

Chapter 375 Rock Spider

C375 Rock Spider

While I had made plans to have another 'date' with Tiara for another shopping trip for sweets this weekend, I was asked to follow Tika and her party down to the Dungeon again during the weekdays.

They actually managed to go pretty far on their own and have already reached floor forty.

Once again, they wanted Odeta and I along for added insurance in case things go south.

"So things have been smooth up till now?" I asked as they finished their equipment checks once again under my supervision.

Tika scratched her cheek, "Umm… I would not say 'smooth' is an accurate representation of how our Dungeon dive has been…"

Henri nodded, "There was that time we fell into a trap and… Ughh… It was quite bad."

I tilted my head, "Really? I thought the Dungeon was supposed to be quite safe since the Dungeon is a low ranked one?"

"Ah, I may have given Aster the wrong idea. I say that it was bad more because it was annoying than actually harmful."

Jules nodded, "The trap was just a floor that opened up and dropped us into a pool of water. We needed to dry ourselves off for a while but it was not that serious, just annoying."

Ah, I see… That makes more sense… Although being soaked in the Dungeon is also not a good thing either. The water would slow you down and if you don't take the time to dry yourself off, you might even fall sick.

"Alright then, I suppose we're heading straight down to the boss room now?" I asked.

Tika nodded, "Yep, we're all ready now, Aster! We shall be depending on you and Odeta to watch our backs again!"

The Amrap beside me thumped her chest with pride, "Don't worry! Leave it to me!"

I held up my hand, "Do we know what the boss of the fortieth floor is?"

Tika tapped her chin with a finger, "If I am not wrong, it should be a monster called the Rock Spider."

"Ohhh! They sound strong!" Odeta commented.

I wouldn't count on it if I were you, Odeta… Remember that this Dungeon is scaled to the kids… I don't doubt that you would probably wipe the floor with this boss easily even without help.

"I'm guessing that one of its characteristics is that it has an exoskeleton that is as hard as a rock?" I guessed.

Tika shook her head, "Umm… I'm not too sure about its biology but it does have some parts of its body that are encased in stone. Though even without it, its body is indeed quite sturdy."

I raised an eyebrow at their swords, "And you're still going to use bladed weapons for this fight? Don't you think that maybe a blunt weapon would work better here?"

"Oh! It's only some parts of the spider that are encased in stone, there are other parts that aren't and those should be the parts we are aiming to attack anyway."

Looks like she did her homework properly, that's good~

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm "I see… Alright then! Let's get going!"

All of us made our way to the Dungeon entrance and waited for Tika to set the destination before we climbed down the steps.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, we found ourselves in the familiar corridor that led to the boss room.

Like the one before, there was no one around except for us so we did not need to do any waiting and could challenge the boss immediately.

The boss room was also a wide open space this time so there was nothing stopping us from looking at the boss from the outside.

Peeking into the boss room, we found a giant spider the size of a car was waiting inside.

It looked like a wolf spider except there were bits of stone stuck to various parts of its body including parts of its head. I wonder if the rock was grown out from the spider or did it take rocks to create armour for itself?

Then I remembered that it was a monster and most likely just naturally spawned with those features.

It was smaller than the caterpillar boss we fought earlier but it definitely looks more dangerous.

[Name: Rock Spider

Race: Monster


35 Strength

25 Dexterity

15 Endurance

20 Magic]

Mmhmm… The stats do show that it was definitely stronger, but still not a threat to either myself or Odeta.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

I thought that it might possess some Geomancy magic skills as well but apparently not.

Tika turned back to us, "Alright… Same plan, I will draw the monster's attention while Henri and Jules flank its sides. Aster will take care of support and Odeta will only join if things look really bad."

The rest of us gave affirmative nods, prompting her to lead the way to the boss chamber.

The moment we stepped into the hall, the Rock Spider gave a loud roar before suddenly leaping at Tika.

She was clearly not expecting something like that since she did not even have her sword up, making her wide open for the spider's attack.

"[Static Bolt]!" I shouted out unintentionally as I casted the spell.

The small bolt of electricity discharged from my hand struck against the spider, causing it to freeze in midair. The force of the bolt also altered its flight path and it crashed to the side instead of landing on top of Tika.

To her credit, Tika recovered quickly, giving out a command to charge to the two brothers before she rushed up towards the spider with her sword raised.

She gave a roar of challenge as her sword was brought down in a crushing blow against the spider's head.

Instead of slicing through the skin however, the blade struck against the spider like it was dulled and caused the spider to recoil from the impact.

Huh… She wasn't kidding when she said the spider is also sturdy… But wouldn't it be better if they had brought blunt weapons in this case?

Then again, I suppose they might not have the means to procure different weapons that would only be used once.

The spider skittered back to create distance from Tika, but Jules and Henri were already hot on its heels in chasing it from its sides.𝒩𝑜𝐯𝑬𝐥𝓷𝗲xt.𝗰𝚘𝕞

The two of them slashed their swords towards the spider's legs, which also resulted in a resounding 'clang' as they struck its tibia. It definitely caused the spider pain though, since it did made it hiss at them and retreated even further.

Tika was already taking advantage of that by lunging towards the Rock Spider, her sword poised to pierce its head.

The Rock Spider responded by rearing up its head before striking forward, catching her sword in its mandibles.

Before Tika could pull her sword free, the spider had straightened its forelegs and struck her in the chest, sending her skidding back and tumbling onto the floor.

The spider then lowered its body, a sign that it was preparing to pounce on the defenceless Tika again.

I was prepared to try and stun it with another [Static Bolt] but it turned out it was unnecessary as Henri took over in maintaining its aggro by stepping in front of it, his sword slashing across the spider's face and forcing it to back away.

Oh, not bad. They actually have an aggro rotation in case the first one is compromised.

The spider let out another shriek and tried to bite Henri, only to flinch to the side as Jules struck its cephalothorax from the side.

Henri also took advantage of that by dealing another blow to the spider's head, sending it skidding even further back.

While they were occupied with the spider, I had already switched my spell choice to [Close Wounds] to cast on Tika.

She was already up on her feet and rushing back to the front line while Odeta made a soft grunt of disappointment beside me.

No, no, Odeta, don't be disappointed that you can't go and fight… That spider is just going to die in one hit if you jump in…

Tika let out a shout which served as both a signal to Henri that she was back in the fight and also as a distraction to the spider to regain its aggro.

She slashed her sword horizontally and clipped it across the face, stunning the monster momentarily.

The two brothers returned to their assigned positions and struck their swords against the spider's sides as well.

The Rock Spider let out another shriek before it jumped up into the air with surprising speed, not even giving the three Mahuns a chance to look up before it slammed itself down.

The shock wave was enough to throw up a dust cloud and send the three of them flying away from it.

It raised up the upper half of its body as though to celebrate its victory, only to get hit by a [Static Bolt] from me to leave it writhing on the ground, paralysed.

That gave me the time I needed to cast [Close Wounds] on all three of them to get them back in the fight again.

Henri must have been feeling especially frustrated with how the fight was going since they have yet to deal a significant blow on the spider. Thus, he rushed up to the Rock Spider and tried to impale it with his sword.

Unfortunately for him, the spider recovered at that very moment to lash out its leg at him, knocking his sword aside.

While the boy was reeling in from the blow, the spider reared up one of its other legs and brought it down.

There was a cry and the sight of Henri's abdomen being pierced through by the spider's leg was seared into my eyes.


