
The life I wanted

Olivia's POV

In just a week, the life I wish and pray for was given to me.

Derrick don't usually comes to class and whenever he does, he makes sure to stay far me.

As for Rona, I haven't seen or got a call from him ,and it seems like he never existed in my life.

Indeed, this was the life I wish for and wanted, but for strange reasons I wasn't happy.

I hissed and stood up from the bed, walk into the bathroom and took my bath before walking to the sitting room, I got to the sitting room and noticed Aunt was lost in thought.

"Good morning". I greeted but got no response from her.

I pull out a chair and sat opposite her while staring at her with curiosity.

"Is everything okay ". I asked 

She shakes her head but did not say a word, 

I served myself some breakfast but noticed Aunt wasn't eating her food.

"Aunt". I call out, 

She turns and stared at me with worried all over her face.

"Is everything okay ". I asked, 

"Yes, eat, so you won't be late ".she picks up the spoon and started eating.

I stared at her and noticed she was forcing herself to eat the food.

I finish eating and left the house.

I walk down to school and in few minutes I was in school 

I walk up to class and took an available seat and waited for other students to arrive.

"Oli, you came early ". Lizzy smiled at me and took the available seat close to me 

"Jesus, girlfriend you look horrible, take that look away from your face ". 

"I can't ". I murmured 

"Come on oli, it's not the end of the world, they are other good guys out there ". Lizzy taps my shoulder and gave me an assuring smile.

Just then the lecturer walked in 

"We will talk about this later okay ?".

I nod my head and brought out my books.

We were halfway through with the class when Derrick walk in and took a seat at the same row with me but a bit far.

The lecturer gave him a death glare before returning to her lecture.

Few minutes later the lecture was over and like a flash Derick stood up from the chair and walk out of the class.

I look around and could notice Rita staring at me with a big grin on her face, it was obvious she knew I and Derick wasn't together anymore.

"Let go". Lizzy said those words and stood up 

I stood up and was about leaving the hall when my phone started ringing, I check the caller and saw that it was from an unknown number.

"Hello "

"Olivia is that you ".

"Yes, please who is this"

"It's me Mr Phillip your neighbor, you have to rush to the hospital your aunt collapsed"

"What did you say ". I asked in panic 

"Your aunt collapsed oli, i brought her to the hospital where she works so hurry and come ". She pleaded 

"Am on my way ". I switched off the phone with trembling hands.

"What is wrong ". Lizzy asked, 

"Aunt is at the hospital". I whispered 

"Why, is everything okay ". Lizzy asked, 

"I don't know, but I have to be there ". I took a step and wanted to walk out of the hall when Rita block my path.

I hissed in frustration before staring at her, 

"Move away ".

"And if I don't".she asked, 

"Move away Rita". Lizzy spoke angrily

"Mind your business, I wasn't talking to you".she uttered those words while staring at Lizzy.

"Now over to you '.she stared at me before laughing a mockery laugh.

"You've been dumped not by one but by two ". She claps her hand and laughed loudly bringing the attention of people to us.

Hearing those words from her, I was hurt, but that wasn't my major concern, all I wanted was to go see aunt in the hospital.

"I would have love to chi chat with you, but I have to be somewhere at the moment, I would love it if you would excuse me '.I said those words and was about moving away when she held my hand. 

"Am not done talking to you, you slut".she muttered out those words in anger.

I hissed and calm myself before turning around and faced her.

"Let go of my hand". I commanded in anger 

"Make me ".she threatened 

"Rita I am warning you, let go of my hand ". I warned, 

She chuckled loudly and tighten her grip on me.

"And if I don't you slut, what will you do, huh?". She demanded, 

I clench my fist and grit my teeth in anger and frustration

I remove her grip from me and push her away and was about making my way out when she pulls me to herself and landed a hot slap on my face.

I touch my face and close my eyes in frustration, I could hear whispers and camera of phone blinking at us and I couldn't just walk away,.

Aunt is at the hospital and I don't know the condition she is and here was Rita slapping me and making fun of me in public, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I rush to her and push her to the floor 

"Get off from me ".she yelled, 

I ignored her and starting slapping her rapidly on the face with anger and frustration in me 

"Oli, please let go of here ". I ignored Lizzy voice and kept on bouncing on her until someone pulled me away.

I turn around and saw an angry looking Derick staring at me.

"What is the meaning of this ".he yelled in anger while staring at me.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't, the words were struck in my mouth.

He stared at me with anger and hatred before moving to Rita and pull her up from the floor, 

"Are you okay?". He asked with so much care in his voice 

I watch them and felt my heart tearing in pieces, but then I composed myself.

"Let go oli".

Lizzy took my hand and led me out of the hall 

"Are you okay ?".she asked with concern

"Yes, I need to be at the hospital, see you later ". I hug Lizzy and left the school.

I took a taxi and in a few minutes I was at the hospital.

"My name is Olivia, my aunt was rushed here ". I explained to the nurse I met on my way 

"Oh you are Penny's niece, wait for me, I'll be back ".

I sat on the seat bitting my lips in fear and panic 

"Follow me ".the nurse led me to a room 

I open the room and saw aunt laying on the bed with a sad look on her face.

"Aunt ". I called out and rush to her side, 

"What's wrong ". I panic in fear 

"It's okay oli, just calm down".she pleaded, but I couldn't.

"Tell me what's going on, aunt ". Pleaded 

She hissed in pains and stared at me with a worried look.

I took her hand in mine and stared directly into her eyes.

"What's wrong ". I asked

She hissed softly before staring at me

"My kidneys are bad".she whispered those words while avoiding my gaze

"Your kidneys are damaged?". I asked surprised 

"Yes, and I will need a kidney transplant".she murmured in tears.

Hearing and seeing my aunt this week I felt hot tears falling down my cheek and I couldn't hold it.

"Don't cry, oli, we will find a way ". She assured me, 

But I knew there was no way she had, she was just encouraging me.

I wipe off the tears from my cheek and stared at her 

"I will donate a kidney for you, we can both live with one "

"No Oli I won't let you do that, you are too young to risk your health for me ".she pleaded.

"No aunt I can't let you die, buying a kidney is expensive, and I know you don't have such money on you aunt, please let me do it "

"No Oli, I won't let you “.she shakes her head and look away just then a doctor walked in.

"How are you doing, penny ". He asked with concerned in his voice.

"I'm fine Richard, this is my niece Olivia, Olivia meet doctor Richard ".she introduced us in a weak voice, I stared at her in pains and couldn't hold it anymore.

"Doctor, where can I be examined to know if my kidney matches with hers "? I asked 

"Don't mind her Richard".my aunt told Spoke up.

I left the seat and walk up to him 

"Please help me, she is also your friend you wouldn't want to see her die, please help me". I pleaded.

He hissed softly and stared at aunt before speaking up 

"Penny you are still young and have a lot of life ahead of you, you should let her help you if you wants to ".

Aunt closed her eyes and shake in her head but did not say anything.

"Let's go, doctor, she has accepted ".

He stared at aunt one more time before we left the room together.

"Pray your kidney matches with hers, if not we cannot use your kidney, and she will have to find a donor and buy a kidney which is really expensive.