
Hydrangea Succubus

A lonesome girl walks home. Unaware that she is being watched my a higher being. Angered and saddened by her misery and patheticness of life. He reincarnates her as a succubus. This is my first book. the MC is a succubus a some r rating will happen.

Afternoon · Fantasía
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11 Chs

A Mutual Deal

This time when Ila woke up she was lying on the ground her hands chained against the wall. The cold stone smooth her burning skin. She was alone in the cell. Both of her arms had cufflets on. They look different then the one before. They were blue with no symbols. The only light was from a torch in the hallway, that was burning out. The gash on her arm was healed but the burns had turned her skin into a leather.

It had been a couple of days of solitude before anyone had come to her cell. It was a tall slender pale woman in a white robe dress of some kind and a light blue robe underneath. Her white hair aged her a couple of years. She didn't look like monsters, Gave off a chilly presents. The room frozen over ice glued Ila to the floor.

"I have a proposition for you girl." The woman said sending Ila's hairs on her back to rise.

" A what?" Ila answer confused on what she meant. She felt the need to answer this woman.

" A deal girl. I'm giving you a chance to become great. Become my apprentice or rot, in this place until you starve to death." Said the woman. Her expression never wavering.

"You have one minute to answer." She said.

She knew if she said no she would die. Become an apprentice worth going with this woman.

"What will it be girl? Your minute is over." She asked. She started to walk away.

"I accept." Ila said a bit louder then need to be.

"Great. We leave now." Miyuki said as one of the priestesses releases Ila from the chains. Her arms dropped down her muscles ached stinging back to life. Following her out of the underground with only a torch light to see where they where going each step was difficult not just because they where small steps, Ila still didn't have here balance completely back yet. She still wobbled a bit. The upstairs was empty only Miyuki, Ila, and the priestess.

' This didn't seem right wasn't this place supposed to be something?' Ila wondered.

Out side there was a carriage a man opened the door to the cart.

"Get in." The cold lady said. Ila obliged. The carriage was compact with red seats red wood. It clashed with its owner.

"You will do as you promised?" The priestess pleated the snow woman.

"Of course your new monastery is under construction as we speak. Good day to you Head priestess." She said taking her set in the carriage, never giving her a glance. Once she was in the driver close the door. Next thing they where on there way. With a sudden move of the carriage Ila quickly grab something thinking she was going to fall.

"Now then let us talk about your apprenticeship, my name is Miyuki I am the third highest ranking magus in the Demons lord's country. You can either call me Master or Ma'am. Now that you know who I am, Let me get to the point. I have taken an interest in you. You have great power and yet you do not know it as of yet. As a teacher or as a magus I can't let someone as useful as you go. " Miyuki said. Ila listened and didn't know what to say how could she have great power she felt so physically weak.

"What exactly will we be doing in the apprenticeship?" Ila asked.

" I'm going to teach you magic. To use it and control it, so next time you cast a tenth teir spell you can get away with it." Miyuki said.

" I didn't cast any spell." Ila said sure of herself. Miyuki smiled annoyed.

" But you did you cause a whole small city to give into there desireds mindlessly. causing them to destroy themselves and the people and things around them."

" I don't remember." Ila only remembered sensing the souls of the people with.

"What happened to Elara?" Ila asked.

"I killed her. Here's a first lesson for you never trust a human or anyone who serves Titania." Miyuki said coldly. Ila look and her bracelet was still there but the acorn was gone.

"Enslaving her was a good choice and charming her to become smitten was smart if you where where that's what you had done. Under my tutelage. After you learn how to control and use your powers to the most effective ways you will then join my army. I own a school to teach those who have talent. None as much as you. You will assist me in my classes there as well." She cleared her throat. Her eyes shone nicely in the light her skin sparkle like snow on a sunny day. A quick jolt ran though her from the cufflets.

"Those are magic restrictive cuffs. That prevent you from using any type of magic this includes your nature. As a succubus you have no choice but to seduce anyone you see. You are a creature of sin. And for demon it is wonderful. However I wish to say in my right mind so they will stay on until you can control aspects of your magic." Miyuki said.

This did sound good to Ila but she was still unsure of Miyuki.

"I'm going to have you read and sign this." Miyuki said as a magic scroll appeared out of thin air. Taking it from Miyuki, Ila could make out the symbols.

"I can't read." Ila said. This surprised Miyuki. Miyuki had asked the priestesses about her they claim to have interrogated her but refused to tell what they had found. There was only so much new Temple could do. I was already clear she didn't know much but most demons once born could read.

What they did tell her was that the soul of this succubus was three which for a demon like her would be less then a child, but she didn't look it If anything she looks like mature young lady. Yet again all demons age differently she could have been around for hundreds of years and her soul might have not changed from one of a toddlers.

"Very well we will start your lessons now. When we are done, you're no longer be ignorant to any tongue or script."