

Derrick's pov

I angrily ended the call and trew my phone on the bed.rona was really getting on my nerves.i hit my reading table with so much strength that it made a lot of noise.dad walk into my room and gave me a questioning look.

"Who is she ?".he asked

"No one dad".I replied back .

"You better start talking , because I have been watching you for the past few days and I know you are in love with a girl,so tell me whose daughter is she ".dad voice was filled with command .

"Her name is Olivia".I replied back in a whisper.

"And whose daughter is she ".he asked 

"It's doesn't matter dad".I replied back .

"So she is a daughter of a nobody".dad asked in anger .

"I don't care dad".I shouted at him .

He gave me a hard stare before seating on my bed .

"So what's is the problem".he asked with a concerned voice .

"Rona".I replied back 

"Rona?"he asked 

"Yes Rona".I replied back 

"He is also involved with this girl ".he asked in a suprised tune  .

"Yes Dad"

"Then she isn't an ordinary girl ".dad replied back .

"Who met her first ".dad asked 


"So what's the problem then ?".dad asked .

I explained everything to dad while he quietly listened.after I finished explaining to dad he gave me a hard stare before standing up . he walk up to the door and stood there 

"Consider her yours ,son".he spoke those words and left my room.

I felt at ease after getting an assurance from dad .I lay on my bed and allowed the darkness of the night to take over.

3rd person pov

Olivia was awoken by her alarm .she took her bath and dressed up.she went to the kitchen and saw her aunt preparing breakfast 

"Good morning Aunt".she greeted 

"Morning oli, how was your night".her aunt asked 

"Fine and yours "

"It was stressful as usual".her aunt replied back .

She smilled at her aunt before sitting on the dinning table to take  her breakfast.she was eating her breakfast when she noticed her phone was ringing .she saw the caller and realized it was Rona .

She avoided the call and kept on eating.the call came in again and this time she ended the call the switched off her phone .

"Is someone bothering you ".her aunt asked in a concerned voice.

"Not really aunt ,it's just a silly classmate of mine ".she lied.

Her aunt gave her a hard look before leaving the dinning table . after olivia finished eating her breakfast she took her school bag and left the apartment.as soon as she was out of her apartment she spotted Rona's car at the other end of the road .she wanted to just ignore it and walk away but she knew he will definitely catch up with her .she angrily walk towards his car and knock on it .the door was opened for her and she went in . before she could sit on the seat she felt a strong hand dragged her to his lap.she looked at the person and saw that it was Rona .

"Let me sit ".she sounded angry

"My legs are better that the seat",.he replied back with a devilish smile on his face .she rolled her eyes at him and look away .he put his nose closer to her and inhale her scent .

"You smell good ".he told her

"Stop sniffing me".she replied back.

"I'm gonna miss you so badly ".he said those words without realizing it .