
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Cómic
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1071 Chs

Main Character's Pokémon Data Part I

[ Madame Florges (Miracle Seed) ]

Type: Fairy

Gender: Female

Ability: Flower Veil

Potential: Unknown

Level: Unknown

Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip, Fairy Wind, Camouflage, Magical Leaf, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Flower Shield, Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Wish, Psychic, Aromatherapy, Grass Knot, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Heal Bell, Giga Drain, Solar Beam


[ Absol (King's Rock) ]

Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Ability: Pressure

Potential: Purple

Level: 78

Moves: Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Feint Attack, Roar, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Megahorn, Perish Song, Night Slash, Slash, X-Scissor, Giga Impact


[ Vivillon ]

Type: Bug, Flying

Gender: Female

Ability: Compound Eyes, Shield Dust

Potential: Purple

Level: 76

Moves: Protect, Stun Spore, Gust, Psybeam, Electroweb, Safeguard, Bug Buzz Quiver Dance, Hurricane, Light Screen, Supersonic, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Powder, Rage Powder, U-turn, Roost, Solar Beam, Giga Impact, Infestation


[ Charizard ]

Type: Fire, Flying

Gender: Female

Ability: Blaze

Potential: Indigo

Level: 75

Moves: Scratch, Ember, Hidden Power (Electric), Dragon Dance, Outrage, Smokescreen, Iron Tail, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Scary Face, Sunny Day, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Steel Wing, Shadow Claw, Overheat, Inferno, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Air Slash, Tailwind


[ Dragonite ]

Type: Dragon, Flying

Gender: Male

Ability: Multiscale

Potential: Indigo

Level: 78

Moves: Rain Dance, Twister, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Extreme Speed, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Roost, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Hurricane, Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch


[ Chimecho (Light Clay) ]

Type: Psychic

Gender: Female

Ability: Levitate

Potential: Purple

Level: 81

Moves: Confusion, Gravity, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Synchronoise, Shadow Ball, Safeguard, Uproar, Psychic, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Psyshock, Reflect, Healing Wish, Future Sight, Teleport, Zen Headbutt, Skill Swap, Double Team, Rest, Charge Beam, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Recover


[ Lapras (Variant) ]

Type: Water, Ice

Gender: Male

Ability: Hydration, Rain Dish

Potential: Purple

Level: 83

Moves: Sing, Water Gun, Haze, Water Pulse, Rain Dance Hail, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold Refresh, Waterfall, Surf, Avalanche, Dragon Dance, Foresight, Body Slam, Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind, Aqua Tail, Signal Beam