

The next day after Verdia and Celica left.

As I had planned, I headed for the lodging where Ymir was staying.

It wasn't an old inn where novice adventurers like me and Celica usually stayed, but a mansion that looked very luxurious.

"… Hey, in case someone isn't a great wizard, the amount of money is huge."

After all, the Mage Tower is the main research facility for mankind, and all the wizards belonging to it are treated equally as nobles.

Among them, the great wizards are those who have risen to the pinnacle of wizards.

In a sense, his status surpassed that of a high-ranking aristocrat, so he could borrow as many luxury accommodations as possible using tax.

Well, in order to do that, you have to report to the academic world periodically, so most mages have no choice but to go crazy with research.

"Mr. Ymir, are you Mr. Ymir… Hmm?"

But before he could even raise his hand, his gaze was directed towards the crack in the door. The door of the inn, which was normally thought to be locked, was half open.

No, looking at the interior through the gap, it seemed that it had not been left unattended.

"… What is this."

The sight of papers and books strewn all over the place from the entrance. On the other hand, I caught my breath in the atmosphere as if it had been swept away by a typhoon.

Could it have been an attack?

Certainly, she was called the Archmage at a young age.

If she knew her reputation and status, there would be many who were after her, and even if not, the possibility that she fainted after being attacked by robbers who were simply looking for money would be quite high.

"Mr. Ymir, are you Mr. Ymir?"

Damn it, no matter how dirty your temper is, it's a specification to get hurt right now.

At least, until the damn bitch is eliminated, the party of warriors must survive.

"Miss Ymir! Mr. Ymir!!"

"Shut up because it's noisy!!!"

At that moment, a shout came from inside the room.

Around the time my body froze in shock, someone who had escaped from the pile of books stood up, grabbing my long hair.

Tattered steps with long, drooping hair. And a body that boasts a voluptuous size in many ways…

"… Uh."

Yes, it was Ymir.

That's the way he faces me with nothing on.


Scary to engrave that figure into my eyes, a scream that bursts out as a reflex…

Yes, it was a situation that I couldn't help but feel astonished at.

It's fortunate that I wasn't attacked, but it put my life in even more danger.

"Hey, you…"

"I'm sorry!!"

After recognizing her naked body, it took only about 2.5 seconds to hit her head.

No, maybe even shorter than that.

That's because I saw the archmage's naked body.

Even though her rank was only lower than that of Verdia, the 10 strongest, and she faced the shame of a person with strength and skills enough to be selected for a warrior party, there was no way she could keep her body intact.

"Sorry Sorry!! It wasn't intentional, but I committed a mortal sin! I will sacrifice my life to apologize, so please save my life, please save my life, Ymir!!!"

So, what I can do right now is to apologize without looking back and put my head down.

I don't know if this will work, but I have to do it anyway.

This is the only resistance allowed to someone who can turn my body into ash at any moment, even though I am incompetent except for hypnosis.

"… What are you doing?"

I thought.

I could only feel annoyance in Ymir's low voice, but there was no indication of the fiery rage that stemmed from shame.

"Yes yes? What are you doing…"

"Then you come into my house and hang your head as soon as you see my face. This is a really funny guy."

On the contrary, Ymir clicked his tongue thinking that I was strange.

Embarrassed by that reaction, I raised my gaze slightly, and I could see Ymir standing there, still naked and hunched over.

"Oh, no. That's true, but no matter how many times I call, there's no answer…"

"That's because you were sleeping with your nose on it until now."

"Ah yes. Sleep… Oh no. Rather, would you like to start with clothes, clothes first!?"

"… Ha. There are very few things I want for a subject who has crawled into the house on its own."

To my bewilderment, Ymir rummages on the floor as if speaking reluctantly.

Later, when I saw him picking up something like cloth, I heard Ymir's grumbling voice.

"I wonder why I can't be comfortable in my own house and have to wear clothes because of my boyfriend."

Fortunately, he didn't seem to care much about seeing her naked, but on the contrary, such a reaction came as a bigger embarrassment to me.

Damn, what the hell is this?

No matter how much this is their area, clothes are the exclusive property of the intelligent body beyond the human race, but on the contrary, they argue as if they are asking why they are wearing clothes.

At least goblins and ogres have the notion of covering their crotch, but seeing as they show dissatisfaction with wearing clothes, isn't this guy worse off than that?

"Hey, do you go around naked at home?"

"So what are you complaining about?"

