
Chapter 6: (finished)

Nigun/soliders "Hhh...ho..holy king lorian?!"

Lorain "forgive me lord, I had not thought that my blessings would be in a place like this, nor be used to harm you". Looking at the ground.

"It is fine Lorain raise your head" waving it off.

Ciaran "brother it is not, deal with it" not letting it go that they used there gift to harm lord sin.

With one hand pushing forward he moved coming inform of the large angel. Looking down on it as it couldn't stop shaking. Not even raising its head.

Lorain pulled his sword up dropping it down through its back as embers ignited and burned the the angel to ash in seconds. Not making a sound as if accepting it'd fate. In embers burned and killed everyone leaving nigun half burned.

Nigun banging his head on the ground spoke.

Nigun "why lord!...we are people of the great god that severed you". Trying to speak,

Lorian "God? Who serves me I live to serve my king". Before standing and walking back towards me.

Ainz "if they have history of the holy king from this world, it has to connected to Yggdrasil in more ways". Taking off his mask.

"Your right, the slane theocracy must have something regarding information about it".

Looking at nigun who looked as if he saw a god.

"Enough,ainz I think it is done, Lorain return to your castle".

Lorain "yes lord" bowing.

Ciaran "brother we will speak about this when the lord returns"

The gate closed nothing leaving nothing but black cracked scorched earth.

Walking over to nigun.

"So your people have stories of holy king lorian, there much I'd like to ask you....Ciaran take him to the sewers in irithyll let the sewer Centipedes have fun for a while". Moving away.

Ciaran "ha yes lord" grabbing him.

Nigun "there's no way the holy lord would abandon me!" Acting hysterical.

Ciaran "but my brother has" in a creepy voice.

Nigun "ho...holy kings thorn?! ....ahhh!" Before disappearing in a gate.

Ainz "it would seem there is more to this then just being transferred here" walking with albedo.

"Your fixation with knowledge will have to wait ainz, I will let you know all the information I get from that human" ...no you wont.

Ainz "very well I understand because it involves your servants" going back toward the village.

Albedo "lord sin I'm glad to see you safe" moving towards me.

"There is no need they could not do anything, even if they wanted to".

Albedo "still lord!" Getting closer to.

"What is it albedo ask it" looking down at her.

Albedo "lord what do you plan to with this village?" Looking at the village ahead.

"For now I will let them live,they will be useful, more importantly you deserve a reward for completing your task" rubbing her now exposed face.

Albedo "no...no.. lord, I couldn't" shivering in excitement at my touch.

"I must go deal with the matters in the fogged city, come to me when you are ready and tell ainz to come to me after he handles the matter with the village" i said opening a gate.

"Yes my lord" albedo said, looking at my back.

Walking into the gate and seeing Ciaran kneeling.

"Lord, the prisoner have been taking to the basilisk pit" ciaran said looking up to me.

"Very well, gather my lords of cinder, there is something I must discuss with you all" I said, walking towards my throne.

Teleporting to my castle I looked at my lords, watching them bow there heads as I sat on my throne.

"Listen to me, for some time now I had already told you, being in this place only locks us here, I will never betray the guild but I wish to move lothric to a new area, I do not know this world or much outside that we are no longer and Yggdrasil, what I do know is in this new world there are souls to harvest" I said leaning on my throne.

"From what I have seen I am sure some know the connection between us and this world but the souls are much stronger, whatever my lord picks I will follow"Lorain said hitting his sword on the ground.

"Iiiiiiiiii, ammmmmmmm, withhhhh, yoouuu, lordddd!" Yhorm said as his skin burned.

"Turn this world into our play ground is what we have always done lord" ciaran said, bowing.

"And you my pets what day you" I said for my dragons to hear outside the walls of this castle.

Loud roars thunders out as they reach there heads into the sky, hearing this I smirked as I leaning forward.

"Good, now let a talk about how to gather these lost souls" I said as lightening cracked around me.