

Yu yang posted "The Cat's Covenant" on his Facebook, in which it is written that the cat promises not to cause trouble by messing with the litter box, not randomly scratching his clothes, playing with his shoes, poking his tablet or phone, and if there is a repeat offense, a cat ticket will be deducted as punishment.


The promise Cat's Name: Milk Candy.


Above the cat's name, there is also a small Claw mark .


This Facebook almost made Yu's fans die laughing.


-- Is this the new era of cat owners? Witnessed it...


-- Milk Candy OS: I am just too sweet that you are spoiled.


-- Please, brother, can we use a different account next time to watch the show? Less of the flaunting.


-- Jin He is looking for Jasmine for a battle, Ben have to defending his grandmother is OK. But you just played her brother in the drama, and it's all wrapped up, wake up!


-- Can a sister analyze for me, what does Yu want to do in the end?


-- When he used to work with others, you see how indifferent he was, now with Jasmine being so proactive, what do you think he wants to do?


-- No! Don't fall in love!


-- One of casual observer feels like you guys are worrying too much. Even if Yu Yang have that idea, the girl may not necessarily think the same. She is hanging out with those super rich second-generation kids, why does it have to be your brother that they pick? Ask the female celebrities in the industry, do they prefer colleagues or second-generation rich kids?


-- Getting carried away with emotions due to acting scenes is really unreliable, no need to worry excessively.




Although it was said that Yu Yang's cat clicked, it's strange that the onlookers believe it.


Even so, Yu Yang's standpoint is quite clear. With people coming out to speak up for Jasmine, saying that she has always been diligent and hardworking, very serious on set, and indeed acted well in the drama. She portrayed the character of Aroma in a way that people can appreciate repeatedly; in short, she is a good actress.


Actors, if they mess up a role, will naturally receive criticism, but if they perform well, they will still face questioning, isn't that disheartening?


Originally, most netizens supported Jasmine, with this rhythm, one could say that the situation is quite clear.


Jin He hasn't been foolish enough to miss the opportunity and immediately wrote a short composition to post on Facebook.


Actor Jin He's V:


"I am deeply sorry for causing such a commotion with my careless words. I apologize to everyone for my youthful impulsiveness. This time on stage, I did indeed carry a lot of pressure and under that weight, I failed to perform at my normal level, disappointing my fans and viewers, for which I am truly ashamed.


I am sorry and will reflect on my actions.


I will work harder to improve myself in the future.


Please supervise me."


Her fans are comforting her, saying that Jin already did great and should continue moving forward without any burdens.


Those who were not particularly fond of her found the apology letter somewhat insincere.


-- Saying sorry to the audience and fans, have you figured out who you really owe an apology to? You dare to say she ruined fairness, but the chat recording in the studio proved Jasmine's innocence. She doesn't even deserve to hear an apology from you?


-- Wasn't it all just a show? Can't people see through it?


-- Whether she has been criticized face to face or not, she quickly apologized to show she can learn from her mistakes. She admitted she was wrong, so who can continue to condemn her? And her fans bring up her family, can't you just ask them what they want? Does making a small mistake mean she has to apologize to the point of death?


-- Sheesh, she made a small mistake, and if it weren't for that recording, Jasmine would have unjustly carried the blame for sabotaging fairness. If netizens can't stand it and demand an explanation for Jasmine, isn't that fair?


-- Forget it, I'm turning against Jin He now, I feel like an idiot watching her dramas.


Netizens hate when someone does something malicious, then lightly apologizes and expects everyone to forgive. If you don't forgive, you're seen as harsh. As long as she apologizes, she's still a good girl and receives a wave of encouragement.


Doesn't doing bad things have consequences anymore?


Seeing this article turning the tables, some people are really angry, but fortunately, the voice of justice has emerged.


In the days following the variety show airing, Jin He lost several opportunities in succession.


From endorsements to brand ambassadors and even roles she had a good chance at, all turned her down, citing a bad reputation, hasty sarcasm, and insincere apologies that damaged her image in the eyes of the public. Companies seek endorsements to sell products, and they make movies to have the audience accept them. If the audience is fed up with you, why would they invite you?


Am I afraid that my path is too smooth, so want Jin He to take me down?


Of course, it's not just because of this. Jasmine's wealthy circle of friends also spontaneously contributed a bit to help Jasmine get off the hook.


What's the group's favorite Jasmine up to?


I just watched the cat video that Yu Yang shared, Naitang is truly a beauty, charming with her blue eyes and meowing.


Jasmine took a hit on the cloud, criticizing and saying, "Are you really willing to let our Naitang take the blame for you? You're so mean!"


Yu Yang: ?


"Who's really the bad one here? I sacrificed even his milk candy for you, and you still say that?"


"Your fans said, you definitely liked the post, then realized you forgot to switch accounts from being a bystander to supporting me?"



"...You believe what the fake fans say too?"


Jasmine glanced at a top streamer holding milk candy while video chatting with her.


The act of revoking fan status was quite swift.


Yu Yang said he would be exhausted soon, with fashion shows, cover shoots, advertisements, recording singles, releasing songs, appearing on variety shows, and a movie to film: "I envy you only needing to act."


Jasmine: ...


"You envy me for not working and being idle at home? Why don't you try saying that to someone else and see if you can make it to tomorrow."


Yu Yang realized his words sounded pretentious.


But that's just how contradictory he was.


When idle, he felt anxious, thinking he might be past his prime, but when busy, he wanted to rest, wanting to rest every day.


Watching Jasmine's dramas was a form of relaxation for him.


Unfortunately, Jasmine had few works, and the plots of the first two dramas made people angry.


