
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Cómic
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124 Chs

Chapter 30: Ice Continent

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 30: The Ice Continent!

If you all want to read ahead or support me, go to p@treon.com/theogbasilisk


- Felix -

"Heh, get shit on Rimuru!" I taunted as I finished him off.

"Gha! Damn it Felix!" Rimuru yelled.

"Hahaha! You just need to get good Rimuru!" Veldora joined in as we continued our button mashing session.

"Umu! Veldora is right!" Milim agreed.

Shortly after I arrived in Tempest I showed Rimuru and Veldora the Nintendo Switch I brought. Veldora was especially excited to play some games, we ended up choosing Smash for now though Mario Kart was also on the table.

Milim showed up shortly after since I sent her a Thought Communication telling her to get here for games.

Though just to be safe I had Odin use Material creation to alter the device and all its controllers with superior materials to survive our strength. All the poor adventurers around the world would likely whinge if they learned I made a legend grade item for the purpose of entertainment!

I'm sure Frey is mad, but… Eh, not my problem.

Ramiris was busy with stuff in The Dungeon, who knew the little Pixie could be hard working?

I was currently playing as Greninja, Milim was Sonic, while Veldora was Yoshi. I quickly got Milim locked into a combo and juggled her before finishing her off since we were all on our last life.

"Gah! Felix!" I ignored Milim and focused on Veldora.

"It's just me and you now Veldora!" I shouted.

"Indeed! This will be a clash spoken of in legends!" I nodded seriously.

This clash would be legendary, True Dragon versus Daemon in the most intense of games.

"Raahh!" Veldora yelled as he charged towards me.

Heh, this would be easy.

"Ghahaha you lost Felix!" Rimuru taunted.

"How was I supposed to know Veldora would hit me with the most bullshit of juggles!?"

"I believe that is called a skill issue Felix." Added Veldora.

Fucking dickhead, see if I go easy on him when we inevitably spar.

I will have my revenge!

Still, it's probably about time for me to leave. Before I could speak up though we heard a knock.

"Come in Shuna!" said Rimuru.

Heh, my plan succeeded, Rimuru finally got laid! When I first showed up I made sure to give him the bro eyes, the eyes any bro can immediately recognize.

Of course he gave me a smirk back, and so I knew my plan had succeeded.

Ah, I really am the best wingman to ever wing.

The door opened and in came the beautiful Shuna dressed in her usual Miko outfit.

She gave us all a bow and then turned to Rimuru. "Lord Rimuru, Diablo has returned from his mission." She eyed Rimuru for a moment before Rimuru seemed to understand the message.

"Ah, it's fine to talk about it here Shuna."

She nodded. "The Kingdom of Falmuth has been conquered and its new king is now Youm, Youm Farmenas as the Kingdom has been renamed to Farmenas."

Rimuru's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Man already?! Diablo sure works quickly."

As expected of the Primordial of my Lineage. He would shame me if he was incompetent.

"Diablo is requesting to brief you in person, should I tell him to do so later?" Asked Shuna.

Rimuru looked at us, I waved him off. "Do what you gotta do, Veldora, Milim and I can mess around while you deal with Diablo."

"For some reason that doesn't make me feel as good as it should." Ah, he's learning that whenever he isn't around we do stupid shit.

If anything Rimuru is our chaperone making sure we don't do anything too crazy.

Party pooper.

He sighed. "Alright Shuna, send him in and then we can go to my office."

Shuna nodded, at which point Diablo appeared in the middle of the room. He bowed towards Rimuru. "Ah, Lord Rimuru, it still brings me joy to see you in such good health still. I wish I never needed to part from yo-"

"Alright alright that's enough Diablo! You sound like some abandoned lover!" For real, for a second I wondered if Rimuru made Diablo swap to his female gender or something.

Unique Skill: Tempter has been analyzed.

Unique Skill: Seeker has been analyzed.

Damn, Diablo has two Unique Skills?

'Good work Odin.'

Rimuru then left the room and was followed by Shuna and Diablo.

I turned to Milim and Veldora who were already looking at me expectantly with a smirk.

These guys knew the drill.

"How about we go mess around now? Maybe we can start by bullying Gobta?"

"Ghaha, yes my brother! Let's go!" Said Veldora.

Milim just nodded enthusiastically.



"Ugh, anyways as fun as this has been I gotta go now." I said. It's been about an hour since Rimuru went to deal with Diablo, it only took him about 20 minutes to return.

He of course found us holding Gobta upside down while asking him for money. Yes, we were mugging Gobta.

Veldora wanted to reenact some scene from a manga he was reading and it sounded fun.

Rimuru of course put a stop to it like the party pooper he is.

"To visit Guy?" Rimuru added.

I nodded. "Yup."

"Ooh! You're gonna go see Guy! Can I come?! Pretty please?!"

I sighed, of course Milim was gonna be like this. "No Milim, you can come next time if there is a next time." I didn't want Milim to come and ruin my chances of getting a one on one with Guy. I want his Skills dammit!

"Ugh, fine! But you owe me cake!" Milim added.

"Sure sure, whatever you want." Phew, now that she's off my back I don't need to worry about much.

I turned to look at Veldora and was surprised by his reaction.

He was slightly pale. "You good Veldora?"

That got his attention. "Uhh, cough cough yup! Guy definitely hasn't fought and killed me before, that's definitely my imagination. If I don't remember it then it didn't happen."

Was Veldora that traumatized that he blocked that memory out?! Holy shit I wonder what he did? Probably something stupid like attacking the Ice Continent. I heard he was quite the trouble maker before meeting Rimuru.

"Uh huh, sure buddy, we'll go with that. Anyways I'm off, see you guys." I said.

"See ya! Don't cause trouble! I don't want Guy showing up here looking for you!" Eh, that isn't very likely… I think.

"Eh, Felix will be fine, as long as he doesn't piss Guy off, and even then he should be able to hold his own now. Umu! And if he causes you trouble, call me Felix! Maybe we can jump him together!" The thought of Milim and I jumping Guy was an amusing one, though likely not something that would ever be put into practice.

"Sure Milim." I responded hiding my smile.

Veldora was still out of it so he just gave a half hearted goodbye. Dude has some serious trauma.

I went ahead and analyzed one of the new Skills Odin got from Diablo.

Tempter is frankly busted. 

For one it has Thought Domination which basically allows Diablo to control others, it can allow for subtle manipulation or full on mind control.

Along with that it has the Extra Skill: Charm as a sub-skill, the same Charm that I copied from Luminous.

Tempter had another sub-skilll called Solicitation, but that doesn't hold a candle to the sub-skill that truly makes this Skill busted.

Temptation World is a World System Skill, just like the one Sukuna possesses, except this one focuses on manipulating and twisting reality.

It allows him to twist the truth of anything inside this virtual world and swap it with reality.

This is basically Reality Warping, of course this is limited by Diablo's Magicule Capacity.

But it still has an absurd amount of potential.

Considering the fact that I think Arcueid, Lalatina, and Megumin each individually have a good chance of beating Diablo still, I have come to the conclusion that all the Primordials are monsters.


Diablo's second Unique Skill: Seeker has Thought Acceleration, Chant Annulment, Law Manipulation, and All of Creation so it isn't as combat focused. But still incredibly useful. 

I'm sure Odin will find a use for the data from those Skills at some point.

But enough stalling, time to go.

I snapped my fingers and teleported to the Ice Continent, seeing as it is in my sensing range I thankfully didn't have to fly there.