

Derrick's POV 

When we got outside the library I  gently kept her down, 

“What was the meaning of that “.she asked with an angry look.

I chuckled softly before opening the car for her 

“And where are you taking me “.she asked while refusing to get in the car 

“Just come with me “. I told her, 

“I still have classes “.

“You can just skip it “. I told her with a mischievous smile on my face, 

“Hell no, I'm not like you “.she said those words while rolling her eyes.

“Stop doing that”. I told her 

“Doing what “.she asked 

“Roiling your eyes at me “. I told her, 

“Why, does it turn you on “.she spoke with a devilish smile on her face. 

I felt my face heat up and my breathing became uneasy .she noticed it and started laughing.

“Where are you taking me”.she said those words while entering the car. I closed the door and entered the driver seat.

“Somewhere special “. I whispered.

She stares at me but did not say a words .few minutes to the drive she kept on staring at me .at first, I wanted to ignore it, but the state was becoming too much 

“Why are you staring at me “. I asked her, 

“I'm checking if they are bruises on your face “.she replied quickly.

I stare at her for a second before going back to the road 

“Why do you think there will be bruises on my face “I asked while focusing on the road 

“Because I thought you would have a fight with Rona”.she replied.

I chuckled at her words and shake my head,

“We didn't fight oli, and if we did then one person should be dead by now “. I said those words without looking at her .she hit my shoulder before looking away. I chuckled at her behavior and kept on driving.

Few minutes later we got to our destination. I got down from the car and went over to the passenger seat and opened the door for Olivia,

“Where is this place “.she asked while looking around 

“Do you like what you see “. I asked 

“Yes it beautiful, but so you know I don't swim”.she told me

“You don't have to “. I told her, 

“You guys owns this place”. She asked, 

“No, I own this place “. I replied her.

She stares at me with a shock look before looking away.

We moved away from the car and moved closer to the water, 

“This is refreshing”.she says those words while sitting on the sand.

“Yeah”. I replied to her. 

“So you come here often “.she asked, 

“Yeah, only when I need to clear my head “. I replied

“So are you here to clear your head “.she asked .I Chuckled Softly at her word

“You just said you only come here when you need to clear your head “.she spoke up 

“Yeah that's right, but I'm here because I want to spend some time with you “. I told her with a smile on my face .she smiled at me before looking away.

“I will be right back “. I told her and left for the car.

I came back with some drinks and snacks and a blanket from the car, 

“Where did you get that from “.she asked when she saw me with those things 

“From the car “. I told her 

“you planned this “.she asked 

“Yeah”. “What if I had refused coming with you “.she asked 

“Then I would have to drag you here “. I told her playfully .she laughed before taking the drinks from me.

I spread the blanket on the sand, and she sat on it 

“This is better”. She took a drink and opened it .we were both quiet for a while before she spoke up 

“Never will I imagine my life would be this interesting “.she says those words while in looking at the sea 

“I'm supposed to live a boring life here, but knowing you and Rona changed all that “.she said those words while staring at me, 

I looked at her but did not say a word

“Do you like me “.she asked without looking at me 

“I don't like you “. I told her .she stared at me before looking away, 

“But I love you “. I whispered.

She acted like she did not hear it, but I knew she did.

She took another drink and drank a little for it .she hissed softly before locking eyes with me.

“Why me “.she asked, 

“Why you”. I asked confused

“There are many beautiful and sexy girls wanting you, why not go for them but me “.she asked still locking eyes with me 

“Because you are special”. I replied her.

She rolls her eyes at me before looking away.

“Still hasn't answered my question”.she told me 

“I love you Oli, but I can't explain why, I always feel comfortable with you, you make my heart beat really fast when you are around, and I get jealous when I see you with someone else. I want to be with you and protect you with my life, that's how I feel for you “.

After saying those words, we were quiet and did not say anything for a while.

“I'm dating Rona “.she spoke up 

“Yeah, for two months “I replied her 

“How did you know it's just for two months”.she asked shocked

“I'm not an ordinary guy “. I told her,

She rolled her eyes at me and looked away.

We stayed there for a while before I noticed the weather was changing.

“We should head back “. I told her while giving her my hand .she smiled at me and took my hand .she stood up and took the remaining snacks and drinks on the floor, 

“Just leave it, I will take it “. I told her.

She ignored me and carried it to the car.

“So stubborn”. I murmured.

We got to the car and I drove out. The drive back was entertaining since Olivia was talking about different things .some time I stare at her and couldn't help but wish she was mine.

When we got to her apartment I parked the car and looked at her, 

“You are home “. I told her 

“Yeah, thanks for today, I had fun “.she smiled at me.

She was about leaving the car when she turned around and kissed me softy on the lips. I was shocked and didn't know how to react. before I could react she ended the kiss

“That was saying thank you “.she smiled at me and left the car.

I hissed in frustration .why didn't I kiss her back. I hit the wheel of my car before driving off.