

Chapter 363 We Have Royal Servants Too

C363 We Have Royal Servants Too

"So she's been coming here everyday?" Lisa asked as we watched Odeta train the princess in the gardens below the balcony we were on.

I sipped my tea, "Mmhmm, I'm more surprised that the king and queen let her come here so often."

"It just shows how much your family's influence has, Aster~"

I already knew that, but I was thinking that it was more because the king and queen trusted us with their daughter's safety so they let her come here.

I guess within a school of maids trained in all sorts of combat situations would arguably be a safer place than anywhere else, especially when you have a maid and butler that could go toe to toe with a young dragon and win…

If I think of it that way, then it really just means that the Royal Family is using us, isn't it?

That would actually explain quite a bit on why the princess is allowed here…

Well, I still benefit from this arrangement since eating sweets with her is always fun~ And having sweets after a long workout also feels great!

But right now, I'm enjoying a little bit of tea with the others as it's been a while since the last time I had one with them instead of the princess. Of course Katsuki was here to serve me as diligently as always.

Delmare took a sip from her own tea before setting the cut down, "It seems like Odeta is having a lot of fun teaching her though?"

I nodded, "She has been trained by her sister since she was young so having someone else to train must be a refreshing change for her. I guess she also sees the princess as a little sister now, either consciously or unconsciously."

Lisa sighed, "Do I need to remind you that she's supposedly a cursed child? I have a feeling that we would end up getting involved with her troubles sooner or later."

"Mmm… But I do want to help her though? So I guess this is fine right?"

"If that is what Aster says so, then I guess there's no need for me to worry about that~"

I leaned against the table while propping my head up with my palm, "Speaking of which… What happened to Aaron? Last I remembered he was utterly broken after knowing the truth?"

Lisa giggled, "Oh you know, I did some things to his memories so he wouldn't remember most of what happened~ He wouldn't even remember that he and I were 'dating' before~"

"Oh… Is he going to still attend your class?"

She waved her hand dismissively, "Oh definitely not. After he 'knew' that we weren't dating, his interest in the magic completely dissipated and he dropped out of my class soon after that. That means it'll be just you and me for our classes now, Aster~ Ehehehe!"

That's to be expected I suppose… And I already know what Lisa would be planning to do when I go back to class with her…

My Infrid has been practically holding herself back during our classes after all.

"Faster!! Move those legs!! You're getting slower!!"

I looked down from the balcony again, watching the Amrap berate the princess as they ran around the garden.

I've said this the first time but I still feel that it's kind of surreal seeing the princess in a tracksuit. Her maid was even running alongside them in her maid outfit while carrying a towel and a canteen of water.

"The princess is really working hard," Delmare commented.

Lisa turned to me, "Is there some kind of entry requirement to enter your school, Aster?"

At first I thought Lisa was asking about Aerialla Academy and got really confused why she would ask such a question seeing that she's a teacher there herself. It took me a moment before I realised she was asking about Mother's maid school instead.

"Erm… I'm not too sure since I'm not really involved in the administration side of Mother's school," I admitted.

In fact, I'm not even involved in anything related to the school so I have less than no idea on what even is the entry requirement, if any, for being enrolled here.

As far as I can tell, not just anyone can be a maid here but I'm not sure if the maids here were all handpicked or the prospective students need to undergo some kind of test before they can be admitted.

I tilted my head, "Why do you ask though?"

Lisa gestured to the princess that was already lying on the ground in exhaustion after running for a hundred metres, "Why not just have the princess enrol in your school and have her train here alongside the maids instead? Wouldn't that be a better idea?"I think you should take a look at

I gasped, "Oh! That's actually a great idea Lisa! I didn't think of that!"

Delmare tapped her chin with a finger, "But would that be fine though? Isn't moving from a princess to a maid a really big of a step down? Would they even accept that?"

"Hmm… I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask Mother about it. I'll go look for--"

"Ara, ara~ Did my little one call for me?"

I jumped a little when I heard Mother's voice come from behind me, a portal closing behind her with Mary standing to the side.

I'm guessing Mary heard our conversation and went to call for Mother immediately to bring her here. Isn't that a little too much? I could have just gone to where Mother was instead…

Oh well.

"What does Mommy think about letting the princess enrol as a maid in Mommy's school?"

"Ara, ara? As expected of my little one! You're already thinking of trying to influence the Royal Family by making them beholden to us and having one of them serve us? Ufufufu~ You would definitely be a great conqueror, my dearest child~"

"That… That wasn't what I was thinking at all!"

"Ufufufu~ I jest, of course. Ahhh~ My little one truly is the cutest, don't you agree, girls?"

Lisa hugged my arm, "Ehehehe~ Of course Aster is the cutest~"

"Ah! Me too! I think Aster is also very cute!" Delmare added, hugging my other arm.

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ My little one is so loved~ Well if my little one wants to know, Mama doesn't mind her joining the school though it would be another question of whether she wants to or whether her parents accept it or not. My little one knows that our maids are loyal to us first and everything else second right?"

"Unn… Yes, I have heard of that Mommy. Does this mean the princess would also need to do the same?"

"Ufufufu~ That is correct my little one~ In exchange for room and board, tutorship, safety and all the privileges that come from being trained as a maid of the Nilm family, they would offer their full loyalty to our family~ That is the only condition for joining us~ It does not matter who they are and where they come from, but once they have stepped into the class, they are a maid of the Nilm family first."

