
I'm in the Wrong Village!

Naruto is a wonderful world filled with wonderful characters, a thoughtful story, and an amazing plot (until shippuden) when a guy who finally found his dream in our world dies, he wishes for a place where he can achive a better dream... to bad he woke up in the wrong place with all the right tools.

DarkDrago_Gameing · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 1.3 Preperations and Doubts

'Should I do this?' Is a thought becoming all too common.

'Like, should I really?' followed shortly afterward most of the time. Yeah in case you couldn't tell, I am having doubts, like serious doubts as to if I could and should do this.

You see in a way my plan was simple, exit Kumo, then go down to Frost County learn some obscure chakra control exercises, go down across the Land of Hot Water seeing the sites, hop on a boat, or just water walk to the few islands near where Uzugakure use to be.

Head to wave where I'll work for a while to build up base stats enough to gain observe, then go through the outskirt islands of Mist, grab any orphaned kids with Kekkai Genkai, head across to Jiro Island with said kids and a few others that catch my interest, help them build either a country or hidden village there.

Then swing around to the Village hidden in Blood, see if anything there is cool, maybe take a few more orphans, then heading up to bird country to find out why they named it that, move through bear country, key country, and stone country before skirting the edges of rain in the Wind country, and finally arriving in Taki where I might be able to kidnap Fu and take her with me to Konoha, before finally going to Konoha.

So remember when I said it was simple? I lied. Like a big fat liar that spits filthy lies. All that also wasn't accounting for possible looks through Sea country, Sakura country, Sky country, motherfucking LEMON AND ORANGE COUNTRY!? Seriously the more I see of this continent the more stops and ideas I make.

This is like running away from home... but 86 times worse! Hell if it wasn't for the possibility of being caught I would even go to the Spark and Kage rivers in Kumo. But seeing as I need to get to Konoha in time to enroll in the academy, which is around eight years old if I remember right.

'Wait... I gotta go to school again don't I?' That thought was followed by an audible groan from where I was writing flashcards in the Library.

You see after I went and took a look at the gates to the village I was swiftly reminded that I was in a Ninja Village that was very militaristic, as that thing had more guards than I remembered.

After that, I decided to do the logical thing. Go up to the gate and ask to leave.

Surprisingly they said yes if I could pay the gate fee of 50000 Ryo. So I nodded, then went to work studying earth and fire release. After realizing I wasn't getting anywhere from that I decided to go to the basics and get at least Tree walking done.

Remember those people who write fanfiction and say the Tree walking exercise was easy? They were like me, liars, big fat stinky liars that lie a thousand times.

You would think it was easy, put in chakra, you get pushed off, you add less, you don't stick, you add more. Except that's what they want you to think. You see it's more than hard enough, when you get RANDOM SPIKES AND DROPS IN THE AMOUNT OF CHAKRA YOUR USING depending on how much ATTENTION, YOU ARE PAYING!

In case you are confused, it has been a MONTH, since I have been here, and what do I have to show for it? I have gained seven points in Dex, seven points in Int, 2 in Wis, 3 in Con, and this.

*Tree Walking Lv 2


You send chakra to your feet to stick to the tree, saying fuck physics and walking on horizontal surfaces.

20 cp per minute*

So in total, I could use this for 35 minutes, which isn't bad, but I need to get this and Water Walking up a shit ton, or get a boat but that would be boring.

Also, my stats look like this now

*Name: Sekai Nosheka Okuno

Hp: 650

Cp: 700


Str: 13

Dex: 14

Agi: 15

Con: 13

Int: 17

Wis: 14

Luk: 10

Elemental Affinities: Greater Fire, Strong Earth

Fps: (feet per second) 22*

Don't exactly know why it only showed my speed now, but whatever I wasn't near what's needed for anything, and I planned to rectify that.

Also turned out Chakra Control isn't a measurable stat... go figure.

Getting back on track however I need to train, hard, the only problem was that training grounds were reserved for ninja and those that paid only, aka not me or any other orphan.

