

C351 The Other Noble Ladies

I guess the prince must also know that I was not interested in him so he thanked me for the wonderful dance before he let me excuse myself.

Some of the girls from before were giving me dirty looks but I just ignored them since that's the only thing they could do anyway. What were they going to do? Fight me?

Katsuki was there to greet me when I returned and in her hands was another plate of sweets!!

Ahhhh!! I love you so much, Katsukiiiii!! Marry meeeeee~

Nom nom nom~

I paused for a moment to look around, realising that the party was now in full swing as the girls took turns dancing in the centre of the ballroom with the prince while the adults danced with their own partners.

"Katsuki?" I called out, prompting my Inugami maid's tail to wag slightly.

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Is there a reason why the prince approached me for the first dance?"

"Would Mistress like to know the real reason?"

Eh? What kind of question is that, Katsuki? Are you going to tell me a fake reason if I said no?

Oh, maybe she was thinking of giving a politically correct answer for his action that won't offend him?

"The real reason please?"

"The prince knows Mistress is related to the Nilm Family and by letting Mistress have the first dance, he is showing the Madam that he places Mistress in high regard. So even if you are not interested in him, Madam may have a better opinion of him for doing so."

Oohhh… More politics, basically.

Yeah, in that case not interested. I'll just be here enjoying my sweets~

Mmm~ This strawberry pudding is delish~

Ohhhh~ They used a little bit of honey mixed with some vanilla to make this! That's how they get that sweet taste at the back!

I'll have to tell the other maids to try this recipe next time!

Katsuki seemed to have noted my fascination with that pudding as she asked, "It seems that Mistress really likes that pudding in particular."

"Oh! How can you tell?"

"It's the only one that you have eaten more than one of."

Ah, well… I wanted to try each one at least once and there's so many of the sweets! Only after I have tried all the sweets here would I go back and taste the ones that I like again.

But this pudding is nice enough for me to want another taste of it right now~

I thought of telling Katsuki about how they made this pudding but the sound of several high heels clacking noisily prompted me to turn my head to see the source of the noise.

A group of six or so young girls were approaching me with a silver haired girl leading the group. She looked to be those typical noble ladies especially when her hair was styled with twin drills too. If she was blonde, she would definitely tick every box for that archetype.

Which was why I wasn't surprised when she stopped in front of me and assumed a haughty pose, "Hey, I haven't seen you around before, who are you?"

Eh? Really? She doesn't know?

Isn't the fact that I'm wearing this mask that obscures my face enough to tell you that I'm at least related to the Nilm Family? Is she not aware of that?

I turned to Katsuki and she shook her head as though she already knew what I was about to ask, "Not everyone is aware, Mistress. Especially for the lower ranked families, they might neglect teaching their younger children about us since they are of the opinion that they would never get the chance to meet someone related to our Family in their lives."

Good thing she whispered that to me or I'd think this girl would throw a tantrum about her calling her family a 'lower ranked' one.

Hmm… I guess everyone else still believes that the only person related to the Nilm family is Mother and she would be obvious enough that no one will willingly mess with her anyway.

I turned back to the young lady who looked to be around in her late teens, "Good day, I believe it should be common courtesy for one to introduce themselves first before asking for the other person's name?"

The girl tilted her head up at me, "Hmph! You would do well to remember my name! Koatia Loylinga, first daughter of the Loylinga Earldom!"

I leaned towards Katsuki and she helpfully explained who she was to me, "The Loylinga Family has its roots in Edart Trade City and is a family who had made most of their fortune from their shipping business. They are the owners of the fourth largest shipping company in the city."

Another merchant family I see…

I placed my plate of sweets aside and curtsied, "Greetings Lady Koatia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I would introduce myself but I am unfortunately unable to as I was given specific instructions to keep myself anonymous. Although I should be allowed to--"

"What?!" She gasped, interrupting me. "Who do you think you are?! Not only did you steal the first dance with the prince from me, you dare to spout such nonsense? Just so you know, I can make your life quite miserable if I wanted to, so don't test me!"

Well… I was going to tell you my family name before you butted in just now… But somehow I kind of get the feeling that she might now even know about the Nilm Family even if I told her.

I chanced a look around and surprisingly, no one was paying attention to us since they were more occupied with watching the prince right now. The only people who were even paying attention to me were Mother and Mary.

I cleared my throat, "If you must know… I am from the Nilm Family. Once again, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Koatia."

As I had guessed, the girl merely raised an eyebrow at me after hearing my words, "Huh? Nilm Family? Which city are you even from? I have never heard of this 'Nilm' Family down at Edart Trade City!"

"That's probably because my family is based in Crown Capital City instead, Lady Koatia."

She paused, as though trying to think about something before she tilted her head at me, "Are you… Related to the Royal Family?"

Where did that even come from?

Are there other families out there that have a relation to the Royal Family? Maybe she thought that I was the third prince's cousin or something which would explain why I got the first dance?

Either way, it doesn't matter since I was not… At least I don't think we are related? Actually… Has Mother ever said that we were related to them? For all I know she might be the current King's aunt or maybe even his older sister… Even if she's a Meslatar and the Royal Family are Mahuns.

Hey, it's possible! You never know with these kinds of things!

Just in case, I turned to Katsuki and… She gave me a smile but shook her head.

Ah, I guess we're not then.

"I am not, Lady Koatia," I informed the young lady.

She then crossed her arms and huffed, "Hmph! In that case, I shall allow you to join my faction! You are obviously someone interesting since you managed to catch the third prince's eye, but make no mistake that you will not be the one getting into his harem!"