Yu Yang asked if she hadn't taken any other jobs apart from acting.


"I'm joining a movie crew in winter."


"A movie???? What kind of movie??? I haven't heard anything about this movie!!!"


Jasmine thought for a moment and said, "It's an introduction by Director Gao. He said a friend of his watched me play that character in Aroma and really liked it, wanting to work with me."


"Filming a Republican-era drama?"


Jasmine shook her head, saying it wasn't exactly that.


"The female lead?" Yu Yang even chuckled, thinking about Jasmine's unique traits, believing there weren't many directors brave enough to cast her as a supporting actress, making his question seem rhetorical.




At this point, Yu Yang could still smile.


Once he found out which crew Jasmine joined and who she was working with, he would be angry again.


Director Gao Teng's friend was named Wang Ping, a film director. He had a spy war movie project with a completed script, now seeking investments and casting.


Who was cast as the male lead?


It was the top young actor Chi Yan. While his idol dramas and youthful romance movies were good, they felt a bit repetitive, and he wanted a change.


Wang Ping described this project as a spy war film, but not the kind of tough guy movie filled with blood and fiery passion. Moreover, the male lead in the play was originally set to be a young person, and the team felt that he could take on the challenge.


When Chi Yan accepted the role, Wang Ping was confident that the investment was secure, and the film would be completed and released smoothly.


He was considering what kind of actress to pair with Chi Yan when he saw Jasmine's performance on the variety show, impressed by her aura, presence, and popularity.


Wang Ping sought help from his friend Gao Teng, eventually convincing Jasmine with the script and character.


In this drama, the female lead was a star of a cabaret, highly popular not only among wealthy men but also among Japanese collaborators who loved to hear her sing and watch her dance.


The male lead, involved in espionage, saw her as a potential lead to gather information and decided to approach her.


Initially, it was for personal gain, but as they spent time together, romantic feelings grew between them.


As he debated whether to reveal his true identity and recruit her, she began to suspect his intentions.


Simultaneously, two consecutive leaks of information made the Japanese collaborators suspicious, and the female lead became a target.


Despite warnings from a frequent guest at the cabaret, cautioning her to stay out of trouble.


However, she bravely shared a secret she had just learned with the male lead. Touched by her honesty, he decided to come clean about his identity and planned to provide her with a safe escape route immediately after sharing the intelligence.


When he went to deliver the information, the female lead was shot by a Japanese collaborator.


Reading in the newspaper about the cabaret star being shot, the entire city speculated that she was involved in a love triangle that led to her murder, a crime of passion.


The male lead knew the truth but couldn't clarify it for her. After crying bitterly, he devoted himself even more firmly to the revolutionary cause. He avenged his loved one and witnessed the invaders being driven out of the land. He could finally tell others that the cabaret pillar that was shot and killed was his lover, who bravely sacrificed herself as she was discovered passing on intelligence.


The female lead finally shook off the long-standing stigma.


However, she died in the darkness before dawn, never seeing the light of day.


The name of this movie is "Waiting for Dawn."


Jasmine felt good after hearing Director Wang Ping tell this story. She really liked the character of the female lead and felt that this was the kind of film she wanted to make, so she almost immediately signed the contract without much hesitation.


The director thought the male and female leads were a perfect match.


If Chi Yan is paired with Jasmine and a few veteran actors, won't this film become a hit?


Chi Yan can definitely compete with Yu Yang in terms of popularity. Although their career paths are slightly different, they are almost on the same level in terms of reputation, they are like counterparts.


Yu Yang never expected his little sister to work with Chi Yan on the next film. Otherwise, no matter whether the movie is well-made or poorly made, he will be infuriated.


It doesn't matter to him whether it turns out well or not, but Jasmine now has to prepare for the next stage of filming for "Actors, Please get ready" and also for the movie "Waiting for Dawn."


Jasmine once dressed up as a cabaret pillar at home, which looked good but somehow lacked meaning. To better understand this role, she watched how others portrayed similar characters in different works and even called Ben's Grandma for advice.


Ben's Grandma has been doing very well lately, living a more refined life, but she is still waiting for her husband to join her.


Previously, it was mentioned that once the great-grandchild is born, he would step down. Now that Ben's cousin's girlfriend has given birth, he has yet to prioritize the reunion of the couple. Ben's Grandma always nags him every time she calls.


Of course, this is just an expression of an elderly couple's personal interests.


After the call was connected, Ben's Grandma thought it was her family on the other end and asked, "How is the old man doing? When will he come to see me?"


Jasmine replied, "...Grandpa is not here, and I need your help with something."




"Ah, it's me."


"What do you need help with? I will definitely help you."


"Have you ever known a former courtesan? I have a role in a play where I need to portray a cabaret pillar from the 1920s or 1930s. Although I've read the script, I'm not sure how to play this character with that essence."


"Wait a moment, let me find someone." Grandma went out and found someone who used to work in nightclubs. Due to the age difference, the person was willing to impart their unique expertise to Jasmine, from how to sing songs and dance to understanding the mindset of customers and what they like to hear. The person even advised Jasmine on how to make customers always remember her and how to handle multiple wealthy clients without any mishaps.


Jasmine: "..."


"I just want to play a cabaret pillar, not become a playgirl, Grandma."


The person on the other end nearly jumped in surprise, "Gr-grandma?"


Jasmine: "..."


Oh, she almost forgot she wasn't talking to Ben's Grandma at the moment. Jasmine immediately apologized, but before she could finish saying sorry, the call was abruptly disconnected.





Courtesan Sister: "Who loves to teach, who teaches. I'm not doing it anymore!"


Jasmine: "I've learned, I've learned, thank you, teacher Courtesan". ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