that the likelihood of something interesting happening would be higher there than around pompous and upstart nobles.

Not that I have anything against the nobles, but I would think anything that involved them would be closely related to politics and they also have a higher chance of finding out that I was related to the Nilm Family. So better to just go somewhere else instead.

Even though I had not planned it, I still found myself walking along the street where The Guild building was located. Probably because I had come here multiple times before so I unconsciously took the path I was most familiar with.

I was just thinking if I should go in and take a look when someone spoke up, "Miss Aster?"

Turning around, I found several familiar faces looking back at me.

"Oh! Hello Viera, Melissa, Sabrina. And it's been a while, Jack, Markus, Loyd."

The three men blinked at me, obviously not really remembering who I was at the moment.

Jack scratched his head, "Err… I'm sorry, pretty lady… Have we met? Did I… Did I do something rude?"

Sabrina elbowed him in the ribs, "Really? You tried to hit on her on so many occasions!"

Jack groaned while rubbing his chest, "Woman! Do you even realise how little that narrows it down?"

"Ugh! This is why you're the worst!"

Viera ignored them and turned to me, "Thank you for your help the other day, Miss Aster. We would not have been able to do it without you and Miss Odeta."

I waved at her, "Oh it's nothing much. Besides, I received a significant reward from that quest as well so it's not like I did it without any compensation."

The futa swordswoman smiled at me, "But still… I have to thank you for helping us all the same."

That was when a loud gasp came from Jack's direction, "Oh by the Gods! You're Aster aren't you?! I almost didn't recognise you!"

I chuckled, "I'm surprised you remembered me. I don't think I did anything worthy of remembrance though."

I could see the three girls trying to hide their grimace at my words since they knew exactly who I was. The guys however still had no idea who I really was so they were still thinking that I was just some young lady they escorted in the past.

Jack grinned at me, "Oh I won't ever forget a beautiful lady like you!"

Melissa rolled her eyes at him, "Didn't you just admit that you forgot about her just a moment ago? You really are shameless aren't you?"

"Hey, don't ruin my chances! Come on! We were having a moment here!"

Viera waved her hand at him, "Forget it Jack, she's way out of your league. You'd have better chances trying to flirt with Markus."𝚗𝗈𝒱𝑒𝑙𝓃𝐄xt.𝕔𝑶𝔪

"Oh please! You never know since I'm that charming, aren't I?"

I couldn't help but giggle at the little skit that was happening in front of me.

"Sorry Jack, but I don't have any interest in you," I told him bluntly.

The man collapsed on his knees while clutching at his head, "Nooooo!! How many rejections does this maaaaaaake?! Am I destined to be single forever?!"

Markus, the party's tank, slapped their leader on the shoulder, "It's because you behave like this that you always get rejected… At least try to act a little more proper, Jack…"

"Never! How can I pretend to be someone I'm not just to attract someone?! If I have to pretend and act like someone else, then I'll just be lying to all those pretty girls! I just need to find someone who can accept me for who I am!"

"Sigh… Good luck with that then."

Viera turned her attention back to me, "So what is La… Ahem… Miss Aster doing here? Are you looking for another quest?"I think you should take a look at

I shook my head, "Actually, I'm just taking a walk around today. I don't really have anything in particular to do here."

Jack jumped up, "In that case, how about taking a quest with us?!"

Sabrina elbowed him again, "Did you not understand what she said? She already said to your face that she's not interested in you. Why are you still insistent on disturbing her?"

"Hey! I'm not that stupid! I wasn't planning on hitting on her anymore! I just thought that if other pretty girls saw that a pretty girl like her was hanging out with our party, we might get the attention of other pretty girls too!"

"I don't even know where to start to argue with that stupid logic…"

"Because it's a flawless piece of an idea!"

The spear wielding girl grabbed him by the collar and shook him, "Are you suggesting we're not pretty, huh?!"

"That's not it!!"

I raised my hand to get their attention, "Actually… I don't really mind joining you guys."

It's not like I have anything to do anyway and following them to participate in some higher ranked Mercenary quests is also not a bad deal.

Viera turned back to me, "Miss Aster, please don't feel obligated to go along with our stupid leader just to make him feel better… He's really hopeless."

I chuckled, "It's ok. I don't mind~ Although I would have to reject the invitation if the quest is going to take more than a day though."

Loyd raised an eyebrow at me, "As much as I wouldn't mind another eye candy on our team, could I just ask what role you could play Miss Aster?"

I thought for a moment, "Hmm… I suppose I can play any role you need. I'm proficient in the first tiers of Astromancy, Somatomancy, Iatromancy, Aeromancy and Hydromancy; Proficient in the second tiers of Pyromancy, Lumenmancy, Electromancy and Umbramancy; And I'm also capable with a sword, a bow, daggers and also unarmed combat though I have experience with polearms and axes too. Is there any role you would like me to fill?"

