
I'll Set You Free Tabi

"You will be ok, I promise I'll get us out." "I'll listen to everything you say I promise, I'll get you out but please. Please. Get me out of here. Please. . . ." Before the Third Shinobi War - Naruto Au Art by kuramas9tails on DeviantArt

Cyko_Gamer · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 More than one Break

Another session has ended. And the woman was not happy. She was not happy either. I think she can tell but I am trying to hide it. But I just can't anymore. It's all I've ever known. Yet all I can never show to anyone, but her.

"Are you willing to listen yet?"

". . . ."


"Kitten listen, I am tired of dealing with this over and over. Just let it to your emotions and we can be out. Like I have told you for the past 5 YE-



"I can't take anymore. I don't know. Who I hurt. Did I hurt you? Why me?"

"As if you know pain. I have been here longer than you and I know you are a young one but you haven't been through what I have been through."

"But why me?"

I asked myself so many times. I asked why was she stuck with me. Why she would stay with me. If she hated me I hurt her someway right?

"I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"Forgive you for what?"

"I don't know. Please. Stop them from hurting me."

This is all I had known. But She. She had felt freedom at some point. She had felt love, her siblings cared for each other. Yet this thing. She wasn't sure if it knew love. It was constantly deteriorating, soon she could possibly make her escape. But then what. She had succeeded once, but they caught her again. She lost count of the days she hadn't seen her siblings. Did this human even have siblings? Yet those thoughts were drowned out by the words she would be happy about any other day. Yet this day. No, not any other day. For the past few days. She felt a tug, as those words came out.

"I promise I'll listen to you. I swear. I'll do anything you want. Just let me out. PLEASE."

She knew the feeling now. A horrible sense. A sense of nostalgia. She had felt this pain before. She had felt this desperate before, she had seen herself in him. And yet she couldn't tell if he was telling that to her or them. Luckily for both of them nobody had heard her. She felt the gaurd was asleep again. They forgot to bring him his food again. She hated to feel this way again. She never wanted to see this again.

And now before her stood the child. Or had, stood the child as he fell to the floor, crying in pain, in desperate need of soothing. Like a kitten crying for their mother. The room she was in was horrible, before it had been a swamp like scene. Now, what one could only assume to be where those two had once fought and was destroyed entirely. But it was all melting.

She looked at him. Feeling the same pain again, yet not the same. Pity for herself, and the child.

Regaining her composure, she stood proudly. As well as she could in the cage. And spoke.

"Kitten listen. I promise I can get you out. I can get us both out, but you also need to do your part. I can't do it alone."

"Everything hurts."

Grimacing, she knew it was unjust. She may have suffered longer, but she didn't suffer the entire time she had been sentient. She could help herself. But she felt it would be better to help the two. She wasn't caring for the human was she? No it couldn't be. It must be, knowing that she will get caught even if she escaped again. That must be it. So having the human help her escape will give her time to plan it out. A wail could be heard. And maybe it wasn't just him that broke, but herself too.

"Kitten. Look at me."

He looked up to her after a minute. And she had been more patient than she expected. Yet he looked worse than she imagined.

"I swear I can get us both out of here. I can get you out if here."

She couldn't tell if she was saying this just to calm him to listen or to soothe him but it had worked.

"It is of utmost importance that you listen to me. You still listening?"

It was quiet again, but the response was a yes and she could tell his body was gonna stop supporting him if he does not get any food, let alone water.

"It will have to be when that woman comes again alright. You must feel anger towards her and I'll channel chakra to you. It will give you enough strength to fight her but you must kill her quickly. Do you think you can do that?"

He didn't know what killing was though. She explained a few things whenever she saw him with a curious face in the past but she never explained killing worked.

"Kill how?"

"Right, you have no weapons. So you have to use the only thing you can use in that spurt of time I will give you power."

"Use what?"

Frustration isn't hard to control, let alone how she is telling a kitten who is at best 4 years old to kill a grown adult ninja who overpowers him daily. Yet he only has one thing he can use to kill since his body is so weak. He must

"Use your teeth."


"The hard thing in your mouth."

She didn't expect him to understand. Yet he sat there dumbly and oddly in a cute fashion showing that he was trying his best to remember. Not that he ever learned what teeth are, but he figured it out surprisingly. He actually pointed at his teeth, Yet it would look better if his eyes weren't so. Empty.

