
Used to

Olivia's pov

When I left our apartment I saw Derick already outside our apartment waiting for me .I smilled and walk over to him

"I don't wanna get used to this ".I told him while rolling my eyes.

"You should start getting used to it ".he spoke those words and opened the car door for me.

I got in and he drove off

"How was your night".I asked

"It's was fine ".he replied back 

"And yours".he asked

"Fine".I replied back.

He smilled at me before putting his focus on the road.

"I think I should get a driver".he spoke up

"Why".I asked

"So I could focus on you while we are in the car".he said those words with a mischievous smile on his face .

I hit him on his shoulder and look shyly away .

"Are you shy".he asked 

"Why should I".I replied back without looking at him.

He chuckled and kept on driving.

When we got to school we walked hand in hand to class.

People were staring but I didn't care because I was already used to it.when we got to class Derick sat beside me and gave me a devilish smile.

"Since when did you start sitting at the middle row".I asked him

"Since a certain someone came into my life ".he replied back without looking at me .

I smilled at him before looking away.

The lecture was lively and fun.we ended class and went to the next class till we were done for the day .

"You look tired". Derick told me 

"Yeah I am and I need to be at work today".I told him in a tired voice.

He moved closer to me held my shoulder .

"Come on let's eat something before I take you to work".I smilled at him before following him to his car.we got to a restaurant and ordered our food .while we are eating I noticed Derick was staring at me.

"Stop staring".I told him

"I can't ".he replied back 

"Do you wanna say something?".I asked 

He was quiet for a while before speaking up

"Has Rona called you yet?".he asked 

"Yes,but I have been avoiding his calls".I replied back 

"Why?". Derick asked 

"I don't know, maybe I just don't wanna talk to him till he comes back "

Derick was quiet for a while before speaking up

"Do you love him?".he asked 

"Of course I don't ".I quickly told him 

"Then why are you dating him".he spoke in a calm voice.

I was speechless for a moment.i couldn't let myself tell Derick that Rona has threaten me with my aunt life. If I do then that will be a big problem for me.

"You can tell me Oli".he pleeeded

I hissed and look away 

"There is nothing to tell ".I replied him

"Are you scared of him?".he asked 

"I don't know".I replied back 

Derick hissed and ran his hand in his hair in frustration.

"What did he threatened you with ".he asked in a serious voice .

"Nothing ".i replied and looked away 

"You lier".he whispered and stood up .I followed him and he drove off to the coffee shop.whike he was driving I noticed he was angry with me but I just couldn't risk my aunt life .when we got to the coffee shop he stopped the car and looked directly to my eyes 

"I will find out what he threatened you with and make sure he pays for it".the voice was full of anger and seriousness.


"No Olivia,you won't stop me". I noticed he was serious on this matter and decided to let it be 

"See you later".I told him

"Should I come pick you up".he asked 

"No,I will be fine ".

He stare at me for a long time before looking away.i moved closer to him and kissed him on the cheek before running out of the car .

"Olivia".he shouted 

I chuckled and ran into the confee shop