All of them just stared at me with wide eyes.

I could hear Viera mutter under her breath, "As expected of her child I suppose…"

Another Mercenary party, whom I assume must have heard my introduction, walked past us. The one leading the group smirked at me, "Damn… First time I'm seeing someone overselling themselves this much. Must be pretty desperate."

His party laughed with him and they disappeared into The Guild.

Well… I guess it does sound pretty exaggerated when you don't know me so I won't say anything this time.

Jack stared at me, "Miss Aster… Are you a Goddess?"

"Ha? No?"

"Then can you marry me?"

Viera smacked him on the head, "Jack, shut up! Seriously! Before I shut you up permanently by shoving my sword up your ass!"

"Oh come on, Viera!! She's not only beautiful, she's also talented!! She's practically a Goddess!! I won't be able to live with myself if I don't at least try to shoot my shot!!"

"This is why we told you she's out of your league! So shut up!"

Markus made a placating gesture with his hands, "Alright, alright. Let's just calm down everyone… Why don't we head in to find a quest that we can do together today? We're making a scene here."

Oh, but I'm honestly enjoying it though. These guys are so fun~

Loyd raised a finger, "How about we just take the quest we found yesterday? The one with the mines?"

Markus raised an eyebrow at him, "Really? Hmm… Actually I think that's a good idea too. We just need to find a porter and we would be set to go."

I tilted my head, "What's the quest about?"

Melissa turned to me, "There's a D rank quest that is looking for a party to dive into a Dungeon and mine some ores. It's not really that difficult but since there are some monsters in there that are resistant to physical attacks and I'm the only mage in our party… It's a little troublesome for us."

Jack pumped his fist, "Alright! Then that's decided! Let's go sign ourselves up for that quest and we'll head there right now! We can be back by evening! This is perfect!"

Viera sighed, "Miss Aster… Are you really sure you're ok with this dummy? He's probably going to just hit on you every step of the way…"

"Well~ As long as I get paid for this~"

Oh come on, it'll be fun!

Chapter 395 Monster Gold

C395 Monster Gold

"My name is Harper. Pleasure to work with you!" The young man greeted us seriously.

So this guy will be acting as our porter for our quest today. Apparently when you don't have a Pack of Folding like mine, it's normal for parties to hire porters or have a dedicated porter within said party.

I actually offered them the use of my Pack of Folding but the girls were vehemently against it, saying that it would not be proper for them.

The guys were obviously quite confused by their comrades' declaration but they shut up instantly when they saw the girls' faces.

I didn't get to see what faces they were making since their backs were turned to me.

Jack went ahead to introduce each of us in turn to Harper and we were now on our way to the Dungeon in a wagon owned by the porter himself.

Seems like we would also be using the wagon to carry the ores back as well.

Surprisingly, Jack was focused on preparing his equipment throughout the journey alongside the others and didn't try to flirt with me.

I guess they're doing their equipment checks now so that they don't have to do it when we reach the Dungeon, which meant that Melissa and I had nothing to do since we were occupying the role of the magic casters.

She must have felt a little awkward with just the two of us sitting there silently but it's clear that she did not want to be the one to speak up first.

"Ahem… Soo… You said you went to Aerialla Academy as well, Melissa?" I asked, thinking that it would be a safe topic of conversation.

"Ah. That's… That's right. Miss Aster is now a student there as well, right?"

"Yes! How was your time in the school?"

"Ah… Umm… I wasn't really that good of a student, Miss Aster… I'm really just average… I wasn't one of the Special Class students if you wanted to know how you compare to them in my time…"


"Eh? No, no, no… I just wanted to know your experience with the school since I'm still in my first year after all!"

"Oh. I guess… It's just normal? I just attended the basic classes and graduated normally. I wasn't good enough to be selected to attend the main Aerialla Academy of course, so I just went on to sign myself up as a Mercenary."

"Is that how you met these guys?"

Melissa smiled at Viera, "Actually… I met Viera while I was a student and… Ah… I suppose there's no other way to say this but… I fell in love with her… And she was already a Mercenary back then so I just joined her."

That's so cute~

"What about Sabrina?"

"Ah… Well… Ummm…"

I could sense that it wasn't that comfortable of a topic for her so I waved my hand quickly, "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine!"

"No, no… It's… Well… Umm… Let's just say that I was her second…"

Ah, I get it, she's just embarrassed.

Harper's voice came from the front of the wagon, "We're here, everyone."

I looked up to see a small fortress of sorts had been set up in front of what looked like a cave.