I raised my hand, "Umm… I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Also, I'm not trying to get into the prince's harem in the first place so you can go ahead and join his harem if he accepts you."

That seemed to knock the wind out of her sails as she gaped at me like I just said that I was an alien.

"Wait… You're not interested in joining the prince's harem?"

"Erm… In case you haven't realised… I was not the one who approached the prince and I would have been content just staying here eating all these sweets if he hadn't shown up. So no, I am not interested in joining his harem. Actually, why would I?"

"Because it's the prince! If you were to join his harem, your life would be guaranteed to be an easy one!"

"But… He's not guaranteed to ascend the throne right? So why would my life be guaranteed to be an easy one if we're not even sure if he would succeed the throne?"

She looked at me like I had grown a second head, "Even if he doesn't ascend the throne, he would still be granted at least a plot of land and a noble title so… Wait, why am I even explaining it to you?! Are you even a noble Lady?! How do you not even know something like this?!"

What does that have to do with anything? Is it the norm for noble ladies to know things like this? Why?

I shrugged, "I'm actually a futa if that helps."

"So what? Ah… Wait a moment… Are you the firstborn of your family?"

"Err… I am indeed, is there a problem?"

Instead of answering me, she just showed me a look of disdain before flipping her hair and walking off. The girls in her group also had the same look of disdain on their faces while they walked away.

One of them even muttered "Shameless" under her breath as she walked past me.

Eh?! What's with those reactions?! What did I do?!

352 Cookie Princess

C352 Cookie Princess

"What made them act like that?" I asked Katsuki, feeling a little perplexed.

Sure, they weren't exactly that friendly when they first approached me just now but we were at least still conversing normally. I would also understand if they got pissed because I insulted them but all I did was tell them that I was the first child of my family!

Was there a rule that I don't know where they can't get along with firstborns or something? What kind of stupid rule is that?

"My apologies, Mistress, but I am not too sure about this either.

"Hmm… Would Mother or Mary know?"

"They would certainly have a higher chance of knowing than I do, Mistress."

I slowly made my way towards Mother while picking up a few more desserts on the way.

I found her speaking to a few other nobles at the side of the hall, though she immediately spotted me when I got close and excused herself from them.

"Ara, ara? Is my little one having fun? Are the sweets to your liking my dear?"

"Yes, Mommy, they are really good. Umm… I wanted to ask something though?"

Mary spoke up from behind her, "If Young Mistress is wondering why those young ladies suddenly turned hostile to you, I can answer that."

Honestly, I'm not even surprised that she knew what I wanted to ask even before I asked.

"Umm… Please do?"

"As Young Mistress already knows, this ball is meant for the third prince to look for more members he could add to his harem. This would present the best opportunity for young noble ladies to obtain a rather easy life ahead of them."

I tilted my head, "But that Lady Koatia is the first daughter of an Earl right? Wouldn't she have a good life ahead of her already?"

Mary shook her head, "While she may be the first daughter of the Loylinga Family, she is not the first born as she has an elder brother ahead of her. He would be the one to inherit the family instead of her."

"So what would happen to her? She won't just be kicked out right?"

"On the contrary, she might be kept around by her brother to be used as a bargaining chip for business deals, a fate that she would of course wish to avoid if possible. Especially when such a fate would usually see her being lowered to the position of a mistress of some other noble who may be of a lower rank than her current family."

"Ah… So if she were to marry the prince, she could at least be assured that she has some kind of position in the noble society?"

"That is correct. Even if the third prince loses the contest for the throne, he would, as she had mentioned, still obtain a title and land to govern over which guarantees at least some form of prosperity for him. Young ladies like her who manage to marry into his harem would be able to share in that prosperity without needing to do anything much."

Ah… So in other words, they want to be able to continue being nobles without needing to put in the effort to do so… Perhaps the only thing they might need to do is spread their legs for the prince from time to time and that's a small price to pay for them.

"But that still doesn't explain why they reacted to me like that?" I pointed out.

Mary smiled, "Young Mistress. If Madam were to decide to retire, who in this World could inherit the family?"

"Err… Me, I guess?"

The Trasif maid nodded, "Young Mistress would become the head of the family. But for ladies like her, she has no chance of becoming the head of her family. Thus, if they wish to maintain or improve their current standing they would need to marry someone like the prince. But for Young Mistress, you do not need to marry him to get that."

"Ah… I get it… They're upset that even though I do not need to marry him to have a good life, I still showed up here to decrease their chance of getting it anyway, right?"

"That is correct, Young Mistress. In their eyes, you are already more fortunate than they are and yet you still got to have the first dance with the prince himself. It's a given that they would be upset about it especially when they do not even realise who you are."

I sighed, "I'm going to assume they never thought to build their own fortunes with their own two hands?"

Mary gave me a wry smile, "Young Mistress's thinking is quite unique after all."

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| "Ahh… So I guess maybe it might be better for me if I just stay away from them for the rest of the ball?"

This time it was Mother who spoke up, "Ufufufu~ There's no need to do that, my little one~ Mama shall simply accompany you~ No foolish little girl shall dare look down on my dearest child while in front of me~"

Something tells me that she was waiting for this the entire time…

Oh well, I don't mind spending time with Mother anyway and if that means no one would bother me while I'm eating sweets with her, that'll be even better!

I went up to hug her, "Yayyy! I love you Mommy!!"

She patted my head while giggling, "Ufufufu~ My little one certainly is the cutest~ Shall we go back to the sweets table?"