So I did the best thing to do, I went to the library and started learning a Fire Jutsu. More specifically "Fire Release: Snap Flare" allowed the user to snap their fingers and create a small flame they could control with their pointer finger.

*Fire Release: Snap Flare Lv 7

User snaps their fingers and creates a small fire that they can move with their pointer finger

Cost: summon for 20 Cp, maintain for 5 Cp a minute*

Yeah, turns out my previous life knowledge greatly helped me here as I already knew about it I just needed a refresher.

So now, my brilliance comes into play. "Hey guys, check this out!" With that I snap my fingers making a fire at my pointer finger, after which I was immediately surrounded by a bunch of my fellow orphans asking me a bunch of questions and completely ignoring personal space.

I put out the fire and shout out to them, "hey guys calm down!" Pushing them back enough I then tell them, "I wanna show ya how to do it, but I reeeally need money as well, so if you all can get together 50000 Ryo for me, I'll teach all of ya how to do it!"

Ah, the naivety of children, its honestly refreshing to see so many children scrambling around looking for cash, but in the end, they all got the money and brought it to me.

I grabbed the money then turned around "Alright then, let's start this!" a cheer rang out. "To start I want all of you to take a leaf from the ground or one of the trees then..."

I ended up teaching a majority of them the leaf sticking exercise while a few got to learn the beginning of the actual jutsu.

Seeing all these kids working hard and chatting, sharing different tips and tricks that they had found, I felt... complete.

I always had many different ideas for my life, a plan to be an engineer, a plan to be a principal, and a blacksmith, an amusement park owner, a hero. But in all those plans I always wanted to teach, it was like an addiction for me, teaching how to read and write.

It culminated in the whole kinetic school thing, but as I look back on my life I realize I always liked to teach, but it just often came off as being bossy most of the time.

But to see all these kids so excited to learn what I teach them, and hearing their questions and theories and ideas, I feel like an addict that just got their fix after a week of having nothing.

'This world, now that I think of it, it doesn't have good teachers does it?' It made me pause as I thought of it, thinking about how Gai, Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Jiraya, and even Mizuki acted. It was filled with laziness and favoritism so much that it made a knot in my stomach.

As I went upstairs I thought about what they did wrong, for Asuma and Kurenai there were simple mistakes, while they taught the basics, they let their students overspecialize, not even trying to teach them elemental jutsu or really anything.

The biggest offenders were Kakashi, Jiraya, and Mizuki.

For Kakashi he did the right thing at first and taught them the basics and working together, however, after teaching them the tree walking he did the worst thing a teacher could do and focused on Sasuke and getting his speed up, one thing you learn is that you never show favoritism as a teacher, if you're going to teach one kid something then teach another kid something else as well, even if Sasuke was fighting Garra, Naruto and Sakura were completely left behind by Kakashi because of his show of favoritism.

Jiraya on the other hand was a horrible teacher, he only taught three maybe four things to naruto in the span of 3 FUCKIN YEARS?! Not to mention the fact that he acts as if teaching naruto was a terrible burden that he wouldn't wish on his worst enemies when after you get down to it naruto was a very good learner.

Don't even start me with Mizuki, I will flip out, I don't have to explain what he did.

Oh, and Gai, while I get that Rock Lee needed some extra attention, you could at the very least help Tenten fight against ANY NINJUTSU USER, like seriously!

Letting out an audible groan in frustration I steel myself, this world needs a lot of things, and a teacher seems to be one of the biggest things, and besides making naruto smart is one of the greatest challenges to my teaching ability and it is something that I won't let stand.

So tomorrow I have to finish teaching the kids Slap Flare, and then I hit the road, but should I do this, is this a good idea?

No, I have to... this world reminds me so much of my old one, broken and sad, I have to do something, great power and great responsibility and all that.

With a sigh, I stared at the ceiling as my doubts and actions of the day catch up to me, and I slowly drift into the sea of unconsciousness.