
INTRODUCTION: Hyper Cars Often

Hi everyone it is me the author and this book is about hyper cars as mentioned in the title of the book.

I make separate chapters on each car. As its hyper cars I am most likely make chapters on Lamborghini, Bugatti, Ferrari, Koeniggsegg and many others.

I have made this book in the present year 2021 so the information make it outdated in the next year what I write in the book so please I cannot resolve the issue.

Sometimes I get bored with web novel and don't make chapters but please don't let that you leave this book. I know it's not a fair reason but it won't be long maybe even if I go it maybe maximum 2-3 weeks

I include cars top speed horsepower engine et cetera and if you want to see the photo I will give the link for it as images cannot be added in web novel.

So that's it I wanted to say this was just an introduction. Thank you

NOTE: information may be outdated and information is found out about cars from web browsers and all of this is written by Water and not copy pasted from websites.