

Fer looked around from right to left after coming out of the river behind him. At first glance, Fer saw with his own eyes The trees on this island were not like those in the depths of the forest further inside the island. On this small island of 500 meters, although large, it was nothing out of the ordinary since the trees were palm-shaped. Furthermore, there were no other valuable resources besides large rocks scattered throughout the small island.

Fer did not want to linger on this island, so he quickly ran to the other side of the small island to reach the other parallel of the island in the shortest time possible, directly ignoring the surrounding dinosaurs. 

With his current speed, he could practically ignore dangers; the only thing he had to pay attention to was when his energy was running low and recovering, as well as when to eat or drink.

He crossed this island, running for a few minutes. If it weren't for the terrain conditions and his energy, he would have reached the other side of the island in just 30 seconds. Such was the terrifying nature of his speed with a 300% boost.

Fer saw the other shore a few hundred meters away; the distance from the small island to the shore was slightly less than the previous river, measuring about 180 meters wide. With his current speed, he could cross this river that flowed into the sea in just 20 seconds without obstacles, and with his oxygen level at 200, he could hold his breath for a minute without feeling anything.

Fer moved away from the shore, looking at the river, taking a deep breath to hold it, crouched in a position to run. In a blur of speed, Fer ran towards the river to jump, and thanks to his speed, his jump rose to more than 3 meters high. When he was in the air, Fer raised both hands and fell headfirst directly into the cold water of the river.

Again, he felt the familiar coolness of being submerged in the water, but this time he didn't let himself be carried away and swam like a torpedo toward the other shore. His current vision underwater was literally like in the game ARK, all light blue thanks to the sun, and when he looked down, it only appeared as the depths, all in a dark blue tone, almost black.

The good thing was that thanks to the map in his hand, he could not stray from the path. The function of this paper-like map was quite incredible; it did not affect him at all to be underwater.

His sudden entry into the water drew the attention of surrounding creatures, like a school of piranhas and even a megalodon that was a few hundred meters from where Fer currently was.

With his underwater vision, Fer could not see much, only a dozen meters, but the sound was not too muffled; he heard a commotion greater than before, so he didn't dare to test his luck and swam at full speed without thinking any further.

This time, Fer had to make a few maneuvers to dodge some piranhas that wanted to eat him alive, but aside from that, he didn't have to make any other moves. However, when he was about to exit the water, Fer heard a loud roar that made the surrounding water tremble.

Fer's face changed, and without looking back, he swam the last 10 meters in almost the blink of an eye. Even so, when he came out of the sea, a chill ran through his entire body from head to toe. This was the first time Fer experienced this chilling sensation upon arriving at this island full of dinosaurs.

When Fer relaxed, he thought carefully as if he were in a trance for a few seconds.

"It seems that I'm too confident," Fer said aloud after recovering from his trance upon exiting the water. He reflected on his attitude after increasing his speed, and when he thought about it more coldly, he wanted to hit himself for being so irrational and foolish, ignoring all the creatures just because he was faster than them.

This time, nothing happened because he could run fast enough, but… what would happen if a Tyrannosaurus Rex roared at him? You know, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's ability is that when it roars, it paralyzes creatures smaller than it, and humans also fall into that category. No matter how much speed he had, if he was caught by the roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he would be finished for sure.

After reflecting on himself for a few minutes, his attitude changed a bit, and he would no longer be so careless just because of his speed. However, even though he was reflecting on himself, Fer did not intend to slow down. Now, when he ran, he focused more on his surroundings to ensure his safety.

He ran at full speed to the right where the arrow on the map indicated the way to the herbivore island.

In Fer's eyes, the surrounding terrain changed almost every moment, but at the same time, it didn't, and the more he observed the surroundings, the more familiar some places became that he didn't remember before.

Unbeknownst to him, the sky was getting darker with the passage of time. When Fer looked at the map in his hand to see how far he had traveled during several hours almost without rest, if it weren't for his energy recovery abilities and his 300% speed, then the distance he had covered in a day would not be even 1/10 of what a single day would have covered.

"Latitude 79 - Longitude 69"

Checking the exact coordinates of where he was, his eyes lit up not only from seeing the coordinates but rather from the place where he was. Lifting his head from the map, he saw a small river only a few meters wide.

As the map revealed itself more as he traveled the entire route, he saw the familiar river in front of him on the map. Fer was happy to know he was on the right path to reach the herbivore island, where he would soon establish his new home.

If he remembered correctly, to get to the herbivore island, he would have to cross this river of a few meters and then travel along the curvature of the piece of island ahead to reach the shore where the herbivore island was in front of him.

It was already getting dark, and the sky was turning orange. Fer decided that he would stop for today and rest not his body but his mind. After all, he was still an ordinary person; it was quite good to have the will to just run for a long time without getting bored or distracted.

But before settling down and making a camp to rest, he first had to solve a problem that was a few hundred meters in front of his current location.

In his field of vision, Fer saw a Sarcosuchus about 20 meters long and 3 meters high. Its scales were a dark greenish tone, almost black, and it looked like armor with all its perfectly ordered scales. Moreover, its jaw was full of sharp teeth aligned like mini blades. Overall, its appearance was almost exactly like that of a crocodile on land, the only difference being that the Sarcosuchus was on steroids.

Fer looked at the spear in his hand and then looked back at the Sarcosuchus in the distance. He doubted whether he could actually kill the Sarcosuchus with a normal spear. But after thinking about it for a while, Fer narrowed his gaze.

"If I can't defeat this Sarcosuchus with these few spears, then I just have to make many more spears. If one spear isn't enough, then I'll make ten, and if ten aren't enough, then I'll make a hundred. Anyway, I have a 5x resource multiplier, and if all that doesn't work, I can flee with my speed and make the shelter elsewhere," Fer thought, observing the Sarcosuchus while the dinosaur hunted a dozen Dodos scattered along the shore.

Fer looked at his current resources in his inventory to see that he could make a maximum of 31 more spears with the resources he had on hand. For the moment, he didn't craft the spears, as he first wanted to gather the resources to make a larger quantity of spears to have on hand.

Even though being able to make 31 spears was already quite good, Fer did not want to take risks and then regret it in the middle of the fight with the Sarcosuchus for not having enough spears. If it were in the game ARK, with 31 spears, you could kill a Sarcosuchus of level 50 to 90, depending on the stats of the Sarcosuchus.

And speaking of stats, if he wanted to kill this Sarcosuchus, he first had to know the stats of his enemy to be able to kill it and know how many spears he would need to defeat it. With a thought, Fer aimed the scope circle at the direction where the Sarcosuchus was to understand its stats more clearly.


HEALTH: 3040/3040 (TAMEABLE)

ENERGY: 1865/1935 - WEIGHT: 0/463



FOOD: 6204/6450 - MOVEMENT SPEED: 100%

TORPOR: 0/11500

After examining the stats carefully, Fer calculated in his mind how many spears he would need to kill this Sarcosuchus of level 200. Given that the spear has an average damage of 50 when thrown and hits the target, if he wanted to kill the Sar.