I nodded at her suggestion quickly, allowing her arm to wrap around mine so that she could escort me back to the buffet table that was piled high with sweets.

Everyone else was still busy conversing with the other nobles or watching the prince so there's literally no one here at all.

Well, that just means more sweets for me so I'm definitely not complaining!

I was just about to start digging in to savour the sweets laid out in front of me when I spotted something odd sticking out from underneath the table cloth.

Looking closely, I realised I was looking at the bottom sole of a shoe.

I reached down and pulled the table cloth up slightly, revealing what appears to be a young Mahun girl who looked around Katsuki's age kneeling on the ground with a plate full of cookies that she was currently enjoying.

The action caused a bit of light to shine under the table which caught her attention.

Turning around, she froze when she saw me looking at her, the cookie in her hands dropping back on her plate.

"Ummm… Hi?" I greeted her, unsure of what I should do.

"Ara, ara? What did my little one find under there?" Mother asked.

The girl panicked and tried to scramble away, her plate of sweets dropping onto the ground in her panic.

Awww… What a waste…

If this was at home, I would have just gone to eat the sweets since it hasn't been three seconds yet, but even I know that's not good to do in a setting like this.

I raised my hands in a placating gesture, "It's alright, we don't mean any harm! I was just surprised to see someone down here!"

The girl tried to huddle herself to the back of the table, but since this table was not placed against the wall, she fell backwards through the other side of the table cloth when she tried to lean on it.

I quickly went to the other side to see if she was alright, finding her rubbing the back of her head while making rather cute groans.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Unngghh… I'm ok… Ah!! Wait, no! I don't wanna go back!"

She tried to scurry away from me and almost hit herself against the leg of the table but Mother was there to catch her before she could.

"Ara, ara~ A feisty little one I see~ What is a little one like you doing here?"

The girl struggled against Mother, "Ahhhh!! Noooo! I don't wanna go back yet!"

"Ara, ara? Go back where? Ufufufu~ Worry not little one, we are not here to take you anywhere~"

"You're… You're not?"

"Ufufufu~ Of course not," Mother giggled before placing the young girl back on the ground. "I'm only here to enjoy my time watching over my little one~ I couldn't care less about what happens to others here~"

That's a… Subtle way for you to tell her that you don't care about her, Mother… I was actually half expecting Mother to start gushing over her since she's also still a child. I do remember Mother doing that to Katsuki back when we were younger though…

Mary went ahead to help clean up the mess the little girl made and even presented a new plate of cookies that she helped gather to pass to the girl, that seemed to calm her down somewhat.

"You are… Umm… Guests?" The girl asked, looking quite unsure of herself.

"Ufufufu~ That's right, we are guests here to attend your older brother's ball~ So you don't need to worry about us telling your caretakers that you snuck in here to enjoy the snacks while hiding under the table~"

Wait what?

Her older brother's ball?

Doesn't that mean… This girl is a princess?! What the hell is she doing here?

353 We Might Be Getting A Royal Visit

C353 We Might Be Getting A Royal Visit

So errr… Why is the princess here?

As though remembering something, the young girl quickly smoothened her dress and curtsied, "Umm… I am the third princess of… Ummm… The Lehcarouc Kingdom! Umm… Princess Tiara!"

I'm guessing that's probably a self introduction that her tutors taught her to say when meeting new people.

Ok, so she's not 'the' princess, but 'a' princess.

At first I thought that Prince Lucius called himself the third prince simply meant he had at least two older siblings.

But now that I know there's also the existence of a third princess which meant that there were at least two other princesses and three princes.

I say three princes because there should be a prince younger than Lucius whom I had to wait for him to graduate from Aerialla Academy before I was enrolled in the school.

That means there's at least four princes and three princesses, the king must be a really busy man.

Mother giggled, "Hello little Princess Tiara~ What could you be doing out here on your own?"

She looked down at the plate of cookies that Mary had gathered for her, "Umm… Sweets?"

Ohhh! Is that a fellow sweets lover I see? Please tell me she likes sweets as much as I do!

I went up to her, "Do you like sweets?"

She tilted her head at me, "Who doesn't like sweets?"

"Ehehe~ That's true~ So what kind of sweets do you like?"


I guess that should have been obvious since I only found cookies on her plate when I first saw her under the table.

The little princess then started munching on the cookies that Mary gathered for her while I ate my own plate of sweets that Katsuki gathered.

She then picked one of her cookies and unexpectedly offered it to me.

"Big sister, do you want a cookie too?"

"Ohhh~ Is that for me?"

She nodded, "This one is nice!"

Awww~ Don't mind if I do then!

Ohhh~ I haven't tried this one yet and it certainly is nice! It's one that I wouldn't mind eating again right now!

I used my fork to cut a piece of my cake and offered it to her, "Do you want to try some cake too?"

"Yes, please!"

I let the little princess eat the cake off my fork, giggling at the sight.

Mmmm~ Eating sweets together with someone else just makes it more delicious!

"So why are you hiding underneath the table? Are you not allowed to eat sweets?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Umm… I'm not supposed to be attending the party… And I'm not supposed to be going around on my own…"

I guess that's to be expected. I'd wager that her caretakers were in an uproar turning everything upside down just to find her right now.

Oh well! I'm sure it'll be fine! In the meantime, I get a sweets buddy to enjoy sweets with!

And as though on cue, a maid appeared out of thin air behind her, almost like she was walking out of the mist with how she just materialised like that.

"Princess Tiara, what did we say about you wandering off on your own?"

