
Break up

 Rona's POV

“Then you can have me “, .she said those words while staring at me. I looked at her and waited for her to say she made a mistake, but there was no sign of her denying it.

I move up to her and stood before her so that we are just an inch apart .she nervously moved away, but I held her back,

“What did you say “. I asked while staring at her .she moved her eyes away from me and nervously swallowed.

“I said you can have me, if that will make you stay away from me”.she spoke softly.

I felt angry at her word, how can see think of me in that way. I moved away from her and felt anger boiling inside me.

“Are you serious about this “. I asked in anger .she nervously stared at me but did not say a word.

“Answer me “. I shouted in anger 

“Yes”.she replied quickly.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath to calm down myself.

I opened my eyes and saw her still standing there.

“Get out “. I spoke in anger .she shivers at my voice and looked away.

I ran my fingers in my hair roughly and closed my eyes.

“Rona “.she whispered.

I opened my eyes and watch her staring at me.

“You are free to go, I have nothing with you anymore”. I felt my heart clenched the moment I said those words, but I have to let her go. She wanted to be free from me after all we've been through, and I thought she was falling for me like I did for her.

“Rona”.she called out again.

“I said leave “. I stared at her with so much anger .she tried moving towards me, but I moved back.

“You are now free from me, you should be happy “. I chuckled evilly after saying those words.

“Let me explain”.she spoke up 

“No need for that, and there is no need for you pretending, I won't hurt your aunt .you are free from me onwards”. I stared at her one more time before leaving.

I got back to the club and search for Rita. I found her and told her I was leaving. She tried asking what was wrong, but I ignored her and left the party.

 I took the car we came in with and drive out. I kept on hitting the wheel of the car in anger while driving till I got home.

When I got home, it was pass 1pm. I angrily went to the bar and took a bottle of whiskey.

I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheeks, but I quickly held them back. I'm a Mafia boss, I can't been seen crying over a girl. I sat on the bed with my eyes closed and all I could see was her .it was late, but I realized I was in love with her. How can I be this foolish to let myself fall for a girl. I hissed in anger and drank all the remaining drink in the bottle.

I will have to forget about her, and I think it's best I let her go because it would have been dangerous for both of us.

Olivia's POV

He left me standing there, and I felt like I just made the worsted mistake of my life. I felt tears running down my cheek, even before I realized it.

A part of me was asking me to run after him and tell him all I said wasn't true, that. I do care for him .but another part of me told me what I did was right. I had to follow aunt rules.

I wipe off the tears from my eyes and went inside the party to look for Lizzy. I search around but couldn't find her. Someone tapped my shoulder from the back, I turned around and saw that it was Johnson,

“I can't find Lizzy “. I spoke up, 

“Oh, she's having fun, don't worry about her “.he told me with a smile.

I smiled back at him and took the drink in his hand. I drank all the drink in the cup to my surprise.

“Take it easy”.he said those words while staring at me with concern.

“I need another drink”. I shouted happily.

He stared at me but did not say a word. I tried moving away from him so l could go get a drink, but he stopped me and led me to a chair.

“Stay here, I'll be back “.he said those words and left me seating there.

I looked around a met the angry gaze of Rita. Rita was here, and I never knew.

She walked up to me and stood before me, 

“I thought of what would have made my Brother so sad and angry, I never knew it was you “.she shouted in anger. I wanted to shout back at her, but Johnson came in at the moment.

“Is everything okay “.he asked me while giving Rita a death look.

She stared at both of us for a while before she hissed and walked away, 

“Thank you”. I told Jonson and took the drink from his hand. Without a second thought, I drank all the drink in the cup, 

“Take it easy “.he spoke up while giving me a concerned look.

“Don't worry, I can take it”. I told him with a smile.

We sat there in silence and watched the party till I felt myself getting dizzy.

I tried to keep my eyes opened, but it was impossible. I looked around and found out that Johnson wasn't sitting beside me.

I looked around the party and noticed my head was spinning. I tried standing up, but I felt my legs shaking, so I had to sit back. I looked around and met Johnson's gaze. I stared at me before he stared walking towards me.

The nearer he gets to me, the more my sight becomes blurry, and my head was spinning .he stood before me and was saying something, but I couldn't get what he was saying. I noticed my eyes getting closed, and I tried all I could do to keep it opened, but I could. I closed my eyes and felt an arm on my shoulder.