Chapter 376 Breaking The Rock Spider

C376 Breaking The Rock Spider

My body moved on its own even before I could consciously realise what was going on.

In my hand, I was already wielding my light blade with my mana infused with it, my sword swinging down in an arc and cutting through the leg of the spider like it was made of paper.

I then picked up Henri who still had his eyes wide in shock before leaping back, retreating from the spider that was shrieking from losing one of its legs.

I laid Henri down gently, my other hand grabbing onto the spider leg that was still embedded partway through his body so that it doesn't do any more damage to him.

"BROTHER!!!" Jules screamed, only to be stopped by Tika.

"Jules!! The monster is still not dead yet!! Turn your back on it and you will compromise everyone's safety! Trust Aster to take care of him and concentrate on your role!!"

Jules seemed reluctant but the Spider boss let out another shriek and tried to lunge towards Tika, the young woman barely leaping out of the way in time to avoid the blow.

He was forced to redirect his attention to the Rock Spider in front of him instead, leaving me to take care of his brother.

I quickly casted [Low Anaesthesia] on him to numb the pain before his shock wore off and he starts feeling the pain from being skewered.

"Odeta! Help me with this!"

"You got it!"

The Amrap did not hesitate in grabbing the spider leg with both hands before pulling it out of Henri in one swift motion.

I immediately started casting [Close Wounds] on him, hoping that this would be enough.

I already had a Minor healing potion prepared just in case as well but it seems like I did not need it as the gaping hole in Henri's abdomen started to close itself up.

I needed to cast the spell a few more times but it was definitely working as he was restored back to health.

Unfortunately, he still lost quite a bit of blood and this spell doesn't replace blood loss so he's not exactly in peak condition right now.

"Are you alright?" I asked, sitting him up.

He patted his abdomen, and felt the hole in his armour.

"Was I… Dead?" He muttered.

"Well, not dead but dying. Sounds the same but it's different. My Iatromancy isn't at a level that can revive the dead yet. Do you think you're good to finish the fight?"

He still seemed a little out of it which I guessed must be him still being shell shocked by his near death experience.

Well, I doubt that anyone could easily just shrug off the fact that they almost died and just continue like normal. He did feel himself dying after all and that must have been an experience he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.

Henri's gaze then shifted to his two companions that were still fighting the giant spider in front of us. They were obviously having a harder time now since they were down one man but the boss was still being kept in check for the moment since it was now missing one leg.

He seemed to resolve himself and I thought he would rush to help his team when he suddenly turned to me, "Aster! I like you! Would you please go out with me?!"


Dude, do you not see that giant spider your brother is fighting over there? What the hell are you even saying at this time?

Actually, I didn't even know that you even had feelings for me! And let's not even talk about our age difference! You're… Oh wait… We're almost the same age in this World.

I guess I should point out our difference in physical maturity then? Actually, is that even a point of consideration? I'd think the people of this World would even say something like 'a cat is fine too'.

I coughed, "Ahem… Erm… Sorry, but I like girls."

"I see… Thank you very much!"

Why is he thanking me? Actually, can you get your ass back into the fight? Those two are struggling right now.

As though reading my mind, Odeta came up and picked him up by the scruff of his neck with a single hand.

She growled at him, "Hey! Where do you think you are right now?! We're in a Dungeon! Do you think you have time to do something stupid like wasting sister Aster's time while there's a boss in front of us?! No?! Then get your ass back in there!!!"

She then threw him like a ball with no remorse, causing the boy to scream out in surprise as he was launched towards the Rock Spider like a missile.

At least he managed to hold on to his sword even while being launched…

I watched as the poor boy landed on the Rock Spider's abdomen and he would have slid off of it if he hadn't stabbed his sword into the spider below him to act as a handle.

Oh? The sword actually pierced through it instead of bouncing off like it did previously? I'm guessing that's its weak spot.

Tika seemed to have noticed this fact as well, though it's hard to ignore since the monster let out a screech of pain that was loud enough to make them cover their ears.

She quickly pointed behind, "Quick! Jules! Go and help your brother at the back! I'll distract it!"

Jules nodded and ran to the spider's back without hesitation with his sword ready.

The Rock Spider was trying to shake Henri off who was clinging to his own sword for dear life, but the fact that Tika was still in front of it and attacking its face made it unable to concentrate on doing so.

"Brother! Hang on!!" Jules shroud.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" He shouted back, trying his best to not get shaken off by the spider.

Come on… It's not even that high up… The spider's just the size of a car… You can just slide yourself off or even just get thrown off without too much of an injury…

Jules slashed his blade at the spider's abdomen and this time, a large cut opened up and blood poured freely from the wound.

Yep, that confirms the back of the spider is not as hard as the rest of its body.

The spider jumped into the air again in an attempt to do another smash, but this time Tika and Jules saw it coming so they managed to leap out of the way in time.

Henri unfortunately got shaken off from the force of the impact, the boy losing his grip on his sword and bouncing off the back of the spider's abdomen to roll onto the ground.

Sensing the weight was gone from its back, the Rock Spider spun around and screeched at Henri.

That was a mistake since it had now presented its vulnerable abdomen to Tika.

She wasted no time in rushing up to the spider's behind to deliver a flurry of strikes against its back, cutting open several large gashes in seconds.

In its panic, the spider backed up against Tika and would have ran her over had she not hit the dirt to let the spider skitter over her at the last second.

Henri quickly got up, his hands now devoid of a weapon so he was resorting to his magic now.

"Bend and mend the earth shall form, move as I ask the unyielding stone to yield to my form! [Earth Ball]!"

A small ball of earth gathered in front of him before he shot it towards the spider, the projectile exploding into a shower of debris when it hit its head.

The attack seemed to do no real damage and only served to annoy it, given how it was currently screeching at Henri.

But damaging it was not his concern since it allowed the brief pause Tika and Jules needed to circle around behind the spider.

While Jules stayed on the ground to attack the Rock Spider's weak abdomen from the side, Tika had leapt on its back and pulled out Henri's sword that was still stuck in the spider.

With the two swords in hand, she then started slashing away indiscriminately at the spider's exposed back before plunging both blades deep into the spider.

The Rock spider thrashed around, trying and failing to shake her off as she continuously stabbed at it.

It gave out a last wail before it finally collapsed onto the ground in a heap, it's legs curling back to tuck into its body.

As expected of a boss on the fortieth floor, it was definitely a tough match for them.

Still, I think they might have managed to beat it on their own even without me here since they still have their potions after all. But I guess the fight would have lasted longer and they would definitely taken much more damage than they have here.

Tika got down from the spider and tossed Henri's blade back to him, "Good work. Thank you for saving us again, Aster."

I waved at her, "Ah! There's no need to thank me, I'm here precisely to support you aren't I? Plus, you were all doing quite well facing such an opponent too!"

She nodded in acknowledgement of my words before she turned back to Henri, "But you… Seriously… If you want to confess, could you wait until the boss is dead instead of doing that while the rest of your party is stuck fighting the monster?!"

"So… Sorry…" 𝓷𝒐𝓋𝓮𝑙𝑵𝓮xt.𝑐𝗈𝚖

"In the first place, you got too carried away thinking you can just rush up to the monster like that! Have I already not told you to always be cautious?! What were you thinking?!"


Whoops, looks like he's going to get a sermon from Tika on top of being rejected by me.

Tough luck you have there, Henri, but I agree with Tika though.

Chapter 377 We Want Some Action For Ourselves Too

C377 We Want Some Action For Ourselves Too

Since Henri was not really in top form, we ended our Dungeon dive after we beat that Rock Spider.