"Ahhhh! Noooo!! I don't wanna go yet!! There's still so many cookies!!" She screamed before hiding behind me.

That caused the rest of the hall to turn in our direction to see what the commotion was and the prince even personally came over to inspect the situation.

Though he looked surprised to see Tiara there with us at first, he quickly recovered as though this was not the first time he found her like this.

"Sister Tiara, did you run away from your caretakers again?"

She puffed her cheeks, "I did not! I just came here to eat cookies! I didn't run away at all!"

Everyone could see that was clearly a lie though no one called her out on it.

The maid that had just appeared behind Tiara offered her hand, "Come now Princess. You should not be here and your lessons will be starting soon."

Princess Tiara hid herself further behind my back, "I don't wanna! I want to stay here!"

"You're disturbing the guests, Princess. And it's rude to Prince Lucius for you to do so."

"Mouuuu! I don't wannaaaa! I want sweeeeeets!"

The prince smiled wryly at her, "Sister Tiara, how about I let you take as many cookies as you want to bring back to your room to eat? That is good enough, right?"

She hesitated for a moment, "Mmm… I guess that's fine…"

The fact that she kept peeking at the cookies just showed that it was all she cared about and she looked quite cute because of that.

I thought that would be over but the princess suddenly pinched the hem of my sleeve with her fingers, "I want to eat with her!"

I pointed a finger at myself, "Eh? Me?"

The princess nodded, "Eating with big sister is fun! I want to eat more!"

While I agree that eating sweets with others is indeed fun… We only just shared a cookie and cake together, you know?

Prince Lucius shook his head, "That's not good, sister Tiara. You shouldn't bother our guests like that."

The little princess pouted, "Mouuu! No one ever eats sweets with me! Big sister ate sweets with me! That's why I want to eat with her!"

The maid looked at the princess exasperatedly, "Princess, please understand your position… You'll be troubling others if you were to make a request like this…"

"But big sister is nice to me! She even offered me cake! No one else has offered me cake before!"

Umm… Has no one really not offered her cake before? I'm sure there must be someone right?

Also… That's quite a problematic way of thinking isn't it? If she were to meet some nefarious character who wants to take advantage of her, all they would need to do is offer her some sweets and they will be able to lure her away…

What, me?

Please, I have standards! I'll only follow them if they give me some really nice sweets ok?! I won't just befriend them just because they gave me a cookie!

No, the princess doesn't count! She's a princess! This is different!

Oh shut up, don't kink shame me! Sweets are life! And I've finally found someone else who has the same idea!

But it is true that it feels a little inappropriate for me to be invited like this… After all, we did come here for the prince's ball, not to eat cookies with the princess…

Prince Lucius turned to me, "I am terribly sorry about this, Madam Nilm, Miss Nilm… But my sister has always been like this…"

"Ara, ara? It's not a problem at all~ In fact, I would like to offer an invitation to the princess to come visit our home and have some tea with my little one when you are free?"

Before anyone could respond, the princess was already jumping up and down excitedly, "Can I?! I want to go! I want to go!"

The prince seemed unsure of the suggestion, "Are you certain of this, Madam Nilm? I'd think this would be the first time that anyone is personally invited to your family's estates… It might set a precedent for the other nobles, Madam Nilm…"

Oops… Better not let anyone know about Lisa, Odeta and Delmare…

Mother tilted her head at him, "Ara, ara? Why would it? Just because my little one invited the princess I have to invite everyone else? Ufufufu~ I'd like to see who is daring enough to even suggest such a ridiculous thing~"

The underlying threat was clear for everyone to hear.

Prince Lucius turned to me, "What are your opinions about this, Miss Nilm?"

Eh? Why is this on me now?

"I… I don't mind, I guess?" I decided, not even sure if that was the right choice.

I mean… We're inviting the princess of the kingdom to our house, aren't we? Is that even normal for nobles to do? Or is this just a Nilm family thing?

Mother then turned to the maid, "As you heard, if your little princess is available, do let her come over to visit, yes?"

Princess Tiara cheered, "Now! I wanna go right now! Let's go and eat more cookies, big sister!"

The maid seemed to be at a loss on what to do as well and looked to the prince for help.

Prince Lucius sighed, "Sister Tiara, you still have lessons today so you can't do that… Perhaps you should let Father and Mother know about this before going to visit the Nilm Family?"

"Why can't I go now?"

"Do you want your teacher to be angry?"

"Ughh… No…"

"Then you will need to behave, ok?"


Awww… Look at that big brother and little sister interaction… It almost makes me wish that I have a sibling too~

I guess Odeta and Ardi do count as my 'siblings' since they kind of adopted me into their family. But the feeling is still different.

Since the princess received permission to visit us on another day, she grudgingly followed the maid to return to her lessons, wherever that was.

Speaking of that… Doesn't it mean that she's being homeschooled instead of attending Aerialla Academy like her other brother?

And here I thought it was a given that all members of the Royal Family attend the school since they were sponsoring them. I guess maybe it's still up to the child themselves to decide if they really wanted to go on their own.

Well, I wouldn't know anyway.

The main issue now is that there's a princess that will be visiting our house soon… What am I supposed to do about that?

354 Mother Just Wants To Pamper (*RR)

C354 Mother Just Wants To Pamper (*RR)

We returned home in Mother's carriage while I was still wondering about the visit by the princess.

Is this really alright? Well… I guess if Mother was the one who suggested it, it means it's fine right?

As though hearing my thoughts, Mother suddenly pulled me from my seat to sit on her lap with my back against her.

