

Hela698 · TV
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33 Chs

Chapter:4 Lacrosse Practice, Meeting Derek and Party

After reaching the lacrosse field we took a seat. Scott and stiles entered the field with stiles trying to convince Scott not to leave him on the bench. The coach interrupts their conversation.

"McCall," he shouts.

"yes, coach,"

"you're in goalie," he tells him tossing him a lacrosse stick with a wide net and a helmet.

"But I never played," Scott responds with a surprised look.

"I know, scoring some shots will give the boys a boost in confidence it's a first day back thing, get them energized, fired up."

"what about me,"

"try not to take an in the face."

I held back a chuckle after seeing the look on Scott's face as he reluctantly went to the goal post.

"So Allison where did you guys live before moving to Beacon Hills," I asked her.

"um, San Francisco we stayed there for a year which was the longest time we stayed in one place. What about you?"

"well just like you, I've been to many places, I lived in New York before moving here," I answered her with a smile on my face. I knew Scott was listening to our conversation.

"by yourself," Lydia asked entering the conversation.

"yeah, my parents died in a car accident a few years backs." I lied.

"am sorry I-" she started but I interrupted her.

"no, it's alright you didn't know."

We focused on the lacrosse practice after the coach blew the whistle I winced slightly while Scott grabbed his ears since he was focused on our conversation.

The first player throws the ball hitting Scott in the face. The other players and coach started laughing, Scott gets up and readies himself with a determined look he catches every ball after that shocking everyone.

"He's good at this" Allison comments.

"Yeah, very good," Lydia adds with an intrigued look. While I was amused by the whole ordeal, ' his enjoying his power without even knowing it and he's going to complain about it later,'

Jackson forcefully goes next to take away the attention from Scott which I rolled my eyes at. He throws the ball with all he got but Scott with the help of his new supernatural reflexes catches it without effort making the crowd cheer including me. 'What, it was a good catch,'


School ended after the lacrosse practice. I have decided to introduce myself to Derek Hale one of my favourite characters in the series.

I vamp speed to the burnt down Hale house. When I got there I decided to a page from Demons book of a flashy entrance. ' I don't know why they never explored this Power in TVD they only used it in one episode only.' I thought while creating and controlling a fog around the house.

Derek who was sitting on top of the stairs and thinking of a plan saw a dense fog entering the house. He frowned and got up since he couldn't rely on his sight he focused on his hearing and extended his claws.

He cautiously goes down the steps when he steps off the last step..."caw" he turned to his left quickly only to see a crow. The fog starts to disperse me who's standing on top of the stairs clear my throat.

"Who are you?" he asks warily

"My name is Astrid Mikealson am new in town so I thought why not introduce myself to the local werewolf."After I said that he just kept glaring at me.

" So are you going to introduce yourself?"

"Derek Hale." He said still glaring," So what are you?" he added.

"I am going to have you guess but here's a hint being that I am the same as you with a bit of extra something else," I said while flashing my red eyes. Derek's eyes go wide as he Mutters Alpha.

"No am not a normal Alpha"

"what do you mean "

" What I mean is I did not obtain my Alpha status from another I became an alpha through determination and sheer will, I AM A TRUE ALPHA," I said my voice becoming deep at the end as my eyes glowed brighter my fangs growing and a growl ripping from my throat. Derek's eyes glow blue while he takes a step back instinctively.

"Sorry I got carried away in the end," I said and he nodded his head. After a few minutes, he asked me if I knew anything about the rouge alpha which I said no. As we were discussing a plan we heard two voices which I recognized as Scott and Stiles.

"Right, I'll let you deal with the newly bitten beta and his friend I'll call you if I find anything on the alpha, ok bye" with that, I vamp speed off before he could reply. Derek sighs and heads to the two idiots in the woods.


{Time Skip}

The night of the party and the full moon arrived. I was in my room finishing up getting dressed I wore a black leather jacket red t-shirt blue jeans and shoes 👟. After looking myself in the mirror with a nod of satisfaction I went to the garage with a smile I entered my new car and drove to Allison's house to pick her up.

(car image)

I got there just in time for Allison to be getting out of the house. She smiled as she goodbye to her father who stopped at the doo. I got out of the car and gave him a wave and a smile which he returned.

I faced Allison and looked at her up and down she's wearing the same outfit she wore to the party in the show.

"You look beautiful," I told her which she blushed at before complimenting on my own. We got in the car and drove to Lydia's house where the party is, on the way there Allison asked me a question I knew she would ask eventually.

"So are you going to tell me what you are"

"sigh, do you want to know I don't mind telling you but it might change the way you see the world," I said seriously not taking my eyes off the road.' if I can help it am going to tell her everything because keeping secrets and laying to each other is what drove her and Scott's relationship to break am not going down that path.' I thought with determination.

"Yes, I want to get to know you better "

"Sigh, Alright."After that, I told her everything about the supernatural, how many creatures exist, about me being a hybrid how old I am that one took a while for her to wrap her head around how the vampire race is extinct everything.

she asked me a couple of questions which I answered honestly. A few minutes later we reached the party I parked the car and looked at Allison who had a cute thinking face.

" Can you show me?" she asked.

"Are sure" she nodded. sighing I closed my eyes as my features started to change. My ears elongated my teeth sharpened with the four fangs extending, I could feel the black veins going down to my cheeks from my eyes. Finally, I opened my eyes that we're glowing blood red and saw Allison looking at me in complete awe.

"Beautiful" she mumbled and I chuckled my features going back to normal.

"Only you would say that most people and some supernatural will run when they see my face. Now, what do say we have some fun in there and get out of the car hmm" I said pointing to the ongoing party. After that, we had a great time dancing and getting to know each other better, a few hours, later I took Allison home and I went out to get a 'snack' then went home and slept with a smile on my face.