We returned to the Guild counter set up outside the Dungeon below the school for Tika to report her progress.

The Guild receptionist smiled when she received Tika's report, "Oh, that's the fortieth floor cleared. Well done. Even if you stop here, you'll be sure to get a good grade, student Tika."

"Thank you, but I did not achieve all that on my own. It is thanks to my party supporting me."

"Fufu~ But of course. My praise is extended to your party too. Well done everyone."

All of us accepted the praise gracefully.

Tika then turned to me and Odeta, "And thank you for your help so far, Aster. You have been an exceptional support for us!"

I waved my hands, "Oh, don't worry about it! All of you were great teammates too! I barely did anything."

"Aster really is humble, but thank you nevertheless. I would still like to depend on you for the further floors if you don't mind? I think things would only get even harder… But it sort of feels like cheating…"

I giggled, "Ehehe~ Well you were supposed to have me as part of your party in the first place so this much is nothing~ So just let me know whenever you need my help!"

Tika thanked me again before she left with Henri and Jules, leaving me with Odeta.

The two of us then exited the Dungeon chamber underneath the school and stepped back out into the school grounds. I was just about to suggest that we go home when I felt a tug on my arm.

Turning back, I found Odeta holding on to my sleeve hesitatingly.

"Hmm? What is it, Odeta?" I asked.

"Umm… Could we… Could we go fight something, Sister Aster?"

I tilted my head at her, "You got frustrated that you didn't get to do anything, didn't you?"

"... Yes…"

I thought so… Both times where we were called to support Tika, she basically did nothing except stand at the side and watch the fight. For someone like Odeta, it must have been especially boring and frustrating to not be able to participate in the fight.

I tapped my chin, "Hmm… I doubt this Dungeon would offer us a challenge so we might need to find somewhere else to go… Must we go today though?"

"Nnnggghh… I don't want to wait but if Big Sister Aster insists…"

"Oh no, if you want to go now, we can. We ended the Dungeon dive with Tika earlier than we expected anyway and we're already fully geared too. Shall we go to the Guild and see if there's any nice quests for us?"

Odeta's face broke into a grin and she pulled me into a big hug, "Sister Aster is the best!! Let's go, let's go!!"

We left school to head for the Guild located in the Commoner's District, figuring that it would be more convenient since we would be heading outside the city anyway and the branch there was closer to the gates compared to the one in the Noble's District.

As expected, the Guild was quite crowded at this point of time.

Just like usual, the people here were quite rowdy with various Mercenaries, Adventurers and Dungeoneers all doing their own things inside the Guild.

Some of them were here to turn in their quests while some were looking for new quests to take up. Then the others were just relaxing in the bar section of the Guild with several of them having public sex openly.

Both Odeta and I ignored them and headed straight for the request board to look for something that we could do. Maybe a monster subjugation quest would be nice.

We first went to the Mercenary side of the board to look at the E ranked quests.

Hmm… Escort quests are definitely out… We need something that could be completed by today.

Gathering quests are also out since Odeta would definitely not want those…

And there's quite a number of subjugation quests that are targeting weak monsters… I really doubt Odeta would be satisfied from just fighting a small group of goblins or even wolves…

I decided to ask the Amrap herself, "Do you see anything good, Odeta?"

"Wahaha! How about we just take all the subjugation quests and do them all?!"

"Err… No, let's not do that… Other Mercenaries are also relying on this to earn their living after all. We only have today to do the quest so let's just pick one."

"Ehhh… But they're all so weak though! Oh! Look, there's a quest that is asking for the subjugation of an orc village! Let's do that!"

Huh… I thought the Orcs of this World were known as the Wrunch? Maybe they're different? And also…

"Odeta… That's a C rank quest… We can only take quests up to D rank…"

"Ehhhh? Who cares! Let's just go and fight them without taking the quest! We don't need the rewards anyway!"

"No, no… That's just rude to the other Mercenaries, Odeta… You can't just steal someone else's job…"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Arghhh! Why does this need to be so complicated!"

"Erm… Excuse me? I can't help but overhear your conversation and thought you might be interested to join us?" A voice spoke up from behind.

Both Odeta and I turned around to see three young women looking back at us.

Hmm? They seem familiar… But where have I seen them before?

The one in the middle suddenly gasped, "La… I mean… Miss Aster?!"

I tilted my head at her, "Umm… Do I know you?"

"Ah… Umm… I'm… I'm Viera? My party escorted you and your mother some time ago?"

I clapped my hands together, "Oh!! You're part of the Free Wind Mercenary group right?! And you're Melissa and Sabrina! Viera's girlfriends!"

"I'm… I'm surprised you still remember us," The mage, Melissa, gasped.

Well, kind of hard to forget when you were one of the first ones I saw having sex out in public… I guess you were all doing it behind some bushes but it still counts.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm Sabrina gasped, "Oh what a coincidence this is, La… I… I mean Miss Aster! How many years has it been? It seems you are doing well!"

They're still conscious of me being Mother's child huh.

Viera seems to be one of the really few people who knows what Mother looks like. Back then I remember she said that she had gone to a school in the capital and I thought she was referring to Aerialla Academy. Maybe she was actually a trainee at Mother's school instead?

Though that brings up the question of what happened with her since she's clearly not serving as a maid now? Maybe she dropped out? Or was she expelled?

Well, I'm not shameless enough to ask her and it's none of my business anyway.

I felt a poke on my side and turned to see Odeta looking at me with concern.

"Er… Who are they, Sister Aster?"

Oh right, Odeta has never met them before.

Before I could answer though, Viera's eyes widened at me, "E… Eh?! Si… Sister?! There's more?!"

I raised my hand, "Erm… No, this is kind of complicated… But she is not Mother's child. And err… Let's just start over… Odeta, this is Viera, Melissa and Sabrina. They're part of the Free Wind Mercenary group and they escorted Mother, Katsuki and I to the capital city when we were still travelling. Everyone, this is Odeta, my adopted sister as you could say."

Is that right? I don't really know how the Amrap tradition goes but I was technically adopted to their family right? Or should I have just gone with 'honorary sister' instead? This is so complicated.

Odeta placed her hands on her hips, "Oh! So you three protected sister Aster back then huh?! Wahahaha! Then you guys are good too!"

She bases if someone is 'good' or 'bad' on whether those people have protected me huh… I'm going to refrain from commenting on that.

The three of them seemed quite confused so I continued by bringing up their earlier question, "You said something about joining you?"

Viera recovered, "Oh, right! We were planning to take on that orc subjugation quest as well but we're short on members at the moment you see…"

Oh that's right, I don't see the guys anywhere.

"What happened to… Umm… Was it Jack?"

She giggled, "Yes, it was Jack. The one who was completely smitten by you if you remember. Ugh… Just remembering how he was acting is enough to make my head hurt… He's still single by the way. Oh, the other two, Markus and Loyd are also not here either."

Melissa sighed, "Those three idiots drank so much last night that they got into some trouble… So the guards are keeping them in the holding cells for the next three days as punishment…"

Sabrina also shook her head in disappointment, "They'll be acting as temporary slaves to do some work around the city so we're on our own for now…"

Oof, that's rough buddy.

Viera then gestured to themselves, "That's why we're kind of looking for people to party up to fill in the missing roles for now… If you don't mind that is, La… Miss Aster?"

I tilted my head, "Could we join? We're only E ranked right now though."

