

Some TV dramas have such rich content that even supporting roles have their own story lines, but idol dramas are different. In idol dramas, supporting roles are usually just tools for the main characters, existing solely to drive the plot forward.


The core supporting roles in these dramas have slightly more fleshed-out personalities. Characters like Jasmine, who paid for that extra role, lack their own story lines. Even after reading the entire script, you still won't be very clear about that person's past, present, or future pursuits.


Characters like these, even if played by famous actors like Jinying, or Feitian, still cannot bring out anything extraordinary, as their character development is too shallow.

Actors and characters ultimately complement each other.


Before, Jasmine played a small role, and the director didn't find it particularly outstanding, but it was passable. After changing her outfit and makeup for the female supporting role, her whole demeanor changed drastically, and it seemed like her acting skills had improved.


Originally, they were not confident in her performance, so they called people to shoot a scene to see the effect. Surprisingly, the result was unexpectedly good. During the playback, they found that Jasmine's image on the screen seemed to have an additional charm, exuding a certain allure.


"It's like finding a treasure."


Initially considered a difficult person to work with, both the cast and crew were prepared for a tough battle. However, Jasmine turned out to be quite talented, and her acting skills were more than enough for an idol drama. In addition to her skills, she also possessed a certain charm that captivated the audience as soon as she appeared.


Everyone watching nodded in agreement, saying she was a promising talent, just needing a bit of polishing.


The director saw further than them.


This is an idol drama, after all. No audience would expect actors to deliver master-level performances in idol dramas. As long as it flows smoothly and doesn't look awkward, it's usually good enough.


Furthermore, as members of the production team, they knew that Jasmine's latest portrayal of the female supporting role was not a likable character. Although she had many scenes, she was essentially a foil to the female lead. Initially glamorous, surrounded by flatterers, but eventually, those around her would be attracted to the genuine and kind-hearted female lead, leaving this Sub girl behind. Even though they knew Sub girl is the character she was playing, they couldn't help but feel charmed by her. When she acted cute, feeling that she should be treated like a princess without any resistance, making her character not at all annoying.


This is the essence of an actor.


It's not something that can be deliberately cultivated, yet it's crucial. In the industry, there are actors with good acting skills but lack the likable qualities that audiences seek, making it difficult for them to land good roles after many years in the field.


Seen too many people this tangled collapse, the director heart said this world is unfair,  the female No. 2's background has been very good, she also has the charm after put on the screen, with her condition, want to be Success aren't difficult at all.


At this time, the director team were surprised at how Jasmine outshone Ceca. They shot happily for two days until they encountered a new problem.


The entire directorial team found the female supporting role increasingly intriguing.


She was initially set up as a vase, delicate and coquettish, but after everyone on the set watched her, no one disliked her.


Usually, when there is a supporting female character who mistreats the female lead, the audience tends to find it annoying, leading to comments like "mean girl, mean girl, mean girl," "dare to bully my baby, you're finished," "kid, don't help her, quickly slap her with a rag"... 

However, after watching the scenes, there was no feeling of anger or the desire to strangle the female supporting role.


Instead, they felt the female lead was quite sensible. She should be helped with whatever she needs, as my babies delicate hands were not meant for doing tasks! Asking for help is not a problem!


This sentiment was shared by everyone who watched the show, causing a bit of a dilemma!


The director called Jasmine and personally discussed the scene with her.


"Have you read the entire script? How do you feel about the role of Gu Pan, the female supporting role?"


Jasmine didn't quite understand and thought for a moment before saying, "It's pretty good."


The director felt a bit frustrated, "How do you see her role in this drama?"


"...The foil to the female lead? A cautionary tale in life?"


"Agreed. In this drama, Gu Pan is the contrast to the female lead. The character we've created for her is not truly evil, but mischievous in a way that her behavior is not commendable and should be criticized. What makes this character successful? She needs to accumulate hatred during her glory moments, making the audience increasingly annoyed by her, and only when her character collapses and falls into ruin towards the end will the audience feel satisfied and relieved."


Jasmine nodded in understanding.


Yes, that's right, and then?


Director: ...


"Your portrayal is not quite right. We reviewed the footage from the past two days, and the Gu Pan you portrayed turned out to be quite likable."


The director asked her to go back and think about it, suggesting that she could add a bit of arrogance to her portrayal. Show some disdain towards the female lead, like saying, 'What can you do? Still not as good as me.'


Some actors in the industry are quite stubborn, they don't like being taught how to act, claiming they have their own interpretation. Dealing with such actors can be a headache even for experienced directors.


Fortunately, Jasmine is not like that.


She is very open to criticism and suggestions. As a result, she reflected on the feedback and intensified her performance in the next scene.


The director felt relieved... not at all! (꒪⌓꒪)


When they finished shooting a scene and reviewed it, it was even more disastrous!


Jasmine did take the advice into consideration, and she did appear more arrogant, but surprisingly, her character was still not irritating. The director was puzzled. At that moment, a young man from the lighting team whispered, "Pan Pan looks a bit like my Snowball at home."


Someone else added, "Yes, indeed!"


The director got interested and asked who Snowball was?


The young man, who was mentioned, brought his phone and showed a video he recorded at home to the director.


Oh, Snowball is the cat that the lighting guy has at home.


