
I'm in Hollywood

An advertising director is reborn in 1988 Hollywood as an eighteen-year-old blond-haired westerner named Eric Williams. From then on, he starts writing movie scripts and television songs, becomes skilled in directing every kind of film, wins over all kinds of female celebrities, and takes the path to becoming a Hollywood legend.

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87 Chs

Chapter 35 - The party

Eric was about to respond when Barry Diller continued: "Eric, before you refuse, perhaps you aren't aware that Home Alone's protagonist, Stuart Runkle, has signed with the CAA. With the agency's rapid expansion in recent years, their appetite has also been growing. Michael Ovitz recently directly broke into the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer company's headquarters because he was dissatisfied with their arrangements. He had a huge fight with their CEO, and in the end, MGM had to make compromises. If you release Home Alone's sequel independently in the future, the CAA will probably stuff its nose in it too."

Although what Barry Diller said made sense, Eric still bluntly refused. It was true that Home Alone needed Stuart Runkle, but Stuart Runkle also needed Home Alone to stabilize his fame.

His past's Macaulay Culkin had only this series to show for, all other movies he had played in were mediocre. Eric didn't believe that the changes so far would make much difference in this case, and if the CAA wanted to meddle in this, then let's see whose patience was longer, he had other movies to make in the meantime.

"Mr. Diller, I can sell Home Alone's overseas copyrights to the 20th Century Fox for 25 million $, however, I will be shooting three movies in the next year including Home Alone's sequel. I want Fox to sign an agreement for all three with me for a share of 35% of the North American box office and 10% of the overseas one."

Eric no longer asked for a share on the overseas copyright because he suddenly found himself in urgent need of money, and 25 million $ would be cheaper than the share and can be paid immediately.

Barry Diller patiently listened to Eric, then frowned and shook his head: "Eric, the Fox will gladly pay you the 25 million $ for the overseas' copyrights. However, according to what you said earlier, you are just making low-budget productions, so your demand is a bit high. Only big productions get that kind of share, you know. We can accept this share for Home Alone's sequel, but not the other two."

Eric confidently smiled and said: "Mr. Diller, I believe my movies are worth the price. If you don't believe me, maybe we can make a bet?"


Barry Diller almost choked. Because of the previous bet, the current position of Columbia's President, Blount Cohen was so shaky that he may be fired at any moment. Barry wasn't stupid enough to make the same mistake.

"Maybe I should offer these conditions to the other companies too. I believe that several of them would be quite interested in the offer. Michael Eisner has been calling me a lot lately."

Barry Diller laughed: "Eric, you can't fool me on this one, I know why Michael contacted you."

Eric shook his head and said: "I'm not lying to you, Mr. Diller. I meant after the incident, Mr. Eisner has contacted me again."

As his former assistant, Barry Diller knew Michael Eisner better than most. He was a very conceited person, and for him to still keep in contact with Eric after what happened, really surprised him. He did not know that the reason for this was because Eric had left a deep impression on Michael Eisner during their meeting.

Barry Diller didn't think the young man would lie about something that could so easily be verified. He carefully reassessed Eric, his former assistant's vision wasn't to be underestimated. Barry Diller wasn't indecisive like Blount Cohen. After thinking for a moment and quickly calculating the pros and the cons, he said: "Eric, you have my word."

"Well, here' to great cooperation." Eric raised his hand.

Barry Diller smiled and the two of them high-fived. They had reached an agreement and the only thing left was to sign the contract.


"Hey, Eric, I missed you." When Eric returned to the main hall, a pale green figure floated over and jumped into his arms.

The girl's excited voice attracted the attention of many people in the hall.

Eric quickly stepped out of her embrace as she was still only 13 now. It was okay to be intimate in private but people might misunderstand when in public.

Drew too seemed to realize this and although she stuck out her tongue, quickly shifted her posture to hold his arm tightly. The new position had her growing chest buds carelessly rubbing against his arm making him feel both pleasure and guilt.

They started walking towards Penny Marshall and Eric turned his head to ask: "Drew, how did you come out, is your treatment over?" He didn't know if it was coincidental, but her collar was quite loose and he could see down her blouse at her pink buds uncovered by any bra.

Drew felt Eric's gaze keenly and showed a sly smile of satisfaction while lifting her small breasts for him to appreciate more easily, while saying, "I should have been discharged tomorrow, but I heard that you would attend the party this evening, and got out earlier."

"Drew, you just came out from rehab, it's best not to drink."

"How could waiters here give me alcohol? I'm only thirteen, dude." Drew looked at him strangely.

Eric suddenly remembered that it was indeed the case. This was the United States, and by the law, you needed to be eighteen to drink. As the party was taking place in such a renowned hotel as the Hilton, they would definitely pay more attention to such details.

In Eric's past country, adults would even encourage seven or eight-year-old children to taste some wine, and if they could drink a few glasses, it was considered a good omen. But maybe due to differences in lifestyle, although there were legal restrictions, Eric felt that there were far more alcoholics in the West than in the East.

"Hey, Eric, we haven't seen you in a week, and news about you has started to die down. Are you planning to retire early ?" Penny Marshall joked as they came over to her.

Eric grabbed a glass of red wine from a waiter's tray, as he smiled and said: "How is that possible, I'm only 18 years old, not 80. How could I retire? I've just been working on my new novel's manuscript."

"A new novel? I want to see, I want to see!" Drew interrupted and started pulling his arm before Penny Marshall could respond.

Penny Marshall quipped: "Hey Drew, behave like a lady, Eric he seems to like the quiet ones."

"No way," Drew retorted, "Aniston is no lady. By the way, how come the fat girl didn't come? Hey, Eric, did you guys break up?"

Eric knocked on her head: "Something happened tonight and Annie couldn't come. How could we possibly break up? I'll show you my affection for her another day."

"Eric, you are so violent." Drew rubbed where he knocked her head as she pouted.


"This way." Penny Marshall brought Eric and Drew near a long table, and introduced: "This is Ms. Elizabeth Perkins, BIG's lead actress and you already know Mr. Tom Hanks."

"Hello, I'm Eric Williams." Eric introduced himself, "Mr. Hanks, I loved your impersonation of a child in BIG, how did you do it ?"

Tom Hanks said with a humble smile: "Please call me Tom, Eric. As for how I did it, you might wanna ask Penny…"

When this issue was brought up, Penny was obviously a little proud as she explained: "Well, when we were shooting, I let the teenager who played young Josh, David Moscow, perform according to the script, and then I had Tom mimic him, while David also picked up things from Tom. Honestly, if David was ten years younger, he could've played Kevin in Home Alone without a problem. Speaking of which, Eric, do you have plans for the sequel?"