"Oh, that's fine since with the three of us, our party's rank would be considered a D rank so we can do that quest, no problem," Viera assured me.𝑵𝐎𝓋𝞮𝑙𝒏𝗲xt.𝕔𝗈𝓂

I turned to Odeta and the Amrap was already looking back at me with barely contained excitement.

Well… I guess since we've already reached this point, there's no reason to reject their offer.

"Alright! Let's go kill some orcs!"

Chapter 378 Orc Village Subjugation

C378 Orc Village Subjugation

Ok, first thing.

I've now understood the difference between orcs and Wrunches in this World.

The orcs here have the pig head and fat body type instead of the green skinned and muscular type that the Wrunches are.

And instead of prioritising strength, they prioritise their libido…

Looking down at the orc village in the forest within the valley below us…

"Ahhhhh!! Nooo!! Noooo!!!"

"Urgh… No… No more…"

"Not there!! Please, not there!!"

I winced as I beheld the sight before me.

Obviously, for there to be a subjugation request out for these orcs, it means that they have done something that warranted the Guild to pay for their subjugation.

In this case, the 'something' must have been the fact that they attacked and captured some Mahuns to be brought back to their camp. What they were doing to the captured Mahuns was pretty obvious from the sounds coming from there already.

The thing was… The orcs do not discriminate between the genders… Even the males… Well… It seems like any hole on someone would do for the orcs.

In fact… It kind of looks like there's more male prisoners than female prisoners down there… I'm not sure if that was a preference or simply just a coincidence?

And the female orcs were similar in nature too… Since they were also participating…

[Name: Orc Grunt

Race: Monster


160 Strength

50 Dexterity

70 Endurance

80 Magic]

"So… It kind of looks like we're outnumbered quite a bit," I noted, counting the orcs to realise there were four orcs for each of us. "Do we have a plan or are we just charging in?"

Viera thought for a moment, "Most of them are distracted right now… I think we can take out a few of them if we are to sneak into their camp and kill them. We might even be able to avoid a fight."

So we're doing it the stealthy way huh? I can do that, but…

As I had expected, Odeta was not very keen on the idea.

"I wanna fight them! Let me fight them!"𝑛𝔬𝔳𝑒𝑙𝒩𝚎xt.𝒞𝑶𝑚

The three members of the Free Wind Mercenary group turned to me, as though silently asking what I thought about it.

I tapped my chin, "Hmm… Odeta could serve as a distraction while we attack them from the back I suppose?"

Melissa frowned, "Why do we even need to do that though? We can just sneak in like this and kill them while they're preoccupied with their captives."

Odeta crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I don't wanna! I came here for a fight! It's pointless if we aren't going to fight properly!"

Umm… What could be considered a 'proper' fight is kind of subjective… But I know Odeta meant a head on fight where no tricks are involved.

Well… The orcs aren't really that strong anyway and I believe she could handle them all on her own too.

I waved my hand at the other three, "I think we can just go with the plan to let Odeta distract them. With her taking all the attention, we can also be assured that there wouldn't be an ambush too. And if things go south, we wouldn't be too disadvantaged either."

Sabrina gave me a pointed look, "But… Miss Aster… These are orcs you know? Individually they may be around D ranked monsters but we're dealing with an entire village of them which is why it has been bumped up to C rank."

She's worried that Odeta is biting off more than she can chew despite being an Amrap I see.

I giggled, "Ehehe~ I guess it's normal that you don't know this but Odeta here is quite well known in her village as the Dragonslayer, you know?"

They froze upon hearing my words before slowly turning towards Odeta who had her chest puffed up in pride.

"Yeah… So I doubt a few orcs would be able to be a threat to her…" I continued with a mischievous smile.

Viera nodded, "As expected of La… I mean Miss Aster's adopted sister. In that case, let's go with your plan. We will sneak in from the front and start exterminating the orcs while Miss Odeta will circle around the back of the village with Miss Aster."

I raised my hand, "I was under the impression that I would go with you though?"

"Eh? Wouldn't Miss Aster prefer to go with Miss Odeta instead?"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Oh no, if I go with her she would not be able to have as much fun fighting those orcs, right?"

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster knows me so well! I'm leaving sister Aster in your care, ok?!"

"Ahh… To be tasked to take care of Lady Aster… If we let her get hurt we're going to die aren't we?" Melissa mumbled almost inaudibly.

Erm… You don't need to be so stressed about that, you know? I can also protect myself.

We went with that plan and Odeta left to circle around to the other side of the village which should take a few minutes for her. In the meantime, the four of us will sneak in from here and dispatch as many of the orcs as stealthily as possible.

My initial assessment was that there were twenty of them but who knows if there were more that were hidden from our sight inside the village?

With the two girls and one futa beside me, we started making our way towards the village.

"Would… Would Miss Aster like to take charge of the operation?" Viera asked as we moved.

I immediately shook my head, "Oh, definitely not. We are the ones joining your party and I'm not rude enough to ask for something like that. Please just treat me like a temporary party member and I'll follow your lead."

"Ugh…. To be leading Lady Nilm… I'm definitely going to die, aren't I?" Viera muttered under her breath, though still audible enough for me to hear.

Let's just pretend I did not hear anything…

The four of us slowly crept into the village where not even a guard was posted to keep watch, especially since it looked like pretty much every orc was occupied with raping the Mahuns they caught.

"Nooo!! No!! Don't!! I'm going to break!! I'm going to break!!"

"Please!! Nooo! I don't even swing that way!!"

"Ahhh!! I can't be a groom anymore!!"

"Arrrghh!! Why… Why is this orc's pussy so tight?!!"

I don't know how to feel about the sight of those males being raped by orcs though… And yes, there's female orcs raping them too… Though some of them were more interested in the female Mahuns instead…

Looking at the three girls beside me, they barely batted an eye at the sight, as though it was something they have grown accustomed to seeing.

I guess this must be common huh? Where they come across people getting raped by monsters?

If I'm not wrong, they say that the monsters were created by the god Hiandoca, who is also known to be the god of sex and lust in the first place so… I guess it comes as no surprise that the monsters also engage in such activities?

Please spare me from being raped though… Consent matters to me.

Viera gestured towards the orcs, "Everyone try to kill as many of them as quietly as you can, if you are spotted, regroup at the entrance and we'll fight them together. Anyone you rescue, send them to the entrance as well."

All of us nodded and spread ourselves out, making sure to keep ourselves out of sight from the orcs as we proceeded to start our extermination.

Once Odeta reaches the other side and starts her fight, we will have to abandon stealth and join the fray to surround the orcs.

I pulled out my Light Sword, which is taking every fibre of my being not to call it by a more familiar name, and snuck towards one of the male orcs that was currently looming over whom I'm assuming to be a male Mercenary by his broken armour.

"No!! No!! Please!! I won't recover from this!! Use my mouth instead! Please!!"

The orc either did not care or did not understand his words and merely positioned himself in between the guy's legs.

He moved his hips back and was about to thrust forward when my blade was thrust through his neck, my sword shining with light.

I pulled back and the orc gurgled, turning around to give me a look of anger while clutching his neck.

I was surprised that he wasn't dead yet until he suddenly keeled over onto the ground, blood pouring out like a fountain from his neck.

Did he really just live for a few seconds more to see who cockblocked him before he died? That's dedication, dude…

The male Mahun who almost got defiled looked up at me in surprise, "O… Oh! Are you here to save us?j! Quickly untie me! I can still fight!!"

I looked at his state where his clothes were pretty much torn up, his limbs were tied up tightly with ropes and he wasn't wearing any pants. Heck… Why is he even having a boner?

