
An Empyrean Tusk’s De-Aging Process

Sandy-Grey Void!


When the energy current slammed into the Brangara and destroyed part of the Settlement on the 1st Empyrean Tusk, Gannala was sent flying away. The Mammoth Clansmen acting as her protectors were vaporised when a portion of the energy current arched towards her.


Gannala was a special existence, capable of attracting a small energy current even when she was merely two years old. This was something only summoned by Transcendents.


Even Brangara only pulled in a bolt after activating all the Empyrean Boar Primary Natures in his body simultaneously. That was a display of her speciality, titled the Supreme Tusk by all Empyrean Tusks.


The resulting explosion sent her flying away from the Settlement on the 1st Empyrean Tusk and into the depths of the Sandy-Grey Void. Slowly, she began to sink into the grey sand, causing her presence to vanish.