
I'm Inside Naruto Manga

A shuriken flew through the air. It is an unexpected angle. The moment it was so close to him, Logan's eyes widened - not because of the sharp weapon that carried death, but because of the thing that jumped out of the shadows. A line of text that should not exist in this world appeared behind him. [To be continued...] "To be continued?" Update Schedule: 4chp/1week Mon,Wed.Fri,Sun.

Iampoorguy · Cómic
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113 Chs

Chapter 2 First Mission

Logan's first mission as an official member of the Anbu wasn't particularly difficult, or so it seemed.

'Head to House No. 39 on Yamanote Road in the southeast of the village and capture two confirmed foreign spies.' This was the mission briefing Logan received initially. ANBU's missions covered a wide range, involving village security, and vigilance against spies was essential at that time. Logan was new and didn't know much about ANBU's intelligence, so he just acted according to the orders. Since it was confirmed that the two people mentioned in the mission are spies, then they are.

Every Ninja Village had its people lurking in other villages to gather intelligence, and Konoha was no exception. For this kind of thing, all Logan could only think about whether, if one day, Konoha sent him to another village as an undercover agent for ten or eight years. Should he refuse or refuse or refuse?

Youth wasn't spent running under the sunset; it should be spent watching Ad... cough, animal videos.

Soon, Logan and Aida arrived near their destination, which is a large apartment building. The corridors surrounding the building were wrapped around the walls in circles. The rooms were numerous, and the cylindrical structure looked bulky, similar to the place where Naruto lived in the manga.

'Just two Genin...' Logan thought, as he's hiding in the shadow of the corridor. As a Ninja, he naturally had special skills for climbing upstairs. He and Aida had silently surrounded the room where their targets were.

Keeping the portraits of the targets in mind as per the mission briefing, Aida gestured to Logan, then rushed into the room.

These two foreign undercover agents needs to be brought back for interrogation. Logan and Aida are both Jonin, so dealing with Genin required no trick, just straightforward action is enough. And Aida is also very kind, indicating that he would charge forward while Logan covered the rear, saying he would do the heavy lifting for this young man.


The sound of the door hitting the wall echoed, but before Logan could finish admiring the dedication and honesty of the Konoha's Ninjas, he noticed that the sounds coming from inside the room were a bit unusual.

Two metallic clashes, followed by a muffled groan.

Logan's expression changed slightly, and he swiftly rushed into the room.

The room is not large, just around fifty square meters, a typical single apartment with two people living in it. The furnishings were messy, and there was a partition inside.

That was the first thing Logan saw when he glanced into the room. The next moment, he saw Aida retreating to one side, the windbreaker on his left torn open with a huge gash, blood flowing continuously.

"The intelligence is wrong!" Aida succinctly said, then focused on dealing with the opponent in front of him.

Fight broke out immediately. Aida and an ordinary-looking man had already exchanged blows several times in the blink of an eye, the intensity of the fight reaching the level of life and death between Jonin.


Logan used his kunai instead of replying, blocking a sneak attack from the shadows. Another undercover agent also moved away from Aida's side, starting a direct confrontation with him.

Two Jonin were mistakenly identified as Genin, this is definitely a major accident, but now wasn't the time to investigate such matters.

It was obvious that after Aida rushed in, he was besieged by two Jonin. With his rich experience, he managed to leave with only half of his hand temporarily disabled, instead of being killed on the spot.

Logan's nerves tensed up. Two flashes clashed for an instant, visible sparks flying in the dim room. The grip of the kunai in his hand brought him a temporary sense of relief, 'The strength is not bad...'.

Before he could have any further thoughts, a whip kick came whistling towards him. Instinctively, he blocked with his left hand, then tried to counter, but the opponent directly threw the kunai. Although the speed at close range wasn't fast, he dodged it and then grabbed the opponent's leg, exerting force to throw him off.

