
I'm A God In The Seven Deadly Sins

When Kami Maou, an avid lover of the Seven Deadly Sins, 'dies', his dream comes true when he's reincarnated into the world he loves. Albeit a few millennia behind the start of canon, with the help of his mighty system, and his starting race, watch as Kami Maou dominates, destroys, enjoys, and deploys his plans for the world of the Seven Deadly Sins. ========== Wish fulfillment bullshit in the anime world of Seven Deadly Sins. Many time-skips. Long time-skips. Immortal harem with characters like Merlin and Guila(?). Explicit sexual scenes, violence, gore, and profanity. The protagonist is straight, comedic, slightly sadistic, and deceitful. Far, far into the story he'll wind up going back to modern Earth. Also, this 'synopsis' of mine doesn't have everything in it, and it migbt not be completely accurate, so if you like what you see so far, give it a read. Don't really have much more to say than that, other than rate, comment, and follow please... Oh, and I'm doing this out of boredom, so don't really expect much other than good fight scenes, comedy, and uh... sex...

SwordWraith · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: Going Shopping, and Meeting A Beautiful Goddess

"Alright, here we go, time to get some food~" I spoke to myself as I walked through the automatic doors of the popular store, Hyvee(lol). Walking around after grabbing a cart, I went down a refridgerated aisle and opened one of the doors, before grabbing a 4-pack of Japanese breakfast meals. Putting it in the cart, I turned around and went to the other side of the aisle, opening another door. I took two different 2-packs of Japanese lunch meals, then set it in the cart, before pushing it down the aisle a bit. Opening yet another door, I grabbed a few supper meals, putting them in the cart right after.

Roaming the store, I grabbed some other things such as, water bottles, milk, chips, various vegetables, apples, peaches, pears, etc.. Afterwards, I went to one of the checkout counters. A pretty teenage girl with blond hair and azure eyes stood there as if it was her first day of work. Seeing her resolute 'work-face', I lightly smiled to myself, before pushing my cart up. "First day, huh? What do you think so far?" Speaking out to her, I loaded my items onto the checkout belt. She looked at me with surprise as her work-face disappeared. Seeing my appearance, she unconsciously spoke out. "...He's handsome..."

I smiled at her as I finished putting the last item on the checkout belt. She seemed to jump out of her stupor as the belt started moving and conveying the items her way. "I um... Yeah, it's my first day... and, it's not so bad, atleast the pay's good. How 'bout you, what do you do for work?" She started of a little anxious, then went to slightly contented, then finished off with a bit of anicipation and excitement, as if she was hoping for something. My smile became a bit warm as I heard that, but nonetheless responded.

"I work with Bitcoin, y'know, cryptocurrency stuff. I actually just got 'paid' a huge sum earlier today. Don't know what happened, but considering Bitcoin invenstments take quite a bit of skill and luck, I'd say I'm pretty skilled and lucky. Say, wanna come work with me? I have a feeling something big's gonna happen soon." From the time I spoke, to the time I stopped, she had a face of surprise, but then at then near the end, she became anticipant, before gaining a look of elation and hopeful adoration. Looking at me as if I was her guardian angel, she spoke both hesitance and hope.

"Really? I... I can come work with you? Then... please, take care of me." After saying that, she took off her work attire right in front of me, revealing a set of light under-clothes. Following that, I spoke with an awkward smile. "Before that though, you mind ringing me up?" Almost as if she was an anime character, a tint of red spread across her face as she nodded silently, then rung up my items. After checking out, I pushed my cart out of the checkout line as she shut off the available line light, then followed behind. From what I could see, she had a pretty face, and a voluptuous body that came with large ample breasts and a perfect bubble-butt. She wore a sports bra covered by a loose white T-shirt, and along with that, her bottoms consisted of a pair of ripped booty jeans that revealed the lower part of her butt.

Thinking she be looking hot as fuck, I spoke to her as we came up to my car. "Sorry, but I've gotta say, you are gorgeous." Her eyes that were fixated on the ground suddenly and slowly dragged up towards my face as her face burned a bright red. "R-Really?" Seeing this sight, the only word I could think of was, cute! Without letting that affect my thoughts or actions, I said, "Of course you are. You look like a Goddess to me, and you should take pride in that. But uh... other than that, do you mind helping me load this into my frunk."

She blushed heavily at my statement, but then gave me a confused look, before I pointed to my amazing car that she had yet to notice. Her azure eyes dialated slightly as her lips formed an 'O' in shock. I basically looked exactly like this when I first saw this beautiful car, but othef than that, I spoke once again. "Beautiful isn't she. Though its beauty can't be compared to you... Anyway, help me load up, we've gotta get to my place before it becomes pitch black out here." Just when I thought her face couldn't become any redder, she gained a darker shade of red on her face. Looking back at me, she nodded lightly. Following that, I opened the 'frunk' of my Lamborghini that was literally a 'front trunk'.

She was a bit behind, but she started grabbing a bag at a time and loading them up in the frunk just as I did. Soon enough, all of the groceries were packet in there without breaking, damaging, or crushing any of them. Afterwards, I shoved the cart over to a cart stall, then went to the driver's side and hopped in. Looking at the blond beauty still standing at the front of my car, I sighed and opened the passenger side door for her, before speaking with a playful smile. "Come on and get in, I wont bite." At first, I wondered if she left a car or bike here, but seeing her apprehensive attitude, I knew she was just undermining herself.

She gazed at me through the windshield with a look of apprehensive and hesitation, causing me to sigh and speak out. "You told me to take care of you, right? So get in, and get used to this. You're going to be working with me after all, so you need to adapt. Plus, we haven't even introduced ourselves, so get in, and tell me your name." Her apprehension and hesitation disappeared in an instant, and with that, she came around to the passenger side door, and slowly got in. I found it kind of funny when she actually shivered from the feeling of the custom cushioning on the seats.

But, with that done and out of the way, I spoke to her with a warming voice and a soft smile as I started the car and drove out of the parkinglot. "So, may I know the name of the beauty in my car? The name's Kami Maou, pleased to make your acquaintance." I took a hand off the wheel and did a short and small bow, before turning back to tbe road. Nearly half a minute later, I heard her soft and pleasant voice. "...Anna, my name is Annabelle Rose. P-Pleased to meet you." Witb that said, I smiled and sped up a little, before saying, "Well, then I am pleased to meet you, Goddess Annabelle..."