So that means the princess would most likely lose her position as a princess should she choose to be trained here? Especially since the Royal Family might want to avoid having a Royal who would place our family first instead of the country?

Yeah, I don't think it's possible for them to accept this proposal after all.

"Mmm… Then I don't think it's a good idea anymore… TThere's no way a Royal would accept such conditions imposed on them, right?"

Mother giggled, "Oh my little one~ There have been instances Royals being admitted into this school to be trained, you know?"

"Eh?! Wait, really?! But why? They'll be giving up their rights to the throne, won't they?"

Lisa also gasped, "I never heard about this as well!"

Mother came behind me to hug me from behind, "Well, you see~ Almost all the time, there will be more than one child who is eligible for the throne and things can be pretty heated in the battle for succession. But since there is only one throne, there can only be one winner and the losers will have to be content with what they are given. But some of them might have rubbed some shoulders the wrong way during their battle for the throne and would be seen as an eyesore by others so… Ufufufu~"

"Ah… I get it… So to protect themselves, they choose to come here and serve the Nilm family instead to guarantee their own safety?" I guessed.

"Ara, ara? My little one is so smart! That's precisely correct~ So the Royals who have no interest in the throne or are looking to run away from something might just choose to end up here instead~ We have had several Royals turned servants throughout the years here~"

Which means Mother most likely has seen multiple generations of the Royal Family throughout her life… I knew it.

I wonder if any of our current servants were also past members of the Royal Family or even descendents from them?

Heck… I could have been screwing one of them without even knowing all this while…

Let's just not think about that…

Well… I suppose all I can say is keep up the good work, Tiara!

Chapter 364 Supporting My Classmates In The Dungeon

C364 Supporting My Classmates In The Dungeon

Today was a day in the Dungeons with my classmates.

They wanted to head down further into the twentieth floor and wanted me along as support for the boss fight. Odeta would also be accompanying us as additional muscle in case things go south.

But seeing that the Dungeon had already been restored to its normal state, it should not be as dangerous as before. Still, it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

I looked at Tika, Henri and Jules with a critical eye, checking that all of their equipment was in perfect condition.

"Do you have any potions?" I asked.

Tika nodded, prompting all of them to show the vials of healing potions they have brought along with them.


They pulled out the stone in question without hesitation.

"A weapon aside from your main sword?"

Tika pulled out a long dagger while Henri and Jules each let a little bit of magic spark through their fingers alongside a knife they kept on their waist.


Jules lifted the parchment he would be using to map out the Dungeon.


All of us looked down at the piles of food, water and sleeping bags laid out neatly in front of us. Judging by the amount, it should be enough to last them at least three days, maybe even a week if they were to ration it.

I nodded, "Alright, looks like you're all prepared! We can get ready to go then!"

The three of them started packing their things into the bags though Henri had a question for me, "Was it necessary to pack the rations too? Aren't we just going in there for at most half a day?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "And what happens if you get caught up in a trap and you lose your way inside the maze? Are you confident that you would be able to find your way out quickly? And what if you run into strong monsters blocking the way out?"

"Ughh… I understand… It's better to be prepared for the worst than not at all…"

I nodded, "That's right. I'm already taking into account the fact that this is an easy Dungeon, otherwise I would want you guys to pack at least enough food for a week."

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster is always careful about these kinds of stuff! But it's true that this is the standard that Dungeoneers would prepare before heading to the Dungeons! If you are not prepared well enough, then you are preparing to die!"

That sounds harsh but it is true, you never know what might happen inside the Dungeon so without proper preparations, you'll most likely die the moment something unexpected occurs.

You might be fighting a monster and then your weapon breaks, without a backup weapon to fall back on, you'll get killed right there and then.

You might also get caught up in a teleportation trap that sends you into a part of the Dungeon that you're not familiar with, potentially with monsters stronger than you are. Without rations, you are forced into a race against time as you try to find your way out before you start fighting on an empty stomach.

That desperation might drive you to make mistakes which might turn out to be fatal as well.

That's why there's no such thing as over preparing for a Dungeon dive.

After the three of them had packed their things, I hefted my own Pack of Folding on my back and let Tika guide us into the Dungeon.

She placed her hand by the side of the stairs to switch our destination before leading the way down, the rest of us following closely behind her.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we found ourselves in front of the boss room where the door was left wide open.

"Are we the first ones here from our class?" I asked.

Tika shook her head, "No, I heard that there are other groups that have gone further than this. The fastest one is already at the thirtieth floor I believe."

"Well, it's better not to rush, we have until the end of the year after all."

She nodded before we headed to the entrance of the boss room, peeking in to see what was waiting for us.

Inside the small hall was what looked like some kind of giant caterpillar the size of a pickup truck.

[Name: Giant String Caterpillar

Race: Monster


20 Strength

5 Dexterity

20 Endurance

10 Magic]I think you should take a look at

Well… This was supposed to be an easy Dungeon after all so it's no surprise that the monsters are this weak even if they were the floor bosses…

I don't know if I should be glad that it's not rats anymore but I don't really feel that assured when it's a giant bug either.

Tika turned to us,"Giant String Caterpillar… It can spit out a sticky string that would impede your movements so watch out for that. Its skin is also quite tough so you might need more force than normal to cut through it with your swords. Aster, please limit to healing and support. Odeta, I'll rely on you to jump in when things get too dangerous for us."

I nodded, "Don't worry, I'll watch your backs."

Odeta thumped her chest confidently, "Leave it to me!"