He looked down to see what I was looking at and he let out a shriek, "Ahhhh!! Please don't look! I don't like this ok?! It's just a survival instinct! You have to believe me!"

Hey, I'm not one to judge about your interests…

I cut the ropes binding him before nodding in the direction of where I came from, "Grab a weapon and… I guess some clothes and wait there. If we need help we'll call for you."

He nodded before running off.

It feels weird to see a butt naked dude running like that…

Oh well, moving on to the next orc…

Chapter 378 Orc Village Subjugation

C378 Orc Village Subjugation

Ok, first thing.

I've now understood the difference between orcs and Wrunches in this World.

The orcs here have the pig head and fat body type instead of the green skinned and muscular type that the Wrunches are.

And instead of prioritising strength, they prioritise their libido…

Looking down at the orc village in the forest within the valley below us…

"Ahhhhh!! Nooo!! Noooo!!!"

"Urgh… No… No more…"

"Not there!! Please, not there!!"

I winced as I beheld the sight before me.

Obviously, for there to be a subjugation request out for these orcs, it means that they have done something that warranted the Guild to pay for their subjugation.

In this case, the 'something' must have been the fact that they attacked and captured some Mahuns to be brought back to their camp. What they were doing to the captured Mahuns was pretty obvious from the sounds coming from there already.

The thing was… The orcs do not discriminate between the genders… Even the males… Well… It seems like any hole on someone would do for the orcs.

In fact… It kind of looks like there's more male prisoners than female prisoners down there… I'm not sure if that was a preference or simply just a coincidence?

And the female orcs were similar in nature too… Since they were also participating…

[Name: Orc Grunt

Race: Monster


160 Strength

50 Dexterity

70 Endurance

80 Magic]

"So… It kind of looks like we're outnumbered quite a bit," I noted, counting the orcs to realise there were four orcs for each of us. "Do we have a plan or are we just charging in?"

Viera thought for a moment, "Most of them are distracted right now… I think we can take out a few of them if we are to sneak into their camp and kill them. We might even be able to avoid a fight."

So we're doing it the stealthy way huh? I can do that, but…

As I had expected, Odeta was not very keen on the idea.

"I wanna fight them! Let me fight them!"𝑛𝔬𝔳𝑒𝑙𝒩𝚎xt.𝒞𝑶𝑚

The three members of the Free Wind Mercenary group turned to me, as though silently asking what I thought about it.

I tapped my chin, "Hmm… Odeta could serve as a distraction while we attack them from the back I suppose?"

Melissa frowned, "Why do we even need to do that though? We can just sneak in like this and kill them while they're preoccupied with their captives."

Odeta crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I don't wanna! I came here for a fight! It's pointless if we aren't going to fight properly!"

Umm… What could be considered a 'proper' fight is kind of subjective… But I know Odeta meant a head on fight where no tricks are involved.

Well… The orcs aren't really that strong anyway and I believe she could handle them all on her own too.

I waved my hand at the other three, "I think we can just go with the plan to let Odeta distract them. With her taking all the attention, we can also be assured that there wouldn't be an ambush too. And if things go south, we wouldn't be too disadvantaged either."

Sabrina gave me a pointed look, "But… Miss Aster… These are orcs you know? Individually they may be around D ranked monsters but we're dealing with an entire village of them which is why it has been bumped up to C rank."

She's worried that Odeta is biting off more than she can chew despite being an Amrap I see.

I giggled, "Ehehe~ I guess it's normal that you don't know this but Odeta here is quite well known in her village as the Dragonslayer, you know?"

They froze upon hearing my words before slowly turning towards Odeta who had her chest puffed up in pride.

"Yeah… So I doubt a few orcs would be able to be a threat to her…" I continued with a mischievous smile.

Viera nodded, "As expected of La… I mean Miss Aster's adopted sister. In that case, let's go with your plan. We will sneak in from the front and start exterminating the orcs while Miss Odeta will circle around the back of the village with Miss Aster."

I raised my hand, "I was under the impression that I would go with you though?"

"Eh? Wouldn't Miss Aster prefer to go with Miss Odeta instead?"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Oh no, if I go with her she would not be able to have as much fun fighting those orcs, right?"

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster knows me so well! I'm leaving sister Aster in your care, ok?!"

"Ahh… To be tasked to take care of Lady Aster… If we let her get hurt we're going to die aren't we?" Melissa mumbled almost inaudibly.

Erm… You don't need to be so stressed about that, you know? I can also protect myself.

We went with that plan and Odeta left to circle around to the other side of the village which should take a few minutes for her. In the meantime, the four of us will sneak in from here and dispatch as many of the orcs as stealthily as possible.

My initial assessment was that there were twenty of them but who knows if there were more that were hidden from our sight inside the village?

With the two girls and one futa beside me, we started making our way towards the village.

"Would… Would Miss Aster like to take charge of the operation?" Viera asked as we moved.

I immediately shook my head, "Oh, definitely not. We are the ones joining your party and I'm not rude enough to ask for something like that. Please just treat me like a temporary party member and I'll follow your lead."

"Ugh…. To be leading Lady Nilm… I'm definitely going to die, aren't I?" Viera muttered under her breath, though still audible enough for me to hear.

Let's just pretend I did not hear anything…

The four of us slowly crept into the village where not even a guard was posted to keep watch, especially since it looked like pretty much every orc was occupied with raping the Mahuns they caught.

"Nooo!! No!! Don't!! I'm going to break!! I'm going to break!!"

"Please!! Nooo! I don't even swing that way!!"

"Ahhh!! I can't be a groom anymore!!"

"Arrrghh!! Why… Why is this orc's pussy so tight?!!"

I don't know how to feel about the sight of those males being raped by orcs though… And yes, there's female orcs raping them too… Though some of them were more interested in the female Mahuns instead…

Looking at the three girls beside me, they barely batted an eye at the sight, as though it was something they have grown accustomed to seeing.

I guess this must be common huh? Where they come across people getting raped by monsters?

If I'm not wrong, they say that the monsters were created by the god Hiandoca, who is also known to be the god of sex and lust in the first place so… I guess it comes as no surprise that the monsters also engage in such activities?

Please spare me from being raped though… Consent matters to me.

Viera gestured towards the orcs, "Everyone try to kill as many of them as quietly as you can, if you are spotted, regroup at the entrance and we'll fight them together. Anyone you rescue, send them to the entrance as well."

All of us nodded and spread ourselves out, making sure to keep ourselves out of sight from the orcs as we proceeded to start our extermination.

Once Odeta reaches the other side and starts her fight, we will have to abandon stealth and join the fray to surround the orcs.

I pulled out my Light Sword, which is taking every fibre of my being not to call it by a more familiar name, and snuck towards one of the male orcs that was currently looming over whom I'm assuming to be a male Mercenary by his broken armour.

"No!! No!! Please!! I won't recover from this!! Use my mouth instead! Please!!"

The orc either did not care or did not understand his words and merely positioned himself in between the guy's legs.

He moved his hips back and was about to thrust forward when my blade was thrust through his neck, my sword shining with light.

I pulled back and the orc gurgled, turning around to give me a look of anger while clutching his neck.

I was surprised that he wasn't dead yet until he suddenly keeled over onto the ground, blood pouring out like a fountain from his neck.

Did he really just live for a few seconds more to see who cockblocked him before he died? That's dedication, dude…

The male Mahun who almost got defiled looked up at me in surprise, "O… Oh! Are you here to save us?j! Quickly untie me! I can still fight!!"

