
I'll Have Everything

Warning: Since most Pornhwa are NTR then you are warn and no, once the mc have his way with the woman then they'll start to fall for him. A man from Murim world transmigrated into the world of Pornhwa. what is his goal? to bone every woman that interest him and slaughter his enemy. "I'll have everything!" [ Worlds ] Silent wars and other pornhwa (Suggestion)

Try_hard · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 - I'll Have Everything

Dammit! My head feels like It's been hit by a fucking boulder! Every strength in the fiber of my being was aching in excruciating torturous pained incomparable to anything I've felt before. It's been a long time since I felt this numb before ever since I've been fighting in numerous wars and commanding armies in order to achieve my goal of finally finding a place to rest. Perhaps finally my wife will be a mother and live in peace. Who would have thought I would die fighting countless armies after those I serve betray. 

Well it's my fault for not seeing it coming knowing that once a pawn has lost its purpose then it's better to destroy it rather than be used by their enemy. I may not be the brightest person compared to the people in the Murim world but at least I am one of the top strongest creatures. 

I have many aliases that the mere mention of it causes every creature to cower in fear. My titles included "Slaughter god" and "One man Army" to name a few. The beginning of my life, I was an orphan who fought to survive and lived by the rule of "Survival of the fittest" where weakness is death.

Years of torturous training and fighting had soon found myself sitting on top of numerous expert in the world of Murim after serving the emperor for nearly a hundred years. Even though I am ruthless, I have learned to love and gain multiple beautiful wives along the way. At the moment, I have decided to retire and lay down to settle with my women. It was the day I was betrayed by the same people I served accompanied by the enemies I made.

Of course, I did not take their action kindly and slaughtered a single one of them that made me laugh at how pathetic they were. In the end, I knew my death would not revive those I've lost but at least they would be at peace that I had avenged them and would be by their side. It would have been the case, however…


Anong waves of aching pain pierced through my head as what seemed to be memory flowing down in my mind recalling something that shouldn't belong to me. A life that I did not live at the same time I did. The memory was troublingly annoying and pathetic to say the least. As a man who had fought monsters and all manners of opponent even standing against an army alone felt disgusted by the pathetic things it showed.

Once it was all done, anger and frustration was the first thing burning in my heart as my pride had taken a blow from everything that had happened. Is this some kind of joke!? I was reborn in a world where Murim is nothing more than myths and lived where i am but slave to a weakling. 

"Why didn't you just let me rest and die!?"

My wish was simple and to die with honor until I am by my lover's side yet even then it was stolen from me. I would have killed myself right now to be by their side but it would be far too petty and my wives wouldn't want that. Taking deep breaths and slowly calming myself knowing that it wouldn't benefit me the slightest if I let anger control me when it should be the other way around. 

Now I am only annoyed that I couldn't be with my wives but knowing them then they would tell me to move on and find more women. They were the best that any man could ask for. I sighed under my breath and recalled the memory I have fused with. 

The person I have fused with had a similar name to myself which is "Sung Hyun". He was a young man who had skills in making poetry as I did in my spare time. The only difference was his being a dog his entire life being beaten and looked down upon even though his so-called "Allies" only used him in their own accord. This boy lives with his father who provides him with expenses but isn't on good terms with each other which I would care about if not for the fact that he's technically my father as well which is unusual.

I might as well repay this body by doing everything that it desires since it might be fine. Like one of my wife said that the best vengeance is to prosper. Not that I pet them as they pleased but damn is this body weak. 

"So many things going around my head….I don't even know if I'm "Slaughter god" or this pathetic boy. Or maybe they were the same? Whatever the case, I am me and there's nothing to it."

I don't know who or what sent me into this world but I will find them and have my answers. For now I should get up and get a proper feel of where I am and what kind of body I ended up with. Going into a quite prestigious bathroom which is unusual in that it is just a middle class place. A world without Murim and ki is quite interesting. 

I'm unsure if cultivation is possible in this world but there's only way to find that out is by training. I looked into the mirror and saw my dead emotionless eyes at the same time I saw a pathetic boy who lost hope because his crush was stolen from him. Recalling how beautiful and gorgeous the woman he was aiming for was hilarious that he dreamed of having her when his body doesn exert dominance.

"Mia Woo? Interesting….Gunner, Adam…a bunch of brats."

They don't even qualify to be the lowest rank of martial art yet act as if they are their king. I couldn't wait to trample them under my feet while having their woman by my side but I should wait when the opportunity arises. Strength and power is the first priority in these kinds of things. I rinse my face with water that usually is in a bucket but now flows directly in some kind of water system. 

I walked out of the bathroom to change my clothes before looking at a strange device that people called a Smartphone. Fortunately my soul fused with the young man's body allowing me to retain his memory and habits, not that I would keep his habits.  

Getting some fresh air, I was greeted by an unusual world of lights and a strange vehicle in the road where it was normally a horse carriage. It is truly overwhelming But I shouldn't act like a child since I might draw too much attention. 

'The natural Ki is truly foul…what kind of vile action did these people do!?'

I've lost my cultivation and everything beside my memory but still vaguely sense Ki and knew that it was impure and polluted by miasmic poison. It seemed irreversible what they had done to the world but I couldn't do anything besides find a place where Ki is Pure. 

'Best place is the mountains…'

I called out a Taxi before asking them to bring me into the mountains. Silently look into the window while I was brought into my destination. There's many things in my mind and emotion in turmoil but I'm trying my best to suppress it. I've lost everything, my power, Titles and most importantly my wives! However, I am a calm and reasonable person. There's no point moping from what I lost and focus on what I could gain.

My phone rang and checked a message from none other than the person that I wish to trample. It was rather convenient that there was no need for messenger hawks to relay distant messages. These people didn't know how versatile their technology was and indulged in debauchery. 

["Hyun, come by tomorrow and tell me the result of the betting. No need to worry, I'll contribute some of my money but make sure it's a win."]

The way he relayed the message caused my anger and bloodlust to escape, turning the inside of the taxi cold but immediately calming himself or it would kill both him and the driver. Even though he had lost his strength doesn't mean it includes the years of experience slaughtering humans as though they were any. The bloodlust was enough to incapacitate average people. 

'Let's play a little game and act as a predator hiding as a prey.' 

I sent messages like how the old Hyun would do and shut my phone before exiting the taxi after paying the driver. It was extremely dark and likely had wild animals hiding inside that normal people would cower from but I am not an average man and only made my blood boil. 

'One day, I'll Have Everything!'