
I'm in Love with the Sun

One sunny day as the sun shines brightly in the sky, I meat the only sun that shinned in my dark day, a love never felt before shined like a sunrise in my soul. Yeong Soo Yeon, a K-pop idol singer and actor, meets a foreigner with the most beautiful presence he'd ever felt; an encounter he could never forget even after Two years. Fedora Miller, a lovely and charming and artistic girl from the London captures the heart of a young foreigner with her poetic soul. It's a love story that starts on a Sunny day.

KelYoungWrld99_ · Ciudad
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14 Chs

I Think I Cought More Than Feelings For Her/Chapter 5

I was to I'm a hast to go back to the company.

Why did he let her go? After I specifically said, don't let her out of your side and because of that I might never see her again.

I feel sick.... I'm gonna throw up. My stomach hurts a lot as I rode on my way to the company; what's happening to me? I think I cought more than feelings for her.

As I made my way into the conference room with my personal assistant, I was in a hurry to confront my agent who promised me that he wouldn't let her go.

"Hey!" a familiar voice called out, my legs moving on their own as I embraced her in a tight hug

"Ohhh!" she spoke out as I leased my embrace.

I looked at her for a few seconds and held her tight again.

"Did you think I left?" she said lifting my face off her shoulder as she looked directly into my eyes "I'd never do that.....a promise is a promise and it's meant to be kept" I held her tighter breathing in her scent; summer mixed with cotton candy, a newly dry cleaned lining, very soothing.

"Hey. Get off me, you're gonna squeeze me to death" she spoke in cutie tone.

"Um... I'm sorry" getting off her but still holding onto her tight.

We sat down close to each other as I stared at her in awww....her hands a soft and small too.

They fit right into my hands. So cuteee!

The noise in the background suddenly go louder but truly I wasn't paying attention cuz all I like you do was stare into her eyes... I'm totally in love.

"Go out with me!" I spoke out all of a sudden as the room suddenly grew quiet and everyone staring at me but I didn't care.

"Okay!" Agent Kim spoke out dragging me into another room "Are you crazy?" he asked me.

Still in a haze I looked up at him and smiled like a love-struck puppy and all I could say was "Yes I am definitely crazy...crazy in love" I said with a smile.

"Are you guys seeing this?" he asked the group "Your teammate has totally lost it, what if the paparazzi saw him acting this way, what then?" The all stared at each other but still, I don't care.

"Soo Yeon; you do know you can't date her, right? Jemmy said with a serious face "You're under a contract and your father wouldn't take it lightly with you" he told me.

"But I don't care, I want to live my life the way I want and what I want is to have her.... It's my life if I have to quit music I will just to be with her. I didn't care what anyone thinks especially my father" I spoke out bluntly as the door behind us lightly closed.

"I'm not gonna let that happen, you can't just ruin your career because of me" she said.

How long has she been standing there and she can understand stand Korea.

I spoke to her almost immediately as she spoke her last words "I don't care about all that; do you know the reason I kept on singing for the past two years? It's all because of you, I wanted to quit music and everything in between" I spoke to her as I came closer hold her hands close to my chest.

"I continued singing because of you and only because, all those lyrics they belong to you. I'll drop everything, every other thing if I can be with you and I meant it when I said I don't care about my father and he's thought about us.....all I care about is you and the fact that I found" I stared at her eyes as I spoke those last words.

They were sparkling really bright...those sun for a eyes that caught me the first time.

Now the room was really quit that I could hear my own heart beat and how fast they were.

"Okay!"Lee Bin said breaking me from my gaze, pulling me to a side "You can't do this, you are the leader of the group and our song writer, think about the others" I knew he thought he wasn't being loud but the others could hear him.

"What happens to us if you leave, you are being selfish" Dae-Hyun spoke out with anger as he walked out the room hitting the door really hard.

They all stared at me "I'll go speak to him" Danny spoke out.

"You can't just make such statement, coming up with such thought all by yourself, Dae-Hyun's right you're being selfish not thinking about your teammates" Eun said leaving the room too.

I felt sadness because I felt they didn't understand and they couldn't.

"Take it easy on them, you know Dae-Hyun's the youngest and a little immature and looks up to you.....Eun on the other hand was once your rival who came to love this group even more than you do" he spoke walking closer to me "I think you should take the time to talk to them individually" He smiled walking out of the room.

Jemmy tapped me on the shoulder and walked out the door too, so did the others....everyone left, leaving I and Dora alone in the room.

"You know they are right about you being selfish" she spoke out which I was surprised that she did, not her too....I just want what's best for me, why can't people get that.

I looked up at her confused by the statement

"Don't give me that look, you know they are right...that I am right. You can't up and leave after building something with them it's not right. You all form this group together, had great and memorable moments together, traveled the world together..... created moment that could last forever, magical moment"

She spoke those words really fast and slow at the same time while looking into my eyes, I could see that fire in her as she spoke every word out, trying to burn them into me.

"You can't just tell me you want to let that go, I never said you shouldn't do want makes you happy but people need time to adapt to change. Don't we all? Just think about it cause I know that even though you told me that music makes you sad and you felt nothing from it again, that deep down inside you.... your soul is music and you love every note you create, every word, every lyrics...the symphony" she said coming closer to me.

"It's a part of you and it will always be. Music is your heart beat and I think..... I think you just need to learn how to get it to beat again, which is where I fall in. So don't lose that beat cause it's what keeps you "Alive" not me. You just need to remember"

She said walking out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.....The room feels to big and cold all of a sudden.

I Think I Cought More Than Feelings For Her.