
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasía
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66 Chs

Chapter 63: Memory Gaps

Jade's POV: I was so confused, everyone else seemed that way too. I continued speaking, "Seriously guys! Why was I chained up?" I raised my eyebrows. Charles walked over to me and grabbed my hands and said, "Well, you see darling, you killed about a dozen people, you tried burning Elizabeth alive, and you're the one who's been drinking all the blood bags." My facial expression was very nervous and confused. A tear ran down my cheek as I said, "I'm so sorry everyone. I had no idea I was doing those awful things!" Charles smiled sincerely and pulled me into a hug. I suddenly felt my eyes close just for a moment. When I opened them I had no idea what was going on. I pulled away from Charles because even though I knew I was hugging him it looks like my dad! I stared in frozen fear. The figure in front of me said, "Hey, Jade, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay, you just have to open up to me so I can help you!" I started feeling the urge to feed off of this man that looked like my father so I instantly replied, "No! Get the hell away from me! I don't want to hurt you. Please go!" The man then said, "Jade, you won't hurt me, it's okay. I promise you're okay, just listen to the sound of my voice and calm down!" I heard a slight hint of Charles in that mans voice. It's him trying to pull me out of this hallucination or whatever's happening to me. I walked closer and hugged the man again. This time I whispered in his ear, "I told you to leave. The blood is to tempting. I need it...I want it! I'm so sorry dad!" I pulled my fangs out and bit into his neck. However, I didn't feel the same satisfaction as when I drained the other humans. I pulled away and saw Charles standing before me with a gaping bite mark in his neck slowly healing. I was pulled back to reality. I stared around the room in shock for a moment and said, "What's happening to me?" Elizabeth has woken from her burn nap while I was out of it and she stepped over to me and said, "Jade, did you go anywhere last night?" I thought for a moment and then replied, "Uh, around 10 I went to the park where some people like to jog at night so I could get a snack after the emotional day I had. I don't remember feeding on any of the people or anything, I just remembered going and then being back in bed right after. Why?" Elizabeth's face looked worried which made me worried. She demanded, "Take off your clothes right now!" "Excuse me?" I replied. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and said, "Nothing any of us hasn't seen before now do it. I need to see something." I took my shirt and pants off but left my underwear and bra on. Elizabeth gave a stare so I had to continue removing my clothes. I was bare naked and finally Elizabeth spoke up, "I need to examine your whole body very carefully. Those beasts may be huge but they have a tiny bite!" Everyone in the room was confused, especially me. I didn't ask questions however because I knew Elizabeth would just get annoyed. Before she scanned my entire body she stopped and gasped. She was hovering her hand over the left side of my waist and she said, "Charles, take a look at this!" He walked over stared sat the spot Elizabeth had stopped at. I got annoyed by them not speaking to me so I leaned over and grabbed my phone from my pants pocket. I pulled up the camera and held it up to my waist to get a clear view of what they're looking at. I stared long and hard and finally asked, "Why the hell is there a bite mark on my waist? And why isn't it healing?" Elizabeth and Charles exchanges glances and then he grabbed my hands once more and said, "Jade, darling, I'm afraid your suffering from a werewolf bite!" I thought for a moment and then bursted into laughter as I replied, "You guys are hilarious! You really expect me to believe that a werewolf bit me? If I saw one within 3 yards of me I'd tear it apart!" I hurried and put my clothes back on as Elizabeth said, "Jade, we aren't lying. When a werewolf bites a vampire they will blackout and not have a memory of nearly the entire scene of which they were bitten. And the worst part is...werewolf bites are fatal!" I became immediately serious when I heard that. I then asked, "How long then? How long until I'm dead?" Elizabeth seemed unsure as she answered, "It's hard to tell, you could end up being fine for another few centuries, but that would be very painful, of it could be fatal within months! I've never seen it up close enough to know for sure!" I laughed slightly which threw everyone off a bit. Then I said, "Well then I guess you were all right when I first became a vampire. Heretics are doomed to end sooner than later!" Charles pulled me into a hug and said, "We'll find a way to cure this, I promise. You just need to hang in there, okay?" I shook my head in disagreement and said, "Can't you just kill me now? I don't want to feel the pain, or the torture of more hallucinations and blood lust. I'll only get worse and who's to say I won't be dead by morning? Just get it over with now, do me that favor." Charles instantly replied, "No! I will never let you just give up so easily! You're Jade Eddington, the badass heretic with a crazy life. You will survive this. I know you will!" I gave a weak smile for Charles. Suddenly I felt a pain hit my waist where the bite is. I pulled up my shirt and saw it growing and becoming more gross looking. I grunted as quietly as I could at the pain I felt on my side. Charles grabbed my arm and said, "Let's get you upstairs." "No!" I replied. "Yes." Charles debated. "I said I'm fine!" I said sternly after a few more no's and yes's passed. I turned to Charles and realized my vampire face was on. I quickly shut myself down and gave in to Charles's request. I went upstairs with him and laid in our bed for a few minutes with him until I started craving again so I said, "Charles, I'm starting to get hungry. Can't we just bring one human in so I can fill myself up and be good?" He turned to me on the bed and said, "No, you've had enough vein food already. I can go get you another blood bag if you want?" I smiled and replied, "Actually, I'm craving a different type of blood..." Charles raised his eyebrow and then knew what I meant. He kneeled in closer to me and said, "Go for it!" I smiled and pulled my fangs out. I bit into Charles's neck and drank his sweet tasting blood. I probably drained nearly two liters before I was cut off by Charles. He said I had enough and that we should get some sleep for the rest of the day. I agreed and tried keeping my mind off of biting for the time being. Instead, I cuddled with my gorgeous fiancé in our bed!