


Derrick walked up to his father and stared at him with anger and hatred before speaking up 

"Repeat what you just said ".he muttered out those words in anger 

"Stay out of this son".his father spoke angrily while staring at me with anger and hatred 

"Don't tell me to fucking stay out of this, what did I hear you say". He spoke in anger while grabbing his father by the collar. 

"Repeat what you fucking said ". Derrick spoke in anger, 

I stared at both of them and realized there was no need of me staying here. 

"Let's go". I spoke up and walk way 

"How dare you ". I heard Derrick voice from afar. 

I hissed softly and walk over to our car, I got in and told the driver to take me back to the hospital

"Rona you should at least rest, Rita, and her friend is already with her". Mike Spoke up 

I closed my eyes but did not say a word 

"Take us back home ". I heard Mike's voice.

I closed my eyes and thought of Olivia and wondered how much pains she must be going through.

"Take us to the hospital ". I spoke firmly 

Mike hissed softly but did not say a word.

In a few minutes we were in front of the hospital, I got down from the car and walk straight to Olivia's to where I met few of my men by the door

"Good day".my men greeted 

I nod my head and went inside the room where I saw Rita and Olivia's friend sitting beside her.

"You are back ". Rita spoke up when she noticed me 

I nod my head at her and stared at Olivia who was still unconscious.

"How is she". I asked while I run my fingers through her hair.

"No reaction from her for now, but the doctor said she is responding to treatment". Rita spoke up 

I nod my head but didn't say a word.

"We should give you some time with her". Rita stood up from the chair and Olivia's friend followed her out

I hissed softly and sat beside her while I take her left hand in mine and place kisses on them.

I stared at her and felt pain in my heart 

"Please wake up ". I begged 

"I promise you I will never let you get this hurt ever again ". I declared those words as a promise.

Staring at her, I remembered what Frank said to me.

I stared at her and realized I will want to spend my life with this girl 

"Wake up oli, I have so many things to say to you ". I begged and kept my head on the bed while I sob silently 

I felt my heart pounding in pains as I blame myself for all that happened.

If only I wasn't in love with her, she won't be going through this pain 

If only I avoided her and let her stay far from me, she wouldn't be on this bed begging for her life.

I cried silently when I felt someone fingers on my hair 

"I'm okay Rita ". I murmured in tears 

"Are you sure about that ". I heard a familiar voice 

Quickly I raised my head and met eyes with Olivia.

"Olivia". I exclaim happily

"Are you okay, do you feel pain anywhere". I asked in panic

"Should I get the doctor". I asked while I gently caress her hair 

She shakes her head but did not say a word.

"Stay still, I'll be back ". I muttered out those words and rushed to the door where my men were standing

"Get the doctor". I spoke in panic and rushed back to the room where Olivia was staring around the room.

I sat beside her and took her hand in mine

"Don't worry you are safe with me". I muttered out those words while I place kisses on her face.

In few minutes the doctor rushed in and check her vital signs before asking few questions which she replied in a low voice.

"Do you know your name ".he asked while staring at her.

"Olivia ".she whispered in a low voice 

He brought forth his hand and showed her three of his fingers 

"How many fingers".he asked 

"Three ".she muttered out slowly 

I hissed in relief when I realized they were no damages in her brain.

The doctor hissed in relief and stared at me with a smile on his face 

"This is a miracle ".he muttered out

I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer to God.

"We will run some series of test on her before we will decide what next to do ".the doctor spoke up.

"Thanks you ". I murmured to the doctor.

"You are welcome"he smiled at me before leaving the room.

I smiled at Olivia and placed kisses on her bandage forehead before taking the seat beside her.

I stared at her and noticed her staring at me with curiosity like she was trying to read through me.

"Are you okay ?". I asked. 

"Where is Rita ?".she asked while staring at me with curiosity 

"She was here, she just went out with your friend Liz"

Hearing those words from me, she closed her eyes and breath out in relief.

I brought forth my hand and gently stroke her hair while I smile at her 

"How are you ".she asked almost like a whisper 

I hissed softly before smiling at her 

"I'm fine, stop bothering about anyone and just rest, okay ?". I pleaded.

She stared at me for a while before she nods her head to me before drifting to sleep.

I ran my fingers through her hair and watch her sleep peacefully.

I checked the time and saw that it was already midnight.

I stood up from the chair and met Mike outside with two of my men 

"I heard she has woken up". Mike spoke up. 

"Yes "I muttered out

He hissed in relief and taps my shoulder

"I told you she will be fine ".

I nod my head but did not say a word.

"You should get some sleep the men will look after her ".he spoke almost like plead 

I thought for a while before I decided to go home.

Mike entered the driver's seat, while I say by his side in the front seat.

We drove in silent until we got home 

"Goodnight Rona, please have some rest". Mike pleaded. 

"I will ". I murmured and went to my room. 

I step into the shower and took warm bath before going back to my room.

I lay on the bed, but the bed looks strange to me, I wanted Olivia by myself, I imagined her in my arms sleeping peacefully with no worries in her head.

I stood up from the bed and wander in my room with so many thoughts in my head.

I thought for a while before I pick up my phone and dialed a number 

"Good day sir".

"Sorry, I'm calling late "

"It's okay sir, how may I help you "

"I need a ring". I muttered out. 

"What kind of ring sir".he asked 

"An engagement ring, I will send you the size by the morning "

"Okay sir, I will be waiting for you "

"All right". I replied him and ended the call.

I smiled at myself and wondered what will Olivia reaction if I ask her to marry me.

But then I was scared, what if she doesn't love me to the extent of getting married to me.

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, I knew I wouldn't be able to take it if she rejects me.

I lay on the bed and drifted to sleep with Olivia in my thoughts.

The next morning I woke up, checked the time and realized it was almost noon.

I rushed out from the bed and step into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Few minutes I was out of the bathroom, I put on a casual wear before leaving my room.

I got downstairs and noticed Mike in the sitting room with Frank 

"You are finally awake, I thought you were dead".frank spoke with a mischievous smile on his face.

I ignored him and walk over to Mike 

"You should have woken me up "

"To do what".he asked 

I ignored him and pick up the car keys on the table.

"I'm going with you".frank stood up from the couch and followed me out of the house.

We went to the garage and I drove out

"You seem relaxed".frank spoke up 

I ignored him and kept on driving 

"So have you asked her yet ?".he asked 

I knew what he was trying to say, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about things like this 

"Well I know she will accept your proposal".he muttered out those words like he was so sure of it 

"Really". I asked in curiosity. 

He chuckled softly and shakes his head 

"You are so much in love with this girl, just do what you have to do ".he muttered out those words and smiled at me.

I hissed in relief and kept on driving until we got to the hospital.

I parked the car and walk over to Olivia's room, where two of my men were at the door.

I responded to their greetings and open the door of her room only to be welcome by her laughter that made my heart flutter in joy.