Receiving our confirmations, Tika turned to Henri and Jules to make sure they were ready as well before stepping into the boss room with us.

The fog wall appeared behind us to block our exit which prompted the boss to let out a screech of challenge at us.

We quickly dropped our bags and took up fighting stances.

"I'll take point! The both of you flank it!!" Tika ordered, charging straight towards the caterpillar with her longsword raised.

The caterpillar rose up on its hind legs and Tika quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the sticky threads that were spit out from the monster before continuing her charge.

The boss stomped back down just as Tika reached it, her sword slashing down on its head from above.

The blade made a mark against the caterpillar's skin but it was nothing more than just a scratch.

It still enraged the boss as it lunged forward to try and bite the swordswoman.

Tika raised her sword again to parry the blow, managing to block it though it did send her skidding back a feet or two.

Henri and Jules then reached the caterpillar's side at that moment and slashed their own swords at it, their blades cutting into the monster's sides at the same time.

Just like with Tika, their blades only caused superficial wounds at most so it wasn't a decisive blow yet, though it certainly does seem to hurt the boss a little.

Tika rushed forward and slashed her sword again, preventing the monster from turning its attention to the two younger swordsmen at its flanks.

The monster then curled back a bit and Tika's eyes widened, "Watch out! It's going to spin!!"

All of them leapt away from the boss as it spun in a circle in an attempt to smash its attackers with its body. Unfortunately, Jules was just a little bit too slow and ended up being slammed by its tail end.

The boy was sent rolling away but he kept his grip on his sword, using the roll to absorb the impact of the blow he received.

The other two quickly rushed the boss again, trusting me to be able to take care of their injured brethren.

I leapt to Jules's side and started casting [Close Wounds] on him, making sure I did the proper chant as well.

"You good?" I asked as the spell took effect on him.

"Yes, ungh… Just a small bruise I think, I'll be fine."

He quickly got back on his feet to join the fight again.

I watched as the three of them continued hacking away at the caterpillar, all of them still trying to get through the tough skin of the caterpillar.

Tika managed to stab her sword into one of the boss monster's eyes which definitely dealt some damage as it reared up in pain.

Unfortunately for her, she did not manage to pull out her blade in time and the sword was wrenched out of her grasp while still stuck to the monster.

She reacted quickly and pulled out the dagger on her waist, equipping it with her dominant hand.

The caterpillar then opened its mandibles again which was a sign of it preparing to spit out its sticky thread again.

I quickly casted [Darkness Paranoia] on it, robbing it of its vision which sent it into a panic.

It reared up its head and the string ended up being shot onto the ceiling, giving Tika the chance she needed to climb up the caterpillar to reach its head and stab her dagger into the other side of the caterpillar's eyes.

She then grabbed a hold of both of her blades and pulled back, cutting through the monster's head before she leapt off the boss.

Tika landed on her feet as Henri and Jules hurriedly retreated from the monster falling on its side with a crash, its blood spilling out of the wound like a fountain.

Yep, it's dead.

Oh, not bad, they managed to beat it quite easily on their own without much help from us.

Easy game.

Playing the support role in a party isn't that bad either.

Chapter 365 They Got One Too

C365 They Got One Too

Tika decided to head further down the Dungeon since they manage to defeat the boss much more easily than expected.

Since the strongest monster on this floor was just the mob version of the String Caterpillar with less than half its stats, there wasn't really much danger for this party so I agreed to continue.

But since the danger level decreased so much, there wasn't really much for Odeta and myself to do aside from watching over them.

Even when they meet a group of those String Caterpillars, they are still able to handle themselves quite well without needing our help.

The most I would do would be to cast a simple [Close Wounds] spell on them after the fight is over in the event that one of them got hit by a monster's attack.

Tika seemed to be quite good at spotting traps too so we didn't need to worry about those either.

I could tell that Odeta was starting to get bored so I decided to strike up a conversation with her as we were moving through the corridors of the Dungeon.

"So… How's training with the princess?"

"Hmm? Oh! She's a great student! Wahahaha! She takes her training seriously too so I think she might be a really strong fighter in the future! I can't wait to spar with her when she does!"

"Oh~ That good? If Odeta approves of her, it really means she has a chance huh?"

"Wahaha! Of course she won't be as good as sister Aster or even big sister Ardi, but she does have talent!"

I tilted my head, "A talent for getting stronger?"

"That's right! She has the motivation and she's also physically gifted too despite being a Mahun! If I had to guess, one of her ancestors might even have been an Amrap!"

Well… Last I remembered, she collapsed on the ground after running for a short distance so are you sure about that? But I suppose I should remember that she never tried any physical exercises before this and she's still young as well.

"Mmm… Do be careful not to push her too hard, ok?" I reminded her.

"Wahaha! No need to worry, sister Aster! I have experienced training others too!"

"Yes, but I assume your experience comes from training other Amraps, right? Remember to drop your standards a little because the princess is a Mahun."


That one word response from her told me all that I needed to know.

"You forgot about that didn't you?" I asked, making a face at her. "Even though you felt that she had talent despite being a Mahun?"

Odeta scratched her cheek in embarrassment, "Ehehehe… Maybe?"

"Please be careful, it wouldn't be good if she pushes herself too hard and then hurt herself in the process…"

Or worse… Even die… I remember how in my old World, it's not really uncommon to see news about some person who exercised too hard and then lost their life because of it.

Odeta tilted her head at me, "Hmm? If she hurts herself, then sister Aster could just heal her up right?"

