
Recuse Olivia

Olivia's POV

I could feel pains in my head as I open my eyes, my eyes were blurry, and I could taste blood in my mouth.

I closed my eyes and all that happened last night flashed in my head.

I tried sitting on the floor but noticed my hands and legs were still tied 

I look around and noticed my blood on the floor, and I gulped in fear when I managed to touch my face and realized I wasn't wounded there.

I closed my eyes and tried to endure the pains I was feeling inside me when the door of the room came wide opened.

The man who kidnapped me walk in with anger all over his face.

He noticed I was awake and stared at me with so much hate.

"You are finally awake".he spoke up and took the chair before me.

"I thought you should be dead by now".he muttered out those words while staring at me with anger.

"It's 1pm in the afternoon and I have still not gotten any reply from Rona, it seems it has abandoned you ".he chuckled evilly 

Hearing those words from him, I knew he was lying, Rona will never abandon me, but something tells me he might be right.

"I promise to take you yesterday but seeing that you are injured triggered something in me and I want to take you right here and now so that I could inflict more pains in you".he muttered out those words and stood up from the chair.

I felt my heart pounding in fear as he walked up to me with a big grin on his face.

“I promise you will enjoy it ".he tried moving closer to me,, but I move away.

He chuckled softly and pull out his belt 

"You will rot in hell, you wicked weak old man ". I muttered out in anger. 

He groans in anger and wipe me with the belt.

He groaned in anger and started pulling off his jeans when we both heard a loud sound.

"It seems Rona is here, but I will never let him safe you ".he muttered out those words, climbed on a chair and press a button on the ceiling with codes that I couldn't understand.

"Within an hour you will die slowly just like a chicken".he muttered out those words and left the room.

The moment he left ,I felt the room becoming stuffy and a white smoke was coming out of a hole in the corner of the room.

I tried to cover my nose, but I couldn't. 

The white smoke was coming up rapidly, and I knew I was losing it .

I managed to stand up from the floor and tried to climb the chair with all the strength in me,, and I was successful.

I tried the code for several times, but I couldn't get it. 

I got down from the chair and managed to pull off the jean I was putting on, leaving me with just my dress and underwear.

I creep to the hole and covered it with my jeans and the white smoke reduce, but it was still coming, but this time the content was reduced.

I felt my head spinning, and I was finding it hard to breathe.

I lay on the floor with my eyes closed and memories of Rona and I flashed in my head 

The first time he walked into the coffee shop and I thought I was scared of him when actually it was love at first sight.

The first time he kissed me and I thought I was forced to do it, when actually I loved it.

The first time I slept in his arms, that felt like the most safest place in the wall.

"Thank you ". I murmured with my eyes closed. 

"Thank you for loving me". I smiled and took in a deep breath. 

"I love you, Rona". I murmured those words and was about losing consciousness when I noticed a loud bam on the door like the door was exploded.

Rona's POV

"Is everything ready ?". I asked Mike as I was about entering the car. 

"Yes, Rona, you don't have to worry about anything". Mike said those words and taps my shoulder. 

"Why don't I come with you guys I might be of help ".frank spoke up, but I totally ignored him 

I can't risk him for things like this.

"You know you can't even kill a fly, let them go, they will be fine". Rita spoke calmly,, but I knew she was scared and was hiding it.

I moved closer to her and pulled her in a tight hug

"Don't worry, I will be fine ". I whisper into her ear. 

"I know that, I just want you to please bring her back ".

I nod my head before letting go of her.

I entered the car and we all drove out.

In few minutes we were in their hideout.

Silently we killed the four men at the gate before one of his men sported us and blew the alarm 

"I'll go look for him ". I told Mike and walk to the direction the drawing showed us could be his room.

On my way there, I encountered his men in the way and killed all.

So many things were going through my head, and I couldn't wait to see Olivia.

I got to the door and realized it was locked, but it was a trap

I felt someone behind me, and quickly I shot him without looking at him.

I turned and noticed it was one of his men. 

I left the room and walk around, firing everyone my way until I found him at the top of the roof.

"You are finally here ".he points a gun at me which I did the same 

He chuckled softly and moved close to me 

"I see now that you are no longer a kid".he muttered out those words with a devilish smile.

"Never would I have thought that a day will come when I will have to point a gun at you ". I spoke in anger and disappointment.

This man was like a father to me and a brother to my late dad

He chuckled evilly before speaking up 

"Well, I have been dreaming for a day like this ".he muttered out those words in a serious tune like he meant every bit of it.

I shake my head in disappointment before speaking up 

"We can end this here, just hand her over to me, and we can pretend this never happened". I spoke truthfully. 

He chuckled evilly and shakes his head 

"You are too soft, just like your old man".he muttered out those words in hatred.

Hearing those words from him, I felt anger run through my blood, but I held back myself.

"Your little girlfriend should be struggling with life as we speak, sadly I couldn't get a taste of her".he muttered out those words with a Victorious smile on his face.

"What did you do to her ". I yelled in anger, and he was about saying something when I heard two gun shots, and it was shot at him right on his forehead.

I turn around and realized it was Mike 

"I knew you would be too soft to kill him just like you did for Darlington,, so I decided to help you again this time". Mike spoke up and shot the man again, making sure he was dead.

"Where are the others". I asked. 

"They are trying to fall down the door"

"Let's go ". I muttered out those words and rushed to the room with Mike.

We got there and noticed my men trying to pull out the door.

"Olivia". I hit the door but got no response from her. 

I hit the wall with anger and injured my hand

"Calm down". Mike taps my shoulder. 

"It's opened boss ".one of my men spoke up 

Quickly I rushed into the room and noticed it was cloudy with smoke and I couldn't see a thing

"Olivia ". I called out. 

Just then I noticed a movement closer to the wall and realized it was Olivia.

I felt fear run through my blood and I couldn't breathe.

Quickly I ran up to her and realized she was half naked with just her pant and dress on.

I felt scared, really scared.

I pull off my jacket and wrap her waist with it before lifting her up from the floor.

I brought her from the room, and then I was able to look at her body.

She was badly bruised all over her body apart from her face.

I felt tears threatening to fall down my eyes and I couldn't hold it back.

"Calm down, Rona, let's take her to the hospital ". Mike spoke up. 

I ran to the car with fear and panic all over my body.

I entered the car with Olivia in my arms as the driver drives us to the hospital.

I closed my eyes and made a silent prayer not for myself but for my precious one.