"Ufufufu~ I wonder what my little one is troubled about?"

"Umm… Is it really ok for the princess to come to our house?"

"Ara ara? Does my little one not want her to come over to our house?"

"Umm… I don't know how to act in front of a princess though?"

I mean… Did you even see how I was acting in front of the prince? I'm sure if I was from any other family, I would have been seen as really rude. And all I did was have a dance with him!

Then there's that thing with Lady Koatia where I accidentally pissed her off without even knowing I pissed her off.

If I was to be left alone with the princess, I'll definitely do something similar as well… Are you really sure I can be trusted to not embarrass our Family name? Because I most certainly don't…

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ If it's just something like that, my little one need not worry~ You can just be yourself~"

Ok… I may be in denial all this while… But the fact that Mother said I could just be myself could mean that our family actually stands higher than the Royal family in terms of authority doesn't it?

I know the servants trained here are also employed within the palace and that they serve our family first and their employers second, but is the possibility that we could kill off the heads of the most important noble houses enough to grant us that much power?

Something tells me that there's more to it than just that… But looking at Mother, I really doubt she would tell me even if I asked.

Well, it doesn't hurt to try…

"Mommy? Are we… Actually above the Royal Family?"

"Ara? Why do you ask, my little one?"

"The fact that you said I don't need to pay attention to how I behave in front of the princess… I'm sure that if we were below them I would have to pay attention to my own actions, right?"

"Ufufufu~ Or perhaps we were just granted some special privileges by the king~"

Special privileges that include showing up with our own identities masked? I'm sure no monarch would accept something like that in their own court if the other party didn't possess some kind of influence over them.

Mother hugged me closer to her bosom, "Oh my sweetest, dearest child~ Mama has promised you that my little one would be able to do whatever you wanted without any restrictions. Mama fully intends to follow through on that promise~"

I mean… I thought that meant that I was free to go and do whatever I wished as long as I bore responsibility for the consequences myself… Not that I could do anything without worrying about any consequence…

Mother then started patting my head, "All Mama wants is to be able to pamper and love my dearest child as much as possible~"

Unnn… I know that this was just Mother's way of distracting me from the actual thing but… Well… It's not like I really need to know anyway…

I then felt Mother pulling me even closer to her, "Speaking of which… Even though this was supposed to be a date with Mama, we barely spent any time together, didn't we?"

I realised Mother's hands had shifted from patting my head to wrapping them around my waist, pulling me closer to her to make sure my head was now stuffed in between her bosoms.

Her head laid on top of mine while she rubbed her chin on top of my head, "Perhaps we should do something intimate to make up for that?"

Hold on… This whole date thing was your idea…

Mother shifted her hands to cup my boobs, giving them a soft squeeze and causing me to let out a moan before I could stop myself.

"Ara, ara? My little one is so sensitive~ And it seems like you've grown by quite a bit too~ Ufufufu~"

Mother!! Katsuki and Mary are still here! And we're still in your carriage!

Ah… Neither of those two maids would bat an eyelid at this anyway… Guess there's no point in me protesting, is there?

She then slowly slid her hands down, lifting up my legs to put them on top of her thighs and spreading them.

I let out a gasp as she then reached underneath my skirt to fondle my balls.

"Ufufufu~ It seems like these are quite full since my little one hasn't released any this morning, haven't you?" Mother giggled.

She can even tell that just by fondling my balls… Ok…I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Mother then pulled up the hem of my dress such that my crotch was now in full view.

"Mo… Mommy? What are you doing?" I asked a little rhetorically.

"Ufufufu~ Doesn't my little one know already? As a futa, you have a rather high libido~ That's why it's not good to hold back, you know?"

I'm not even holding back though!


I looked down to see Mother had now shifted her hand to focus on bringing my cock to full mast, her long, slender fingers rubbing along my entire length.

She even spread her legs a little wider which in turn caused my own legs to spread as well, giving her more space to massage my shaft.

I couldn't help but let out a moan as pleasure washed over me, my cock already rapidly hardening under Mother's ministrations.

Looking to the side, I saw our two maids were sitting upright with their eyes closed, as though nothing odd was happening beside them.

pandasnovel.com "Ufufufu~ Is my little one not satisfied with just Mama alone?" Mother whispered, moving one of her hands to massage my balls. "Mama doesn't mind if my little one would want them to join too~"

No, no… That's not the reason I looked over there…

But I couldn't vocalise my thoughts since Mother's fingers just felt too good so the only thing that came out of my mouth was a moan.

"Ara, ara~ Mary, it seems my little one wants more~"

The Trasif maid got up from her seat without complaint and knelt in front of me, "It is my honour, Young Mistress."

Without another word, Mary dipped her head down and I felt her tongue run across the slit of my pussy, sending another shock of pleasure down my spine as my body shook in delight.

Mother started twisting her hands around as she continued to jerk me off with her gloved hands, the smoothness of the glove only serving to intensify the pleasure I was feeling.

She even moved up to run her palm around the head of my cock from time to time as though she was trying to polish it.

I felt another jolt of pleasure when Mary stuck her tongue in my pussy, the sensation of her tongue running around inside me caused my hips to lift up momentarily, allowing the Trasif to reach even deeper with her tongue.

My hips instinctively grinded against her but she made no complaints and even shifted her head to accommodate me.

"Hora, hora~ there's no need to hold back my dearest child~ You can cum anytime with Mama's hands~ Go ahead and shoot out your lovely cum into Mama's hands~"

Obviously there was no way I could hold myself back with the two of them ganging up on me like that and my climax came pretty quickly.