I looked at his state where his clothes were pretty much torn up, his limbs were tied up tightly with ropes and he wasn't wearing any pants. Heck… Why is he even having a boner?

He looked down to see what I was looking at and he let out a shriek, "Ahhhh!! Please don't look! I don't like this ok?! It's just a survival instinct! You have to believe me!"

Hey, I'm not one to judge about your interests…

I cut the ropes binding him before nodding in the direction of where I came from, "Grab a weapon and… I guess some clothes and wait there. If we need help we'll call for you."

He nodded before running off.

It feels weird to see a butt naked dude running like that…

Oh well, moving on to the next orc…

Chapter 379 Orc Subjugation Complete

C379 Orc Subjugation Complete

After killing the first one, I moved on to the second orc that was standing over a bound and naked girl this time.

Nearby, I saw Viera also sneaking up to another orc who was also having his way with a bound girl.

Unfortunately for these two, the two orcs were already in the midst of enjoying themselves…

What I meant was that they were already being ravaged by the orcs mercilessly.

Viera spotted me and made eye contact, both of us nodding at the same time.

I moved forward with my sword at the ready, thrusting it through the orc's neck at the same time as Viera.

The orc I just attacked let out a soft gurgle as I pulled my sword back, causing it to fall backwards and its orc cock slip out from the girl's sex.

I reached forward to start freeing the girl but the moment the ropes were loose, the girl suddenly grabbed me with a frenzied look on her face.

"Cock!! Give me cock!! I want coooock!!"

What in the world?

I tried to pull myself free but she was surprisingly stronger than she looked. Not to say that she was stronger than me but I actually needed to exert some effort to free myself.

But that seemed to only make her more manic as she tried to tackle me onto the ground, only to have Viera hit her across the back of the head and causing her to pass out.

Viera also had the girl she rescued slung across her shoulders, similarly unconscious.

"What was that?" I whispered, remembering to keep quiet.

"They must have drugged some of the girls with aphrodisiacs… We'll have to leave them here for now. They might also want to sacrifice these orcs to regain their honour."𝑵𝒪𝑽𝓔𝗅𝗇𝔢xt.𝒸𝐎𝓂

Oh right… There was that thing where you could castrate and sacrifice your rapist to the god Nilali to… Err.. Restore your honour or something? I'm not too sure about the details since I don't have a need of it and sincerely wish that I would not have a need of it in the future either.

Maybe I can ask about it later.

We left the two unconscious girls aside and used some cloth we found to cover them. It wasn't much but it beats being completely naked.

Right then, sounds of combat and shouts came from the other side of the village.

"Seems like Odeta has already started. We killed less than I would like but I guess we have no choice but to join in now. Hopefully we can still catch a few by surprise."

She unsheathed her longsword once more and leapt towards where the sound was coming from.

To the side, I also spotted Melissa and Sabrina pulling out their own weapons to rush towards the fray.

Naturally, I joined in as well, though I decided not to use my sword for this fight and just use my fists and magic instead.

On the way, we went past several tied up Mahuns that were also victims of the orcs but we had no time to save them now.

Although there were a few orcs that seemed to be so lost in their lust that they did not even realise they were under attack and continued what they were doing.

Those orcs in particular we killed on the way.

When we reached the back of the village, we found Odeta already locked in combat with a number of orcs that had her surrounded.

Well… To normal people that might be a bad thing but definitely not Odeta…

"Wahahaha! Come at me all at once if you want! I'll beat you all up!!"

One of the orcs tried to smash his club at her head but she just reached out and grabbed the club in midair, using it to pull the orc close to her so that she could wrap her fingers around his throat.

The orc let out a surprised squeal before Odeta lifted him off the ground and above her head easily.

She let out a triumphant roar before tossing the orc aside, smashing him into another group of orcs that were standing there.

You would think that seeing the disparity in strength, the orcs might even hesitate to attack her, but it's clear that the only thing on their minds was wanting to fuck her by the looks of lust on their faces.

Well fuck all of you, no one touches Odeta on my watch! So don't you even think you can fondle those perfect abs in my presence!!

Viera was the first to reach the fight, her longsword piercing through an orc's chest from behind and causing the orc to let out a surprised squeal.

Sabrina followed in with her spear, stabbing her weapon in between the eyes of an orc that had turned around to see why its comrade was squealing, killing him instantly.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"I command the water to form under my direction. [Aqua Ball]!"

Melissa summoned a ball of water to wrap itself around the head of one of the orcs.

He panicked and tried to hit the water away but that did nothing except distort the shape a little.

Oh damn, she's just going to drown him like that.

One of the female orcs probably realised Melissa was maintaining the [Aqua Ball] spell and tried to rush her to dispel the effect.

I went ahead to intercept her by casting [Spark Strike], sending the small bolt of lightning to strike against the orc's chest.

The orc ended up being blown backwards to skid back a few feet, giving me the time I needed to charge my [Laser] which I then fired to decapitate her head.

Of course, with such a commotion, there was no way we wouldn't be spotted and the fight began once again.

Even though there were only five of us and about fifteen of them, the odds were still stacked in our favour.

The ironic thing was that the orcs were still thinking about sex so they were trying to pin us down to rape us more than to try and kill us, even when their own comrades were being killed right beside them.

With the other three, I leapt in to begin the melee.

After acting as support for so long, it's quite refreshing to be on the frontlines for a change.

Two of the orcs, a male and a female pair, rushed up to me with wooden clubs in their hands.

The look of desire was quite clear on their faces where I have no doubt they only picked me as an opponent because they wanted to rape me.

The male reached me first, his club swinging towards the side of my head.

I took a step forward, lowering my stance and letting the weapon sail above me to get past the orc's guard.

Simultaneously casting [Lightning Clad] and [Body Current] on my right arm, my strengthened and lightning enhanced fist punched towards the orc's abdomen.

I felt the abdomen of the orc cave in and the sound of several bones snapping could also be heard.

A moment later, the orc was sent flying back to crash into one of the orc huts, smashing down the wall and even bringing part of the roof down to crash on top of it.

A small discharge of electricity could also be seen coming from the debris as the orc was also electrocuted by the current running through him.

Definitely dead.

The female did not even slow down her advance despite that display. In fact, she did not even pay attention to her comrade and simply charged at me with her club raised above her head.

I leaned back and channelled the same two spells to my right foot this time, kicking it up to smash into the side of her head.

There was another loud crack as her head snapped to the side, a clear indication of her neck breaking before she spun away to crash into the same building.

Just as my feet touched the ground, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand and I quickly ducked, letting the arrow aimed for me fly past.

Huh… Seems like there's at least one orc who did not mind killing me instead of subduing me… Unless this one has a necrophilia fetish which I honestly won't be surprised if that was the case.

I turned back and fired a [Spark Strike] at the orc who shot the arrow, forcing it to drop his bow momentarily.

With that time given to me, I targeted the space above the orc and used [Link Portal], opening up a portal in front of me that I quickly jumped through.

I ended up appearing above the orc and used the same two enhancement spells on my knee, smashing it against his face and splattering his head into the ground.

Eww… Gross… I've got orc's blood on my dress… Better wash it thoroughly when I get home…

I looked at the rest to see how they were doing and… Well… They look fine.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Viera, Sabrina and Melissa were coordinating together well to take down the orcs coming after them, which was expected of veteran Mercenaries like them.

And Odeta… She's literally picking up orcs to use them as improvised clubs to whack other orcs with…

"Wahahaha! Come and get it you stupid pigs!!"

