

Olivia's POV

"Let go of me".I spoke in anger while seated in his car

"You can go".he signaled to his driver.

I murmured in anger and folded my arms before looking away.

I'm already in his car and there was nothing I could do until I'm out of his car.

I've you eaten". He asked 

"Yes". I murmured and look away.

He did not say a word rather he stares at me with curiosity.

"I'll come pick you up after school". He said those words in a tune that has no room for argument.

I hissed in anger before speaking up 

"What do you what Rona". I asked in anger.

"You, I want my little bird back ".he spoke up 

"Well sorry to inform you she dies with my aunt and the person over here is just a shadow of her ". I spoke truthfully and firmly.

He stared at me for a while before unexpectedly pulls me to himself and brush his lips on my cheek.

"I'm here with you and this time I'm not letting you go ".he muttered out those words like he was so sure of it.

I hissed in anger and tried pulling away from him, but he tightens his grip on me.

"Let go of me ". I spoke in anger, but he did not remove his grip on me.

I tried moving away from him, but he hissed angrily and pull me to his laps 

"Let me go ". I shouted while hitting his chest 

He chuckled softly and place his hands on my waist and draw me closer to him so that we were just an inch apart.

He locks eyes with me and gently place his fingers on my face and caress my face.

"I miss you ".he murmured while staring into my eyes.

"I fucking miss you ".he kissed my forehead and I tried to move away, but he held me tighter.

"Don't move ".the word came as an order that brought shivers to my body and I couldn't move an inch.

He flash me a big smile before he places his fingers in my hair and gently stroke it.

"You no longer take care of yourself".he said those words in anger.

"You've lost a lot of weight ".he said those words while staring at my body.

I felt anger run through my body.

How dare his think he can drive me away from his life and bring me whenever he wishes, who does he think he is "

He tried touching my face, but I move away from him.

"Stay still ".he ordered, but I stared at him in anger thinking of my best reaction.

He placed his hand on my cheek and was about caressing them when I slapped him on the face with anger and irritation.

He stared at me confused and with wild eyes.

I've told you to stay away from me". I shouted in anger 

"Stay the fuck away from me Rona "I shouted in anger and got up from his laps and open the car door, and he did not bother stopping me.

I walked fast into the university without looking back in fear.

I got to class and realized I was a bit early.

I hissed and sat on an available seat.

I could still feel my heart pounding heavily even as I sit.

I slapped Rona, I fucking slapped Rona on the face and the thought of it scares me.

"Hey Olivia". I raise my head and saw Rita standing before me but this time she was alone, and her facial expression was different.

“What do you want ?" I asked in anger 

She hissed softly before speaking up 

"Can I sit ?" She asked 

"You want to sit ?" I asked 

"Yeah, can I ".she asked almost like a pled.

I stared at her with curiosity and wondered what she has in mind.

"Yes you can ". I murmured 

"Thank you ".she flash me a weak smile because taking the seat.

I stared at shocked and with wild eyes.

"Can I talk to you for a minute".she said those words so gently, and I wondered if she was really talking to me.

"What is it ?". I asked 

She stared around the hall and I followed her.

I noticed people were staring a us with wild eyes and confused look.

Two enemies sitting together was something that doesn't happen every day.

Rita hesitated for a while before she spoke up 

"I'm sorry for everything that happened within the last few months ".she expressed those words sincerely.

"Believe me I'm not a bad or troublesome person, I might be spoiled child, but I'm not evil or wicked, I was simply jealous".she spoke firmly

"Jealous?" I asked confused.

"Yes, I was jealous of you Oli".

I stared at her with wild eyes

"How can you be jealous of me?" I asked in disbelief

"You have everything and anything you want, so why would you be jealous of me”. I asked confused 

She hissed softly and stared at me 

"You know nothing Olivia, you don't know how many people who wish to me like you".she murmured in a serious tune.

I chuckled softly and stared at her in disbelief 

"Tell me you are joking".I spoke up 

"Who would be jealous of a nobody like me".I asked in disbelief.

Rita smiled at me before speaking up 

"You are intelligent, easy going , friendly lovable and talented and above all you are beautiful and have a beautiful skin ".she murmured 

I stared at her with wild eyes .

"I thought you don't like the color of my skin".

"That's all pretence, and believe me anyone who says they don't like your skin are all pretences".she expressed those words like she was so sure of it .

"This is unbelievable".I whispered to myself .

She hissed and brought forth her hand to me 

"Friends".she asked almost like a pled 

I stared at her hand that was brought forth to me and was surprised at it.

Never in my life would I think Rita will want to be friends with me, a girl who troubled my life throughout my stay in this school.

"Friends".I smiled and took her hand.

She smiled at me before taking her hand from mine .

"Can I seat here ,Lizzy doesn't attend this class ".

"Sure ,we are friends, and  friends sit together".I replied her and went for my books.

The lecturer came in and the lecture started .

After class  Rita offered to buy lunch for me and I accepted .

We walk side by side with each other to the canteen and I could see eyes and whispering around us 

"I think we will be the hottest topic for the next few weeks".Rita spoke while laughing softly and I joined her .

It felt good to laugh after days of sorrow and pains .

We got to the canteen and sat opposite each other.

"What will you get ?" She asked

"Whatever you are having".I replied 

"Then get ready to get fat".she Chuckled Loudly before leaving .

I smiled as I watch I leave, indeed she was right she might be a spoiled child, but she isn't that bad like the way people see her to be.

Few minutes she came back with two trays of food in her hands and she was right, the food was much and rich in fat.

"I told you I eat like an elephant ,but the good thing is that I work out with Rona, so it doesn't show ".

Hearing about him from I , I remembered what happened earlier this morning and wondered how Rona was taking it 

"Are you okay ?" She asked when she noticed I was quiet.

"Yeah ,I'm his surprised that we can now talk and eat together".I spoke up 

She flash me a genuine smile before she picked her spoon 

"Let's eat ".she spoke happily and took a spoon of food in her mouth.

"This is great ,try it "

I smiled at her and put a spoon in my mouth.

"Yeah ,it is good ".I murmured and took another spoon of it.

We eat together while we talked about random things, and I was happy that she did not bring up my aunt's death or tried to show her sympathy towards me, and I was great full to her for that.

We finished eating and left the canteen .

"Thank you ".I muttered out 

"What for?" She asked 

"For not bringing up my aunt's death".

She hissed and shake her head

"When my dad was murder, I hated people sympathizing with me, and it made me feel sick ,so since then I allow people to face their pain and help them smile instead of reminding them of their pain "

I stared at with a smile on my face 

"You are indeed wise". I murmured 

She chuckled softly and shake her head 

"I have a class to be ,see you tomorrow ".

"Yeah ".we waved her at each other before she left.

I hissed in relief and walk towards the gate of the school .

I came out of the gate and to my surprise I saw Derick standing in front of his car with no expression on his face .

I lock eyes with him and noticed him staring at me with no emotion or expression in his face ,then and there I knew I was in trouble.