

Olivia pov 

"Punishment ".I spoke in fear 

"Yes ".he replied back 

I moved away from him and was stuck on the wall.he smilled a devilish smile before walking close to me .I tried to run away but he held me down.he raised my two hands and place them above my  head with his one hand.i stare at him and saw his eyes were full of lust

"Did he touch you ".he asked in a calm voice but I could see he was a little bit angry

"Who?".I asked in fear 


"He did not".I replied back 

Rona closed his eyes for a moment before opening it 

"Why have you been going out with him, when you are mine"

"He is a friend".I replied back with fear 

Rona hissed and stare at me with a hard look 

"You've been avoiding my calls because of him ".he asked in anger 

"No " .I replied back 

"Then why did you avoid my calls ".he asked 

"Because I don't wanna talk to you ".I spoke those words without realizing it .the moment I said those words I saw how his expression changed .he closed his eyes to control his anger for a moment before opening them

"What must I do for you to love me ?".he asked

"I can't love a person like you ".I replied back in fear 

"Why can't you love a person like me ".he asked with pains in his voice  .I wanted to look away but his other hand brought me back 

"Answer me ".he commanded

"Because I can't love a person who threatens a person to date him".I spoke those words with all the confidence I could gather 

He hissed in frustration before speaking up

"It's not what you think ".he spoke up

"Then  what is it ".I asked 

"That's the only way I can have you ".he spoke in a calm voice .I felt angry and furious after he said those words how can he threaten me with my aunt just because he wants to have me 

"You want my body right?".I asked 

I saw how shocked he became after I said those words 

"What do you mean ".he asked 

I stare at him in the eyes before replying him

"You want my body right?"you can have it right here and leave me the fuck alone ."and as for Derick he is more way better than you ,"and if am to fall in love or choose between you two,with my eyes closed I will definitely pick Derick over you ".I spoke those words not minding what will happen to me

Rona released my hands and quitely walk up to the bed and sat on it .he stare at me for a moment and we lock eyes with each other  .I look into his eyes and noticed his eyes were becoming watery.was I imagining things I thought to myself . because the Rona I know will not cry just because of a statement I made .

I slowly walk up to him but before I could do that I heard an angry voice from him

"Leave".he commanded