There were other Mercenaries and Dungeoneers gathered in front of the cave and several different wagons and carriages parked at one side of the fortress, which was where ours stopped at for us to disembark as well.

Did they really need to build this fort in front of the Dungeon? It's even staffed with soldiers guarding it too.

"There's quite a number of people here," I noted.

"That's because this request pays quite well. We're mining Monster Gold after all," Jack grinned.

I swivelled to stare at him, "Eh?! We're mining gold?!"

The man laughed out loud, "Ahahaha! This never gets old! I always love seeing the faces on the newbies!"

Melissa went to kick him in the shins which made him fall off the wagon while he was getting off, face planting himself into the ground.

Viera sighed, "It's not normal gold, Miss Aster… It's gold mined from the monsters inside this Dungeon which we all call Monster Gold. They aren't pure gold and need to be purified through a rather complicated process before they become actual gold."I think you should take a look at

"And what's stopping someone from just going to mine these Monster Gold and purifying it themselves?"

Loyd shook his head at me, "It's not worth it, Miss Aster. First you will need to report all the gold you have mined at the front counter at the entrance of the Dungeon."

I looked over at where he was pointing and sure enough, there was a counter with several official looking people set up there recording all the gold that the people returning from the Dungeon had brought.

They were then given some sort of record slip that I assume must be a record of the gold they have brought back.

He continued, "Then you would need to pay a deposit for the amount of gold you have mined which would be returned to you when you turn it in at the Guild. If the received gold is less than what is recorded on that slip or you choose to keep the gold for yourself, you forfeit that deposit."

Markus nodded, "And not to mention the fact that you would also need to know the process of purifying the gold in the first place… Which is a national secret of the Lehcarouc Kingdom. If you somehow found out about that secret, you would have the entire Kingdom hunting you down to silence you."

Viera, Sabrina and Melissa all averted their eyes, most likely thinking that even if I were to find out about it, no one would do anything.

In fact… Why do I have a feeling that the purification process might have something to do with Mother? Is that why they treat us so highly? Is Mother the one that's purifying gold for the kingdom?

That would actually explain a lot…

Well… I wasn't really planning on taking those gold for myself anyway… I have no interest in crashing an economy for no reason.

"But doesn't that mean that people might try to rob us on our way back to get our Monster Gold so they could get both the deposit and the quest reward? This quest is not limited to a single party after all," I pointed out.

Jack picked himself up from the ground, "Beautiful, talented and smart too! Ugh… You really are way out of my league…"

Sabrina rolled his eyes at him, "Ignore him Aster… But you are right, there are incidents of this happening where bandits or even other parties may threaten or steal the gold from other parties. The Kingdom has dispatched several guards to patrol this route but they are not always that thorough to catch every bandit out here."

"Eh? Why not? Wouldn't the kingdom pay more attention to this?"

Viera shook her head, "Not really… Because even if you're bandits that stole the gold, you wouldn't be able to sell it to anyone outside the Guild or the Kingdom anyway since no one else knows the purification process and they would be worthless. So the Kingdom would still get the gold in the end…"

So that means it's our problem to bring it back on our own huh?

Harper then spoke up, "Umm… Forgive me for asking this… But is this your first time doing this quest?"

"Err… That's right. Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just surprised. Normally most of the Mercenaries and Dungeoneers would know about something like this… I guess you must be a new Guild member huh?"

"Ah, I just haven't been active since I'm still a student at Aerialla Academy."

"I see… Apologies for my rudeness."

I waved to show that it was no big deal.

Our party made our way towards the entrance of the Dungeon with Jack leading the way towards one of the counters.

"How many members?" The person behind the desk asked with a bored tone.

"Eight," Jack replied easily, waiting for the official to issue him a card of sorts before he stepped towards the Dungeon entrance.

He looked back at us, "Alright, is everyone ready?"

We nodded back at him in turn.

His face then turned serious, which was a big difference from the frivolous look he sported constantly before this.

"Markus and I will lead, Sabrina will be right behind us followed by Melissa and Harper. Miss Aster will be after them and I will leave the rear guard to Loyd and Viera. Any objections?"

The change was so sudden that I was a second late in answering an affirmative to his question. I was not alone since Harper also seemed to be surprised by the change too.

Viera obviously noticed my surprise and leaned over to whisper, "I know how he usually behaves, but when it comes to serious situations like this, he would not fool around especially when our lives are on the line. Otherwise, none of us would have stayed with him. Although I still have to dissuade Miss Aster from looking at him romantically though…"

I suppose that's a good thing… And it makes sense since the girls definitely would have no reason to stay or even keep him as the leader if he did not at least have any redeeming features.

Alright, new Dungeon! Let's see what is in store for us! Let's go mine ourselves some gold!