I forgot healing magic exists in this World…

Wait, so doesn't this mean that I could have just healed away my muscle soreness whenever I worked out?! Have I been suffering through all that unnecessarily?!

Oh wait… If I'm not wrong, healing magic would restore the body back to its normal condition in the event of an injury, so if I was having muscle pains, it might undo all the training to revert it back to the state before the workout.

Yeah… I think I remember that being taught in our Iatromancy class so there's still no cheating if you want some gains.

Well, having that undone is still better than losing your life from working out too much anyway.

Hmmm... I wonder if there's a magic that helps stop or at least numb the pain? That would at least still make it easier for--

[Low Anaesthesia]

Just like that, a spell came into my mind…

Goddamn it, there actually is a spell for numbing the pain… But looking at the spell name, it kind of sounds like you'll lose feeling in that area so it might not be a good thing either.

Though I guess it might be used in case of an emergency or something.

Just as I was wondering about the practical applications of such a spell, a shout of warning came from the front.

"Two String Caterpillars! I'll take one, you two focus on the other one!" Tika ordered, already rushing forward.

The two boys yelled out an affirmative and charged their target as well, engaging the monster in close combat.I think you should take a look at

I directed my focus towards the fight just in case something happened, but my worries went unfounded as the three of them managed to beat the monsters quite easily.

Both monsters were cut to shreds within moments and the battle was already over.

I only needed to cast a healing spell on Henri when he mistimed his sword swing and got body slammed by the monster.

It wasn't anything much, there wasn't even a bruise but I just used the spell on him since it did leave a small mark on his chest.

"Hey, what's this?" Jules asked while I was healing his brother.

He picked up something from the floor and I realised it was a black, featureless stone.

Woah… No way…

"Oh!! Oh by the Gods!! You're really lucky!! That's a Blessing Stone!!" Tika exclaimed excitedly. "You can use it to get a blessing from the Gods if you were to bring it to a temple!!"

"Eh? Where did this come from though?"

"It must have dropped from the String Caterpillar the two of you defeated! On rare occasions, items might appear after you kill monsters! To think you actually got a Blessing Stone in a Dungeon like this, you're really lucky!"

Jules looked at the stone in his hand, "Ehhh… But… What does it do?"

"Like I said, you can get a blessing from the Gods! Like an actual blessing from the Gods themselves! Some people who got it found that they got stronger, others had their appearance beautified and there's even cases where one or two people received a large sum of Creas!"

Henri came to his brother's side and looked over his shoulder at it, "That's cool. How have we not heard about this before?"

"Because it's really, really rare! That's why you're really lucky to have one!"

"Didn't sister Aster get one of this back then too?" Odeta asked innocently.

That made all three of them turn to me.

Tika's eyes widened, "Aster received one too?! By the Gods, I'm surrounded by lucky people!!"

I scratched my cheek, "It's… Well… I got it as a Dungeon clear reward back when we were fixing this Dungeon's anomaly… I think Jules is luckier to have received it as a monster drop instead."

The boy in question pointed at the stone in his hands, "So is this really a Blessing Stone or whatever it's called?"

I nodded, "It certainly looks like the one I had before. And yes, you can get a blessing from the gods if you were to bring it to a temple."

"So what blessing did Aster get? You did bring yours to a temple, right?" Henri asked excitedly.

"Err… I got a blessing that helps me learn things faster I guess?" I lied, figuring it would help explain some things when my new boons appear later on.

Tika clasped her hands together, "Ohhh! That explains how Aster is so talented!"

Odeta scoffed, "Ha! Sister Aster was already talented to begin with! She doesn't need any blessing to become talented!"

Ugh… That stings Odeta… I can't even tell you that I cheated by being an Off-Worlder and getting benefits from the gods before coming here…

Jules nodded, "That's true, Aster only got her Blessing Stone after she cleared this Dungeon right? She was already this skilled even before that."

Tika gasped, "That means everything up till now has just been purely your own skill and efforts? Ugh… Geniuses really are something else."

Stop, stop… Please… You're hurting me… I got all this from cheats…

Henri turned back to his brother, "So what are you going to do, bro? You want to go and get that blessing?"

Jules raised an eyebrow at Tika, "Shouldn't the party leader receive this instead?"

She waved her hand, "Oh no, no. Please don't say that. The two of you defeated that monster by yourselves so that drop is all yours."

He nodded before pushing the Blessing Stone to his brother, "I don't need it brother. You're the one who would be aiming to attend Aerialla Academy so you're going to need all the help you can get. I'm just going to stay behind to take care of the family business so this is wasted on me."

Henri gaped at the stone, "Are you sure bro? You could get a blessing that can help you with your business."

"I'm sure. Especially when Aster here is also going to the Academy right? Then without this, I doubt you can even keep up with her. That's why take it, brother."

I was already feeling really embarrassed by now so I just went ahead to distract myself by groping Odeta's abs instead, the Amrap just chuckling along with my actions while not minding me in the slightest.

Ehehehe~ Squish~

I have to say it really is lucky for them to find one though… I even remember thinking about how I would collect these and sell them to Off-Worlders.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Chapter 366 The Temple Accept Tithes (*R)

C366 The Temple Accept Tithes (*R)

For some reason, Henri and Jules insisted I follow them to the temple to try out the Blessing Stone. They said something about being nervous since it was their first time.

I wondered aloud why they couldn't go by themselves and they said that they were not allowed to go out on their own.

Oh yeah… I sometimes forget that my classmates are still kids.

Well technically so am I in terms of this World's age but that's beside the point.

