
Mira's Change

Vick had loads of questions, but as promised, he didn't bother Dawn anymore. Towards the evening, my uncle returned home and joined in on our conversation. Though my plan was to stay for one night only, we've managed to catch up a lot during the day. "Why are you sitting here alone? Hehe, thinking of someone?", Vick asked me during the night. I sat outside the house and stared at the moon.

"My mother likes to watch the moon. Furians are like that, but didn't get a chance to do it in the past. Now, the barrier's changed and we have a day and night cycle. We can see the stars, the moon and the sun. How about you? Why aren't you asleep?", I replied.

"I'm not a kid, you know? We are practically the same age, don't act all high just because you are stronger", he complained. "Hehe, there seems to be something on your mind as well. By the way, why are you chasing a lot of girls? Don't you want to get a wife, have kids? Don't tell you you want to be like that woman", I asked. "Really? Don't mention that slut. She hurt uncle really bad, I'm not like her at all…".

He seemed hesitant about something. "I'm all ears, it's not like I'll laugh at you. Besides, sharing your thoughts might just be the right thing to do", "... There is someone, but she wouldn't choose me. I'm just fooling around with the other girls, it's nothing serious. The same was with Dawn, I just like to tease girls like that. I wouldn't actually date her, she has a boyfriend, that wouldn't be nice", he opened up.

"How do you know she won't choose you? Did you ask?", "... No, I'm… I'm probably afraid to hear her reject me. She doesn't live here, there's another town a bit further away. It's a new town, and she's the daughter of the town chief. A lot of people have their eyes on her, but she refused all of them. I'm afraid she'd refuse me as well", he replied.

"Hehe, that's why I'm saying go and ask her. You never know, if you never ask. Yea, she might reject you, but this will allow you to move on and find someone who truly appreciates you. By the way, do you even know each other? If not, then yea, asking her that would certainly get you rejected", "Of course we know each other! Who do you think I am? We met a lot of time, and are sort of friends. She doesn't dislike me or anything, but once I propose that, I'm afraid she will", Vick explained.

"Want me to go there instead?", "No! You don't get anywhere near her… Why did I tell you about her?", he refused strongly. "If you don't want me to go there, do it yourself. At worst, you'll be rejected. At best, you'll get together. I'd say there are more advantages than disadvantages", I added. "... Sigh… Do you really think that's the best solution?", "If you wait too long, she might like someone else. I might not have a boyfriend, but only because there were no boys on my path that'd made me like them. Since you two enjoy your company, ask and stop whining", I replied.

"Fine! I'll go ask tomorrow. You are not going, alright? I'll do it myself", Vick finally gave up. "Don't chicken out at the last minute, hehe. If you do, I'll pay her a personal visit", "Please, I'll go, don't torment me… I knew you women were evil", he replied, defeated.

"By the way, why are you leaving so soon? Stay a few more days, there's no rush, right?", "I'd like to visit uncle Norty, aunt Elly, Mira and Lana. Don't worry, I'll come back here", I replied. "I'm not sure if you'll be able to meet Lana. After your first visit, she really picked up on training. As far as I'm aware, she left the village not that long ago… Mira lives in the new town I've mentioned. She got herself a boyfriend... I don't like that guy", he said.

"It's a shame if Lana's not around, but Mira got herself a boyfriend? Great uncle said nothing about that. By the way, why don't you like him?", "I just don't… He's not right for her. Mira used to be different, now she's all mature and whatnot. I'm sure she changed because of him", he explained. 'Hehe, just because she matured, he doesn't like her boyfriend? I thought being mature was a good thing. Maybe he's too protective of her, especially after what happened to our uncle', "I'm sure she's fine. If he hurt her in any way, I'll deal with him myself", I told him jokingly.

Me and my friends left the following day. We visited uncle Norty and aunt Elly in the village not far away, and as expected, Lana wasn't around. "Hehe, it's only us old people here. Mira left the house to live with her boyfriend about a year ago. They live in Dram Town, I'm sure you guys will have loads to chat about", uncle said. "You guys are my family too. I'll stay at least one day, if that's fine. We can chat and I'm sure you have some questions for me. Or maybe we're obstructing you guys in something", I asked.

"Hahaha, little Anna's trying to tease uncle. Not bad, but ain't gonna work. Try that again once you get yourself a boyfriend. Anyway, stay as long as you'd like. If you don't mind our company", "Then we'll stay for a day or two. Hope you guys have loads of food, my friends like to eat", I replied with a grin. Uncle just shook his head, and decided not to comment back.

