
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasía
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66 Chs

Chapter 38: I’m All Alone

Jade's POV: Talia's leaving me! I'm going to be all alone now! How could she just leave like that? She knows everything that's going on and she still is going all the way across the country to be with my dad! I called Talia and said, "Talia! Why are you leaving me? Especially with everything that's going on right now. Why?" Tears started forming in my eyes as she said, "I just need to get out of Boston. I love you Jade, but I haven't seen dad in so long, and he needs someone besides his lousy fiancé at home with him. Plus, you have the Sulimans, they'll keep you safe. You have You have your friends, and now you have the whole house to yourself! You'll be okay without me. And if you change your mind, I'll be in California! I love you Jade. I got to go." Before Talia hung up the phone I quickly said, "I killed Nathan last night!" I heard a gasp on the other line of the phone and Talia answered, "I'm proud of you Jade, but please be careful, the Sulimans probably already want you dead, don't give them another reason!" "Okay." I relied, we said our 'love you's' and hung up the phone. I looked at Charles who was just staring at me. I said, "What am I supposed to do Charles? Everyone's gone!" Charles pulled me in to a hug and whispered, "We'll figure it out, together...I promised." I nodded my head and layed down. I stopped crying after a little while and smiled. I turned to Charles and said out of no where, "I love you." Charles said it back and I kissed him. After a couple seconds I climbed on top of his lap and kissed him again. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. He was kissing down my neck, and back to my lips when we heard the doorknob twist. Charles said the door was locked so they'd go away, but it turns out the door wasn't locked. I gasped and saw Nora Lee and Ariana standing in the doorway with wide eyes. I hurried and got off of Charles's lap and smiled slightly embarrassed. Nora Lee said, "I asked Daniel where we could find you. He said to ask you Charles, guess there's no need." Charles laughed and replied, "Hey Ariana, hi Nora Lee. You two were looking for Jade?" Nora Lee answered, "Yeah. We were actually thinking we could all spend the day together to get to know each other!" I smiled widely as she continued, "But I see you're already occupied at the moment. Sorry for barging in." Charles laughed and said, "It's okay! And I actually think it would be great for you three to get to know each other. It'll give me an opportunity to smooth things over between Jade and Elizabeth." Ariana cut in, "What do you say Jade?" I smiled and answered, "I would love that." I got out of bed and Nora Lee said, "Oh and please, just call me Nora." I smiled once more before kissing Charles and saying, "I'll see you later okay. I love you." He replied, "I love you too Jade. Have fun!" Then I left with Ariana and Nora...

Charles' POV: Once Nora Lee, Ariana, and Jade left the house I went into Elizabeth's room and said, "May I come in?" Without an answer I walked in and found Elizabeth laughing on her bed with some strange man. I asked, "Who is this Elizabeth?" She dropped her smiled and said, "This is my...friend, Sage. He came over this morning." I was only suspicious of him so I said, "Alright, if you say so. But I was actually hoping I could speak with you for a moment?" "I'll be right back Sage." Elizabeth said with a smile. Then we walked out of the room together and I said, "I came to try and smooth things over with you and Jade, but it seems you're not even sad anymore. Why were you laughing so much?" Elizabeth took a deep breathe a said, "I'm not sad anymore. Yes, it stung to see my brother fade into death. But at the same time I was thankful for Jade. She was tough enough to stand up to Nathaniel when none of us were. I envy that. And, truth be told, I've wanted Nathaniel dead for years. He's only kept us apart, now we're all together again!" I asked confused, "So you're not mad at Jade or planning to rip her head off right?" She laughed and said, "No. I just was upset at the moment yesterday. Everything's good between us I promise." I smiled and then remembered that man in Elizabeth's room so I asked, "Okay. That's all I wanted. But, who is Sage and why is he here?" Elizabeth easily answered, "He's my boyfriend and I've been secretly dating him for almost a year now. He's human, but he knows about us. He was here last night to keep me company after our brothers death. He's good to me Charles, can you please accept him like I've accepted Jade?" I nodded my head, even though I didn't like that Elizabeth was seeing a human, she got me with acceptance because I'm dating a mortal. Well a witch, but still. I said, "Alright, well Nora Lee and Ariana are out with Jade right now so if you need anything I'll just be in my room all day. I'll see you later." Elizabeth smiled and went back into her bedroom as I did mine.

Jade's POV: Ariana, Nora, and I were driving for nearly ten minutes before pulling into an airport. Ariana said we were going somewhere special to her, a town that was built around the early 1600's. She won't tell neither me, nor Nora where it is. I guess it'll be a surprise! I asked Ariana, "Um. Where are going. One, I didn't pack anything for an overnight trip. Two, how long will we be gone? And three, I didn't tell Charles we were going out of the state!" Ariana laughed and said, "I have clothes waiting for us there, we'll be gone for however long we want to be gone. And to comment on your last statement, you don't seriously tell Charles everything you do, do you?" I took a deep breath before replying, "Well, I don't tell him everything I do because ever since I came to Boston I've basically been with Daniel or Charles the entire time!" Nora turned to me and said, "Wait, are you with both of my brothers?" Arianas mouth dropped wide open and she said, "No way, you totally are with both of them!" I turned my head and said, "No. It's not like that. I'll just tell you on the plane." Ariana smiled and said, "Well, it's a good thing we're about to board. I rolled my eyes because I was hoping that by the time we boarded the plane they'd forget about it, I guess I'll have to fess up! We got on the plane in minutes and took off shortly after that. Nora quickly asked, "So...are you going to tell us what's going on with you and our brothers?" I rolled my eyes again and said, "Fine." They both smiled and eagerly started listening. I continued, "Actually, why don't I just tell you the entire story..."