We went back to the temple that I had gone to to get my own 'blessing' and, just like the time I came here, it was pretty much empty aside from the nun herself.

"Oh, hello there. Welcome dear followers of Uskit, have you come to pray?"

Henri lifted up the Blessing Stone in his hand to show the priestess, "No… I was told that I needed to bring this here to get a blessing?"

"Ah, then you have come to the right place… Though… Hmm… How old are you?"

"Eh? I'm ten… Is there a problem?" Henri seemed a little confused by the question but answered honestly nevertheless.

"Hmm… No, no problem. You're just not my type. Come with me and you can go and place the Blessing Stone on the altar. I shall help you pray."

That's definitely different from how she treated me the last time I came here… I guess the god was right about her giving me a blowjob because she wanted to, not because she needed to.

She took the Blessing Stone from Henri and placed it on the altar before directing the boy to kneel in front of it.

She then knelt down and clasped her hands together in prayer.

"Oh great Goddess Uskit, your devout follower has brought an offering for your blessing. Please bestow your mercy and grace upon them."

The tablet on the altar glowed a little before disintegrating into dust like the last time I remembered witnessing.

An aura of golden light also enveloped itself around Henri before seemingly being absorbed into his body.

What the heck… That's it? That's all you need to do to actually activate the blessing? That's kind of anticlimactic if you ask me…

The nun then stood up before turning to him, "How do you feel?"

He looked down at his hands, "I… I don't know how to describe it… I certainly feel different… But… Oh! There's a… A message in my head? Err… I got the blessing of… Huh?"

Jules leaned forward, "What is it, brother? What did you get?"

"I got the blessing of swordsmanship…"

I went ahead to use my [Screened] on him.

[Name: Henri Heres

Title: Brother, Adventurous One, Future Scholar

Race: Mahun

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Anticipation


12 Strength

12 Dexterity

14 Endurance

18 Magic


Tracking (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Geomancy (Tier 2)


Blessing of Minor Swordsmanship - Increases proficiency with bladed weapons.]

Oh, that's cool, you can actually see the other party's blessings. Good thing no one here could see these stats or they would know I'm lying about my blessing since I don't have any.

Jules got more excited by the answer, "Oh! What does the blessing do?"

"Hmmm… It seems to increase my proficiency with bladed weapons…" Henri muttered before reaching for his sword to unsheathe it.

The sword was pulled from its sheath smoothly and he gave the sword a few twirls.I think you should take a look at

"Oh, it feels much smoother than before! It's like as if I've been using this sword for a long ti--"

The nun moved forward and smacked Henri on the back of the head, causing him to stumble and fall over onto the ground, his sword clattering noisily on the floor.

"Please don't draw your blade in a temple. I will need to ask for a tithe for this rudeness," She deadpanned.

Henri gasped, "Ahhh! I meant no disrespect!! I just got excited about the blessing!"

"That is why all I'm asking is one small gold coin in compensation."

One small gold coin? That's still ten thousand Creas you know? Do you know how many sweets I can buy with ten thousand Creas?! That's like four fifths of all the money I currently have! And all that just for pulling out a sword?!

Jules frowned, "Priestess… Please be reasonable… I apologise on my brother's behalf and ask for your forgiveness. Could you overlook this just this once? I will properly scold him later."

The nun scoffed, "That's easy for you to say, but compensation must still be made for a transgression like this."

Henri got up and quickly dug out his coin purse, "Wait… Err… I definitely don't have a small gold coin but… Would a small silver coin be enough? That's all I have on me right now…"

It might not sound like much but that's still a hundred Creas… Which is equivalent to ten thousand dollars in my old World's money… Which ten year old kid walks around with ten thousand dollars in their pockets?

Actually, don't answer that, I already know what kind of kids…

The nun looked at the silver coin he was holding and scoffed, "Unacceptable, this isn't some kind of marketplace for you to bargain. The price is a small gold coin, either pay up or offer something else that is equal in value."

The boys seemed at a loss on what to do and I kind of feel bad for them. I never knew this nun was like this…

I turned to her, "Is there something else that--"

I didn't even get to finish my words before she reached forward and clasped my hands in hers, "Yes, of course there's something else you can do, I'll need you to help me with something and I'll let these boys off immediately. You agree, right? Because the alternative is having them be castrated!"

E… Eh? What? Wait, what the heck?

I was still confused by how things were progressing when she started pulling me towards the altar, "Alright, this is settled, you boys can leave now. Or stay, I don't really care. But you are staying here with me~"

"Eh?! Wait a minute! I haven't agreed to-- What are you doing?!"

She pushed me to lean against the altar before sinking to her knees, her hands reaching up to pull up my skirt to expose my crotch to her.

The nun licked her lips, "Mmmmm~ This is definitely worth a small gold coin~ In fact, this is a bargain to get at just a small gold coin~"

Without hesitation, she dived her head in between my legs to start lapping away at my pussy while her hands started stroking my cock.

I felt her tongue flick against my clit which made me let out an unintentional moan of pleasure.

"What… Waiiit… Ahhh… Not there…" I moaned, my body shivering in delight.

She paid my protests no mind as she continued to please me with her mouth, her lips clamping over my own nether lips to start sucking on them.

Soon enough, my cock was standing upright and twitching in anticipation, prompting the nun to stand up before lifting a leg to step on the altar behind me.

Her robes were pulled up to bunch at her waist, revealing her bottom half to me to show that she was wearing a lacy set of white stockings and garter belt, complete with an equally lacie pair of panties.