Sometimes sweet and affectionate, showing its belly and meowing at you, but sometimes not even food can lure it, sitting there nobly staring at you like you're the servant scooping its litter.


Do you think it will meow after you've prepared its meal?


It's not just any cat that you can pet after a few treats; if it allows you to pet it, it's Showing  respect!


While watching the video, the lighting guy kept talking about his Snowball, and the director watched while feeling despair.


Yes, that's it.


The character s-s-she played seemed to embody the essence of a Sub cat that uses its charm to manipulate others.


What's wrong with having eight servants at your beck and call?


What's wrong with receiving some treats?


Isn't it your choice to offer them?


Of course, Jasmine is not a cat, but the way she portrayed the character exuded a feline essence. It was surprisingly endearing; after all, who could dislike a cute kitten?


A few days earlier, the director was rejoicing at his discovery, but now he faced a major challenge.


He looked miserably at Jasmine.


As if sensing his gaze, Jasmine looked back at him with confusion.


Director: ...




After watching the cat video, he felt even more convinced.


Why is it like this? Just because her name has 'Mi' in it???(In China, we can call cat 'mimi')


The director contemplated for a long time, still unable to understand how someone could be so charming yet not annoying. Jasmine overheard the assistant director venting about the director's dilemma and vaguely figured out that the "special charm" in the magic gift she received last time was now taking effect.


The second female lead in this drama is exceptionally cunning, successfully activating her skill which made her performance exceptionally charismatic.


Jasmine thought for a moment and quietly suggested, "How about tweaking the script? I think our drama is perfectly set up with the female lead and the second female lead having contrasting character traits - one is powerful, the other emotionally intelligent. They could learn from each other and grow together."


"For instance, portray the second female lead Gu Pan as someone who doesn't believe in love and enjoys manipulating others' emotions for money. However, she also has another side where she values her friendship with the female lead and treats her exceptionally well."


"The female lead knows she is good to her, but struggles with her inappropriate attitude towards relationships, causing her distress."


This middle section can be arranged to include some misunderstandings in the plot, such as a male character meeting the second female lead through the female protagonist, ending up in a very miserable situation because of being played by the second female lead. 


This incident causes a rift between the female protagonist and the second female lead. The plot can still follow the previously set direction, with the female protagonist becoming better and the second female lead facing a tough time. The most critical moment is when we reveal to the female protagonist that things are not as simple as they seem, exposing the man who played the second female lead as a two-faced person. It can be pointed out that the second female lead has only interacted with scoundrels and hasn't pursued good people. 


At this point, the plot takes a twist, with the female protagonist and the second female lead resolving their misunderstandings and becoming better individuals through introspection and mutual learning. In the end, both young women become better people. 


This way, it is unnecessary to force the audience to dislike the character, Gu Pan. The female protagonist helps the second female lead in life, and likewise, there are situations where the female protagonist needs help that the second female lead can provide. Isn't this complementary friendship delightful?


The assistant director was shocked.


 "...Do you have such talent? Are you also good at writing scripts?" 


Upon careful consideration, this idea seems quite feasible. 


The always cheerful and optimistic all-round female lead, as well as the beautiful second female lead who treats men as clothes and friends as scum, now have conflicts and contrasts, making their character development richer and the plot more exciting.


The previous version was a simple comparison: Gu Pan was flamboyant at the beginning but fell from grace later on, presenting a satisfying story of reversal and comeuppance. 


By following Jasmine's suggestions and making some changes, the content indeed becomes more enriched. 


People are not simply black or white, and the controversy and charm of the character Gu Pan are now apparent.


The assistant director increasingly felt that this was a good idea. It would be troublesome to change the script after filming had started, but considering that the shooting was about to begin in a few days and many scenes involving the second female lead needed to be reshot, he thought it would be worth discussing with the director.


The assistant director discussed the matter with the director, who was also taken aback. 


Generally, making supporting roles shine brighter than the main roles might not be welcomed, as it is natural for people to avoid being overshadowed. However, in this case, it seemed feasible. Everyone knew Jasmine had a strong background, and if she wanted to give more scenes to the actress playing the main role, even if they felt uncomfortable, they could not afford to make a scene.


The director was troubled by how endearing Jasmine was too likeable. Just when he was pondering over it, a solution presented itself. He immediately called the screenwriter, had a lively discussion, and then contacted the producer. Ultimately, they decided to make significant changes to the second female lead.


The crew was thrown into a frenzy, and on the other end, Lu's family members had read about Ben's actions in newspapers like Daily Express. They were all asking if he had caused a serious incident? Who was Jasmine? and why was she making complaints? 


Ben's father, mother, and grandfather all denied any involvement and claimed not to know the girl.


"Could it be that Ben has a crush on her and orchestrated this plan?" someone asked.


"What's there to ask? When has he not liked a few people? When has he ever been serious? It's all just fun and games," another replied.


Despite these words, the family members still contacted Ben, telling him to settle down at the age of twenty-four or twenty-five and stop causing trouble.


Ben retorted, "Who's causing trouble?"


"You said Jasmine has a close relationship with our family, to the point where she can directly call our elders to complain about you. Isn't that absurd? I asked grandpa, and he said there's no such thing."


"Did you ask grandma?"


His cousin on the phone laughed and scolded, "Ask grandma? You Ask and show me?" 

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