
I'm a Water? how did i end up like this?

Kobo Kanaeru is a girl who was born with a weak body and has a disease that gets worse every year. She was never allowed out of the house and she wasn't interested in doing that himself, but she was attracted to the rain. When it rains, Kobo is always in front of the window, watching the heavy rain and the children playing in the rain. Kobo always begged her parents to be allowed to take a rain shower but the doctor didn't allow it for medical reasons. One day Kobo is desperate to do something she really wants and goes out to play in the rain when her parents are busy. But unlucky when she was about to go home because her mother and father were in a panic, Kobo's illness worsened and triggered other illnesses. Kobo was taken to the hospital but unfortunately her life could not be saved. Kobo regrets what she did before she died and her soul went off the path of reincarnation and ended up in the abyss Cover art by Twitter dmonst01

A_Senzawa · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Temple of the Sea God Poseidon

So all I'm doing right now is just swimming straight ahead aimlessly, I see all kinds of fish and terrible sea creatures that don't exist in my world.

Strangely they did not notice my presence, I tried to approach, and a small clown fish walked through my body at the same time the fish melted and became small particles that were absorbed by my body.


[ Successfully preyed on clown fish ]

[ You can use the Clown Fish body shape, do you want to do a body Transform? ]

[ Yes / No ]

What's this? there's some kind of digital screen in front of me, prey? maybe some kind of information system' in RPG games, it would be more fun if I was a human.


[ Using the Clown Fish form ]

My body churned and formed a clown fish, its size was a little bigger than usual, maybe adjusted to my real body size.

"It's amazing how I look like a clown fish, reminds me of my favorite animated film when I was little, if I'm not mistaken it's called Finding Bimo"

Oh, I saw a big lobster, I'll try to eat it.

As I approached the lobster, it immediately attacked moving its claws into my fish's mouth.

"Aww aww ouch that hurts, let go"

[ Do you want to activate the Mammon Predatory Skill? ]


My body immediately swelled and devoured the lobster, even though the lobster tore my body from the inside and it hurt very much.

"Arghh stop it! money freak! just take care of your burger shop!"

a few moments after that the lobster dies breaks down into mana energy and is absorbed by my body.

[ Successfully Predated Green Lobster ]

[ Green Lobster Form obtained ]

[ Resistance to Poison increased ]

"Use Lobster form"

My body turned into a horrible green lobster that was twice as big as the lobster. After that, I continued my journey even though there was no purpose I continued to swim forward and eat on small fish with my skill Mammon.

[ Successfully Prey Worm Sea ]

[ Successfully Eats Magma Eels ]

[ Magma Breath Skill obtained ]

[ Resistance to fire increased ]

[ Mana Capacity 20>>30 ]

[ Mana Capacity 70>>80 ]

Alright enough for today, I want to sleep, but when I want to rest my body in a big hole, suddenly a lightning spear hits me.


Hp: 2350/2400 >> 980/2400

Sh*t, that hurts asshole!"

A shark right above me emitted electrical energy that surrounded it, reaching 10 meters in length. There are 2 horns on his head.

The horn collects Mana's energy and forms a lightning bolt resembling a spear and attacks Kobo who is in the form of a sea worm.

"(Magma Breath)"

The attack was successfully stopped. The shark swam back about 20 meters, then turned around and attacked with lightning speed.

Hitting Kobo's body with it multiple times using lightning speed.

Hp: 980/2400 >> 870/2400 >> 560/2400

Kobo can neither dodge nor defend because the shark is very fast.

"At this rate, I will die!"

Hp: 130/2400

"Turn back my body"

Kobo's body turned into water blobs, although its size was smaller than the Shark's body, but when the shark slammed its fangs against Kobo's body.

The shark's head is trapped in the chaos of Kobo's body.

"( Mammon )!"

The shark expended all its strength when pushed and caught in the shock of Kobo's body but was useless because the Mammon skill had been activated.

"Argh!! Die! Just die you piece of sh*t"

The shark continues to tear Kobo's body from the inside with his teeth he slowly dies and turns into, mana particles and gets absorbed.