"I'm cumming!" I gasped, feeling my release explode out from my crotch.

Mother gave my balls a soft squeeze just as they contracted, causing my sperm to shoot straight into my penis sheath while love juices gushed out from my pussy into Mary's waiting mouth.

Even while I was cumming, Mother's hand that was pumping my shaft did not stop, continuing to coax more cum out of me as I ejaculated.

"Hora, hora~ Just shoot everything out my little one~ Let yourself loose in Mama's embrace~"

I shuddered from her voice, Mother really knows how to rile me up if she really wanted to.

Unexpectedly, instead of letting my cum get absorbed by the penis sheath's enchantment, Mother peeled it off and let some of its contents splatter onto her hand.

She then dipped a finger in it and brought it to her own lips, sucking it as she would a lollipop.

"Mmm~ My little one sure is growing up nicely, don't you think so, Mary?"

"Of course, Mistress," Mary agreed before dutifully cleaning Mother's hand of my cum by licking her hand clean.

Once that was done, the Trasif maid then shifted back between my legs and started to suck on my cock, bringing me back to full hardness.

Mother giggled, "Let's keep going until we reach home, shall we?"

Unngghhh… I should have known we weren't stopping at one…


355 Princess Curse

C355 Princess Curse

Tonight I was having a 'girls' night with Delmare, Odeta and Lisa while Katsuki 'attended' us.

And by that I really just meant that I'm having a sweets eating session out in the garden with a clear view of the night sky with them while just talking about anything that came to mind.

Of course the topic of my visit to the palace came up and I ended up telling them what happened during the ball.

I'd thought they would be interested in the prince but aside from them being unusually quiet when I told them about my dance with him, they showed no reaction to it.

On the other hand, Lisa seemed to be interested in the princess.

ƥandasnovel.com "Ehhhh~ So you met princess Tiara at the ball?" Lisa gasped.

I nodded, "It was quite funny really. I didn't think that I would actually find a princess underneath that table."

"Wow~ As expected of Aster to meet a princess!" Delmare clapped her hands happily.

I'm not sure why she was so impressed by that since I was only able to meet her because of Mother bringing me to the ball.

Lisa moved closer to me, "Did you talk to her, Aster?!"

Eh? She seems really interested in the princess? Don't tell me Lisa has a crush on her?

Yeah, definitely not possible.

I'd think it's more likely that Lisa might try to make her the next cuck target or something… But please don't…

"Umm… I did. Is that a problem?"

Lisa blinked at me, "Eh? That reaction… Ah… Aster is not aware of her reputation, are you?"

"She has a reputation? Does it have something to do with cookies?"

"Cookies? Eh? Umm… I don't think so? Why cookies?"

Katsuki explained in my stead while pouring tea for me, "That's because the princess seems to really like cookies. She snuck into the prince's ball specifically to eat the cookies prepared for the event."

Lisa nodded at her explanation, "I see… That explains some questions I have… But no, her reputation has nothing to do with cookies. Did Katsuki not tell you, Aster?"

I turned to my Inugami maid and she shook her head, "I saw no need to tell you about her, Mistress. And it's not my place to tell you that since Mistress was with the Madam."

"So what's that little princess known for? Even I've never heard of her?" Odeta asked, clearly curious about it.

Katsuki nodded at Lisa, showing that she would let her explain instead.

My Infrid lover took a deep breath, "She's supposedly cursed."

"Eh?" Delmare, Odeta and I all said at the same time.

Lisa nodded, "A few years ago, the Royal Sage foresaw a future where a demon would be summoned because of the princess. She was then regarded as a cursed child and would always be under watch by a group of servants."

Ok… First of all, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there's even such a thing as a Royal Sage. I'm guessing that person must be quite a powerful mage.

Second of all… I'm surprised she's not under lock and key or even dead.

"That's… Surprising…" I thought aloud.

"Indeed, no one could have thought that she would be involved in a plot like this."

"No, no, that's not it. I thought that it would be normal for the Royal family to try and execute the princess or even exile her after knowing a prophecy like that."

Lisa looked at me with wide eyes, "There's no way they would just abandon the princess like that, they aren't barbarians. How could any proper parent bear to just throw away their own flesh and blood like that?"

Umm… Well… I guess I should keep quiet about all the types of stories I've both read and written where the child of a noble gets thrown away by their parents because of some stupid prophecy…

Delmare swirled the tea in her cup with her spoon idly, "But it's all just a mistake right? Since they have the princess being watched at all times, that future would not come to pass?"

Lisa sipped her own tea, "I wouldn't be too sure about that. There are some futures that would come to pass one way or another… Especially those that have been arranged by the Gods themselves…"

I perked up, "Like the two of us being together?"

My comment made the Infrid blush, "Ehehehe~ I'm sure Hiandoca blessed us to be a couple~"

The Siren also quickly spoke up, "Umm! I'm sure we are also fated to be together too, Aster!!"

Not to be outdone, Odeta also added, "Wahahaha! Then it's also fate that you became my sister too, sister Aster!"

"Mmm… I also believe it is my fate to belong to Mistress as well," Katsuki nodded.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Uwaa~ Is it alright for me to be so loved?

I hid my face in embarrassment, "I… I love all of you so much…"

All of a sudden, I felt my wrist being grabbed as I was pulled towards Lisa, my Infrid closing the distance between us so that she could give me a kiss on the lips.