Aunt Elly wasn't home when we arrived, but when she came back, she became elated we came for a visit. "Aunt, did you know you are the complete opposite of uncle? He even proposed that we left", "Oh really? My husband is so stupid sometimes, right? Husband?", she replied annoyed. "Come on, it's not like that. I simply suggested for them to spend time with people their age", uncle tried to defend himself, but my aunt had a fitting punishment ready.

She gave us some deserts, but my uncle got none. "What was that about teasing you, uncle?", "Women are scary…", he mumbled to himself. He didn't mean any harm, but had to pay the price anyway. Aunt Elly on the other hand, asked a lot of questions, especially my friends. She liked to chat a lot, everyone could tell that. With a husband so uninterested, everyone would love a conversation or two.

"We don't have that many rooms, but Mira's and Lana's rooms are empty. You are free to use them for now. Do you plan to visit Mira as well?", aunt asked while showing us to the rooms. "Of course. I'd like to see Lana too, but she left unfortunately. Maybe towards the end of our trip, we'll visit again. Do tell her that we came here, and I'd like to meet her", "Sure. Lana will be happy to meet up with you. She'll probably try to compete with you again, but we are glad she changed. Alright, guys. If you need anything, just let us know", aunt replied.

We had a good rest that night, and decided to leave for the Dram Town the following day. Vick didn't lie about the place being a new town. Usually, towns incorporated stone walls, buildings and paved roads. The new town wasn't completed yet. They were in the process of making the stone walls, and expanding with other buildings.

"This feels a bit familiar", Tara said at the sight. "Hehe, well, you've worked with Ama a lot, so I'm not surprised. You can see the difference though. The town expands outwards a lot, by how much depends on the available funds. Once the walls are done, the buildings will fill the area up to the walls themselves. It's like twice or three times in size from a regular village", I said.

"That's interesting and all, but how do we find your cousin?", Dawn asked. "She's Wintersteed. Not many people float around with that family name. We ask around, what else?". Indeed, people were familiar with her, and pointed us towards their residence. The house was rather small, and mostly made from wood. Of course, the whole village was being redeveloped, probably that house would as well.

*Knock.. Knock*, "Yes?", Mira opened the doors and her face changed slightly. "Hey, long time no see, eh? You seem really surprised, did no one tell you I've come for a visit?", I said. "... No, that's a surprise to me… Come on in… these are your friends?", "Yea, this is Dawn, Tara and Teri. I also heard you got yourself a boyfriend, hehe, not bad Mira", I replied. "Yes…", her replies seemed a bit stiff. She didn't seem all that happy to see me.

Nonetheless, we were invited inside, but Mira was alone. "... My boyfriend is at work right now. He'll be back later. Have a seat", she said. "Did something happen? You don't look too happy", I asked her directly. "No, of course everything's fine. I'm just tired, that's all". Though she said that, I didn't want to buy it. Mira was always lively, she liked to fool around too.

She didn't ask me much, and when I asked her something, she answered in the most generic ways possible. "Mira, what happened? Did he hurt you, are you scared?", I asked, concerned. "Anna, why are you asking such weird questions? There's nothing wrong, Roger is the most charming man I've met", she denied. "I'm worried. We haven't seen each other for three years, and you act a bit cold", I explained my reasoning.

"Grow up, Anna. We are no longer kids, we should act appropriately. I'm happy you visited, but I'm not going to jump around. There's no need for your concern. I'm doing well, we are healthy. What else is there to ask for?", she said. I had a feeling she wanted us to leave, and as soon as possible. She wasn't interested in my journey, the North or my friends. She asked questions just to appear interested.

"Seems like we are not very welcomed here", I said while standing up. "That's not true, Anna. I'm happy you came... but I'm tired as well", "Yea, maybe. Since you are tired, we'll let you rest. Don't worry, we know the way. Say hello to that boyfriend of yours for us", I replied before leaving her house.

"That wasn't normal, right?", Dawn asked once we left the town. "No, she wasn't like that a few years ago. I refuse to believe she'd change so much in such a short time. Vick also told me he didn't like her boyfriend… He doesn't seem to beat her up, but something's off", I replied. "Do you plan to do something?", Tara asked.

"Our group is too big, but Dawn… Could you check them out for a few days? With your skills and traits, there shouldn't be any issues to spy on that boyfriend. I'm asking you as a favour, otherwise, I'd have to do it myself. I just… Mira seems different to me. Why wouldn't her parents say anything, or other aunts and uncles", I replied.

"Sure, that much shouldn't be a problem. Though a Taurus is too eye-catching. I'll have to return here on foot. I'm also a bit surprised. Everyone else looked happy and welcomed us really well. That Mira is the only exception", Dawn agreed. "Then we have a plan. Let's return to the Yeran Village first. Then you can take care of that matter. I swear, if he treats her badly, I'll make him disappear", I added.