"Hehe… Sorry, but the compensation was a lie," She admitted while pulling aside her panties to show off her dripping wet pussy. "But I really like girls… Especially pretty girls with cocks~ And I've wanted to have sex with you since that day you came here."

Err… What? Wait…

She then lowered her hips and my cock slid in smoothly into her pussy, her vaginal walls shifting as I entered her.

"Oooohhhh~ Magnificent… I should have pushed you down that day… I can't believe I wasted that opportunityyyy~" She moaned.

The nun threw her arms around me as she started humping her hips against mine, forcing my cock to slide in and out of her quickly.

The entire church was filled with the lewd sounds of our hips slapping against each other while our two moans intermingled with each other's, turning it into a chorus as pleasure overtook our senses.

I looked up at her to see her habit was skewed to one side, her hip thrusts slowly causing it to slide off until her blonde hair was freed to tumble down to her shoulders.

She did not seem to mind and merely increased the pace her hips were slamming against me.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ahhhh! By the Gods! So good! Your cock is so good! Ahhh! I'm gonna cum!! I'm gonna cum!! I'm cumming!!"

Her body froze as her hips slammed down on me one more time before she orgasmed violently on top of me, her hips still gyrating against me even while she was cumming.

That was enough to set me off as well as my own orgasm hit me, my seed shooting into the penis sheath that was inside of her while I let out a moan of my own.

We held each other as we rode out our orgasms, finally letting go of each other after a while.

"Mmm… Thank you for the tithe~ Do come back whenever you like to~ I accept these types of donations too~" She giggled while climbing off of me.

Yep… This nun is a pervert… Or maybe this is something normal in this World? I don't even know…

Chapter 367 Letting The Princess Watch (*R)

C367 Letting The Princess Watch (*R)

"One more time! Come on!! Straighten those arms!!"

The princess was already being trained by Odeta when I returned home from school today.

Odeta was home earlier since she didn't have school today so I guess the princess came here in the morning to be trained by her.

I idly wondered why she never thought of asking any of the Royal Knights or even the palace guards to train her instead? Maybe they don't even trust their own guards?

I guess the fact that they only allowed one maid to serve her kind of showed how wary the Royal Family was when it came to the princess.

That was the moment I realised that I actually didn't know how dangerous demons actually were.

I had been under the impression that demons were just another type of monster or something. Maybe they were more powerful than the usual monsters but they might not be a big deal?

I thought the reason why they were so careful with her was purely just because they did not want to lose a daughter, but now I think their priorities lay with the demon instead.

"Katsuki?" I asked my Inugami maid who had come to meet me at the entrance.

"What is it, Mistress?"

"Just how dangerous are demons?"

"It has been recorded that a single demon could level an entire city without much problems on their own. Should a demon be summoned here, I believe it would be able to destroy at least half the city before it can be stopped."

Oh… That bad huh…

She continued, "Mistress need not worry. Even if a demon were to attack the city, we will keep Mistress safe."

That wasn't what I was worried about but ok… I guess it's good to know that we are able to actually fight against a demon and win at least.

Maybe that's why the Royal Family doesn't mind the princess coming here since we don't need the power of a demon to do what it can do?

"Alright! That's it for today! Good work, princess!" Odeta barked, clapping the princess on the back.

Katsuki also took that chance to hand me my [Mask Of Impossible Identity] to hide my face as the princess was busy getting her sweat wiped off by her maid.

Going from how things would normally go, she should be heading for the baths after this, which would coincide with my own bath timing as well so I would need to wear this to my bath.

Ugh… Sounds like a pain but I guess it's necessary.

This would actually be my first bath with the princess since I don't train myself alongside her and thus have different bath schedules than her when she's here.

Wait a minute…

I turned to Katsuki, "Hold on… The princess would be going to the baths after this right?"

"That's correct Mistress."

"Shouldn't I wait for her to be done before I go in? Isn't it rude to bathe with the princess especially when she's still single?"

Katsuki tilted her head at me, "Mistress. This is Madam's house. The princess would need to wait for you to be done with your bath than you waiting for her. But we know Mistress would not accept that so we let her take a bath with you instead."

Ugh… Once again I'm being reminded of how scarily influential Mother actually is…

Oh whatever, I will admit that I am quite curious on how a princess bathes anyway so let's just go with it.

That's why…

"Waaaa~ I'm having a bath with big sister and teacher!" The princess squealed while we were taking off our clothes in the changing room.

Well, more accurately, only Odeta was taking off her own clothes, both the princess and I had someone else helping us take our clothes off.

In her case it was Aria while Katsuki was the one helping me.

"Fufu~ It's our first time, isn't it?" I giggled at her enthusiasm.

She nodded, even while Aria was pulling off her tracksuit, "Yes! I wanted to see how big sister bathes too!"

Ok, that kind of sounded wrong but I get what she meant. She most likely also wondered how the young lady of the Nilm family would bathe as compared to a princess of the Royal Family. I'm quite sure she doesn't mean that she wants to see me bathe in the lewd way.

I mean, that's the same sentiment I have for her so yeah…

After the three of us were stripped down to the nude, we stepped into the baths together.

Aria was still following Tiara while Tracey, our Infrid maid, accompanied me.

The three of us sat down at the shower area and started to wash ourselves. Again, Odeta was the only one who was cleaning herself while Tiara and myself left it to the maids.

Once we were clean, we went to submerge ourselves in the baths while our maids started washing our hair.

