
I'm A Billionaire.

Harrison was a well respected man in the society and even among his peers, when things were going smooth with him. As a young Handsome man, who has all it takes to get settled and to building a home, he got married to Tasha Smith. The daughter of a well known billionaire in the society. Few months into marriage things went the other way round and Tasha Smith no longer had all she wanted financially because Harrison's job went out of hand, down the drain. At this point, the family members and friends he's been lending helping hand to at the time he was well to do closed their doors against him.

Hannah_Bassey · Ciudad
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13 Chs



Mr Roland practically dropped the information like a bomb!

With no further delay, let's move into the deal for today.

About three years ago, Harrion was working with me in one of the locations of this company and he was like the backbone of the organisation. Not until I had to travel shortly, the person I kept to oversee the company's affair almost made the company go bankrupt. Then he felt the best option was to reduce workers without my consent and in that instant was when he sacked Harrison.

Coming back to hear that news, I was confused and devastated because I had no idea of where I could get in touch with Harrison anymore. I had to make Felix sign a resignation letter as I demanded that he quit. I really don't know what he fell back to but I hope he's living a better life.

Though Harrison isn't comfortable with the story line, he kept listening to Mr Roland to hear how the news will close up.

Mr Roland kept on talking to everyone…

I'm glad I've found you today Harrison,

This was the secret deal myself and your late father had.

He was my very good friend, he had fortune and fame but he had wicked siblings that envied him.

He was indeed a cheerful giver that can't afford to see any of his loved ones in lack.

After his wife passed away through the effect of a deadly ailment that couldn't be managed, Mr Thomas Grande couldn't cope without his wife, then he decided to start sharing all his properties since his only child is still young.

Thomas Grande was a thrillionaire in his time and had no financial issues, as one who was into importation and oil all around the world. He was known to offer quality.

Your uncles, who are his brothers, are to give you the inheritance that he tagged with your name but they haven't. Yet, they have no idea that your father kept me in possession of this company to hand over to you when you are readily mature for it.

This part of the story line dropped in the heart of Harrison like a time bomb.

Warren is the last born of my father's parents and I thought he was my elder brother?

I accorded him all the needed respect as my biological elder brother and yet he stood me from behind.

My Roland kept on speaking, as everyone's facial expressions were filled with amazement.

Harrison appeared calm while his heart wandered. His wife felt wounded and pained.

Every document was handed over to Harrison and his wife with their name boldly written on it.

Mr Roland, I only knew you to be my lecturer in school days, had no idea that you'll end up being a lifesaver to me.

God bless you richly Sir,

Nature bless you

Your lineage will never know sorrow because of this act of your faithfulness.

They were short of words to appreciate Mr Roland.

Their life is now brighter.

Other staff and colleagues kept on raining blessings on Mr Roland for his kindness and generosity.

Finally! Your father would be so happy to hear that.

Huge amount was transferred to him for upkeep.

Harrison looked at him doubtfully before taking out his phone to confirm. To his great surprise, he saw an alert of one hundred million dollars. His account now read one hundred million and three hundred dollars.

He knew that his family was filthy rich in Antawood, but it never occurred to him that his father would secure a wonderful life for him even without prior notice. It seemed like a dream. But it was real!

"Mr. Warren, I took you to be my brother but you've been a traitor. Today I've realised that you are not who you claim to be. You kept my father's wealth and still punished me with it. An end has come to all the mess you felt I will never recover from.and I'll strip you nacked of my father's wealth. Harrison thought calmly.

Your father has also transferred all his companies in Rinas to you. Each of them is worth more than a hundred million dollars. They are all yours now!" Mr Roland continued…

Richie handed over the transfer documents to him.

'Goodness gracious! I haven't gotten over the shock of the money sitting in my account, but he's dropping another bombshell!' To calm down, Harrison took a deep breath before scanning through the names on the document. These companies were from different kinds of industries in the city. And each of them was the best in their fields of this city. He had no idea that they belonged to the Grande family.

Mr Roland handed over all the necessary paperwork to him before leaving.

Wasting no time, Harrison took the bank card and went to settle the debt and bills he had outstanding.

All of a sudden, his phone rang out. The call was from his brother, Warren. He quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, Warren, What's up?"

I'm doing great! Response came over the phone by Warren to Harrison.

Please I'm desperately in need of your help. Pardon my past manners please.

As Warren kept on talking, Harrison hung up the call on him.

Their relationship had been stable since they were growing up. Harrison loved him with all his heart and he thought Warren loved him the same way. He couldn't understand why he treated him that way all those times he was down, despite the fact that he robbed him of his father's wealth.

'Did I do anything wrong? Why is he calling now, 2hat does he want from me again at this time? Is he caing to ready ask for money?

Several assumptions stalled in Harrison's mind, but he waved them off. A part of him felt that he was calling to pull a prank on him.

He quickly took a taxi and went straight to the apartment complex where Warren lived.