
I'm in the Wrong Village!

Naruto is a wonderful world filled with wonderful characters, a thoughtful story, and an amazing plot (until shippuden) when a guy who finally found his dream in our world dies, he wishes for a place where he can achive a better dream... to bad he woke up in the wrong place with all the right tools.

DarkDrago_Gameing · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 1.2 The Way Out

So after that little kerfuffle, hehe that's a funny word, I got myself together and did the first thing any self-respecting Gamer should do, grind.

More specifically I did various stretches to make myself more flexible, it didn't do much but after an hour I got a point in Dex so it was fine I suppose.

But no, the first thing I needed to do is find a way to get my chakra unlocked. Or at least it was until I realized it had already been unlocked.

Yeah turned out Kumogakure freely allowed its civilians to learn ninjutsu, although C rank and higher techniques were only given to genin and above and jutsu lower than that was free gain, and civilians could even sell techniques they developed to different shinobi for a huge payout.

So it was to my great surprise that orphans got their chakra unlocked at three years old, the earliest they could get it without having it hurt the children's development potential.

From a certain perspective, this was an excellent business strategy, as children are naturally curious about things like chakra, so they would play with it then they would join the academy to be a ninja and learn even more about it, and the progress showed as over 70 percent of Kumo's shinobi forces were orphans.

So I decided, I was in a four-year-old's body, just do what a four-year-old would do, and go to the library.

So that's how I ended up in front of the desk, asking the librarian for a book. Christ my life is weird "um, Mrs. Librarian" I nearly gagged at my voice, but sacrifices must be made... for the ship!

The librarian looked down at me as if I had suddenly appeared in a poof of smoke "oh hello there, I didn't see you, do you need something sweetie?" she was nice, so I let the insult to my height slide.

"Um, are there any books on Jusu here?" I purposefully misspoke jutsu, but she seemed to get the gist. "Oh of course dear, if you go down there," she pointed at a row of books, "you'll find some basic "Jutsu" books," she said emphasizing jutsu.

With a quick thank you, I was on the way over, with a glance through the titles I grabbed a book on the basic three, then one on some jutsu that seemed to be called the "Traveler's Ten" which were all elemental jutsu surprising enough.

After a quick check, I found I had an inventory, but it only had six slots that could carry 8 pounds at most. he took the book on the Traveling Ten and put it in his inventory before looking over the rest of the books.

Many of the books here were guides to various jutsu made by different people, however, because I didn't know my Affinities, I just grabbed a simple Wind jutsu called "Wind Release: Gale" since I figured I could teach Naruto it.

It was at this time I realized I didn't have the skill book ability, which kinda sucked but it wasn't too big of a deal since even if it was a watered-down version of The Gamer it was still The Gamer.

However, that did make me remember something, the greatest ability of The Gamer.

I focused on the book, taking in every detail I could, from the handwriting to the texture, and... nothing happened.

'Well that's weird, maybe I need to use chakra?' with a nod of the head he used the Ram hand seal and sent chakra to his eyes, as he was taught when he unlocked his chakra, he was rewarded with a *ping*.

*WARNING: User has tried to access an ability he is not ready for, please fulfill these requirements and try again: 34 Str, 42 Dex, 56 Int, 24 Con*

'Huh, so it's out of my reach for now eh? Ah well, I'll just have to train, for now, I'll eventually get it after all.' so with a shrug, I put the Wind Release book in my inventory and went to the librarian.

"Um, Mrs. Librarian, I um read a few of the books and one of them talked about af fin aties, and I was wondering, how do I find mine?" I made sure to mispronounce affinities so that they didn't get suspicious.

"Oh, well there should be a man that sells chakra paper just next door, all you have to do is go next door and but one, he sells them for only 100 Ryo." She said clearly, which honestly surprised me.

Like, 100 Ryo was only a dollar, so that was seriously cheap, I left with a "Thank you Mrs. Librarian!" and headed over to the store.

It was a pretty simple store selling all sorts of cool weapons, but I wasn't here for them, I had to get that paper!

I arrived at the counter where the man was selling things, he was a tall and bulky man, with some scars scattered across his arms and one along his forehead, with some greyish brown hair on his head he looked like a retired army man, or I guess ninja in this world.

"Excuse me Mista!" again with the voice, I swear I am gonna throw up one of these days, give me back my manly voice dammit!

He looked over then looked down before seeing me and giving a warm smile "Oh, sorry there kid, didn't see ya, so what did ya need?" His voice was loud and boisterous, I swear it nearly shook the store with its volume.

"Well, I was at the library reading books about chakra, then it talked about af fin aties, and I wanted to know mine so I asked the librarian and she told me I could get some chakra paper from you!" I explained in the most childish way I could, hopefully, it fooled him.

Judging by the smile he gave me it did "Well then, let's get you a chakra paper kid, did you bring 100 Ryo?" I nodded my head and took the money I brought in my pocket out, being an orphan got me 1000 Ryo a month as a sorta allowance, unluckily my past self wasn't so good at saving money, but he did keep 1000 Ryo on him always.

Handing over 100 of 1000 I had I was given a piece of paper, "now kid, do you know how to use it?" With a shake of my head he gave me a quick rundown of what the paper did and what was needed for it.

"Now, go on and try it kid," so I nodded, and sent my chakra into the paper. Half the paper instantly lit on fire, being so hot I dropped it, while the other half became a pile of dirt.

"Wow kid, that's a really strong fire affinity you got there, and an earth affinity to go along with it, you got really lucky kid." you could hear the smirk on his face while you saw the notifications from the game.

*Due to actions in your previous life you were given "Greater Fire Affinity"*

*Due to chance you gained "Strong Earth Affinity"*

*Affinities are the connection you have to an element, Affinities can be gained in two ways, the first is to be born with them, the second is to gain them through training, the first is the most common way, but the second is also an option if the first doesn't pan out.*

*Additionally affinities are ranked in order of strength from weak, medium, high, strong, greater, higher, and godly Greater is on the level of naruto's affinity to wind while Godly is on the level of the second Hokage's affinity to water*

Well that was a lot of information to swallow, but I couldn't ponder it here, I said thanks to the man and ran back to the library.

With a quick wave to the librarian I went over to the jutsu section with a purpose, grabbing the book on lava release, now the book itself didn't have any techniques, but lava release was the most commonly used Kekkai Genkai throughout all five villages.

So the book had the history and some of the theory behind it, I hoped that would be enough for me to recreate it. putting it in the inventory I also grabbed books on the basic theory of fire and earth release jutsu, making sure to only grab the ones that had copies.

With one more space available I decide to grab a jutsu called "Earth Release: Bunker" a D-rank jutsu that made a tentlike shelter for resting at night, nothing fancy but good enough that it would shelter me from the rain and wind.

I put that in then I grabbed a random fire jutsu book and went over to the librarian to check that out.

I didn't get back to the orphanage till dinner, so I had to clean the dishes, after dinner and dishes I told the matron I was gonna go to bed and went upstairs.

But upstairs I had taken a fair few leaves, because as nice as this village was... I had to leave.

I had to get to Konoha, I had to get them ready, me being here is gonna cause ripples and considering how they barely survived in canon they could seriously die just from me being here.

I... I couldn't have that on my consciousness, I had to prepare them.

Then came the *ping* that was birthed from my goal.