Mmmm~ I definitely not going to say no to a kiss from her~

I kissed her back before separating, a small trail of saliva bridging between our lips for a moment before it dissipated.

"Ahhh~ Aster tastes so sweet~" Lisa moaned before giggling to herself. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself when Aster looked like that~ Umm… I think we were still talking about the princess?"

I giggled, "Ehehe~ Mhmm~ We were talking about her curse."

"Ah, that's right, it was prophesied that she would be used as a sacrifice to summon a demon so she basically had limited freedom ever since she was young."

Oh, that would explain why she isn't attending Aerialla Academy too since she has to be always under watch.

If she were to attend the school, the Royal Family would need to station people here to watch her as well and I can't imagine that helping the school be a conducive environment for us to study in if there were guards all around the place.

Delmare tapped her chin with a finger, "But why would she be used as a sacrifice? Does she have something special about her?"

Lisa shrugged, "Even I don't know about that. If she does, then it's a closely guarded secret by the Royal Family."

I turned to Katsuki and she tilted her head at me, "Does Mistress wish to know?"

Ah… So we do know the real reason huh…

I shook my head, "I'd think that they kept it a secret so that the less people who know about it, the less likely there would be someone who would try to kidnap her. I think it'll be better if I don't know in that case."

Odeta scoffed, "Bah! If they're so worried about that, then they just have to train her to be stronger! Then she can fight off her kidnappers herself! Easy!"

Truth be told… I actually agree with Odeta here.

Sure, it sucks that she has such a fate and something that could help summon a demon, but just by protecting her isn't going to change anything. The best thing to do would be to help train her to the point where she could defend herself against those threats.

Lisa popped a piece of cake into her mouth, "It's up to the Royal Family to decide. Besides, it doesn't really concern us, does it?"

"Well… She's coming to visit me to have tea the next time she's available…" I told her.

"Eh? Wait! The princess is coming here? To Aster's house?" Lisa gasped.

"Yep, Mommy was the one who invited her to come visit us actually."

Odeta let out a bark of laughter, "Wahahaha! As expected of Mother!"

Delmare also clasped her hands together, "That means we'll be able to meet a real princess, right?"

I was about to answer an affirmative when Lisa spoke up, "I would think that it might be a better idea for us to not get involved with her though…"

I turned to my Infrid, "Is it because you're concerned that we might be caught up in that prophecy?"

Lisa also has Clairvoyance magic so it isn't surprising that she takes the prophecy kind of things quite seriously.

She nodded, "Anything that involves demons is usually never a good thing… I would like us to stay away from them as much as possible…"

"You sound like you have experience with them?" Odeta noted while popping a macaron into her mouth.

"Unfortunately, I have… And it was not a good experience… And before you ask, I would rather not talk about it… But if Aster wishes to know, I will tell you."

I haven't actually seen Lisa look this sad before which told me it was most likely a really serious matter.

Even though I am really curious about it, I decided that it would be a better idea not to ask her about it.

I cut a slice of my cake, "But we've already invited her and she accepted it though… We can't just tell her to go home after that right?"

"Unn… That is true… But don't worry! Whatever happens, I'll protect you, Aster!" Lisa declared while hugging my arm.

"Ha! I will be the one to protect Sister Aster! You don't need to worry about that!" Odeta thumped a fist on her chest proudly.

Delmare also came in to hug my other arm, "Ah! No fair! Me too, Aster!"

"More tea, Mistress?" Katsuki offered casually amidst all that.

While I'm really flattered and all… Shouldn't we be protecting the princess instead?

356 Tea With The Princess

C356 Tea With The Princess

It was time for the princess to visit us.

They had already sent a letter ahead of time asking to visit us and the fact that they were kind of asking for 'permission' showed the real dynamics between Mother and the Royal Family.

That fact scared me a little to be honest. No… Perhaps saying it scared me was a little incorrect… It's more like it's making me quite concerned.

At first I wanted to wait for the princess at the gate when it was near the time for her arrival but Katsuki stopped me and insisted I wait inside the drawing room for her instead.

Even though they insisted, it still felt really weird for me and I wasn't able to calm down. This was amplified by the fact that I would be meeting her alone as Odeta, Delmare and Lisa would not be meeting her but rather just watching us from somewhere nearby.

They did not tell me where they would be watching from though, which was why I'm not even sure if they were actually going to do it or not.

The reason I'm restless was because of that prophecy. With how things are going, I'm fully expecting her to be taken while on her way here.

While I was pacing around the room waiting for the princess, Katsuki finally returned to inform me of her arrival.

Oh good, she didn't get kidnapped… Yet.

"Alright! Then I can go greet her now!"

"Mistress, please don't do that and take a seat. You may stand when the princess comes in but please sit before she does."

Ugh… This is all noble etiquette and stuff… There's a reason why I don't even have a single tier of proficiency in it, you know?

Everything I knew about it was just some superficial knowledge I have that I reference from my old World… Since I needed to know some of them in order to write some of the books I had written before…

But even with my limited knowledge, I could very clearly tell that whatever I'm doing right now isn't what a lower ranked person should be doing…

Just how much influence and authority does Mother actually hold?

Wait… Don't tell me… Was Mother the first Queen? Maybe even the founder of this kingdom? Mother never told me her age but if I were to think about it… Judging by the history of the kingdom, it was established at least a few--

"Ara, ara? What is my little one thinking about?"

I jumped at the sudden voice of Mother who seemed to have literally appeared out of thin air.

"Mo… Mommy? Where did you come from?"

