
Precious one

Rona's POV

"Have you gotten any update yet ". I heard Mike's voice behind me,

I hissed and sat on the bed 

"Not yet "

"Is she home". I asked while staring at my phone.

"Yes, but she is worried about you, I think she knows something is wrong ".he spoke up 

I took in a deep breath and stood up from the bed and went to the bar.

I was about pouring out a drink in the glass when I noticed my phone ringing.

I went for the phone and noticed it was one of my boys calling.

I rushed and pick up the call, 

"What's the update ". I asked 

"Boss we lost him ".he murmured in fear.

I clench my hand in anger

"How did you guys let this happen". I asked in anger 

"We were deceived, the guy we thought was him wasn't him but someone who acted to be him ".

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Where is he now".

"He is in California, boss, he has been in California for the past two days ".he murmured in fear.

"Two days and you guys weren't aware of it". I yelled in anger 

"We are so sorry, boss ".he pleaded 

I groaned in anger before speaking up 

"Where is he". I asked, 

He kept quiet and hesitated for a while before speaking up 

"He is in Los Angeles".he murmured.

"Shit". I yelled in anger, 

"How can he be in Los Angeles and you guys have no information about it ". I yelled in anger.

He kept quiet and did not say a word.

Quickly, I ended the call and threw the phone on the bed.

"This is bad ". Mike murmured, 

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in anger before speaking up, 

"How can he be here in California and none of them were aware of it ". I yelled in anger.

I aimlessly walk around the room and was about to say something when suddenly a thought came to my mind 

"Olivia, where is Olivia". I asked in panic

"She is home ". Mike murmured 

"Shit". I took my phone from the bed and dialed her number, but she wasn't picking up 

"Call Rita and tell her to stay wherever she is ,and go and pick her up "

"Yes boss". Mike replied and left the room .

I dialed Olivia's number and still, she wasn't answering my call, 

"Calm yourself Rona". I whispered to myself

"Rita is in a friend's house, and it's not too far from here, so I'm going to pick her up ".

I nod my head and kept on calling Olivia's number, but she wasn't picking up, 

I felt fear run through my body as I hurriedly left the house.

I got into the garage and got into the car and drove out of the house, 

Throughout my drive to Olivia's house I kept on hitting the car wheel in anger.

If only I had let her stay a little, all this wouldn't have been happening.

In less than ten minutes, I was in front of her apartment.

I rushed to the door and noticed the door of her apartment was wide opened.

I felt my heart pounding in fear and panic as I walk into the house.

"Olivia". I called out, but got no response from her.

I walk to a room and noticed it was her room, but there was no sign of her,, but something caught my attention.

Her phone was on the bed, 

"Shit". I yelled in anger.

I went for the phone and picked it up.

I went to the other room and noticed it was her late aunt's room, and still Olivia wasn't there.

I ran out of the apartment and closed the door before entering my car, I brought out my phone from my pocket and called Mike 

"Hello "

"Where is Rita " I asked while seizing my breath 

"She is here with me, and we are on our way back home "

I released a sign of relief before speaking up 

"Be careful ". I muttered out those words and ended the call.

I start the car and drove back home.

I got home and noticed Rita and Mike were back home.

I walked into the sitting and found them there with a few of my men, 

"Where is Olivia?" Rita asked while looking at me, 

I hissed in pain and sat on the couch while I roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

"You didn't see her at home?" Mike asked, 

I nod my head and didn't say a word.

I couldn't speak or do anything.

I was scared, really scared.

Olivia's POV

I hear voices that I couldn't recognize.

A sharp pain in my head and I wondered why I was feeling this way.

"Are you sure she is the one ". I heard a strong rough voice speaking in the background, 

"She is the one boss, I'm very sure of it ". I heard another voice speaking.

"I think she is awake". I heard another voice in the background.

I forcefully open my eyes with all the strength in me.

I stared around and realized I was tied to a chair in an empty room.

"You are finally awake ".a man spoke up, 

I stared at him shocked and confused.

I tried remembering what happen, and then I realized I was kidnapped.

"Who are you ". I asked in fear.

The man sitting before me chuckle softly and stared at me like he was trying to pirece through me.

"I'm your worst nightmare".he declared angrily.

I stared at him confused.

I took a better look at him and tried recalling his face,, but I couldn't remember him.

I look around and saw the other two men behind him.

"You don't look like Rona's type, let me be sure I took the right person ".he spoke firmly and went for his phone in his pocket and brought it out.

Hearing Rona's name, I realized he was one of Rona's enemy.

I felt scared but not for myself.

Rona's POV 

"We still can't track him ". Mike said those words to my hearing, 

I threw the glass of wine in my hand on the floor with anger.

"You were careless ". I yelled in anger and stood up from the couch 

I was about to say something when my phone started ringing, I check the caller and saw that it was from an unknown number then and there I knew he was calling.

Quickly I picked up the call.

"Hello "

"Hello Rona ". Imediately I recognize the voice.

"I will find you and I Will kill you ". I muttered out in anger 

"Shut up Rona ".he yelled in anger 

"You better watch your tongue, or I will blow her brain off".he threatened

"Olivia". I whisper to myself

I knew he had her but for the past two hours I've been hoping I was wrong

"Let her go and face me if you are man enough". I muttered out in anger 

He laughed loudly and evilly before speaking up 

"Why do I need to face you when I have your weakest point here with me".he muttered out those words like he was so sure of it.

I groaned in anger and roughly ran my fingers through my hair in anger and frustration.

"You killed my son Rona and you think you can go away with it ".he yelled in anger 

"I never wanted to kill Darlington, he was like a brother to me but you and Darlington killed my father, never for once, did I ever think you will do that to tour best friend "

He chuckled softly before speaking 

"Best friend you say ".he yelled in anger 

"I was never a friend to your father".he muttered out those words like he meant every bit of it.

"I hated your father with passion ".he yelled in anger, 

"But he loved you, he loved you as a brother". I spoke truthfully 

"I don't care".he shouted in anger 

"That's not the reason I called you ".he muttered out in anger 

"You killed my son in cold blood and I will do the same to you precious one".he declared those words in anger 

"You won't dare ". I muttered out those words in anger, 

"Really?" He asked in anger 

"Watch me " 

I heard movement from the background and the next thing I heard where loud slap and Olivia's scream 

I felt my heart pounding in pain and fear and I couldn't hold it anymore 

"Stop it ". I spoke almost like a plead

He chuckled softly before speaking up 

"The almighty Rona begging all because of a woman".he mocked 

I took in a deep breath and calm myself 

"What do you want ". I asked in pain 

He chuckled evilly and kept quiet for a while before speaking up 

"Actually I want nothing from you, what I actually want is right here with me, and she looks so innocent and fragile I bet you haven't even touch her yet ".

I felt my veins popping out, and I clench my fist and grit my teeth in anger 

"You won't dare" I spoke in anger and fear 

"Watch me ".he muttered out those words as a theats