She's so cool~ I wanna fondle her abs later~

Chapter 380 You May Sacrifice To Restore Your Honour (*R)

C380 You May Sacrifice To Restore Your Honour (*R)

Uwaaaaa~ Odeta's abs are so niceeeeee~


Squish~ Squish~

"Wahahaha! That was a good fight!" Odeta cheered, not even bothered by me who is stuck to her abs with my face right now.

"Lady… Ahem… Miss Aster is really strong huh…"

"As expected of her I guess…"

"Does she even need an escort?"

I heard the three of them whispering amongst themselves but I was too preoccupied with Odeta's abs to care.

It took a minute for me to be satisfied before we moved on to gathering all the Mahuns that the orcs captured in the centre of the village.

The ones affected by the aphrodisiacs seemed to have calmed down after they woke up from being knocked out, so at least we don't have to deal with that.

I was the inexperienced one here so I was just watching them by the side with Odeta, looking at how things were proceeding with great interest.

Viera had gone ahead to organise the survivors to help move the orcs in a pile together and we got ready to start disassembling the monsters we killed.

"Alright! Everyone gather around! We have the corpses of the orcs here for the ones who wish to restore their honour! Just help us extract the Mana Crystals first!" Viera instructed.

I was curious how that was done so I went to watch a few of the Mahuns take the corpses of the orcs and move them to the side.

They first extracted the Mana Crystal from their bodies and handed it to us before each of them knelt in front of the corpse of the orc that was raping them.

Some of them even had a few Mahuns to a single corpse which I guessed meant they were victims of the same orc? How they managed to tell the orcs apart is beyond me since they pretty much looked the same to me.

With a knife, they castrated the orcs in front of them, which also included the female orcs for some of them, before setting the genitalia on the monster's chest. Still in the kneeling position, they clasped their hands together in prayer, which I assumed that they were moving to the 'sacrificing to Nilali' part of the ritual.

At first I thought that this might just be a psychological thing for them where they just do this for their own satisfaction.

I was proven wrong when all of them were wrapped up in a layer of light that seemed to cling to their bodies, illuminating them for a few moments before the bodies of the orcs disappeared right before our very eyes.

Ah… So that's how it works huh?

They literally offer the corpses of their rapist and the goddess will return their 'honour' to them. Though does that return their chastity even if they weren't a virgin before this?

I tried to ask Melissa about it and the mage girl seemed slightly amused that I did not know about this.

"Ah, it's nothing like that Miss Aster. All this does is return their body's condition to before they were raped."

"Does that include their mental state?"

Oh you know… People get mentally scarred by these kinds of things… Even if their body were to recover, their minds might still be broken.

Melissa gave me a smile, "Oh, yes. That's the main part of this ritual actually. The God Nilali will help them dull the feelings of this encounter to the point that they would just treat this as just a passing event instead of something traumatising."

I tapped my chin with a finger, "That's really interesting. Is there a reason why we sacrifice them to god Nilali?"

"Why, that's because the domain of marriage and love is under them of course. That's why everyone follows the concept where kissing is a sign of devotion since that is what is decreed by God Nilali."

How interesting…

"But why a kiss though? Isn't… Well… Isn't sex more… Intimate?"

Melissa tilted her head, "Eh? How so? Kissing is the most intimate someone can get. Which is why this ritual also negates the feeling of having your lips stolen during a rape too if that happened."

Right, this probably wouldn't make sense to me since their customs were different from mine.

I've already come to terms with some of it like how casual sex is over here but the kissing part…

Like I want to just kiss my lovers at any opportunity I get… But to the people here, they would just maybe at most raise any eyebrow at you pulling down your pants to start fucking your partner but would otherwise not say anything much.

But the moment you go and kiss your partner, there would be wide eyes and gasps around.

Not to say they see it as lewd, but it's kind of equivalent to someone shouting "I love you, please stay with me for the rest of time" out loud to everyone within earshot.

It's not something that's considered socially unacceptable but it's basically PDA… And we all know how some people see others doing that outside…

Ah yes, Lisa basically doesn't care what other people think so she'll do it in front of others with me…

"Does Miss Aster have someone you're interested in?" Sabrina asked, strolling up behind Melissa.I think you should take a look at

"Eh? Why do you say so?"

"Fufu~ Most young girls like you only ask that question when they have someone they would like to kiss. So who's the lucky person? Oh! Might it be your sister Odeta?"

Err… I like her, but not in that way… At least, not yet. I still see her as my cute sister despite her being twice my height.

But seriously, the fact that she assume that we were like that meant that it was common enough of an occurrence that it would not be weird for something like this to happen between us.

"No… I do have someone I like… Actually, umm… A few someones, but that's not why I asked actually. We already kissed if that's what you want to know."

"Ahhh~ That's so cute! When?! Where?!"

I don't want to tell them that Lisa basically kissed me in the baths while under the influence of Delmare's singing so I just hid my face behind my hands and shook my head.

The two girls giggled but neither of them pressed me for more information and left it at that.

It took a while more before everyone was done and we gathered back at the village entrance with the survivors.

Quite a lot of them came up to thank us profusely for saving them and giving them the chance to regain their honour.

Because the ritual involved the sacrifices being taken away by the god Nilali in return for her blessing, some parties might not let the victims perform the ritual to not lose the monster parts they could potentially collect from the corpses.

The only thing you can extract from the corpse is the Mana Crystals and if you try to extract more parts from the monster aside from that, the sacrifice will not be accepted.

Although it seemed like it was fine if the rapist was damaged in a fight which resulted in an incomplete body. I guess this god Nilali is able to tell when a corpse was exploited or not.

I suppose I can understand why some parties would not let them do that… As Mercenaries, you would prioritise yourself or at least your own party over some strangers you might never meet again after all.

Of course, since Viera was the designated party leader for this quest, she would have the say on what we did with the corpses which was fine with me since I'm only here to accompany Odeta to have some fun.

That's why quite a number of the victims were thanking our party right now.

There were a few who also came to thank me as well, namely the girl and guy whom I saved.


Incidentally, both of them tried to ask me out on a date to 'show their appreciation' to which I gently declined.

The girl then suggested that she pleasure me orally right there and I was going to decline that too when I heard some moans coming from the side.

Looking there, I saw Viera, Sabrina and Melissa with someone kneeling in front of them and their mouths latched in between their legs.

Viera was even holding her girlfriends' hands while she got her dick sucked by the girl she rescued, who seemed really enthusiastic about sucking her cock.

Wow, really? I guess this is something normal here as well?

Oh right… There was the thing about not wanting to owe people favours or something right?

I turned back to the girl who was looking at me with eyes of anticipation.

"Alright… But just to let you know… I'm a futa. Are you still ok with that?"

She nodded quickly so I went ahead to raise my skirt to allow her access to my crotch.

She immediately sank to her knees and grasped my cock in her hands, stroking it to full hardness with experienced hands.

Once again, the immorality of such a situation was already making me aroused so it did not take long before my cock was fully erect.

The girl then went ahead to swallow up my cock in her mouth, though she did not take off my penis sheath before doing so.

Her hands then busied themselves with fondling my balls and also playing with my pussy, focusing on trying to get me to orgasm.

I shuddered when she sucked my cock all the way until her nose pressed up against my waist, her throat clenching and massaging my cock.

Probably spurred by the sight, another young woman came up behind me to start groping my boobs from behind, her hands massaging my globes and intensifying the pleasure I was already feeling.

