
I'll show you a Villain

Daniel Slade is what you would call a successful serial killer. He lived until 90 having murdered hundreds and never being caught for it. When he died peacefully in his sleep next to his wife, Daniel expected to wake up burning in hell, but instead, he woke up reincarnated as a rich South Korean chaebol. This wasn't just any ordinary reincarnation, the world he had been reborn into was the world from a novel that one of his victims had written, and the Chaebol he had reincarnated as was a third-rate Villain used to encourage the hero of this story. Finding this new world, Daniel smiles to himself and thinks, "Let's show them a true Villain"

M_Lexi2 · Ciudad
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56 Chs

The Killer, a Demon and a Dog (3)

As Kang Ho spoke, he tried to pay attention but Min Ho found himself being distracted by Ms Ha Rin who was walking around.

"Who is she to you, you look similar?" Kang Ho asked, although looking at his intelligent eyes Min Ho already guessed that he knew.

Feeling guilty and ashamed, Min Ho admitted, "M-my mother, she's my biological mother."

"I see" the Young Master nodded.

They spoke for a bit longer about the topic before more people came to seek Kang Ho's attention, and soon the Young Master was watching the Fundraiser events with the other children.

Min Ho stood back and watched the children along with the other Nannies and Au Pairs.

From the corner of his eye he noticed Kang Seung speaking to Joon Ki. Whatever Kang Seung was saying was making Kang Joon-ki pissed. His expression became more and more twisted the longer they spoke.

As he observed this, Min Ho noticed that someone was staring right at him, it was Ms Ha Rin.

She slowly approached him, cautiously reaching out to him, but then she second guessed her actions and dropped her hand. "It's been a long time since I last saw you. The last time was when you handed in your resignation and quit cleaning my house in Busan after we gave you that referral to KangMung. You look like you've been well."

Min Ho stared at her, his expression blank.

She fidgeted under his gaze, "I...you know who I am, don't you?"

Min Ho nodded slowly, he didn't say anything but his mind was screaming with questions, he was suspicious and wary of her.

"Of course you did, you weren't that young when your Father and I divorced, you wouldn't forget me. The same way your sister and I didn't forget you...we just...we didn't know how to bring it up when you started working for us...and I..."

She sighed, "This is all probably far too late...but I wanted you to know that I never knew about your Father's death, not until much later and by then you were already an adult and doing your own thing. If I had known earlier..."

"If you had known what?" Min Ho's eyes glinted, he felt a well of emotions that he couldn't describe.

"I...I would have been there for you....I...let's go somewhere more private and discuss this."

She headed towards the door and Min Ho, forgetting his duty in the heat of the moment, left with her.

They walked to her guest room in silence. The room was large, cozy and lavishly decorated, befitting of room in a guest house on the Kang Family Estate.

The balcony door was open leading to the night sky.

Ha-Rin gestured to an ornate armchair next to a warm fire. "Sit down Min Ho, let's catch up". She put down a wine glass in front of him and popped open a bottle and also unscrewed a glass of soju.

She offered both to him "Pick your poison" she smiled. It was at that moment that Joon-ki burst in.

"You're not only snitching to my Father, you're also snitching to the fucking Butler now!" he screamed.

Ha-Rin's nose wrinkled with annoyance, "Snitching? Do you think this is some child's game, and how dare you burst into my room like this."

"Burst into your room!? I am Kang Joon-ki, heir to the fucking Kang Family, this is my property, this is my room. I have every right to be here! You don't tell me where I can or can't go!!!"

"Alright then Heir to the Kang Family, where is my Money? Has the heroin you've been taking made you forget how much you bloody owe me?"

"So you go to my Father just because of that, I told you I'll get you the money, $16.5 billion isn't an issue and once I take over the family the shares are a small matter, and even if I don't get to control the family, Ho is my son, he will give me the shares."

"Pffft" Ha-Rin snorted, "He'll just give them to you? Wow, how did someone so stupid come from the Kang Family, it's laughable. And $16.5 billion is a small matter? The businesses that you still own in the family only amount to a value of $500 (USD) million at most, even if you liquidated that you still wouldn't have enough. Just where would you get the money."

"Ha, you just don't know how the world works, So many rich creeps are ready to throw away billions for just a few pictures, getting money is easy." Joon-ki laughed darkly.

Ha-Rin raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Pictures of what exactly?"

"Of Kang Ho, I got offered $20 billion just for a set of photos of him, of course not ordinary photos but I'm sure he'd do his best for Daddy."

Min Ho's blood ran cold. Did he hear that correctly? Was Joon-ki openly admitting that he was going to use his son for Child P*rn?

Splash, "Wow you are seriously a piece of shit!" Hye Kyo was standing behind Joon Ki with the Soju and wine bottle in her hands. She had grabbed them and poured them all over him.

"Why does a fucker like you even get the opportunity to call himself heir?" she mocked.

"You Bitch!!!!" Joon Ki screamed. He jumped, leaping for Hye Kyo but she easily dodged him, "Stand still you Bitch!"

"In your dreams dickhead!"

Enraged, Joon-ki grabbed the wine bottle that Hye Kyo had dropped and smashed it against the table. He began to wave around the jagged sharp glass.

Ha-Rin sighed, "Come on Joon-ki, stop this you're being pathetic."

"Who are you to tell me what to do!?" he ran at Ha-Rin. Min Ho moved her to the side, and skillfully tripped Joon-Ki. This would have normally resulted in a simple fall, but behind Min Ho was the open Balcony, and when Joon-ki tripped he fell, launching himself head first out of the window.

Hye Kyo trembled as she heard him yell and then the sickening thud below followed by a few shrieks. "What the fuck, did that idiot just do...?"

"Crap, it's obvious he fell from my room" Ha-Rin muttered, "I need to go control the situation." She slapped her face a few times and then burst into realistic tears, with a panicked expression she ran down the stairs and out of the Guest House.


"And that's what happened" Min Ho finished his story, "If I had it my way he would have died in a lot more pain than he did, instead he went almost instantly..."

This all felt so weird to me. I understood Min Ho's story, it made sense…but the whole thing felt so anticlimactic to me. Was that it? So unsatisfying... what was all the build up for and the suspicion.

This wasn't the first time this had happened to me. Yong Myeong's death, Kang Cheon Sa being adopted by the Dragon Group, and now Joon-ki's death. Every time I had my eyes on key character that I wanted to destroy, that prey was snatched from me. Every time...if it was someone insignificant it didn't matter, but if I had grand plans for murder it would always go up in smoke. It was like some creature...no this world was stopping me from having fun.

Unbeknownst to me a Demon smiled from above.

The end of Vol. 1

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