
I'll Curse Everything To My Liking

New world, new rules, and Atlas Vain Wysrial knows the cheat code: Cursed Ether Energy. Betrayed in the Origin Realm, he's on a revenge fueled journey. Ancient weapons? Evolved through Cursed Ether. Primordial armors? Cursed for extra flair. Godtier Demon Beasts? Yup, Cursed to oblivion! Embark on an epic odyssey as you follow the Undying Cursed Magus on his triumphant ascent through the different kingdoms, worlds, and realms! It's revenge season, and this ancient cunning genius is rewriting the rules, one curse at a time! —— Release Rate: 1 chapter weekly 250 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter. 500 Powerstones = 2 Bonus Chapter. 100 Golden Tickets = 1 Bonus Chapter. Castle = 1 Bonus Chapter, Spaceship = 2 Bonus Chapters, Golden Gachapon = 3 Bonus Chapters. Discord: https://discord.gg/dyDtEbGH

WriterTheos · Fantasía
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271 Chs

Ulao Is An Unlucky Guy

"Oh yeah... I was going to beat the shit out of you the next time I saw you. Thanks for giving me the perfect opportunity." Sol said as Ulao's expression turned confused.

"What?" He said, raising an eyebrow, as he suddenly felt a foot thrust into his stomach.

Sol kicked him far harder than he kicked Kennan, driving the air out from the bully's lungs once more.

It was safe to say that Ulao got a little bit of PTSD at that moment from what Sol did to him in the exam, but this made him even more angry.

He tumbled on the floor, before quickly standing up.

"Argh! Don't think this will end in the same way that the exit exam did!" He said, taking a ring out from his waist pouch and putting it on his finger.

As he did, a metal shield suddenly materialized from the ring and covered half of his wrist.

The shield was made of white steel and had an orange ruby encrusted in the middle.

At that moment, Ulao tried to step forward. However... he didn't move even an inch.

Two powerful hydraulic presses suddenly grabbed onto both of his shoulders, nearly breaking his arm bones as his muscles were squished and bruised--oh wait, that was actually Kennan Ision's hands that squeezed Ulao's shoulders.

"What the hell!?" Ulao exclaimed, feeling the overbearing pressure on his body.

"Who the fuck are you!? Stay out of this!" He said, turning his head past his shoulders to face who was grabbing onto him.

However, his angry face immediately shifted to that of a scared puppy as he saw who was holding him.

Kennan's eyes were stern, and his expression was serious for the first time.

"Are you trying to hurt my friend?" Kennan said in a ruthless tone, squeezing Ulao's shoulders even more.

The pain was getting overwhelming at this point. Ulao already knew he was going to get hand imprints on his shoulders for the next month, so he wanted to stop it then and there.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to!" He suddenly exclaimed in a fearful tone.

Although Ulao was tall for his age, Kennan was one step taller, and one step bigger, with a fairly developed body.

'Even I can't mess with him... he's Kennan Ision of the Inner Sanction.' Ulao thought to himself, 'He moved here only months ago but has already made a name for himself. He could crush me in a fight.' Even Ulao was scared to face him.

'But... since when did that loser befriend a guy like him!? Kennan is known to be a cold-blooded devil-like figure who doesn't speak to anyone, and if he does, it's in a rude and heartless way. This isn't like him at all!'

At that moment, the waves of pain started to make Ulao's arms go limp.

"Okay! Stop now! I'll leave, I swear!" He said, wanting the pain to stop.

At that moment, Kennan looked at Sol, who then nodded. With that, Kennan let Ulao go free.

Ulao moved his shoulders in a circular motion, stretching them as he thought to himself, 'I'll have to get that loser next time...'

"I'm sorry... I'll leave now." He said out loud, quickly beginning to walk away.

Kennan seemed to not have a problem with it. 'Sol didn't seem to mind letting him go.' He thought to himself.

However, Sol spoke quite the contrary in the next second, "Huh? Leave? Since when did I say you could leave?" He said, forcing Ulao to stop and reply.

"What? I said I'll leave and I won't bother you any longer! What else do you want!?" Ulao angrily shouted in retortion.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Do you think you can threaten me and walk away scott-free? Hahaha!" Sol broke out into a loud laugh.

*Five minutes later*

Sol calmly walked away from the academy courtyard with Kennan following shortly behind him.

In the middle of the courtyard was a crowd circling what looked to be a human-sized avocado.

Oh wait... that was actually Ulao Henen after coping with a gruesome beating from Sol himself.

He was laid flat out on his back, his face black and blue with several blisters all over.

Everyone looked at him with pity and confusion, also noting that Sol had been the one to beat him up.

"I guess he got what he deserved right?"

"Never would I have expected a day like this to come..."

"I know right, the classic bully getting beat up by the classic loser."

"I dunno' man... that Sol kid seems even more pathetic than a classic loser to me."

"Hey, I wouldn't say that anymore if I were you... especially if you don't want this happening to you anytime soon."

With these final words, everyone continued staring at Ulao.

"That was incredible! How did you get so strong so quick!" Kennan questioned, following right behind Sol.

Sol ignored Kennan until he arrived at his Huun, finally turning around and facing the tall kid.

"Turn around." Sol calmly said.

"W-what? Okay..."


With a chop to the neck, Kennan was knocked clean out.

'Weirdo...' Sol mused, getting into his Huun. He walked straight to the back of the vehicle where he found it most comfortable to sit.

Other seats were singular, as they needed to be split up in the middle to make an alley for walking. The seat in the back, however, was like a long couch, where Sol could relax and lay down.

He walked straight to a spiky-red-haired kid who was lying on the long seat in the back.

Henlai's eyes followed Sol as he came mere feet from his seat, "Whaddya' lookin' at? Bitch?" He retorted again, just like in the morning.

Make sure to vote powerstones and add to library! A few gifts here and there don't hurt either (:

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