I lifted my arms slightly to give them easier access, letting myself be lost in the pleasure as the two girls pleasured me.

"I'm… I'm cumming!" I warned as soon as I felt myself near the point of no return.

The woman sucking on my cock quickly released me from her mouth and jerked me off until I reached my climax, my seed spurting out into my penis sheath.

I groaned as I winded down from my high, taking a moment to see the other three girls also cumming simultaneously.

Unngh… As expected of another World… The customs really are different here…

I can get used to this~

Chapter 381 Public Appearance Of The Third Princess

C381 Public Appearance Of The Third Princess

"Big Sister! Over here! Over here!!" The princess waved excitedly from the palace gates.

Yep, today's my 'date' with the princess and this time, she's not incognito.

"You sure are excited today," I giggled.

She waved her arms excitedly, "Of course! We are going out together today! It's all thanks to Big Sister that Papa and Mama are letting me go out!"

Well… I guess she's not wrong to say that.

"Good morning, Young Mistress Nilm," Aria greeted me with a bow. "Thank you once again for agreeing to this. The King and Queen would also like to express their utmost gratitude to you."

Hmm… That's fine and all but I thought I would actually meet them face to face.

As though reading my thoughts, Aria continued, "They also offer their sincerest apologises for not being able to thank Young Mistress Nilm in person as they are currently away from the palace to inspect the outskirts of the capital."

She then gave me a look and I realised that this was part of the plan.

They would leave the capital so the people who were targeting Tiara might think this was the perfect chance for them to attack since the king and queen would not be here.

Of course, they were not going to make it look too obvious that this was all a set up so we were also being accompanied by a few Royal Knights.

I did a quick scan using [Screened] and damn… Their stats were all above the five hundred range…

Not as strong as Mary or Sebastian but they're still really strong.

They were wearing full, gilded plate armour and full face helms with various weapons strapped on to them.

All of them nodded at me in greeting but said nothing so I assumed they were not allowed to converse with us.

"Well, are we ready to go and have some sweets, your highness?" I asked.

Tiara pouted at me, "Why is Big Sister calling me that?"

I nodded at the Royal Guards, "It would be improper to not address your highness by proper decorum."

She waved her arms cutely, "Noooo! I want Big Sister to call me like usual! I don't wanna!!"

Aria smiled at me, "Young Mistress Nilm, please do not feel like you need to stand on ceremony. It is a request from the princess herself after all."

Unnghh… If you say so…

"Then… Are we ready to go, Tiara?"

"Yes!!! Yayyy! Cookies with Big Sister!!"

She ran up and held my hand in hers while the Royal Knights took positions in front and behind us, separating into two groups of five each before we started our walk out of the palace.

By the way… This was made into a really big affair too, which surprised me quite a bit since I thought we would be doing this quietly…

But nope, they went ahead to announce that the third princess was making a public appearance and there's practically a huge crowd of people gathered to catch sight of her.

The good thing was that I was wearing my mask so no one would know who I was, so I didn't need to worry about people knowing how I looked. The other good thing was that they did not reveal she would be escorted by someone from the Nilm family so most might think I'm just a servant close to the princess whom she sees as a sister.

At least… That's what I hope so anyway…

But seriously… I'd think about half the city had turned up to line the entire path leading from the palace to the sweets shop that we wanted to go to.

You would think there was a parade or something with how everyone was arranged on both sides of the street and how big of a crowd this turned out to be.

The onlookers were all whispering amongst themselves when they saw the princess.

"That's the third princess?"

"They said that she's cursed isn't it? I thought that she would look hideous or something…"

"She's pretty cute."

"Hey, hey… Do you think the curse was a lie?"

"Oh… You didn't hear? There was supposedly an attack on the palace gates a few days ago. Some say that the attackers were demons or something."

"No way! What happened?"

"Shh… I'll tell you later. But it's better not to get involved with the princess."

Well… I'm actually surprised that news of the attack actually made it out to the public.

I'm guessing one of the guards blabbered to their friends who then went on to gossip to someone else outside the palace which spread that around.

I felt a weight press itself against my back and I turned to see Tiara hiding behind me.

"Big… Big Sister… Why are there so many people? There's… Even more than the sweets shop from before…"

"Umm… Well… That's to be expected since everyone in this city has never seen you before and they want to see how cute you are~" I chuckled.

"Uuuu… Papa is right… They want to eat me, don't they?"

"Hmm… Not everyone, but I think there might be some of them who do want that… But don't worry, Aria, the knights and I will be here to stop them from coming to eat you!"I think you should take a look at

She tilted her head up to look at me, "Re… Really? Big sister will protect me, right?"

"Fufu~ Of course~ You can leave it to me~"

She slowly got out from behind me and we went to board the open top carriage that was waiting for us while the knights went to mount their horses.

They intentionally selected an open top carriage so that the princess is in full view huh.

With everything prepared, the carriage started its journey towards the sweets shop that we were planning on visiting today located in the Merchant's district.

We could have gone to one in the Noble's District instead but they had intentionally picked the Merchant's district to allow the most people to see the princess.

Though this might be a plan to draw out the people plotting against her, it also served as a publicity stunt to introduce the third princess to the people.

At least… That's what Mary told me when I asked about it anyway. She said the Royal Family was taking this chance to create sympathisers for the princess or something.

Since that had something to do with politics, I decided not to think too much about it.

There was only one problem though…

The crowd was practically just silently watching us ride past.

You would have probably expected them to be cheering and waving but they were really just staring at us as we went past…

Tiara was looking at Arai and I, "Uuuu… Why are they all staring at me, Big Sister? Aria?"

Well… There's the thing about your curse so they're concerned about that I guess? But what could you do about that since this was already something that was attached to you…

Aria smiled at her, "I suppose they are just waiting for you to wave at them, Princess."

Eh? I don't think that would help though?

Tiara looked at her maid, "Wa… Wave at them?"

"Yes, your highness. They are waiting for you to wave at them," The maid repeated.

"O… Ok…"

No, no… That's definitely not the case, Aria… What are you making Tiara do?

Trusting her maid, Tiara turned back to the silent crowd, only to quickly turn back to look at me when she felt nervous from all the eyes looking back at her.

Her eyes were even starting to water and it made it seem like this is some kind of punishment for her instead.

"Big Sister…" She pleaded.

Oh, she wants to know how she should wave since she has never done this before.

But it's not like I have experience with this either…

Err… I guess I can just emulate those people I saw in my old World when they went on parades?

I showed her the simple wave where you would just sort of shake your hand a little in the air.

That seemed to reinvigorate her as she turned back to the crowd, sucked in a breath, then raised her hand to do the wave I showed her.

Everyone just stared back at her.

Ugh… No good huh? I'm sorr--

"Uwwwoooo!! She's so cute!!"

"The princess is ultra cute!!"

"Oh by the Gods she's definitely the cutest!!"

"Marry me, Princess!!"𝒩𝑜𝒱𝓮𝐋𝔫𝓮xt.𝓒𝗈𝑚

"Who's the one beside the princess though?"

"Who cares?! The princess is cute!!"

"Yes loli, no touch!!!"

What the heck people… She's not even a loli, come on…

The cheers spread like a wave and soon enough the entire crowd switched from being silent to cheering out loud for the princess.

At first, the princess was taken aback by the sudden change and tried to hide behind me again which only made the crowd cheer even more for the cute gesture.

With my assurance that everything was fine, she slowly moved out from behind me and waved again, making everyone cheer even more.

Really? That's all it took for you all to start liking the princess?

These people are weird…