
The attack

Rona's POV

“Boss, I think you should start picking her call, she is getting worried about you as the day goes by “. Mike said those words as he sat beside me.

I hissed and took in a deep breath while staring at the phone in Mike's hand

“Block the number”. I whispered

“Block what “. Mike asked with a confused look on his face.

“Don't make me repeat myself, I said block her number”. I spoke angrily.

Mike stared at me with wide eyes and wanted to say something, but I stood up before he could say what he wanted to say, 

“Block the number and get me the doctor”. I spoke in a tune that has no room for argument, and left the room.

I left the room and walk for a while before I got to the garden,I hissed in relief and closed my eyes in frustration.

I brought out a cigarette and put it in my mouth before lighting it and took a deep draw of the cigarette.

This was the best thing to do, I have to let her go, she doesn't deserve to be with someone like me . she staying with me is a risk to her life and that of her aunt's.

“Boss”. I turn around and met one of my men staring at me with a concerned look

“The doctor is here “. He bows his head and left.

I blew some more cigarette before trowing it on the floor. I left the garden and walked back to the room. I met the doctor and Mike discussing something, but the moment I got in they kept quiet and gave me a curious look.

“Rona”. The doctor stood up from the couch when he saw me walking inside the room.

“Do you still feel pains “.he asked as I pull my cloths and Lay on the bed, 

“Yeah, a little in my arm “. I brought forth my broken arm and showed him 

I had a physical combat two days ago with some men who tried to assassin Mr chin, luckily we overpowered them and won the fight, but I got a broken arm as a result of the fight.

“Let me see “.the doctor took hold of my arm and examine it before he gave me some injection to kill the pains.

“I will send a nurse to come massage you later by the day “. He said those words while I tried putting on my shirt.

“Thank you “. I murmured

“You are welcome”. He took his things and left I and Mike in the room.

I hissed softly and ran my fingers in my hair in frustration, I could notice Mike intense gaze on me and I knew why he was staring at me.

“Rita was calling”.he gave the phone to me.

I took the phone from him and dialed her number, it rang few times before it was picked.

“Rona “.she sounded happy on the phone

“How are you “. I spoke roughly, so I could hide the pains I was going through, Rita getting work up because of me was something I wasn't ready for.

“I'm not fine”.she spoke stubbornly.

I hissed softly and rubbed my hand on my face

“What is it “. I asked softly

“You haven't been calling me like you always do “.she said those words like a spoiled child.

I chuckled softly before speaking up, 

“I'm sorry, I've been busy lately, but I promise to call you frequently from now on .are you okay with that “.

“Promise”.she asked 

“Promise”. I replied while trying to move my arm.

“Rona, when are you coming back “. I could notice how the tune of her voice changed

“In two days from now, what is it, is everything okay “. I asked in a worried tune.

“No Rona, everything is not okay “.she said those words while sobbing quietly.

I hissed and groaned in anger when I noticed Rita was crying, what could possibly make her cry.

“Tell me Rita, tell me what the problem is “. I asked in anger.

“It's Derrick”.she murmured

“Derick”. I asked in anger.

“Yes, he slapped me”.she murmured in tears

I stood up from the bed and move angrily in the room.

“How dare him, how dare him lay a hand on you “. I shouted in anger.

She sobbed before she started talking

“He slapped me because I was confronting Olivia on why she was playing with your feelings”.she murmured in tears 

“What do you mean, I don't get you “. I asked confused.

“The news is everywhere “.

“What news”. I asked 

“The news that she and Derrick are now dating, he even said it himself in front of the whole school “.she murmured.

I felt my heart clench in pain and noticed I was finding it hard to breathe.

“Boss”. Mike called out when he noticed me, 

“Rona”. I could hear Rita's worried voice on the phone.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself before speaking, 

“Let me call you back “. I ended the call and threw the phone on the bed.

“What's the matter, boss”. Mike asked while he picks up the phone from the bed 

I hissed and closed my eyes, all the things Rita said kept playing in my head like a noisy music.

“Get me a drink “. I muttered with my eyes closed.

Mike stood there and did not so a word. I open my eyes and saw Mike staring at me with a questioning look.

“I told you to get me a drink “. I spoke in a calm voice, but my anger could be noticed.

“Sorry Rona, you are on injection and drugs, I can't allow you to take any alcohol”.he said those words like he meant it.

“Really “. I asked in anger, 

“Yes, and don't bother searching around the room because I made sure all the drink are removed “.he said those words and left the room.

I groaned in anger and kick the chair that was in front of me.

“Damn it”. I shouted in anger.

I went for my phone and dialed Derrick's number, it rang few times before it was picked.

“Why are you calling me”.he asked angrily.

“I swear to God, Derrick, I will make sure I send your head back to your father when I see you “. I threatened angrily.

“I see that your devilish sister must have told you how I dealt with her “. 

I groaned and hissed in anger, 

“I will catch you Derick and when I do, I will make you beg for your death”. I threatened angrily.

“I will be waiting for that day to come “. He said those words and ended the call on me.

I groaned in frustration and anger before trowing the phone on the floor.

“Rona, we are being attacked”. Mike rush into the room while handling a gun to me.

“Who are they “. I asked while checking if they were enough bullet in the gun, 

“We don't know them, but they came with their leader “.he spoke nervously.

“Are you scared “. I asked when I noticed how he was staring at with fear written all over his face.

“Yes but not for myself. Rona your left arm is broken, and I know you shoot really well with that hand, how will you cope “.he spoke with a worried look 

“Bam”.we heard a gun shot

“Listen I will be fine, you don't have to worry about me. Where is Mr Chin”. I asked 

“We've locked him in the basement”

“Let's go “. Mike stared at me once again before opening the door. 

The moment we got out of the room, we could hear gun shots and shouts in the house.

“Boss “. One of my men ran to me, 

“The leader is going to the basement, and we couldn't stop him”

"Shit”. I shouted and ran to the basement while Mike followed me.

“Mike, go back and help, let me handle him “.

“No Rona, you are not fit, I can't let you go alone”.

“I'm not asking you I'm commanding you Mike, it's a command now go “.

He hesitated for a while before he ran away.

I hissed in relief and ran to the basement, luckily for me, the basement was locked, and they were trying to unlock it.

“Bam, bam, bam”. I shot three men at once.

I came out of my hiding spot and stared at the three dead men, I took a better look at them and realized none of them could be the leader of this gang. If the leader wasn't here, then where is he.

“Rona”. I turn around and met a gun pointed at me from afar.

“We Meet again “.he spoke with a big grin on his face.

“Darlington”. I spoke in shock.

“Yes dear are you surprised to see me “.he spoke with anger in his face.

“I was glad when I realized I was to face you when I was given this job to assassinate Mr Chin “.

“Darlington we are not enemies, our fathers were friends “. I said those words, hoping he would understand and let go of this fight. I can't see myself having a fight with Darlington.

He chuckled softly and crack his gun at me.

“Friends you say, my father was never a friend to your father, it was all a play “.he said those words while staring at me with so much anger and hatred.