[ Successfully preyed on Thunder Shark ]

[ Mana Capacity 80>>800 ]

[Thunder Spear Skill Obtained ]

[Thunder Arrow Skill Obtained ]

[ Speed ​​increased ]

[ Resistance to lightning increased ]

Hp: 7/2400 >> 7/4000

Mana: 703/800

"I won!! My stats improved a lot, I can finally rest...."

due to exhaustion and running out of energy Kobo fainted.

[automatic Activating holy water regeneration ]

- - - -

- - - -

It's been 2 weeks, I've devoured all kinds of sea creatures, but none was stronger than the Thunder Shark I've fought. I think my current status is like this.

Name: Kobo Kanaeru

Hp: 6400/6500

Mp: 1269/1420

Racing: ???

Unique Skills: Mammon, Holly's water regeneration

Resistance: Fire, Lightning, Poison

Title: Blessing of the Water Goddess, Protection of the Water Spirit King Nalad

Something like that, now I'm at the bottom of the sea, at least 3000 meters from the surface. I feel strong energy coming from somewhere around here.

I found a place among the rocks at the bottom of the sea, there was energy escaping between the holes.

Used the worm sea form and dug deep until I finally found a Temple.

"Po-Sei-don Te-mp-le, Poseidon? Isn't that the name of a Greek god? The god of the sea Poseidon, is he the same person as Poseidon on Earth? I don't know, I don't even believe that the Greek God is real"

The temple is so beautiful, majestic and big but no one is seen, I tried to enter it but a very loud voice suddenly appeared.

"Stop right there...." *growl

A giant figure appeared behind the Temple, a dragon, a large creature that spouted fire, but its shape was different, this dragon has 4 wings, and its body is 2x larger than any dragon I've seen in the game.

In addition, the energy it emits is unreasonable. He was much stronger than the Thunder Shark.

"what are you looking for come here?"

Damn, I was si scared just hearing him talk...

"w-well umm, I just-"

"How dare you ignore me!"

Hah?? Is he deaf?

"I told you I just-"

"Looks like a lowly being like you should be taught a lesson { Hell Fire }"

The huge flames attacked me from all directions. I turned myself into small plankton and used Thunder Shark's lightning speed to dodge the deadly attack.

Even though I had used my maximum speed I was still hit by his attacks.

Hp: 902/6500

Mp: 1023/1420

ugh, damn sick!! even just a few of his attacks hit me and almost 80% of my blood was lost.

The stone walls behind me shattered nothing left creating a hole in the path of the attack, even the flames were still alive in the bottom of the water.

I looked for another way out but there was none, I managed to dodge and ended up in front of the Temple Poseidon entrance.

"You greedy creature, I thought you were after that thing, I'll destroy you! {Hell Fire}"

The Hell Fire was so big that it hit Kobo while destroying the Temple Door, Kobo was blown away into a room called Poseidon's Tomb.

It contained a coffin and the corpse of a girl inside and a trident that emitted a huge energy wave.

The Dragon guarding the Temple turned into a human form, his figure was like that of a demon lord. He walked over to the lump of water that was in front of the trident.

"Strange, confronting Hell Fire head-on should be able to eliminate you however, you're still alive, I don't know what kind of creature you are"

Hp: 1/6500

Mp: 0/1420

Just a little more, I have to touch the trident a little more...

"You! Don't you dare!! {La Fire}"

The fireball is aimed at Kobo however this attack is quite different from the previous one, The fire used is a black flame, a very hot fire that destroys the body and attacks the soul.

"Shit! Am I going to die?!"

Before the fire hit Kobo, someone came and whispered.

"You won't die"


"Ah damn it! I destroyed the tomb, the Trident and the chest definitely won't be scratched by such an attack. After all, all I do is guard it until master arrives"

When the dragon turned around, a chuckle could be heard.

"Hahahaha, this kind of attack can't scratch my nails, aren't you a little arrogant Mephisto Hades dog?"

The dragon in human form was Mephisto, one of the Great Dragons. Hell Dragon Mephisto, subordinate of the god of hell hades.

Mephisto turned around shakily.

"Y-You! Water Spirit King Nalad!!!"