Wait a minute… Aren't we basically the same then?I think you should take a look at

"Ehehehe~ So big sister also does the same thing~ Big sister is a princess too~"

I don't even have anything to say to that since it looks like it's true. I'm living like a princess…

Tracey giggled, "Young Mistress is our princess after all~"

"Wahahaha! Dear sister certainly is a princess alright!" Odeta laughed while soaking in the water beside me.

"Ehehe~ Then that means big sister and I have more things in common!"

Well, it's hard to say anything when she's happy about it… I definitely don't see myself as a princess though.

Just as I thought of that, Tracey then stripped herself of her maid uniform, leaving only the maid hairband on top of her head.

Eh… Eh? Wait, wait… I know we do this all the time but even in front of the princess?!

"Please excuse me, Young Mistress," Tracey whispered before submerging herself in the water beside me.

Before I could protest, her hand was already wrapped around my cock under the water and slowly stroking it to full hardness.

She even tucked her hair behind her ear before lowering her head to suckle on my tits that were floating on the water.

I gasped, prompting the princess to turn towards me to see what had happened.

Noooo… Don't look here! This is bad!

"Oh~ So big sister does this in the baths? I want to do that too but Aria says I'm not ready for it yet…"

"Please just be patient, Princess. You are still not old enough for such a service yet," Aria replied coolly, as though this was something expected.

Right… So apparently this is normal too…

But still, this still feels quite immoral to me…

Feeling that my cock was already fully hard, Tracey got up to lean against the edge of the bath on her arms, her bottom pushed up to display her sex that was wet from both the bath and her arousal.

"Whenever you are ready, Young Mistress~" Tracey cooed.

With an invitation like this, I was not going to say no so I stood up and positioned myself behind her, only to realise that Tiara was watching me closely with anticipation.

"Ah! Don't mind me, big sister! I just want to watch so that I know what to do when it's my turn!"

I'm… Just going to ignore that…

Also… What do you mean when it's your turn?

I looked down at her waist and… No, she doesn't have a cock. She's one hundred percent female.

Maybe she was planning to use strapons I guess? Whatever.

I grabbed Tracey by her hips before pushing my cock inside her, the Infrid letting out a moan of pleasure when she felt me penetrate her.

"Ahhh! That's it, Young mistress~ My pussy is for your use~ Please use my pussy to your heart's content!"

I groaned, feeling even more turned on by her words as I started slamming my hips against her, causing ripples in the water as I fucked her from behind.

Our moans mixed with each other while my cock slid in and out of her pussy without any resistance.

I then bent forward to cup Tracey's tits with my hands, rolling her bosoms in between my fingers and pinching her nipples from time to time.

"Ahh! Ahhh! Your hands feel so good, Young Mistress! Ahhhh! Harder! You can go harder Young Mistress! Don't hold back!"

I did as she suggested and increased the speed of my hip thrusts, moaning out my pleasures when I felt her vaginal walls clench comfortably around my member every time I hit her deepest parts.

By now, I didn't care that I had an audience and was focused solely on the pleasure I was feeling from the Infrid in front of me, especially when her boobs felt so nice to squeeze and her bottom was especially nice to ram against.

"Ahnnn~ Is Young Mistress cumming soon? Go ahead and-- Ahhh! Go ahead and cum! Cum inside me, Young Mistress! Cum, cum, cum!!"

I groaned, my balls tightening up as I spurted my seed inside the moaning Infrid maid, painting her insides white with my colour.

I had to hold on to her for support as my body shuddered from a second orgasm from my pussy despite not having any stimulation down there.

It was only after I was done did I remember the princess was still watching me. She was even making this face that looked like she was having fun.

Ughhh… This is the bad thing about having a high libido… You get lost in it once you start…

At least everyone here thinks this is normal…

Chapter 368 My Turn To Visit The Princess

C368 My Turn To Visit The Princess

Instead of the princess visiting us today, I was invited to visit her instead.

I pulled aside the curtains covering the carriage window to look outside. It took me a moment to realise that we were coming up to the palace outer gates.

I thought we would be asked to stop but the guards did not even challenge us and immediately opened the doors to let us pass.

I let the curtains fall back into place before turning to Katsuki who sat opposite me, "This might be a little late to ask but… Do I need to observe some kind of etiquette in the palace?"

"There is no need, Mistress, you can just act as you normally do," Katsuki replied without hesitation, as though she already knew I would ask this question ahead of time.

"Umm… Alright… What if I see the king and queen?"

"The king and queen would be attending court right now, Mistress. The likelihood of you meeting them is very low. But in the event that Mistress does meet them, you may greet them as you would another noble."

… Alright then… Let's just pray hard that I don't meet either of them because I'm very certain that I would screw up somehow.

Yep, let's just find Tiara and stay in her room and never go out until it's time to leave.

The carriage soon reached the inner part of the palace and the door was opened to allow us to disembark.

Katsuki got off first before helping me down from it gracefully.

Waiting there for me was Aria who gave a deep bow when I alighted, "Welcome, Young Mistress Nilm. I trust you had no problems at the gate?"

I shook my head, "Not at all, they let us in without saying anything. Is that what's supposed to happen?"

"Of course, all the guards know what the carriage of the Nilm family looks like so none of them would ever make the mistake of inconveniencing you."

The Royal Guards are worried about inconveniencing us… You know what, I'm just going to shut up now and just take it as it is.

I turned to Sebastian who was, as usual, acting as the coachman, "Thank you for the ride, Sebastian."