As an undercover agent discovered in the enemy village, all the other party's moves were deadly strikes. Fortunately, the skills Logan honed over the years weren't just for show.

While resolving the crisis, he also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy. In terms of physical skills, Logan was quite confident, because perhaps, due to being a transmigrator, his mental strength far exceeded that of an ordinary person, and his reaction and dynamic vision were also powerful. Coupled with his proficiency in Lightning Release, which is his best Chakra Attribute, it is the guarantee that he can continue to improve and survive.

The two only exchanged blows for an instant, but there was already a faint distinction between victory and defeat. The other party was obviously anxious and formed hand seals, intending to use Ninjutsu regardless of being completely exposed.

On the other side, Aida had already activated his Byakugan. He was engaged in Taijutsu combat with the opposing Jonin, but compared to Logan's side, he seemed to be more at ease. After all, the combination of the Hyuga Clan's Taijutsu and Byakugan is quite a bug for ordinary Ninjas.

So far, neither side had caused much commotion. Logan was afraid of harming innocent bystanders, while the undercover agents seemed to be banking on the hope of Logan and Aida's mistakes due to the intelligence error.

Of course, the lack of much commotion was relative. The already not very tidy room was now in ruins, with several chairs smashed, kunai stuck crookedly on the walls, and the sounds of punches and kicks echoing heavily. There were only sawdust on the floor, and there are also scattered scrolls outside.

If there is someone living next door, they would definitely think the building was going to be demolished instead of entertaining impure thoughts.

Seeing that his opponent is preparing to use Ninjutsu regardless of the consequences, Logan knew it would be a big move. He didn't have the leisure to test its power for the opponent and mobilized the Chakra in his body, also showing his real skills.


The sound produced by the electric current rang, a faint visible arc of blue light appeared on Logan's body, accompanied by the familiar tingling sensation and an overwhelmingly increased sense of strength...


Logan's speed suddenly soared, and his already slight advantage in agility turned into overwhelming dominance. Under the surprised gaze of the enemy Jonin, he slashed across the opponent's shoulder with his kunai, where the throat should have been, and blood spurted out.

The enemy was holding his right shoulder that was scratched before he had time to raise it up. The pain made his face a little distorted.

"Lightning Release... You can actually control cell stimulation..." After his hand seals was interrupted, the other party spoke for the first time, his tone filled with surprise.

"Scared stiff, huh?"

Logan replied casually, then halted his momentum before continuing his attack.

Using this Lightning Attribute Chakra to stimulate the body before attacking would cause a pause. For Logan, it was unavoidable.

While using Lightning Attribute Chakra to stimulate cells to increase strength and speed wasn't a secret method, there are only few people who have mastered it.

It's because, apart from precise control that will wipe out a group of people, most people simply can't control their bodies after being stimulated. If their eyes couldn't keep up and they forcefully used it in battle, it wouldn't just be harming the themselves more than the enemy, instead, it would be dying inexplicably before even harming the enemy.

If it weren't for Logan's powerful mental strength and enhanced visual perception, he wouldn't be able to control this technique.

Even so, he still had a slight pause after using this technique, like a momentary stalemate after throwing a punch.

Although it wasn't a big issue, compared to the powerful characters in the original work, it was kind of embarrassing.


The faint sound of electricity was like a nightmare to the enemy. The opponent didn't possess the ultra-high level of instant Ninjutsu, and his Taijutsu was no match for Logan's with the added lightning attribute. Soon, he wanted to flee, but Logan, who had anticipated it, caught his flaw and landed a fatal blow.

Logan caught the wrist of the opponent, who wanted to counterattack with his kunai, and his right hand stabbed his kunai into the opponent's heart.


There was a strange sound coming out of the flesh and blood. Looking at the unfamiliar face of the other party, the pupils in his eyes that began to expand, and a little blood with heat that splashed slightly on his clothes, Logan's expression was calm.

All of this was no longer unfamiliar to him.

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