
Never wanted to be with you

3rd person's POV

“Thank you, you can leave “. Rona told the doctor and angrily went for a drink in the bar .he hissed in anger as he poured out the drink. How could he be this careless and foolish .he blames himself for letting his jealousy and anger take over him .he hissed in anger and threw the glass on the floor.

Just then one of his men walked into his room

“What is it “. He asked in anger.

“Derick is outside boss”. 

“Derick”. Rona asked in anger, 

“Yes boss, he threatens to burn down this place if we don't let him see you “.

Rona Chuckled softly and took another glass from the bar and poured a drink in it.

“Let him in, I will be downstairs”

“Yes boss”. 

Anger was boiling inside of Rona, how dare Derick comes to his house and threatens his men .he went to his drawer and pick up a gun before going downstairs.

On the other hand, Derick was boiling in anger while waiting for Rona in his sitting room .he has waited for so long to have Olivia and now that he does, Rona still doesn't want to let her be .he hissed in anger and kept on walking around the sitting room while Rona's men kept staring at him with a death look.

“What the hell are you doing here “. Rona's voice caught his attention. He turns around and stared at Rona with an angry look. Rona walked into the sitting room and sat on the couch.

“Why are you here “. Rona spoke calmly, but the anger in his voice was noticeable.

Derick ran his fingers in his hair in anger before taking hold of Rona's collar. Rona's men rushed to them, but he signaled them to let them be.

“Stay away from her, Rona, I'm warning you “. Derick shouted in anger that his voice could be heard in the house. Rona stared at him and chuckled softly.

“Get your hands off my clothes “. His voice was rough and full of anger.

“And if I don't “. Derick replied with anger, still holding Rona's collar. Rona hissed and closed his eyes, so he could suppress his anger .he knew Olivia was angry with him and if he do anything to Derick she might hate him forever.

“Let go of my shirt “. He commanded.

Derick stared at him before he removed his hands from him.

“Stay away from my girl, Rona, I am warning you “. Derick spoke in anger.

Rona Chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink, 

“And who do you think is your girl”. He asked with a mocking smile on his face.

Derick laughed loudly because he just realized Rona still doesn't know that Olivia was now his.

“So you don't know that Olivia and I are officially dating, huh, she hasn't told you yet “.he said those words with a victory smile on his face.

“That's a lie”. Rona angrily stood up and faced Derick.

“You are lying, Olivia and I are dating “.he spoke firmly.

Derick walks around the sitting room while laughing loudly.

“Dating?” .he asked, 

“How can you say you are dating a girl you forced to be in a relationship with you .how can you call that dating”. Derick asked in anger.

“Olivia never wanted to be with you, the reason she was with you is that is she scared of you, do you think a person like Olivia will have anything to do with a monster like you “. Derick spoke loudly.

Hearing those words from Derick weakened Rona's bones, and he couldn't say anything but went back to the couch. Derick was right, the main reason why Olivia was with him was because he threatened her, not because she was willing to be with him.

“When did you guys started dating”. Rona asked in a whisper.

“Two days ago “. Derick replied.

Rona hissed and closed his eyes, Olivia started dating Derick after what happened between them. Derick was right, Olivia could never love a person like him .she was just with him because she was scared of him, and he was foolish to think Olivia could ever love him.

“Get out”. Rona said those words with his eyes close. But Derick, as stubborn as he was he refused going away.

Rona opened his eyes with anger and saw that Derick was still there.

“I told you to get out"

 “I'm not leaving until you let go of Olivia”. Derick spoke firmly.

Rona stood up from the chair in anger and walk up to Derick.

“Look around, do you see Olivia or anything that looks like her here “.he shouted in anger.

“Get out, Derick, before I lose my temper”. Rona spoke angrily. Derick stared at Rona and realized he was burning with anger and this was his territory, and he has to act wise.

“I'm leaving, but I believe I have made my message clear “. He said those words and left Rona standing in the sitting room.

Rona threw the glass in his hand in anger before going to his room .when he got to his room, he hit the wall so hard with his hand and felt pains in his hand because he was wounded.

He roughly ran his fingers in his hair and walked around the room. Derick words kept ringing in his head and for a strange reason, he knew Derick was right .he hissed and sat on his bed thinking of what Derick said .if what Derick said was true, then Rona knew he has lost her forever. 

The thought of loosing Olivia brought a sharp pain to his heart and he couldn't help it .he didn't need a soothsayer to tell him he has fallen deeply in love with this girl even when he tried all he could to.

Maybe it was best she was with Derick seems it looks like Derick also cares for her .she dating him might be risky for her, and he doesn't want that for her.

“Boss”. Mike voice caught his attention.

He turned around and stared Mike, 

“Is she alright”. He asked 

“Yes she is, just that you will have to give her some time”. Rona nods his head and went for a drink.

“Boss”. Mike called out again.

“Say what you have to say and leave me the hell alone”. Rona shouted in irritation. Mike wasn't concerned with the way Rona spoke to him because he knew he was going through a lot.

“Mr Chin called “. Mike spoke up, 

Rona hissed and took a sip of his drink.

“Why did he call “.

“He said he has been getting threats letters because of his campaign, and he needs some bodyguards”

“Then ask him how many he wants and sends some men to him and stop disturbing me “. Rona spoke angrily.

Mike hissed and sat on the couch.

“He is offering two thousand million dollars”. Mike spoke firmly while staring at Rona. Rona turns around, and looked at Mike with a shock on his face.

“Why is he offering such amounts, how many men does he want “.

Mike hissed and took in a deep breath.

“He doesn't want men, he just wants you and few men”. Mike spoke slowly because he knew Rona will never agree.

“He wants me to be his body guard”. Rona spoke in anger .he was already in a bad mood and this just worsen everything.

“Listen Rona, he just wants us to be with him for a week until the voting and the results are out, that's all”. Mike said those words, hoping it will convince him.

“Why must it be me, I have men who are capable of guiding him “. Rona hissed and took another sip of his drink.

“He said his opponent hired men from Colombia, and they are well-trained, and he thinks only you can match up with them “. Rona stared at Mike but did not say a word.

“Tell him I'm not coming”. Rona spoke firmly. He has met some men in Colombia, and he knew they are strong and skillful, but he wasn't scared of them. He just wasn't in the right frame of his mind to take up any job.

“Think about it Rona”

“There is nothing to think about “. Rona replied quickly.

“Are you scared “. Mike said those words because he knew that was the only way to get to Rona.

Rona angrily walked to Mike and stood before him, 

“You think am scared “.he asked in anger.

“Probably, that's why you don't want to take this job”. Mike said those words hoping it would work.

“Fine”. Rona spoke angrily and sat on the couch .he knew what Mike was trying to do, but he thinks it would be best he leaves this country and town for a while .only then will he be able to let go of her so that she could be happy.

“Fine what “. Mike asked.

Rona hissed and stared at Mike.

“Book our flight, we will leave by tomorrow”. Mike smiled a victory smile and happily left the room. Rona hissed and took another sip of his drink.

He needs to see her one more time before he leaves ,who knows it might be the last time he might be able to see her again.