"Yes those are teeth, what you use to eat with."

"How use teeth to kill?"

"Under your throat. Do you feel the soft part?"

He feels around on his throat. He finds it quickly. Not that it is hard to find though. He points at his throat looking at her as she says yes, that is your throat and then explains what he needs to do.

"Your teeth are hard. When I tell you to attack, you go for the woman's throat. She has one too so you go for hers. She has been training you for so long and you don't react a lot. She surely will not expect it so use that to you advantage."

Though it might not seem like it, she is speaking in a courteous manner. And the child when speaking, tries to sound like her. Even if his voice is raspy and painful to listen to.

"Using your teeth, bite as hard as you can. You should practice, do it over and over so when the time comes you are prepared."

Was she asking too much? She didn't even know if those undeveloped teeth would be enough, but it was the only option. So it would be safe to say that this was gonna fail. What was she even thinking, this is impossible. She had attempted so many times before this, even if they were few. So what did she even think a kitten could possi-

The sounds of crying interrupted those thoughts. She hadn't given up, not before so why now. When even this kitten would need her to escape, this was the best time to do it. She had to at least see her siblings again, they would laugh at her. That Tanuki would certainly do it. She had hoped to have what they once had, so maybe this was their chance to do so again. She had to leave, they had to leave.

"You will be ok, I promise I'll get us out."

"I'll listen to everything you say I promise, I'll get you out but please. Please. Get me out of here please."


Morning arrived soon. Not that he was able to tell, but he knew because the gaurd remembered to feed him this morning. He had some strength now, but there was too much on the line. And he prepared for it, for her.

The sound of the rusty cell door opened and in came that woman again. Without a word she just pulled him by the arm, and through the hall. It was blue at some point, but they changed it to red over time. The carpet stayed blue, but with what was to happen, it would dye crimson.

The gaurd fell asleep again, and the woman went through the hall, into the left hall, where nobody really walks. And then she told the word.


There was a strange feeling, and it felt amazing. Yet he didn't hesitate, he yanked his arm from the woman and she was surprised. He yanked hard enough for her to fall towards him. And he went for the neck. The woman had gripped his head trying to stop him. She tried to scream but there was no way to scream, not without the sound of a low gurgling.

She was surprised it worked. But there was more surprise at what the kid started to do. She had paused in shock, but snapped out of it. They had to move, as horrible as the sight was.

"Kitten let's move quick. They'll find the body soon and we have to go."

The kid begrudgingly listened. He was so hungry, but he had to listen. He promised he'd listen.

"There is a high chance the Jonins felt this so we have to move fast. I'll direct you and you have to go as fast as you can but be quiet whenever I tell you to ok."

The kid nodded, and she started to guide. She didn't know where they were but she knew they were in some prison like area and she had to lead him out or else they would both be punished.

It was still dark outside, luckily for them yet unluckily for him. He couldn't move too quick without tiring quick. He did not have enough food, let alone training. Well he did have training, in her boredom she had told him how to use chakra and exercise, yet he had deteriorated quicker than expected.

She told him to go out the first window she saw, and he did it. He crashed through it, though it was a harder window than expected so there was not much noise other than the thumps heard by the crash on the window and the wall when he grabbed on out of fear.

He saw the outside for the first time ever, and it was very brief as they still had to move. She told him to not go where there was light, she told him to go where it was dark. And while most would fear the dark, he was always in it and was more fearful of the light as it was the signal of those daily sessions.

A Jonin had spotted him, they alerted the rest but overestimated his abilities so they called for backup. Which gave them time to escape. She told him to run as far as he can, and when he reached the water, to jump in and dive to the bottom, the very bottom. She knew it was a bad idea but what other options were there, there was no air but she recognized the landscape from long ago, and knew what the Turtle had done years ago, and what the Jonin didn't know was the air pockets under the water, under the land. It was their best hope, but the kid was tired, hungry and thirsty. So she did the most reasonable thing as the Jonin came back.

They had surrounded him, he was afraid, and that was exactly what she needed. The Jonin threw their Kunai as the air became hotter. They were gonna need someone more capable, because a tailed beast was in front of them, as the jinchuriki before them was no longer a child. But a giant angry Tiger, in flames promising a future.