It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's that I'm suspicious of your mental state when you're undressing in front of a man, you crazy bitch.

"Oh, no. That… That is… No…"

"It's okay, so raise your head, it's been a while since you changed your clothes."

Ymir presses on as he sweats and continues to tense up.

I wondered if the speed of changing her clothes was fast, but she said it was okay anyway, so she decided to lift her head for now.


"… Excuse me."


Yumir asks back while supporting her chest with her arms crossed.

Fortunately, he is wearing a robe, but the shaking of his chest that he feels the moment he speaks is unusual.

Of course, it's possible because of the size, but isn't it a very unnatural movement considering that women usually wear something that supports their fat inside?

"That… Did you wear it inside too?"

"I didn't wear it. I don't even have underwear that fits."

"Ah, yes…"

Looking back, it is also an unusual year.

How dare you openly call yourself a prostitute who doesn't even wear underwear. No matter how much wizards are usually sociable and there are many geeks, isn't this a level of confidence that transcends imagination?

"Come on, good viewing is over."

Ymir, who casually brushed away even such stupid thoughts, started waving his hands in my direction after clapping his hands.

"Now, if you have nothing more to do, just turn it off, or let it do its own thing. I'll finish my research while I'm awake."

What I have to say is that it ends.

Afterwards, Yumir, wearing only a robe, sat at her desk, opened a book, and began to set a pen stand on it.

The change of attitude was frighteningly fast for someone who had just woken up.

Of course, there are many cases where wizards are crazy about research, so that attitude was not very unusual.

"… I mean, can I stay here?"

Yes, what should be considered strange is the attitude of not thinking about what happened before.

"If you talk about it openly, I just want to kick it out, but since that damn bitch said something, I'm just leaving it alone."

"Ah yes… Okay."

Certainly, this woman was a bit pushed back by Verdia.

The desire to kick him out is purely because I want to focus on my research rather than being unpleasant as a person.

It would never have been that he held a grudge against the previous accident.

"So, it doesn't matter whether you eat or pervert here, but you'd better keep one thing in mind."

"If you keep in mind…"

"If you interfere with my research, I will burn you on the spot at the molecular level."

A bloody threat.

However, the words that follow are as resolute as ever.

"Let's just stick to that and live while doing what each other has to do. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Ah, yes. Eh…"

… This is true

Apparently, the wizard of this warriors party seemed to be one-sided beyond imagination.

It's annoying as a person, but this attitude might be better for the future.

Having a clear goal means having a consistent attitude, which means that what you need to pay attention to is clear.

"Then, I'll just tidy up the room for now."

"Cleaning up is good, but don't throw anything away. Because I'm writing everything here."

Yes, as expected, this much is allowed.

Fortunately, as planned, he seemed to have enough energy to take care of her, investigate the surroundings, and collect information.

At the level of the Archmage, not only the party, but also the Mage Tower, and a lot of important information from the human side must be possessed. If there is room for attack in the process, you can try to take control of that woman's mind.

-Square, square.

As she sorted through her messy papers and books, she heard her sitting at her desk, still writing.

I wondered if she cared about showing her naked body, but she was really just focusing on her own business.

It's not that I don't like men, it's that I don't like people at all.

It seemed that it was not easy to hypnotize me as I was not interested in the slightest, but I thought that it was rather fortunate that way.

Because I knew in advance that there was no point in wasting my time leaning on the smallest possibility.

"… Hmm?"

It was a while to continue cleaning the room while relaxing like that.

Suddenly, my eyes were focused on the paper in my hand.

What is this pattern? Familiar as if I saw it somewhere…

… For a moment. Why is this here?

"What, why are you standing there?"

How long has it been

Ymir, who had been sitting at his desk and concentrating all the time, began to turn his attention to me, as if he was bothered by me just standing still.

Anyway, no matter how much you try not to pay attention, if you keep standing still as if you were cleaning the room, you will lose your concentration.


But even in the midst of that, my attention was still directed to the papers in my hands.

"This is the emblem of Walpurgis, right?"

The seal of a star engraved inside the crescent moon.

It's definitely in my memory, and I've seen it enough to get used to it.

That's why it was something I could never overlook.

"It's surprising. It's not something that a novice adventurer would know."

Seeing me like that, Ymir exclaimed in admiration.

However, I couldn't continue the conversation beyond that.

That's right, the pattern on which my eyes are fixed is the one that passed on my strength…

It was a pattern that must be engraved on witches like my mother.