
Can do without them

Olivia's pov

"Come on oli,you should stay at home ".Lizzy tried conceiving me me but it wasn't working .

"I need to go back to the apartment ,I need to make some calls for aunt funeral I can't just let her stay in the moutuary for this long".I muttured out those words and pick up my shoes .

"But it's just three day she died ,do you think you can go back to the apartment now".Lizzy asked in a worried tune .

"I can , don't worry about me ".I mumured and pick up my bag .

"Thanks Lizzy ,I really appreciate ".I gave her a tight hug before leaving her room .

I got downstairs and saw Lizzy's mom in the sitting room .

"Going somewhere ?" She asked 

"Yeah ,I'm going home I need to sort out some things "

She smiled at me before getting up from the couch 

"We are always here if you need us okay?" 

"Yeah ,that's a lot I appreciate ".I smiled at her before leaving the house .

I got out of their house and hissed in relief when the cold breeze fell on my body .

For the past three days I have been locked up in Lizzy's room crying myself to death ,but today I decided I need to get up from that bed and face reality that aunt is gone .

I took in a deep breath before I started walking home .

In few minutes I was standing in front of our apartment door .

I stood by the door but I couldn't go in ,I felt hot tears threatening to fall down from my cheek but I held them back  

I took in a deep breath and brought out the keys from my pocket .

I went to the door and was about opening it when I heard a familiar voice behind me .

I hissed in anger and turn around .

"How can I help you ".I asked Derrick with anger .

He hisssd and roughly ran his fingers through his hair before meeting my gaze .

"I've been calling you for the past three days but your phone were switch off ,I called Lizzy and she told me you were in their house and you needed some time to be alone so I decided to let you be .but I just called her few minutes ago to check on you and she told me you've left for your apartment so I decided to come see you ,how are you Oli" he expressed those words like he meant every bit of it but I wasn't bothered about it. 

"As you can see am still alive ,thanks for your concern you may now leave ".I said those words and went for the door but he held my hand.

I closed my eyes so I could be able to control the anger already in me .

"Get your hands off me this minute".I mumured in anger but he did not rather he kept saying things I wasn't paying attention to .

I hissed in anger and turned to face him .

"I'm sorry oli ,I should be there when you needed me ".he expressed those words as regrets .

I chuckled loundly before speaking up 

"You should have been there but you weren't there".I spoke angrily .

"I have nothing to say to you just let go of my hand this very minute".I spoke in anger but he did not .

"I said let go ".I yelled in anger .

Seeing how angry I was he hissed in anger and let go of my hand.

I moved from the door and moved closer to him so that we were just an inch apart .

"I want you to stay away from me and anything that concerns me ".I muttured out those words while staring directly into his eyes.

I moved away from him and opened the apartment door and went in.

I lock the door door and lean on it with my back .

I closed my eyes and felt a drop of tears on my Cheek .

I open my eyes and stared at the empty apartment .

I took in a deep breath and made my way to aunt's rooms .

I got to her room and went to her drawer and brought our her diary.

I search for the contacts and brought out my phone so I could start calling everyone on the list .

"Hello this is nurse Penny's niece ".I mummured over the phone .

"Thank you ".I ended the call and dropped the phone on the bed when I finished talking to the last person .

I hissed in pain and lay on aunts bed .

I stared at her room and noticed a beautiful picture of her placed on the table .

I stood up from the bed and walk over to the table .I stared at the pictures and saw how she was smiling brightly in the picture despite she knowing she has cancer and will die soon.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and kept back the picture .

I stare around her room and it feels like she was here.

I picked up my phone and the diary before leaving her room .

I left her room and went to the kitchen ,I check the fridge and saw aunt's favorite things in the fridge.

Everything felt like she was still alive but maybe she was on a 34 hours shift .

I wipe off the tears from my eyes and made my way to my room .

I got to my room and realized numerous messages were in my phone .I opened my phone and saw that the messages were from Rona.

I hissed in anger and deleted all of them without looking at them. 

I threw my phone on the bed and was about to lay on the bed when a soft knock came on my door .

I hissed softly and went for the door .

I opened the door and saw Mike standing in front of me .

"Hello oli".he flash me a weak smile .

I stared at him but did not know what to do . should I drive him away or should I let him in and hear whatever he has to say .

"Can I come in ".he asked 

I stared at him for a while before stepping aside 

"Thank you ".

I walk him to the sitting and sat on the couch .

"Why are you here ".I asked impatiently .

"I came to see you ".

I chuckled softly and stared at him with anger .

"You take me for a fool ,I know Rona sent you here didn't he".I spoke in anger .

"He didn't ,I came here on my own, infact I have been coming here for the past three days but each time I come you are always out ".

I stared at him and noticed he was sincere with his words.

"What do you want ?" I asked in irritation .

He stares at me with pity and I hated it 

"I'm here to to give you my condolence please take heart".he mumured those words with a pitiful look and it irritates me .

"Thank you ".was all I could say .

We sat there in silence and none of us said a word untill he spoke up 

"Rona has been worried about you , searching everywhere for you ".Mike whispered those words to my hearing .

"He has been coming here for the past few days searching for you ".Mike mumured.

"He called your friend Lizzy but she refused picking up his calls and he was damn worried".Mike expressed those words like he was so sure of it .

I laughed loundly and stood up from the couch .

"He is worried about me "? I asked in anger 

"How dare him worry about me ".I yelled in anger .

"He has no right to worry about me "

"I'm a total stranger to him or has he forgotten all of a sudden ".I asked in anger .

I took in a deep breath to control myself .

"Go back to him and tell him I'm sticking to my own part of the deal and he should stick to his ,he is a stranger to me so am I to him".I expressed those words in a serious tune .

Mike hissed softly and stood up from the couch. 

"Listen oli" he tries to speak but I cut him off .

"I don't want to hear it Mike, please I don't want to ".I spoke in anger .

Mike stared at me for a moment and was about making his way to the door when I called him back .

"Mike ".he turns and stares at me with curiosity.

"I have no problem with you ,I'm sorry if I spoke roughly to you ".I mumured in pain 

"I understand oli,you don't have to explain anything".

"My aunt's funeral is a day after tomorrow ,I hope you can come ".I mumured .

"Sure I'll be there ".

"Thank you ".

He smiled at me before leaving the apartment.

I hissed in releif and sat back on the couch .

I closed my eyes and realeased a soft breath .

I don't need them in my life ,I can do without them in my life .

They both left me in my time of distress and here they are coming back just because they feel I'm in pain.

"Fuck you Derick ,I hate you ".I mumured to myself 

"And fuck you Rona if you think I can't do without you ".