
I'm a folk shaver

The first time I met my master was because I shaved my head, I was nine years old at the time. The blind man who felt my bones when I was alive said I had a dark destiny and wouldn't live to be eighteen.

DaoistMz5UJX · Horror
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58 Chs


The white pigeon, as if it understood his words, unfolded its wings and winked into the top of the hotel. At this moment, my body was no longer in any serious condition, so I asked, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Liao Fan sighed slightly and said, "I came to seek justice for myself." He didn't continue with this topic, but turned to me and asked, "Stringer, are you willing to follow uncle to learn this craft?"

I childish temperament, saw all his magical means, heart early admiration of the body, of course, willing to follow him to learn the craft.

What I did not expect is that Liao Fan said the craft is actually shaving.

Of course, this is the latter, before so to do things or "pigeon", I asked him curiously: "Uncle Liao, why can I see that black smoke, you can not see?"

"Because you grew up living in a place that is not peaceful, children are easily affected, so the body of yin and yang imbalance, physique bias yin people are prone to see some ordinary people can not see the phenomenon, this black smoke is called the ghost gas or corpse gas, but wherever you see is to go yin place, be sure to be more careful."

I suddenly some dissatisfaction in my heart, since he has long known my family situation, why not reveal early, causing me to suffer for so many years?

Later Liao Fan also explained the reason, but this is a later story, later.

Soon the pigeon flew back, the mouth of the toothpick replaced by a key, Liao Fan face with a happy face to me said: "This is done." Said and led me back.

I was really curious, couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, why did you give the pigeon with a toothpick, and why did it come back and turn into a key, is it possible that pigeons can also do magic tricks?"