

I could feel all eyes on me as i walk through the gate ..the looks on their faces could only mean one thing ,and trust me am used to it 

I walked through the gate but couldn't find my way ..it was my first day in school and I look totally different from everyone ..when I mean different both in color and appreance..my English wasn't so good ..and yes am not just black but am an African

This is my first year in California .. staying with my aunt who saw how bright I was and decided to take me with her during her visit to Nigerian ..she has been my source of hope and happiness

I stood in front of the gate looking confused and scared .. everyone keeps staring at me but none offer to come close or talk to me..I wished the ground could open up and take me in ..

The thought of going home came to mind before I noticed someone standing in front of me ..she was just like the others,but she got an amazing smile .

"Hello am Elizabeth but you can call me Liz" ..I just nod my head and forced a fake smile 

"It looks like you are lost" she said ..I nod my head and said yes .."so where are you heading to"she asked ...I looked at her and sense she looks friendly and cool 

I opened my bag and brought out my forms and some documents ..she saw it and smiled .."looks like we will be attending the same class , welcome miss Arogbo". and she brought forth her hand to me,I smiled and told her I'll prefer been called miss Olivia ..she smiled and said alright then miss Olivia.I took her hand and shake it with a smile 

"Hurry up we are late already" Liz said  pulling me with one of her hand ,while I followed her like a lost dog

She pulled me to a class filled up with student just like me ..most were discussing and laughing so loud , untill someone noticed me 

"Well well well who do we have here"..she stood up and walked up to me ..all eyes were on me .."back off" Liz said ,"she is my friend no one dare disturb her" .. hearing those world's from Liz I felt safe and secure untill I heard a loud laugh from the back. "and what will you do" the person shouted. looking up I saw a girl coming throughwards us ..she was about saying something before a lady who should be her late thirties walked in ..she ordered everyone to their seats and looked at me smiling .."you must be miss Olivia" she said .I stood up and said yes ,she introduced herself and told everyone to do the same ... everyone did and believe me I couldn't focus through out that class .while the class was going on someone walked in.my heart beat the moment I saw him ..he walked in majestically without greeting or saying hello to any one not even the teacher

Miss Sonia continue teaching not minding who walked in..he sat in front of me ,brought out his books and writing materials..I felt distracted ..his smell was good ,his skin was white and spotless,he have the most amazing hair I have seen, neatly combed and geled. as if he knew I was accessing him ,he turned back and gave me that stop looking look ..I frozed and hurriedly look at my book .

After class ..Liz taped me and told me we are done for the day .. before I could turn back he already left like a flash ..Liz noticed my suprised and said "don't mind him ,he is always like that rich and arrogan,but can be sweet when he wants to be".i asked liz what's his name and she told me Derick ,before I could say another word a beautiful girl walked up to us with some flyers ,I went through it and realised that the music department were looking for some new singers..Liz hissed and folded it ,"not my thing" she said .I smiled and looked at the flyer again.  "I'm going" I told her ..she look up and say really ,I nod my head and said yes.."my dear Olivia the leader of that group is arrogant and annoying and guess who she is" , I look up and saw her  looking towards the girl who made that wicked laugh when I came in .."her name is Rita" she said ."now I asked again do you still think you can go to that audition"she asked,"am not backing out" I told her. "good luck then" she said.

I could feel my legs shaking as I walked in .the classroom was full up with student waiting for the audition .as soon as I went in ,all eyes were on me ,well I care less . during my one year in California I should be used to it by now 

I found an empty seat at the back and sat down.Rita walked him with two others people including a boy ..they all sat down and kept quiet as if they were waiting for someone .not until he walked him and change the atmosphere with his beauty and frengrance .yes am talking about Derick,Liz did not mention he was also in the musical department ..he walked him and sat down with the three other people in the front roll ..

One of the people who walked in with Rita stood up and introduced herself as Stephanie ."well let the audition begin" she said