He smiled at me, "Think nothing of it, Young Mistress. I shall be back to pick you up after your tea party with the Third Princess."

He then drove the carriage off, leaving me with Katsuki and Aria.

Aria bowed again, "Young Mistress Nilm, Princess Tiara's tea party will be held in her room. If you would follow me, please?"

"Unn… We will be in your care," I nodded, letting the maid guide the way to the palace.

She turned around but instead of walking through the main gates, she took a side road towards the gardens and then passed a room full of guards where all of them seemed to be intentionally avoiding looking in our direction before reaching a tower at the back of the palace.

Ah… So it's the princess in a tower trope huh? Except she's not actually locked in it I guess.

Aria reached the door and pushed it open, revealing what appears to be an intricately drawn magic circle in the centre of a room that was decorated with plants and brightly lit with Mana Crystals infused with Lumenmancy magic.

"Please step onto the magic circle, Young Mistress Nilm," Aria requested.

pandasnovel.com I pointed at the circle, "Is that a teleportation pad?"

The maid seemed to hesitate for a moment before inclining her head, "I'm not sure if that's the proper term to refer to it, but it is indeed a magic circle infused with Astromancy magic with the function of teleportation to another similar magic circle, Young Mistress Nilm."

Ah yeah, that's what I was asking. Good to know that there's such a thing that exists here I guess.

I was wondering how the princess could still be weak if she had to climb up and down this tower everyday, especially when the tower looked like it was at least six to eight stories high.

I stepped to the magic circle and tried to inspect it, wondering just how something like this is made.

Hey, I'm curious ok?! This is the first time I've seen a magic circle and I'm wondering if it's possible to make this on my own! Just think of the possibilities!

Ok, I have seen another one in the Dungeon as a teleportation trap but I thought those were just limited to Dungeons and not actually applicable outside of it.

But do you know what this means?!

I could set glyphs as forms of traps before a fight, I could maybe inscribe these on scrolls or parchments to store magic and use when I'm out of mana, I could even learn more magic just by deciphering magic circles I find outside!I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"Is Young Mistress Nilm perhaps interested in magic inscriptions?" Aria asked.

"Unnn… This is actually my first time seeing one."

"I see. Unfortunately I am not very well versed in such a skill so I am unable to offer much in this topic, but I believe the main Aerialla Academy has courses that teaches one on how to inscribe such inscriptions."

I waved my hand, "Oh, it's fine. I was just curious about it."

I took another look at the magic circle but unfortunately the runes were all foreign to me since it doesn't look like the letters of this World.

Giving up on trying to understand it for now, I stepped in the circle with the other two maids and I expected to be immediately teleported up but nothing happened.

Aria then raised her arm, palm facing down, "Cookies are the best thing ever, ever."

The magic circle then lit up, signalling its activation. I can only assume that was a password and I could already guess who came up with it.

When the light died down, I found myself in a different place inside a room of sorts that looked similar in design from the previous one. The only difference was that the plants were of a different variety and an intricately carved double door was built into the wall at the side instead of the simple wooden one in the previous one.

I guess the door must lead towards the actual room that the princess was in.

Aria stepped forward and opened the doors to let me in.

When you think about a room at the top of the tower, you might be thinking about seeing grey stone walls, the barest amount of furniture and maybe just a single window to peek at the outside world.

If that's what you thought, then you're not alone because that was what I was expecting too.

But nope, the room was lavishly decorated with marble floors, brightly painted walls, pots of plants hanging from the ceiling and even a large balcony that offered a splendid view of the city. You might even forget that this was a room on top of a single tower and just a normal room within the palace.

Tiara was seated at said balcony where a table with two chairs had been set up with various desserts piled high on a rectangular table nearby.

The princess saw me and immediately leapt to her feet before rushing towards me, "Big sister! Big sister!! You're here, you're here! Welcome to my room!!"

I caught her as she ran up to hug me, her face burrowing into my bosoms as I patted her.

"You have a very nice room, Tiara."

"Ehehe~ I bet it's not as nice as yours, big sister! I haven't gone to your room yet though…"

Trust me, my room is really simple and definitely not as well decorated as yours. Not because I can't but it's not like I spend much time in it aside from sleeping so there's not much point anyway…

She then pointed to some of the plants, "Papa got those for me! He said that they came from some forest or something. That dresser was Mama's birthday gift to me! And it has all the nice clothes I like to wear! Maybe we can play dress up later? Ehehe~"

Yeah, I already figured this but her parents must also still love her as a daughter despite the curse. Thus they still want to spoil her as their parents.

They made sure even if they had to keep her away from everyone else, her living conditions would be no worse than her siblings who were living in the main palace itself. They even gave her a large balcony where she could see out into the city so that she would not feel as though she was locked up in this tower.

Although I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing since she could see the city but she can't go there on her own…

Oh well, I guess it's still better than being locked up here all alone with nothing but books for company. At least she still has Aria with her to wait on her.

And right now, myself as a companion I guess?

The princess pulled me over to the balcony and hurriedly sat me down, "Big sister is here! That means we can start the tea party now! Aria, cookies please! Cookies, cookies! And also for big sister too!"

Aria bowed, "At once, Princess. And you, Young Mistress Nilm?"

Katsuki nodded at her fellow maid, "Do not worry about Mistress, I shall serve her."

"Very well, I shall leave that to you."

"Yayyy~ Tea party with big sister! Ehehehe~"

Mmm… Sweets first, other stuff later~