
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Chapter 21 - Lucia

She new it was her parents as soon as she saw the woman in the photo. It was like Scarlett was looking at a mirror that showed her future self except that she inherited more of her fathers cold features but besides that she looks just like her mother.

The other pictures were, what looked to be of her mothers friends, which were of little interest to her.

She spent a couple seconds looking at the picture of her parents, mostly her mother, then walked towards the door on the right first. There was no special reason except that it was closer.

This time, when she opened the door, there were no barriers broken or anything of the like.

In side was a shockingly large wardrobe filled with clothes and weapons. What drew her attention wasn't those things but what looked to be a dress covered so it could be seen and a note right in the middle of the room.

'It couldn't what I'm thinking right?'

With her thoughts she walked forward to the note. She inhaled sharply at what was written on top of the note.

'~To my daughter~'

Now she was in a dilemma.

Does she want to read this letter that will most likely effect her emotions?

Or, does she just walk away and pretend she didn't see anything?


She ran her hand threw her hair crazily and came to a conclusion.

She grabbed the note faster than she should of and snapped it open in so she couldn't change her mind.

All the while keeping her eyes closed.

"Alright Scarlett!! It's just a note probably from your mom, so what? We can do this! Right!! Who doesn't want a note from there dead mom? That's like every girls dream."

Mentally preparing her self, she slowly opened her eyes and read the contents, which made her a bit frustrated.

'Dear Scarlett, I bet your probably freak out about reading this, thinking that I'd ask you to take revenge for my death or something. But no there's no need for that Scar, I figure your dad should have already done that if not is doing that at the moment.

'I'm sorry that you didn't get to grow up with me by your side, but oh well, it's just not our fate. To answer one of your questions I'm pretty sure you'll have, yes! Your father is very much alive and if your reading this you must be in the dragon space so I bet you must have seen his picture.

'What do you think? Hot, right?! You must admit that your mothers taste in men is impeccable right, eh eh? I'll tell you right now though, your taste in men will be much better if you know what I'm saying, wink wink!'

"What the….. what a character my mother was", Scarlett laughed sarcastically and continued to read.

'Ehem, anyways, you should be standing in my armory. I had clothes of all styles made for you with the best material I could fine. Don't think of them as just clothes though. I had an old friend inscribe every piece of clothing with armor runes, so the clothes are basically like armor. Oh right, they also can shrink to fit your size and grow bigger.'

'Along with the clothes, inside the room, is actual soft armor that isn't bulky and could hardly be noticed when a person wears them. Weapons of any kind could be found too, but I'm pretty sure you will like my daggers much better than anything else.....'

'In the next room over is all the pills and talismans I've collected in my life time, along with technique manuals.'

'I don't want to keep you any longer that I should, but I want to add one more thing before you go.'

'If you ever meet your father, I ask you to make sure that he's doing okay without me. I did leave him but that doesn't mean I want him to led a bad life. BUT, if he's already remarried you don't need to worry about that SCUMBAG!!!'

'I love you my little Scar, live well!'

'P.S. your father never new I had his child…..muahahhahah!'

Scarlett blinked repeatedly trying to digest everything she read.

A lone tear trickled down the side of her face. She slowly raised her hand and wiped it away before regaining her self.

"I wish I could have met you, mom"