"Ufufu~ I was just checking on my cutest little one to see if you needed anything before meeting the princess~ But I think with little Katsuki here, you will be fine~"

"Of course, Katsuki is always dependable after all!" I praised, which caused Katsuki's tail to wag a little from hearing that.

So cute~

Mother giggled, "Of course~ In that case, do have fun with the little princess my child. Remember, you can just act as yourself~"

"Ugh… I know, Mommy…" I whined.

She then reached forward and adjusted the [Mask of Impossible Identity] I was wearing to keep real identity from being exposed.

ƥandasnovel.com Satisfied, she nodded to herself, "Ufufu~ my little one really is the cutest~"

Mother then gave me a wave before walking through a portal that had appeared in the air in front of her, disappearing from my sight.

Did she really just teleport to me to tell me that?

Speaking of which… What was I thinking about again?

Right at that moment, the doors to the drawing room flung open and a very excited princess was standing there with her arms outstretched.

"Big sister! I'm here!!"

I was already standing so I simply turned around to greet her.

"Oh! Welcome Princess Tiara! Did you have trouble getting here?"

"Not at all! Big sister's house is so big! Are we going to eat cookies today? What kind of cookies are there for tea?"

"Umm… Calm down, princess… Umm… Katsuki?"

My Inugami maid bowed, "We have indeed prepared cookies for tea today, Mistress. There are chocolate cookies, gingersnaps, peanut butter, sugar cookies, butter cookies and macaroons."

Uwaaaa~ Just hearing Katsuki list them off is enough to make my mouth water!

I looked to the side and I realised the princess was actually drooling from hearing Katsuki list off all those cookies.

"Please excuse me, princess," A voice came from behind her.

I looked back to see the same maid that I saw the other day at the prince's ball appear behind the princess. In her hand was a handkerchief that she used to wipe the drool off the princess's face.

I guess she's her chaperone as well?

Katsuki waited until she was done before bowing her head at me, "The tea is prepared in the gardens, Mistress, Princess Tiara. If you would follow me."

The princess cheered, "Yay, cookies!! Let's go big sister!"

She was even tugging on my arm cutely.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

We followed Katsuki to the garden where a small table with pure white cloth had been set up in the middle surrounded by various flowers.

As we moved to sit down at the table I eyed the maid that followed the princess here since I didn't have a chance to take a good look at her that day.

[Name: Aria Blanche

Title: Third Princess's Guard, Third Princess's Caretaker, Mist Maid

Race: Mahun

Gender: Female

Current Mood: Cautious


132 Strength

152 Dexterity

114 Endurance

127 Magic


Tracking (Tier 2), Hunting (Tier 2), Noble Etiquette (Tier 2), Marksman Skill (Tier 1), Assassination (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 1), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Throwing Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Hydromancy (Tier 2), Astromancy (Tier 2)]

Hmm… I'm not really one to judge but… I'm not really sure if she's able to protect the princess properly with stats like this… Heck, even Katsuki can beat her in a head on fight…

Maybe she's just meant to take the princess and teleport away when things happen instead of fighting? I guess that would be the most sensible thing to do.

Her Hydromancy magic must also be just in case she needs to camp outside with the princess and that will help them avoid dehydration.

She's definitely not a maid trained by Mother's school which made me question why until I realised that using one of our maids to protect their princess would also equate to them admitting their own incompetence.

Ugh, more politics.

I wonder if--

"Mistress, please enjoy your tea."

My thoughts were interrupted by Katsuki's voice as several maids came towards us while pushing along carts piled high with various kinds of sweets. They stopped in front of our table, each of them standing at attention beside their own carts and ready to take my order.

Ahhh~ This is definitely what I live for!! Tea time filled with all kinds of sweets!

I immediately started picking what I wanted to eat, "I want that cake, those cookies, that pie, that pudding, that cake and that one too… Umm… Maybe those eclairs… Ah! Definitely that ice cream too!"

The maids immediately started to gather what I ordered from the carts before bringing it to my table to enjoy.

Oh, did it seem too little? This is just the first round~ I'm planning to eat everything~

I looked at the princess to see that she was still looking at the carts with wide eyes.

"Ehehe~ There's no need to hold back, princess Tiara. Go ahead and tell them what you want and they will prepare it for you~"

She turned to me with sparkles in her eyes, "Can I really, big sister?!"

"Of course~ That's why we're here isn't it? It's tea time and we're here to eat sweets~"

The princess still seemed to be unsure so she looked at her maid for affirmation. Only when Aria nodded did she turn back to the sweet carts excitedly.

"Yayyy! Then I want those cookies! And those cookies!! And umm… All the cookies over there too! And those cookies that big sister picked!"

Just like they did with me, the maids quickly gathered all the sweets she requested and brought them over to her, prompting the start of our delicious tea time~

"Ahhh! Big sister! This cookie is so good! Try some!"

"Mmmm! The sweetness blends just right with the saltiness! Try this pudding too princess!"

"Nom~ Waaa! I didn't know puddings could taste this good too! Big sister should also try this cookie!!"

Ahhh~ So much sweetness! So much sugar!! This is the best tea time I've had this week!

I'm of course not counting the times I've had tea with the other girls since they made them special in their own way too~

Odeta would always make it boisterous like it's a party and also try to feed me while letting me fondle her abs. Delmare would of course be serenading me with her wonderful songs while I enjoyed the sweets alongside her performance.

And then there's of course Lisa who would… Well… Probably eating a different kind of sweet from in between my legs while I was enjoying mine.

Mmhmm~ Tea time is the best~